15| Pain and Loss

Xena walked home sluggishly, her eyes puffy as if bitten by an ant. Even her tears still dripped from time to time, she looked pitiful. It's very painful to see what happened. What exactly is their relationship? Doesn't Vrans like Klarisa? Then who was that girl? Tell her, who is it?!

"Don't think about the things that make you sick, Xena."

Xena turned to her right when she heard a male baritone voice, and there was Niel with his trademark sweet smile.

"Need a hug?" asked Niel, he offered calmly.

Xena's tears immediately burst, she needed support. Luckily there weren't many people passing by this morning, so Xena was free to act as she pleased. She started to hug Niel's sturdy body. It hurt so much, she didn't even know how many times she had to say the pain.