22| Finding Traces

Vrans buried his head in his folded hands on the table. He thought about the incident that almost took Xena's life if he didn't hurry and hit the man with his car, it might be worse than this.

Surprisingly, until now the police who he assigned to the murder report seems to have given up because there are no traces that can be traced. So far, the traces of the mysterious man and the person who hit Xena had not been found. It could be, he is still eyeing the girl to this day.

Vrans didn't know what Xena was doing until the girl seemed to have an enemy who wanted to take her down. As far as Vrans was concerned, Xena was just an innocent and cheerful girl who couldn't possibly have any rivals or enemies. What is the exact reason for some of the dangerous threats present? Does this have anything to do with Vrans? But what?!

Vrans ruffled his hair roughly, feeling unable to find the answer.