30| Rescue Mission

"There!" Paula exclaimed, pointing to an old abandoned building.

Orlin got goosebumps when she saw the building, she gripped Erica's hand tightly. "Afraid." Her great-grandson made Erica laugh. She knew this wasn't the right situation to laugh about, but hearing a great-grandson like Orlin's chick was ridiculous.

Yes, Orlin and Erica stubbornly followed them to the location in an online vehicle, and now they were both in Vrans' car. They said, feeling uncomfortable if they just stayed at Vrans' house. They always remember how Dion's body was covered in blood.

They would take care of that later, the most important thing was Xena's safety first. And as friends, they want to help.

Vrans' eyes narrowed when he saw a Lamborghini car that was similar to his – only the color difference – was also parked right beside his car. At that moment he knew that in the car was Niel. He immediately got out of the car and tapped lightly on the windshield.