Kiss From Felia

This morning was certainly not the same as before. Felia didn't do housework like she did when she was still working for Sam at his house, because in a Leo mansion of this size, all the work was handled by professional maids.

Already wearing Leo's t-shirt, she stared at her body in the large mirror in the room she was currently in. Not tacky or anything, but the design that is formed is very beautiful and of course following the tastes of the homeowner who is predicated as the richest President Director.

The combination of gold and white is the main attraction in this house. And yes, this was the room she had visited at that time to retrieve all of Azrell's belongings that had been left behind. Her gaze fell, she saw the furry sandals in the shape of a rabbit that he was wearing. Somehow the story, suddenly before the man came home, Bara knocked on the door of her room giving her this pair of cute sandals.

"Are you done showering?"

Surprised by the baritone voice that suddenly broke the atmosphere, Felia raised her eyes again and then looked at Leo from the reflection of the mirror that was now in front of her.

"Eh, why didn't Mr. Leo knock on the door first? What if I haven't put my clothes on yet?" she asked with cute blinking eyes. She looked at Leo as if he wanted to do something more mature with her, of course, she had to be careful!

Leo raised an eyebrow, then stood directly behind the woman and turned Felia's tiny body over. "So what? After all, I've seen every inch of beauty in your body," he answered with a crooked smile.

Of course, considering last night, they did a long 'warm up' because Felia had not been able to satisfy Leo because it was the first time they had an adult relationship. "Never mind sir, there's no need to talk about it." great-grandson with both cheeks already flushed.

"Who started it? I'm just asking, not getting into adult topics."

"But all the same, sir!"

"What's the same?"

Seeing Leo who was already neatly dressed in a tuxedo made his appearance look very handsome with a hairdo that added a charming and authoritative impression. Felia sighed, she couldn't be a woman with dirty thoughts just because the man in front of her taught her to have sex.

"Yes, I'm done. You'd better go to the office, and I'll stay in this room."

"How can you just stay here? All-day without eating and drinking? That's what you mean?"

Felia widened her eyes, then shook her head quickly. Of course, she needed to eat and drink, otherwise, how could she get enough energy for the day? "Of course I'm going out to eat and drink, but I don't know what else to do after that," she said, pursed her lips very sweetly.

Leo looked at Felia, chuckling lightly. "Just do as you please. Watch television, maybe want to go to the gym? I have a private room to work out, you can even use my swimming pool freely." he said with a sweet smile. For him, anyone who visits his house —of course with permission and has been allowed by him—, then that person is entitled to all the facilities of this luxurious house.

"No sir, that sounds impolite."

"Why is that, Fe?"

"Yeah, it's rude to me. This is your house, how can I access it freely when you're outside? You're working hard."

Felia gripped the hem of Leo's shirt that was clinging to her body. She looked at the man with a pretty serious look, she just felt like she didn't deserve any of this.

As for Leo? he has a very sweet smile, gosh so handsome! "Then, how did you get used to all this, huh? I don't mind what you do," he spoke with a small, clear snort.

Felia looked thoughtful, then shook her head with a silly smile. "I don't know," she said.

After all, is it that easy to access all the luxuries when Felia is used to simplicity? Of course, this is a big change that is felt during her life. Maybe everyone's dream, including herself, to live in a luxurious house with many servants so that there is no need to spend a lot of energy doing household chores. Like a king who only works, then all needs are available.

"Then, let's have breakfast. Bara has already made a salad and maybe some bread for our breakfast." Leo said as he adjusted his tie. Even without the help of a woman, he could neatly wear a tie around his neck.

Three days with Felia, those three days Leo felt that falling in love didn't need anything extraordinary to have each other.

Felia nodded, she walked when she saw Leo who started walking first out of this guest room. To be honest, she was already known by the maids because of the incident back then. They --the maids-- didn't ask anything about her return to this mansion because they still considered her Leo's lover.

Indeed, good work and manners were the things that all noble families cared about the most. Therefore, Leo always chooses maids with the best characteristics.

"Mr. Leo, can I work later?" great-grandson Felia. She dared to ask about this because she suddenly remembered Azrell's words telling her that there was nowhere else to hire her.

They started down the stairs one by one, still with Leo in front of Felia. "No, you already have everything. And I will fulfill all your needs, starting today. And yes, this afternoon we are going to the shopping center to buy some pairs of clothes, underwear, skincare and whatever you want, you can choose as you like." he said without looking back, Felia followed him like a chick.

Hearing Leo's words, of course, made Felia snort. Yesterday, they had taken her important belongings, one of which was an ATM card. But before she could say that her needs were still her responsibility, the man had stopped her with a series of sentences which of course lost her argument.

"That's too much, sir."

They were already on the ground floor, and now it was time for Leo to stop and turn around so the petite woman following him did the same. "You always say when I overdo it, saying yes and then so you know what it's like to accept an offer from Leonardo Luis," he said while giving her a shady look.

Felia blinked her eyes, then looked at Leo as if she understood what he meant. "Okay," she said, a little forced.

Leo put on a charming smile in the morning. It had been several years since his house was shared with a woman, and now he was feeling the difference in his life again. Feels more like having friends, even though they sleep in separate rooms to avoid unwanted things from happening.

"Good, then don't complain too much."

Turned around, then walked back to the dining table next to the kitchen. They began to sit on the dining chairs, facing each other with plates that already contained English Breakfast. Do not forget there is also a salad with a variety of sauces to complete it.

Felia secretly thanked God for the pleasure that was served this morning. Because usually she only eats modestly because later if she eats too long it will make her work even more delayed.

"Why are you silent? Don't you like the menu? Then I'll tell Bara to change your breakfast."

Leo's words of course made Felia return to reality after pondering for a few seconds. She turned her gaze to the man on the other side with sparkling eyes. "What? No, of course not. This is more than enough, sir. Thank you for the food, have a good meal." she said, taking the knife and fork to hold in her hand.

Luckily, if Sam took her out to dinner, surely the host would teach her how to eat properly and politely, along with what equipment to use of course. And yes, she seems to be studying well.

Leo looked at Felia, the words that came out of his mouth sounded adorable again. "You're welcome, have a good meal too and finish it," he says. He followed the movement of Felia who quickly finished his food.

They ate in silence, with the busy Felia bowing her head in shame from being constantly glanced at by Leo with his eyes that looked very sharp but gave off a charming impression.

After a few minutes, it seemed like they had finished their breakfast with a glass of warm milk.

"Then, I'll go to the office first," Leo said as he got up from his seat, then adjusted his suit and looked at Felia gently.

As for Felia? She after wiping the corners of her lips with a napkin, immediately nodded her head. It was like being a woman from a royal family who had everything.

She got up from her seat and gave a very sweet smile. "Be careful on the road, sir," she said softly, paying deep attention.

Leo blinked when he heard Felia's words. Don't ask how he felt when he heard the soft words that the woman said, he never heard them after his ex-wife left. And now, wait, what's with his gurgling chest cavity?

Nodding his head, Leo cleared his throat a little so as not to look embarrassed. "Okay, I'll be leaving soon," he said in a baritone tone with a smile.

Felia who saw Leo's movement immediately ran towards the man and blocked the road with outstretched arms. "Wait, sir!" she cried, looking at Leo with her innocent face.

"What's wrong, Fe? Anything left?" Leo asked, stopping right in front of Felia.

Not understanding what Felia was thinking at this moment, the woman immediately stepped closer to Leo.


(lips peck sound)

A soft kiss touched Leo's lips.

"Again, be careful on the road and don't miss your meal because you are busy."


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