Negative Thinking

Felia looked at Leo with a very sharp look, she leaned her head on the man's shoulder. Now, they are in the car to walk to their destination.

"Is it okay if I come with you to the office, darling?" Felia finally asked the question, even though she was already whining because she didn't want to be left behind by Leo. But it was she who suddenly felt bad for never having set foot in this skyscraper, the Luis Company.

Leo turned his head slightly, then returned his focus to the road in front of him. "What about you? You're the one asking because you don't let me work, of course, it doesn't matter, what's the matter?" he answered while reaching out his left hand to gently caress Felia's cheek, then put it back on the steering wheel so it wouldn't sway.

For some reason, Felia is now a person who desperately needs a Leo every day.