11| Putting Heart

Xena tightly gripped the sling bag she had, for some reason she did this. She was waiting for Vrans to arrive at the underground parking, next to the man's car. Just like what Vrans said, they were going home from work together.

This was something that could make Xena feel so happy that she couldn't even stop imagining how handsome Vrans was.

Her smile was even more charming when she remembered the conversation they had when they left for the office this morning. It is still well preserved in the memory of her brain, and will forever be like that.


After picking up her sling bag on the table, Xena followed Vrans who left her in the room alone, the man was annoying but handsome.

Xena desperately chased after Vrans who suddenly wanted to leave the house. Her footsteps accelerated, she was afraid that Vrans would stay because she was walking slowly.