59| Enjoyable Breakfast

Some people would think that a fussy girl with silly behavior like Xena wouldn't be able to manage the household like a normal girl, let alone do her duty when she became a wife. But some people guess it turns out this time wrong. It was evident now that Xena was skillfully swinging her omelet on the flat frying pan while humming merrily, she was happy to be able to do all sorts of fun housework stuff like this.

She very deftly placed the cooked egg on her plate, sprinkled a little salt on the egg, and the egg was ready to be eaten with a tantalizing aroma.

"Gosh, I'm so good at cooking." She muttered proudly while rubbing her forehead with her arm as she felt some sweat.

A plate of half-boiled eggs for Vrans, and a hard-boiled egg for herself. Very perfect. Xena started carrying two plates in each hand towards where Vrans was currently at. She looks very cheerful with a wide smile.