Chapter 13: Outing

At the edge of City Z is a large abandoned warehouse where the strongest and most deadly people reside. Hackers, assassins, fighters, weapon masters, and more. This is the base of Gabriel Vale and his subordinates.

In the underground base in the training room is none other than Grace sparring with her brother Gabriel with many spectators invested in the powerful fight.

"I wonder if Grace will win this time"

"I doubt it"

"Me too, Gabriel is more experienced"

"True, He always says only strength doesn't guarantee a win"

The crowd continued to gossip while Grace was scowling and wiped sweat from her brow.

She stood across from Gabriel and analyzed any chances of an opening, but found nothing.

"*sigh*, you win again brother" Grace concedes defeat and stretches her sore limbs before making her way over to her bag

"You could have kept going" Gabriel frowns at his sisters defeat and followed after her

"Yeah, but I'm already tired from the party" Grace sits on the ground and takes a sip of her water

It becomes quiet and Gabriel faces the crowd with a serious gaze causing the others to flinch and back away slowly.

"What are you all standing around for, get back to practicing or do something productive" He commands

They all scurry away quickly in fright and get back to work.

Grace just rolls her eyes at the group


"Hm?" Grace looks at her phone and unlocks it

-Hang out

"What the? Who just wrights hang out, and who is this" Grace mumbles to herself and texts back

Gabriel is curious about what she's doing and leans in and looks over her shoulder.

Who is this?-

Almost immediately they get a reply



"PFFT HAHAHAHA!" Grace bursts out into laughter and rolls onto her side clutching her stomach

Gabriel is covering his mouth with his hand trying not to burst into laughter like his sister

"She's so funny" Grace giggles out and wipes away a tear and calms herself down while sitting back up

"I didn't think she would contact me first" Grace says mildly surprised

"Well she seems like a person with all types of surprises" Gabriel comments offhandedly 

"Hm?" Grace looks at her brother with narrowed eyes

"Come on, don't give me that look. I'm not Aaron. I actually notice other people then simply ignoring them and treating them like air"

"Whatever" Grace rolls her eyes and texts Jasmine back

My bestie! Whatcha need-

-Hang out

    Hang out with me. Like going to lunch or something?-

Grace texted confused while Gabriel who was watching over her shoulder was trying not to laugh at the obvious awkwardness of Jasmine


    I would love to. When?-

-Tomorrow. Food. Lunch

"Pfft" Gabriel couldn't hold it any longer

Grace snapped her head to him with annoyed eyes resulting in him turning his head away while covering his mouth.

Grace looked back at the text with obvious amusement flooding her eyes

'She's so cute' Grace thought imagining a chibi Jasmine asking her to hang out with a blank face

    That's fine with me. Why don't I pick you up tomorrow at your house? Say around 11-


Grace looked up from her phone not realizing she had a bright smile on and saw the others looking their way with shocked faces,

"Go back to work" Grace scowled

Gabriel placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked over and saw his entire body shaking with what she assumed was laughter.

'No wonder they were looking at us like that. He looks more carefree and happy than he usually is' Grace thought watching her brother

"I really like this girl, I have a feeling she'll be a good friend who won't turn her back on you" He just managed to get out without laughing again

I look away from him with a small hopeful smile

"Yeah, I hope so"

Gabriel seemed to catch my tone and turned worried

"Come here" he held out his arms for me in which I accepted

"I don't know anything about Jasmine, but for some reason I feel like I can entrust anything with her" Grace whispered

"I know it's not much reassurance but I feel she'll be good for you. You need someone who wants to be friends with you and not your status or wealth. Jasmine sh- ugh, I don't know" Gabriel brushed his fingers through his hair, " I just have a feeling that she'll do just that and much, much more" He finished pushing Grace away gently by her shoulders

Gabriel smiled at his sister in encouragement 

"You'll just have to take that risk"

Grace widened her eyes before smiling and punching his shoulder playfully

"Whatever you say bro"


"Wait How did she get my number" Grace's question went unanswered

Time Skip

Jasmine P.O.V.

I was standing in front of my closet with the most serious gaze I could muster on my expressionless face.

Kiki was scouring my closet for anything she thought was presentable.

"Why do I need to dress up" I finally asked after 15 minutes

Kiki whipped her head towards me so fast I thought she might have broken it.

"What do you mean why! You can't hang out with someone of her status with sweatpants!" kiki explained clearly exasperated with me

I tilted my head

"If she was to truly be my friend then she would accept me with whatever I have on" I said

Kiki wanted to retort but I silenced her with a sharp gaze that left her gaping like a fish

I internally smirked at her expression and walked past her. I picked up some white Nike sneakers, a black crop top, and ripped jean shorts.

I went to change and when I came out I slowly spun for Kiki to see.

She was walking around me with a hand on her chin before nodding.

"This will have to work. At least it's not sweatpants" She muttered to herself with a hopeless look

*knock knock*

"Come in" Kiki said

The door opened and Alyssa walked through with a happy expression

I gave her a blank look, but inside I was a excited

"Jasmine, Grace is here" She said and I nodded back

Though she didn't leave, but walked behind me

I gave a look and she explained

"Can I please do your hair"

Before I could say anything Kiki butted in

"Oh yes, please do. I want at least one thing presentable. I will inform Grace of the delay" She said and left the room

"Come here" Alyssa directed me to a seat and started on my hair

I sighed internally and just let her do it

"I'm happy you're finally getting out of your room after a while, and it's with a friend too. Make sure to have fun okay" Alyssa informed me

I simply nodded my head not really caring about her words because I'm gonna feel how I want to feel depending on what happens.

"They're done!" She said cheerfully and I looked into the mirror

The end result was simple dutch braids

I actually quite liked it and nodded my head in thanks to her and got up ready to leave

We walked downstairs together and I was greeted by a very lively Grace

"Doll! Are you ready" She walked up to me and grabbed my hand

"Yes" I said blankly but for some reason that made her blush

'Just imagining a chibi Jasmine is to much' Grace thought feeling her face heat up

"Well let's go then"

But before we could leave we were stopped

"Jasmine, where are you going" Madelyn said walking up to me with a disapproving look

I ignored her and dragged Grace out with a slam of the door


"Wha-!" Madelyn's face flushed red with embarrassment

Alyssa and the servants tried to hide their satisfying smirk

'Only Jasmine would easily leave without a comment' They all thought

During these days the servants have finally started to understand the personality of Jasmine and are a little put off with how easily she can disregard someone, but are also happy with receiving a nice person to serve


"Pfft haha, Jasmine has anyone told you how amazing you are" Grace said clutching her stomach

I stopped all of a sudden and looked at her with what Grace thought was a calculating look

"No" I said walking ahead of her

'I've received plenty of praise for how talented and amazing I am, but those words didn't mean anything to me. They were just empty praises from cruel people that only saw me as a weapon' I thought 

Grace caught up to me and started humming a catchy tune and grabbed my hand and swung it with hers

I glanced at her from the corner of my eyes

'Though when Grace says it it, it makes me feel happy for some reason' I thought returning my gaze back to the front

I hope lunch will go okay