The Right Decision?

Felia sighed, staring at the tall mansion building that was very luxurious. After she paid for the taxi online and the car was no longer near her body, she tightened her grip on the handle of the suitcase.

"Excuse me, Sir. I want to meet the owner of the house," she said when she saw a security guard getting up from his seat and approaching her.

Looking at Felia's appearance from top to bottom, then back at that beautiful face. "Oh Miss, Master has informed all the workers for your presence." said the well-built man.

Raising an eyebrow, Felia did not understand what this man was saying. Is it true what Azrell said if she was considered their master's lover? Okay then, that means she doesn't need to be afraid of being labeled a bad person or even considered a thief.

"Yes, may I come in?" Felia asked.

"Okay, ma'am. Wait a minute," the security guard opened the mansion gate then hurriedly ran away from the sight of the beautiful woman.

Felia noticed the movement of the man who told her to wait. Suddenly, from behind the security post, a car with a male driver got out.

"Huh? Why take the car out?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Come on, ma'am, walking to the main door of the house must be tiring. So I'll take you."

It is true. Felia gulped if she walked through this vast courtyard with her small steps, sweat would surely fill her temples and make her appearance messy before meeting someone named Bara.

Nodding her head, she agreed and just got in the car, buckled up properly. "Okay sir," she said with a very warm smile.

The car engine started and immediately sped into the yard. "Miss it's better not to call me sir, it's very inappropriate for a small worker like me."

"A small job in a place as luxurious as this? I still think that yours is very big."

"You are very kind Miss, but it would be nice if you just call me Hers Kranser."

"So I can just call you Hers, okay?"

"Yes Miss, that sounds a lot better."

"Then introduce me, I'm Felia Azruela." Felia introduced her name without the last name --or commonly called the clan-- behind her. She thought that the clan was only for big people. Moreover, she was always alone, afraid that the 'Wallson' family would leave a bad impression on other people's previous lives without her knowing.

"Okay Miss Felia, we've arrived."

Felia nodded her head, she saw the large main door displayed in front of her. Seeing that, she sighed again slowly. "Thanks, Hers. I wanted to give you a tip, but I don't have enough money to give you," she said with a look of regret on her face that was shown to the man.

Hers just chuckled politely, then nodded his head that he understood what Felia was saying. "No problem, Miss. I don't expect anything in return anyway, please go inside and meet Bara instead," he said very politely. His stature that seemed to be in his thirties had quite a handsome face. Come on, are the workers here also measured by appearance?

Ah yes, Azrell's lover is big. Certainly, guests who are great co-workers come here to meet the waiters who are also of good appearance and have a polite demeanor.

Just as Felia was about to come down, Hers restrained her with the words 'wait a minute'. She saw the man circle the car, then opened the door from her side.

"Please Miss, the queen must be treated very well," he said as he bowed, directing his hand so that Felia could get out of the car with a quite polite service.

Felia blinked her eyes. 'So this is what it feels like to be rich?' she thought. She immediately got out of the car, even the driver's car was included in an expensive car. Is it that rich a homeowner? She regretted why she didn't know the address Azrell gave her first, so she knew the ins and outs of the owner of the house.

"Thank you Hers, you are very kind."

"Thanks again, ma'am. Be careful with the stairs, afraid your high heels are slippery."

Felia gave her the best smile she had, then nodded her head slightly. She started walking, up the few steps that would lead her to the main door.

"Good morning Miss, please come in."

A doorman standing right near the main door started greeting Felia. All right, now she's starting to conclude that every corner of the rich man's house has workers so they don't have to spend time unlocking the doorknobs because they're served. Even though she thinks it's a simple thing, why should you hire people?

Well, maybe the rich are confused about how to spend money, maybe that's how they work. After all, she as a simple person never knew what it was like to be rich.

Nodding her head, Felia was at a loss for words again so she just responded politely. She began to enter the house, following the doorman's orders.

"Please, Miss, follow me to meet Chef Bara,"

Felia raised an eyebrow, but couldn't help but follow the man from behind. She doesn't understand why everyone tells her that she has to meet Bara? Is he the Chef as well as the head work coordinator in this house?

"Ah no ma'am, you should just wait in the living room, I'll call Bara later."

Hearing that baritone voice of course made Felia stop her steps appropriately, otherwise, she could have hit the back of the man who was leading the way. "Is that so? All right, thanks," she said as she walked over to the long sofa which had been arranged as best as possible so that if there were enough guests there to be a place to talk, then put the suitcase within her reach and put her ass on the soft object.

"Ah, too tired to wear high heels,"

Hey, who said Felia always wears high heels when she's out of the house? No, she prefers to wear shoes or sandals.

But because she doesn't want to look old-fashioned which ends up embarrassing herself, she is forced to accept this discomfort.

"If it weren't for Ica, I wouldn't want to use all this troublesome stuff, geez."

The sound of footsteps caught Felia's attention, causing the woman who was sitting quietly to direct her sitting pose towards the source of the sound.

"Ah, ma'am, you came, I thought you wouldn't because Master already said about your coming." said the man whose body was equipped with chef clothes, it seemed that he was Bara.

Not knowing what to answer because she doesn't know anything, Felia prefers to pretend to know by nodding her head. "That's right and I want to get my things, can you put the suitcase there?" she said as if she knew every corner of the house.

Bara nodded her head, then looked at the male doorman. "Please put Miss's suitcase in the guest room," he said.

After the doorman left, Bara looked back at Felia. "Okay ma'am, introduce my name Bara just call Chef Bara. Come with me to the dining room," he said in a calm tone of voice, sounding polite as it entered his ears.

Felia, who was watching the doorman's direction to the second floor so that later it would not be difficult to find the guest room and didn't ask, just blinked her eyes. "Just call me Felia, sir. And why are we going there?"

"Did Miss have breakfast?"

Hearing that question, Felia's stomach suddenly rumbled a little which of course made her embarrass herself. "No, I don't have time because I have to do my homework first, sir."

Bara seems to be smiling, wait, is there something wrong with Felia's sentence?

"Miss is very independent, Master must be very lucky to have a woman who prefers to do the housework herself without the maid's interference."

Cursing the stupidity in her heart, Felia had completely forgotten because it was true that a woman whose life was very affluent would be reluctant to touch the housework because she had accepted it with the results of the maids. She could only show a stiff smile, because of these words. "So what are we going to the dining room for?" she asked, better to quickly change the subject than to be ashamed of himself.

Bara nodded his head, "Then I have to make breakfast for Miss." he said with a warm smile.

Felia widened her eyes, not expecting to be treated this well. "Eh? No need to bother, Bara. Besides, I just wanted to get my things, didn't mean to eat." she said with a refusing face because she felt bad for Bara. After all, the goal here is quite simple, why are you even allowed to taste the food of the rich? Gosh Felia, don't be tacky.

"I do not accept refusal, Miss. Because Master has told me that you are coming, and I must serve as best I can. So, this has become my duty." Bara said with a smile. He could never completely ignore what his Master ordered, so it was best to carry out orders properly without refusal.

Felia smiled a little, indeed there was no other choice. In addition, she also felt hungry, because usually, her breakfast time was right at half-past ten in the morning after finishing her work at the beginning of the day.

"Okay, I won't refuse."

"Then please Miss follow me."

Nodding her head, Felia started to get up from her seat and followed Bara's footsteps. In the end, she realized that there was a display of family photos in this house.

Felia chose to stop her steps, then started to approach the screen to focus her eyes that what she was seeing right now wasn't a mistake.

"Leonardo Luis?"


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