9| Xena Drunk


Xena entered the house holding several paper bags in hand, her smile broadening to perfection. After lunch, she whines loudly with Vrans to accompany her to buy some skincare products that are empty at home. And strangely enough, Vrans complied. Startling!

But her smile faded when she saw Tasya and Liam sitting in the living room with a man beside Liam. Who's he?

Xena decided to approach them, and yes, she was very surprised to see Niel there.


Niel smiled as he turned his head towards Xena, his gaze falling onto the paper bag the girl was carrying. He guessed that Xena had come home from a walk with Vrans, just as Orlin had told him.

"Hey Xena," said Niel with a smile.

Xena crossed her arms in front of her chest feeling confused, then looked at Tasya and Liam as if asking for an explanation.