65| Suspicious

"What's your name? Alle, right?" Orlin asked while eating the french fries Xena had given her. She poked the potatoes into the chili sauce, adding to the enjoyment doubly.

Allea chuckled, she thought Orlin was very funny with such behavior. She shook her head. "Not Alle, but Allea, don't forget to use the letter A." She said as she sat down at the table opposite Orlin. Indeed each workspace is dedicated to two employees, but because the one in the same room as Orlin had resigned due to wanting to move to another country, the Luis Company opened another vacancy and this was where Allea was.

"I think it's the same," Orlin said as she wiped the sauce stain on her finger with a clean tissue. She threw the dirty tissue into the small trash can that the cleaning staff at this company always provided. She took a glass of soda and sipped it deliciously.