
The next day, Ye Zhen got up early in the morning to prepare. Today, she is going to the Women's University to take the entrance exam. Although the entrance exam to the Medical Center is relatively lax and easy, she is now a wild girl. her that she just arrived from the border town. Get nervous, you will definitely make others suspicious.

Ms. Lu specially asked Lu Fang'er to accompany her. It happened that Lu Jinger didn't have to go to class today, so she volunteered to accompany Ye Zhen to college.

Ye Zhen did not appreciate Lu Jinger's enthusiasm. They wanted to cheer her up, they clearly wanted to see a joke.

Today, Ye Zhen wore a narrow-waisted tender green wavy blouse, under it was a sephane-cut velvety green silk skirt, which made her skin whiter like jade, and her eyebrows were picturesque. When she raised her eyes, she felt green waves appeared., She teaches people so amazing that they can not take their eyes off her.

When Lu Jing'er saw her, she couldn't help but feel a jealous annoyance in her heart. When she went to the academy today, even if Lu Yaoyao couldn't pass anything, her appearance alone would be enough. for people to remember.

"Yaoyao, why didn't I use your salve, but there was no change on my face?" Chen Liping looked at Ye Hao's beaten cheek, and she was very envious. She really wanted to take her face off of her and put it on me. See in your own face.

Ye Zhen said lightly, "That ointment is not magic medicine. If it only takes you a day or two to change your face, I'm afraid you won't dare to use it."

"So how did you get back so fast?" Lu Jing'er asked with curled lips.

"Naturally beautiful, you don't understand," Ye Zhen said with a smile.

Her little proud expression made the other girls want to pinch her to death!

Chen Qiuping is likely to become her sister-in-law in the future, and she is not as obviously jealous and envious of Ye Zhen as her younger sister. She said softly: "It is not early, we should also leave Yaoyao, today is your important day."

"I can't pass the exam anyway. It's cheaper than those people's bets." Lu Jinger sighed and said, "Sister, sister, it doesn't matter if you fail the exam.

Lu Fang'er smiled, "Yaoyao hasn't taken an exam yet, why are you saying such unfortunate things?"

"If you say that good things will work, then I really need to say more." Chen Liping also followed him.

Ye Zhen didn't mind her teasing, but, thanks for the reminder from her, she almost forgot about the bet.

There should be many people who want to pay attention to it today. I heard that the person who opened the market was Liuhua Princess. Because Mr. Shan replied in Baihuayuan that day, he did not reconcile, so he joined other people to open the market and wanted to humiliate Ye Zhen.

Isn't humiliating her the same as humiliating the Lu family? It's just that Lu Jing'er, an idiot, kept gambling with others without seeing him.

"The university must be very lively today," Ye Zhen said with a sigh.

Lu Jing'er looked at her and said, "That is not necessarily, it is not a serious entrance exam. If you switch to the women's teaching class, it will be very lively."

Most of the girls who took the medical center entrance exam were older or had average family history, which was naturally different from the class of women.

Ye Zhen didn't bother to tell Lu Jing'er more, the girls split into two carriages and headed to the Women's College together.

The Women's College used to be called Women's College. It was founded by Empress Xiaoduan of the previous dynasty. More than two hundred years have passed. Although there have been levels of difficulty in between, the Women's College still survives. Most of the students who come out of it can become a role model for the women of the world.

The university covers a very wide area, and each different academy is located in a different place, and each one becomes a university in the university.

They arrived at the academy and the exam was about to begin.

Ye Zhen let the carriage head straight to the door of the medical museum. When she got out of the car, she already felt the gaze of delivery from all directions.

She looked up and saw Princess Liuhua not far ahead.

Princess Liuhua saw it too, her eyes were almost bulging, and she walked directly in front of Ye Zhen, "You ... are you Lu Yaoyao in Baihuayuan that day?"

Ye Zhenhan bowed, "Princess Liuhua is truly memorable."

"Impossible! You are not Lu Yaoyao!" Liu Hua shouted loudly, how could that be possible! That day she obviously was a slim black wild girl, even if she wore silk and silk, she couldn't hide her temperament. How did she completely change her in a short time? Personal?

"It's funny, isn't she Lu Yaoyao? Don't we know the Lu family members that we need you as a stranger to remember you? "Lu Jinger and Princess Liuhua didn't deal with that at first, and when she heard Liuhua's words, they immediately began to ridicule.

Princess Liuhua looked at Ye Zhen with jealousy, "This princess wants to see if you can get into college today."

Ye Zhen smiled and looked at Liuhua, "So, thank you Princess Liuhua for your concern."

"Who cares about you, bah!" Liu Hua looked at Ye Zhen and unsurprisingly, the Lu family people hated him no matter how they viewed him.

"Ahhh ..." Suddenly, someone yelled: "Ghost! There is a ghost!"

Two women who had just got out of the carriage were originally going to come looking for Princess Liuhua, but they saw Ye Zhen as soon as they got closer, they turned pale and screamed.

Princess Liuhua looked at them again, "Xu Huiru, what is your ghost name?"

The screaming woman is not someone else, she is Ye Zhen's former classmate, now a famous talented girl in Kyoto, Xu Huiru, Xu Xiang's daughter.

"Who are you?" Xu Huiru did not hear Princess Liuhua's question, but she looked at Ye Zhen in horror.

Ye Zhen looked at her in confusion.

Lu Jing'er has always liked interacting with women as aristocrats and talented women, and she became more accommodating to Xu Huiru. When she asked, she smiled and said, "Sister Xu, this is my third sister, Lu Yaoyao."

Xu Huiru's face was still pale, she looked directly at Ye Zhen, "Lu Yaoyao? You are Lu Yaoyao."

Ye Zhen smiled sheepishly, "Miss Xu, admiring her name for a long time."

"You ... you actually look so much like her!" Xu Huiru muttered to herself, too much alike, it was the same person, no wonder she thought it was hell.

Knowing who Xu Huiru was talking about, Ye Zhen still asked questioningly, "Miss Xu, who is she talking about?"

Xu Huiru shook his head hastily, "I didn't say anything!"

Now that that person is almost taboo in Kyoto, no one dares to mention that Xu Huiru is no fool, so how dare to mention Ye Zhen's name here?

Ye Zhen smiled and said to Lu Jing'er and the others: "Exam time is coming, I will receive the signal first."

Chen Qiuping took Ye Zhen's hand, "Yaoyao, don't be afraid of what others think of you, just do your best."

"Yes". Ye Zhen smiled and nodded, "I think I will pass the exam."

Princess Liuhua sneered, "Can someone who has read only a thousand characters be admitted to the university? Are you blind as a teacher?"

Ye Zhen pursed his lips and smiled, "The teacher is naturally Bole."

Bole will discover Maxima.