Proven Jealousy

Waiting anxiously for Leo and Felia's arrival, now Rio was holding each other's hands anxiously. Only one distinctive birthmark he remembered, was on the back of the neck of the woman he had been waiting for.

Today too he's decided to take some time off, even after last night he canceled his otherwise serious and unobtrusive success, which should have earned him the prize of having sex with Azrell. He returned the woman safely to her destination and chose to quickly say goodbye to Sam and Nayya.

He had tracked down Felia's background, thanks to the help of his bodyguards he found the information. But because of his father's presence, he prefers to remain silent and not look for him so as not to get involved in problems that lead to debates.

Exhaling, Rio now rubbed his face roughly. In half an hour Leo and Felia had landed, which meant the trip home would take quite a while.