Chapter 1- Death

"001, what's your status" A deep voice spoke through an earpiece

"Complete" A beautiful woman stood over countless bodies without a speck of blood on her clothes

"Received. Report back" The voice cut off communication

The woman turns her body around revealing a blonde haired beauty. Her face is devoid of any emotion as she makes her way through the bloody scene.

Jasmine P.O.V

'Another job complete' I thought bored with everyday life

My name is Jasmine Luck, an orphan since young and a top hacker for a criminal organization. My name definitely does not represent my experiences. I was orphaned at 2 when my parents were killed in a car accident and I was sent to an orphanage. I was always smarter than my peers and noticed when strange men in black came in one day and that they meant no good. All the children under 10 were taken to a gigantic mansion and put through rigorous training to serve under a criminal syndicate. The men manipulated and brainwashed the children into being completely loyal to their master. I understood what they were doing, but pretended to go along with everyone else. I knew I had to become stronger if I wanted to survive so I trained twice as hard as others. No matter how badly I was bruised and bloodied I always listened with an impassive face devoid of emotion. The higher ups noticed my potential and brought on many new topics for me to absorb. Martial arts, Weapon handling, seduction, acting, and many more. Though I showed tremendous talent in hacking which led me to be forced to learn everything about it. I was their dog my whole life following orders and completing mission after mission.

One day I had a mission to go undercover and needed to learn how to paint, but I didn't realize how much I would enjoy it. The way my hand flew across the canvas freely like my hand was dancing. It was exhilarating something I haven't felt since my parents were alive. After that mision I would consistently spend my free time painting my thoughts and emotions freely. I spent less and less time training causing the higher ups to realize the problem and immediately took away my joy and had me beaten till I was unresponsive. Since then my thought of painting completely vanished leaving me a loyal dog.

I just finished another mission and was making my way back "home" when I stopped in front of a bookstore. I debated whether to go in or not, but I really didn't want to go back. I entered the store and started scouring the books. I wasn't really looking for anything, but I came across a completely black book.

'How ironic' I thought dryly

I grabbed the book and looked at the cover. It had beautiful gold italic words engraved into it.

"Revengeful Ladies Rebirth" I mumbled blankly

'What a weird title' I thought confused

I never had time to read books for entertainment. They were always about skills I needed to learn.

I took a seat on one of the cushions and opened to the first page. I started to read and soon became immersed once I knew there was a character with the same name as me. She was the younger half-sister of the main character. I was interested in her life hoping I could pretend to be in her shoes and forget about my life for a little while.

Time skip

The sun started to set once I finally finished the book for the third time.

'What a dramatic life. Is that how rich people act? Why do they follow all these customs? Some of the characters are treated horribly by their family, but put up appearances at parties to not hinder their family name. I don't understand why they try so hard for people who dont deserve it.' I thought confused


'I probably sound naive, but I truly don't understand how normal people behave. I follow the higher ups because it's for my survival. Maybe the young ladies in the book are probably doing it for a different form of survival. I don't know, but everyone has different ways of doing things I guess.'

Enough about that. What saddens me is that the character with the same name as mine dies early on. I was really hoping to see how different her life is, but most things were fundamentally the same. Boring and unpassionate life. Her older twin siblings treated her like a stupid child who cant do anything and her mother taught her since young to be a delicate and weak lady that needs protection. Since I experienced strength and how much it's needed to defend yourself I don't understand the mothers reasoning. Why would you teach your daughter to be weak and wait for someone else to save her. What if no one shows up? Why does a girl have to be shy and stupid?

'I don't understand' I thought frustrated

I finally notice how late it is and immediately run out of the store leaving the book. I race down the street but stop when I notice a child alone on the playground. I would normally leave the kid, but my instinct told me something life changing would happen. I crept close to the child and bent down to her level.

"Are you okay" I said emotionlessly


The child lifts her head and slowly smiles. She quickly raises a gun and rests it on my forehead. I don't move for some reason. I am fully capable of killing her in less then a second, but for some reason I don't. She slowly pulls the trigger while I think of the book I just read.

'If I was in your shoes I would live for myself and not for others. I would finally paint to my heart's content'