43| Sean's Purpose

Orlin pursed her lips staring at the phone screen bitterly. She was annoyed with Erica who always underestimated her safety to help her friend who was in a dangerous zone, even though Erica was also included in that zone. Isn't it natural for her to be worried?

Her shoulders slumped, she sat on the floor still accompanied by Raquel who had just been lost in thought with a blank stare. I don't know what the girl was thinking but it was clear that Orlin didn't want to disturb Raquel who might still be surprised by this incident, especially since the murder was located at her house.

Of course, Raquel knew nothing about Paula and the assassins who were after Xena. Moreover, Paula's bloodied corpse is right inside Raquel's house, presenting its trauma in the girl.

"Erica is so annoying!" She shouted with a sour expression on her face. She looked for Xena's phone contact to contact the girl, she also wanted to know how Xena was doing.