
Mo Rongyi's immature face was full of resentment. Hearing Ye Zhen's words, he screamed even more, "I'm sick! I'm sick! It won't get better with any medicine!"

"What kind of heart disease do you have? Heart disease can also be treated by heart medicine." Ye Zhen said grimly.

"Lovesickness!" Mo Rongyi clutched his chest with a miserable expression.

The court lady next to him hurriedly shouted, "My lord, how old are you? Where's the lovesickness?"

The grand palace lady who brought Ye Zhen over smiled and said, "Ms. Lu San, don't listen to our prince's nonsense. He is suffering from lovesickness, just because of the cold."

Mo Rongyi looked at Ye Zhen with a look of surprise, "I love my silver!"

"Acacia must be treated with Acacia beans, do you want me to help you?" Ye Zhen asked with a smile.

"Are you going to help me get the money back?" Mo Rongyi asked with bright eyes.

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "If the silver will come back, Acacia beans can be found."

"What can that do?" Mo Rong Yi asked faintly.

"Cure lovesickness." Ye Zhen said with a smile.

"Okay, you can find it for me." Mo Rongyi shouted.

"Ms. Lu San, isn't the acacia bean poison?" The big palace lady twitched her mouth, but she felt that Miss Lu was also full of bad water.

Mo Rongyi's expression changed, and he stared at Ye Hao and asked, "Are you going to give me poison?"

"You said you have lovesickness." Ye Zhen stretched his hands, she just made a suggestion.

"You all go down, this king has something to say to Lu Yaoyao." Mo Rongyi waved his hand and drove everyone away.

"My lord, you haven't taken any medicine yet." the palace lady called anxiously.

Mo Rongyi frowned disgustedly, "Don't eat or eat!"

Ye Zhen silently took the medicine and walked into the house with Mo Rongyi.

"Liuhua swallowed ten thousand taels of this king!" Mo Rongyi yelled as soon as he entered the room.

"I took forty-one thousand taels." Ye Zhen said with a smile.

Mo Rongyi pointed to Ye Zhen unable to speak, and only yelled a moment later, "The eldest princess complained to her mother, saying that this king is bullying Liuhua, and the mother is partial. Follow it away!"

Ye Zhen smiled and gloated, "Anyway, that little silver is nothing to you. Liuhua and you are cousins, so you can't make trouble because of this little silver, right."

That's right! Mo Rongyi sneered, "If the eldest father sent Liuhua to the palace, the mother would not treat me like this."

Liuhua is about to enter the palace? Ye Zhen smiled, but it was earlier than she knew. In the previous life, the eldest princess had always sent Liuhua into the palace, but Mo Rongzhan didn't agree. At the request of the Queen Mother, Liuhua concubine was sealed.

"Does this matter?" At the beginning, Liuhua wanted to open the market. If you lose, you will naturally have to accept the loss, and you will not lose count because of your status change.

Mo Rongyi exclaimed, "It's okay, but I just can't get the silver."

Ye Zhen handed him the medicine in his hand, "You drink, I will teach you a way to get the silver."

"What way?" Mo Rongyi asked immediately.

"Drink the medicine first," Ye Zhen said, motioning for him to take the medicine from his hand.

Mo Rongyi cried out with a bitter face, "Actually, I am not sick. If it is really cold, it would be better after taking the medicine for a few days. How come I still feel uncomfortable all over?"

Seeing him pale, Ye Zhen looked really sick, she pointed to the drum stool next to him and said, "Go and sit down there, I'll get your pulse."

"Puff." Mo Rongyi snorted, "How long have you been studying medicine? Even the imperial doctor hasn't cured my disease. What can you see as a yellow-haired girl."

"A dead horse is also a living horse doctor." Ye Zhen smiled. In fact, since yesterday she got her pulse and knew what was wrong with the little boy, she had a feeling in the dark that her current medical skills would definitely be better than Lu Yaoyao. .

Because the medical books and medical records she has read can be clearly remembered in her mind, as long as she encounters the corresponding illness, she can immediately think of what method to use to treat it.If there was no medicine in an emergency yesterday, she would not take it. Out of Lingquan.

Others may learn medicine to help the world, but she learns medicine to get revenge in the palace. She hasn't thought about how powerful a doctor is to become, at she has no such thing as curing other people's diseases. Feeling like that.

Mo Rongyi's eyes rounded, "You treat me as a dead horse?"

Ye Zhen said with a smile, "I'm just making an analogy. Maybe if you are lucky, you will be cured."

If she wants to enter the palace in the future, she must find a few people who can be backers to make a good relationship.The queen mother and the little prince are the people she wants to make good friends with.

"This king should take the medicine." Mo Rongyi glanced at her disgustingly, took the medicine in her hand and drank it gruntingly, and said with a touch of his mouth, "Okay, tell me, what is the method Let Liuhua return the silver to me."

A sly smile flashed in Ye Zhen's eyes, and he whispered, "It's easy, you just ask Liuhua to tell Liuhua that you don't want the twenty thousand tael, and give her as a dowry."

"That's it?" Mo Rongyi raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Zhen, not believing that this would allow Liuhua to take the initiative to return the silver to him.

"Don't you say that Liuhua is going to enter the palace? What is her status after entering the palace? Although she is only a concubine, she is also your sister-in-law. Which sister-in-law will ask for a dowry from her uncle. If it is passed on, she still needs it. Shameless, just because of her face, she will send you money back."

Mo Rongyi's eyes lit up, as if it made sense, "This method seems to be feasible."

"If it is not feasible, there is only one reason, Liu Hua's face is gone," Ye Zhen said narrowly.

"I'll let someone go to spread the message right away." Mo Rongyi was excited, turned his head and said to Ye Zhen, "I suddenly felt that my heart disease had disappeared, and maybe I would be better tomorrow."

Ye Zhen raised his eyebrows, "That's how I cured you, didn't you just look down on me?"

Mo Rongyi laughed, "How come you little girl cares."

Little girl? Ye Zhen smiled happily, "Little lord, I seem to be a few years older than you. You call me a little girl, don't you feel guilty?"

"Why does this king have a guilty conscience?" Mo Rongyi asked confidently.

Ye Zhen said, "I told you such an unparalleled good method, shouldn't you repay me?"

"What benefits do you want?" Mo Rongyi asked, raising his chin.

"I'm going to the medical center tomorrow for class. In so long, I haven't encountered a patient who can let me practice. You ask me to get your pulse." Ye Zhen said immediately.

Mo Rongyi sat down happily, "It's not easy yet, come on!"

Ye Zhen's eyes moved, and he walked over and sat down to get his pulse.

Neither of them noticed that a palace man outside quietly retreated and walked in the direction of the Yushufang.