Jealousy Is Unwarranted

"Daddy, where are you taking Felia? Why is she being taken like that?"

Leo stopped his steps as soon as he saw Xena who was standing on the stairs leading to the second floor, blocking his way, who was now carrying his lover's bridal style. "Want to go to the room, why, hm?" he asked, showing a calm face, although now his heart was afraid that if it was delayed for a long time his lust would disappear.

Meanwhile, Felia, who saw Leo talking to Xena, hoped that this condition would last a long time.

"Oh, I see... Fe, Letta was looking for you. I said you were leaving, she was crying and wouldn't stop calling Auntie's name for you."

Leo lowered his gaze, looking at Felia who had already focused her attention on Xena. Ah, that's right, surely if a woman meets a familiar woman, it won't be long before a long chat will begin. However, he could only exhale slowly.