38| Sean's Back

Paula begins to enter a house that is quite luxurious when compared to her old house in London.

She saw the condition of the house which looked deserted. Not Raquel, nor the girl's parents. There are only a few servants who do their homework, they are busy with household chores that must be done. In the end, she preferred to land her ass on the sofa in the living room.

"Where's Raquel?" She asked herself, even if she asked the housekeeper, it was awkward because they didn't know each other.

Paula felt very grateful for Raquel who was kind to her. Yes even though the girl who had helped was quite noisy, it was undeniable that Paula had some sense of friendship with the girl.

And it's also unusual for Raquel to leave the house without sending Paula a message about her leaving.

Raquel already thought of Paula as an older sister.