Farewell Message From Azrell

Mexico, 08:00

Already ready with a tuxedo that clings tightly to Leo's burly body, leather shoes have also been installed into classy footwear because of their very high price.

"Please prepare the Lamborghini in front of the exit, I will be down immediately," Leo said as he handed over the car keys in his hands at the moment.

The two bodyguards standing in front of his hotel room door turned their heads, and one of them nodded his head feeling that he understood Leo's orders. A big burly man had just grabbed the car keys. "Yes sir, give me five minutes," he says.

Leo just nodded his head while adjusting the tuxedo sleeves that were slightly folded. This made one of the bodyguards retreat to prepare the car and fulfill his orders.

As for the other bodyguards? Of course, take care of himself. "Are you ready, sir?" asked the man who did not have hair on his head with a smooth scalp, and did not forget the sunglasses that covered his sharp nose.

Hearing this question, of course, Leo immediately nodded his head. "Of course," he replied. He stepped to the edge of the bed containing his briefcase and then his hands began to reach for the cup of americano.


He began to take a sip of coffee, the smoke of which could still be seen with the naked eye. Drink a little coffee in the morning, to keep his eyes open because after this he will be discussing the company with a large colleague in Mexico.

To be honest, this wasn't the first time he had met another president director who he worked with to the point that he had to go overseas, after all, it was only a vacation but still able to take over the job.

"Five minutes or not, huh?" Leo asked ending the coffee event that had occurred in such a short amount of time. Put the cup back down, then slightly taste his tongue because now his mouth is filled with the smell of coffee.

The guard looked at the clock on his left hand, saw the long and short ticking hands. "Just two minutes, sir," he replied while looking back at Leo. Staring at the boss who must be guarded against screaming women in the lobby later. Certainly, the man who holds the status of president director surnamed Luis is well known to many people, especially among women.

In addition to Leo's body that looks stocky, sexy is also very tempting. A face with a sculpted jaw, a sharp nose, and sexy lips seemed to be a permanent charm on his body.

Leo nodded his head "Well, we better go now." he said as he stepped out of the room, making the bodyguard follow in his footsteps after successfully closing the hotel room door which was automatically locked from the outside.

Leo had just left the room, but the eyes of the female workers who were experts in housekeeping began to shift their focus to him.

And yes, Leo instead winked at the working woman walking alone down the aisle in her push trolley.

In the woman's heart, she must have wanted to scream hysterically because on this fine morning she got an intoxicating wink.

The bodyguard, who is used to seeing such incidents, is silent, after all, it is not his right to forbid his master's attitude. Choosing to remain silent, as long as the women didn't cause any disturbance, was fine for him.

Leo just chuckled at the sight of the woman who took the opportunity to see him blush and quickly quickened his pace. "That's the nature of women. She was acting as if she wanted to be greeted, but when she was noticed she ran away," he says.

Yes, women are like that. Like acting tempting, but when the response becomes awkward. So, if you get carried away, it's not the men's fault, the women who fished from the start.

So, regarding the man who many people say can only give false hope without certainty, that's a big mistake. Who told you to expect more?

Men will choose women who maintain their attitude and views towards the opposite sex, as well as Leo. So, a woman who likes to spread charm in herself, yes, she reciprocated.


(Sound of elevator opening)

As it turned out, they had arrived in front of the elevator and went straight in there with some people who might have had similar goals. Leos are not allowed to be near women who are also in the same elevator as them. Some are busy taking the opportunity to get close to Leo, some slowly bring their hands closer to grasp Leo's sturdy arms, and some immediately push past the bodyguards to get close to Leo.

Oh of course that won't happen.

"Sorry ladies, you better keep your distance from Mr. Leo," said Leo's bodyguard very politely. By Leo's orders, the guy doesn't want to be guarded by an emotional person. Especially if you are rude to other people just because you want to steal Leo's attention, he certainly doesn't want to hire someone detrimental.


Exhaling, Leo finally got out of the elevator first followed by a bodyguard who immediately approached him.

"Hi, Mr. Leo, nice to meet you in person."

"Only handsome in photos, especially when you've seen him in person like this."

"Morning to see a handsome man, for a rare coolness in Mexico."

"Indeed, the aura of a president director with a lot of money is quite different, isn't it?"

"So handsome, crazy!"

That's how Leo fans scream. As for Leo? Just showing a sweet smile by saying 'hello too' to all of them.

"AAAAAAAAAAAA!" The screams in unison made the women feel like they were going to faint at this very moment.

It sounds like an exaggeration, but if someone were in their shoes, you'd look even more excited than this. Meeting the world's male idols without the hassle of flying to London is what makes their heartbeats stop, but they realize that there is life to be lived. It was just an exaggeration, not 'stop' in the truest sense.

"His voice is very masculine, it makes you feel at home on the phone, usually."

"I swear his voice is already in the handsome voice category."

Wait a minute, for this one word Leo thought a little. If there was a handsome voice category, would he be nominated? His chest cavity was ridiculous.

"It's not in vain to be late for work, it turns out that there are rewards."

Ignoring his words, which were becoming increasingly abstract, made Leo quicken his pace. Maybe the other bodyguards were tired of waiting because it was certain that it had been more than five minutes.

"Master, are you bothered?"

"Sure, but don't be rude. Stay calm, and just ignore it."

Wise, considerate, and of course he is the ideal figure of women. No wonder there are so many fans, quality never betrays the results, right?

The two of them finally arrived in front of the hotel, saw a Lamborghini car that could only fit two people.

"Please come in, sir." said the bodyguard --who had been guarding himself against the words of spoiled women in the hotel lobby, indeed women like to tease clear men with thick wallets-- opening the car door for Leo.

As for Leo? of course, he got right into the car, took the behind driver's seat. "You stay in your room, order food on my behalf so I can pay the bill later," he said before closing the car door to the bodyguard who was outside the car.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you very much for your kindness."

Leo nodded his head, then closed the car door and fastened his seat belt. Not to forget, he also wears glasses with lenses that are very suitable for men to wear. Her appearance is now eleven twelve with a hot daddy, oh or sugar daddy?

"You know where we're going, right?" he asked as he turned to the bodyguard who had now switched professions to become his driver.

"Yes, Sir. In keeping with the purpose you gave me."

"Okay, make sure it's not too late and we're there by half-past nine."

"Noted, sir. I'll give it a try, but it won't be a safety hazard."

Leos always choose workers they can rely on. They will look for a quick way but stay in true safe mode. Having manners and a very strong belief of course makes him always feel enough with qualified workers.

"I'll tip you later for your always good work,"

He reached into his tuxedo pocket, finding a cell phone from inside. Immediately saw a row of notifications that were on the top screen of his cellphone, then couldn't help but open the message because he couldn't bear to let a woman wait for news from him.

| chat room |




Always so busy that you never tell me about all your activities.


Have fun in Mexico.


Don't be careless, watch your diet. Don't work too hard at least take some time to think.


I want to tell you something.


Leo, better break up now, okay? I have put your ATM on your desk. Sorry, I can't be the best woman, even though I tried but was let down again.


Thank you, I say goodbye.

| chat room finished |

There is a small wound that pierces Leo's heart right now. He doesn't like Azrell, but it seems like if a woman asks him to break up with him it feels... Leo doesn't know how he can describe it.

Usually, he is the one who always breaks the relationship first. But right now, Azrell was different. Unfortunately, he can never balance women...

After a long pause, Leo sighed. Then his fingers began to dance on the phone screen, replying to the woman's message with no expression printed on the surface of his face.

| chat room |


Okay if that's your decision. Sorry to disappoint you, thank you.

| chat room finished |

He won't beg to come back or ask why someone left his life. After he decides to be a picky guy because his ex-wife lives, he never lets the woman who left him will always come back to him. But for now, the wound that Azrell gave was the same as the wound his ex-wife had given him.

If someone decides to leave, it means that someone is not the best.


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