51| Different Girl

"Honey, why are we going to the museum? I'm going to the taco shop, I'm so hungry." Xena said while looking at Vrans with a lopsided smile, all confused by what the man who was now in front of her was doing. Even though she had asked Vrans to take her to the taco shop she used to go to. But for reasons she didn't know, the man brought her here.

Metropolitan Museum of Art or often known as The Met, New York City, United States.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the largest and best art museums in the world which was founded in 1870. This museum has a collection of more than 2 million works of art dating back 5000 years from around the world. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection includes works of art from classical antiquity and ancient Egypt, paintings, and sculptures by European artists. (Information obtained from google).