48| Start Open Heart

"I almost failed to marry you, honey. I don't know how my life will be without you, haven't had time to give you great love and affection." Xena said in a weak tone, she was still afraid of what had happened to her.

Xena smiled happily because ever since she fainted earlier, she had lost a lot of blood and Erica was waiting for the others to come to take her away from the old building. But most importantly, now the figure of Vrans was in front of her looking at her with very worried eyes.

It was clear that Vrans' love had grown bigger than before. In fact, when the boy hugged Xena's body, it felt much more comfortable.

"I'm going to find Sean, I promise with this. I'm going to kill that guy, he's not a person who deserves to live if his job only costs someone's life." Vrans said with his eyes staring at the bandages covering Xena's wounds due to Sean's inhuman cruelty.