The Best Couple

This morning, Felia was lying on the sofa with a masseuse Leo had hired. Don't worry, it's the woman who massages his lover. If it's a guy, Leo might get beaten up for being able to hold his lover's body. Of course, Leo wouldn't let that happen, he wouldn't want his lover's body to be seen by others.

"Darling, how was your breakfast?"

There was a baritone voice, then a moment later a strong arm wrapped around her neck. Followed by sexy lips that landed on her forehead, not to forget the soothing masculine scent.

Felia tilted her head slightly, then breathed a sigh of relief that it was Leo. She repositioned her head comfortably, but couldn't look her lover in the eye. "It's really good, it feels like eating a healthy menu is like being on a diet, so calories are maintained." She answered with a big smile.

Leo didn't care at all about the woman who was massaging Felia to hear their conversation, that's how lovers should spread affection every second.