53| Annoying Sean

This time Vrans covered the girl's gaze with both hands because he wanted to surprise her a bit about this, which he had prepared with the help of several people who were also happy with his plan. He guided Xena to keep the girl on the same path as him.

Preparing for something special, Vrans wanted to create a memory that Xena would never forget. Forming sweet memories, he was certain of the success of his plan to make Xena feel happiness at its peak.

"If you want to enter the house you have to close your eyes, okay? So what? We're playing to find something?" Xena asked very innocently. She didn't even know what Vrans was going to do next, nor did she seriously guess.

Vrans who heard that only smiled briefly. He didn't even need to explain anything else, he just wanted to focus on his intention, which was to surprise Xena.

Of course, Vrans carefully guided Xena's every step to follow him.