Chapter 11: Unexpected Friendship

"Shit" I mumbled while staring up at the new arrival

Grace smirked before looking me up and down

"Well, what interesting attire you have on" A mischievous glint appeared in her eyes

I stared at her blankly while my hand moved subconsciously and took a bite out of my cake in front of her

Grace looked taken aback by my reply and smiled brightly after a second

"My god! You're so cute!" she squealed and grabbed my cheeks stretching them out

"You're so small and tiny, you're like a little doll !" She stared at me with stars

'What the? I know I'm small compared to her 5'7'', but you don't have to pinch my cheeks' I internally pouted

I tried to side step her but was stopped by her grabbing the back of my shirt and pulling me to her side.

"What's your name dolly" Grace smirked at me and draped her arm over my shoulder

I sighed in defeat and just ignored her while eating my cake

"Hey~ don't ignore me" She pouted playfully

I glanced at her and then looked at my cake before reaching my arm in front of her face and offering some cake

"Are you trying to make me feel better" She gasped dramatically with a hand on her heart, "Your such a good person" She finished with a little more serious in her voice

"Jasmine" we were interrupted by Kiki rushing over

I looked at her in question

"Jasmine, what are you wearing! I know you didn't want to wear a dress, but you could have put on some fancier clothes! " Kiki scolded me

"No" I said eating the rest of my cake

"Pfft" Grace looks to the side holding her hand to her mouth

Kiki realizes someone else was with me and bows deeply

"I'm sorry for my rudeness"

Grace looks back over and smirks

"It's fine, I was just getting to know Jasmine here"

Kiki brightens up at that

"Yes, please become good friends with her! She always stays in her room and doesn't interact with anyone. I'm getting worried" Kiki explains cupping her cheek worriedly

Grace looks at me for that and I just look away indifferent

"Don't worry I'll look after her" Grace says with a mischievous glint that Kiki doesn't catch

Kiki leaves us to continue serving the guests

"So~ Jasmine, huh. Your gonna be my best friend" She declared

I was gonna answer till another person came over.

"Lady Vale!" a young average looking woman comes over with an extremely fake smile

Grace's expression goes blank

"You look dashing today. You and your brother resemble each other so much" She fake flatters

'Huh? I know she wants Gabriel through Grace, but the way she inserted him into the conversation made know sense. I guess some people in this world are still stupid'

"Thank you. My brother is so superior that it's hard for just anyone to match up to him. Im flattered by your compliment"

'Pfft' I internally laugh, 'She's very blunt with the way that she trash talks people'

The woman seemed to understand the insult and her face turned green. She then noticed me and had a look of disgust on her face.

"What's a commoner doing in here" She spits with venom

I tilt my head before turning back to my deserts and ignoring her.

The woman is taken aback

"Hey! Dont ignore me, you lowly being!" She tries to grab my arm,but Grace grabs her wrist and puts a ton of pressure on it

'Wow, so much drama' I think blandly, 'Whatever, just ignore the useless stuff anyway'

I tune out Grace and the lady and glance around the room.


Alyssa is walking towards me with a smile

'No' I think with dread

I turn around and try to disappear but it's too late

"Jasmine" Alyssa says happily

Aaron, Gabriel, Grace, and the woman turn their attention to me

'Ugh, I just wanted food'

Alyssa is a beauty with her beautiful light blue hair let down cascading over her shoulders. With a light peach dress hugging her figure wonderfully. 

'No wonder she's able to seduce plenty of men later on with just her presence' I think taking a sip of champagne I just grabbed off a passing servant

"I so happy you came down" Alyssa smiles happily and I can see her trying not to comment on my clothing

Grace seems interested on who I am and comes up to me and drapers her arm over my shoulder again

"Little doll, who's this" Grace asks sizing Alyssa up while she does the same

A look of realization crosses Alyssa's face before she hides it quickly

'Looks like she remembers'

In the novel Alyssa and Grace only meet a couple of times and they never said a word to each other. So it makes sense how Alyssa didn't recognize Grace at first.

"Hello, Grace Vale. Im Jasmine's older sister" Alyssa smiles kindly

Grace is surprised and immediately understands who I am.

She turns to me quickly and narrows her eyes analyzing me. It looks like she is trying to find an arrogant, scheming illegitimate child in me.

When I turn to look in her eyes she stops and breathes a sigh of relief before smiling and turning back to Alyssa.


Grace was cut off by a scream

"What! How can she be part of the Black family. She's wearing sweatpants!" The woman screamed in disbelief and was about to continue when a menacing aura surrounded Alyssa

"What did you say about my sister, you over powdered bitch"


"Pfft hahaha" Grace started laughing so hard that she had to clutch her stomach

Aaron was smirking probably thinking, 'That's my girl'

Gabriel was sighing and shaking is head and I heard him mutter, "Typical Grace"

While the corner of my mouth twitched

'Who knew Alyssa would break her image just because someone insulted me'

"How dare you!" The woman yelled loudly catching the attention of the rest of the people who didn't take notice of the commotion from Graces laughing

'Drama I don't need' I internally rolled my eyes casually taking a sip of my champagne

She raised her hand ready to slap Alyssa when someone else grabbed her wrist

The surroundings became quiet at who did it

Aaron King

'Oh shitz' I sassed while continuing my drink

'She should have faked the slap and then struck Alyssa from below with a kick. You shouldn't attack someone without a decent understanding of what they're doing. It's like she doesn't think the person about to be slapped won't move out of the way.' I ranted 

Aaron released a strong pressure scaring the living daylights out of the people around. The woman though had the decency to blush at the contact.

"Oh Aaron~! This woman was talking bad about me" The woman crocodile teared and tried to push herself into his chest.


'Wow, she's stupid' I thought 

Aaron was indifferent and signaled Gabriel. Gabriel sighed and grabbed the woman and dragged her to the front doors and threw her out before slamming the doors shut.

Grace was smirking the entire time with her arm over my shoulder.

Aaron glared at the rest of the room and they immediately turned  back to their own groups.

"Alyssa" Aaron smirked arrogantly

'Ew' I thought disgusted, 'is this really the ML'

Alyssa looked annoyed and glanced at my indifference to the situation. She smiled knowingly and caught Aaron off guard by dragging him away from me.

'Good job Alyssa' I praised internally

Gabriel studied me for a second before following after Aaron when Grace glared at him to leave.

Grace turned to me

"Don't listen to that woman, she just wanted to cause a scene" Grace tried to comfort me

Key word tried

'Wow, she's bad at pep talks'

I stared at Grace with blank eyes

She look taken aback just Like William did

I turned away from her and walked away to go back upstairs

"I don't care what useless people say anyway. They aren't worth my time" I said before disappearing upstairs