19| Back Harmonious

Tasya flipped through the sheets of paper in front of her. Being a secretary in your own company is very boring, especially considering that the boss is her husband. Her mind started to wander all over the place, she tapped the tip of the pen in her hand against the table, which could make sounds like 'tuk, tuk, tuk' while supporting her head with her palms.

She was worried. Should she go to the hospital or not? To be honest, Liam seems to keep her super busy than ever before which she wrestles with these paperwork documents. Liam was so annoying, that's what she thought.

It would be a lie if Tasya wasn't worried about Xena's current condition, after all that girl was the most beautiful and dearest child. Secretly, she always saw how her daughter was improving day by day. But the result is nil. There is no change whatsoever regarding Xena's amnesia. Her daughter felt pain alone, with no companion who could evoke memories other than Vrans.