Chapter 27: Brother Mode

"Thank you for attending tonight, please enjoy the after party" Oliver announced

Everyone got up and started walking to the buffet tables as the lights turned on

'That's my cue' I thought completely forgetting Gabriel and made my way towards the food eyeing the deserts

No one P.O.V.

"Hey" Gabriel called out noticing her sudden lack of presence

'I'm less than food' Gabriel was left alone with a dramatic pout

Gabriel quickly got over it and immediately trained his eyes onto the crowd trying to spot his sister so he could inquire who the unknown male was

'I'm not going to do anything. I'm just gonna inter- I mean ask nicely who he was' Gabriel's smile twitched menacingly for a split second

After a couple of minutes and the crowd spread out, he was able to spot Grace who was still talking to the dirty blonde man. Gabriel frowned momentarily as he saw Grace laughing hysterically and the man blushing profusely

Grace seemed to shine while talking with him, but Gabriel was certain that she just met him, yet she seems very comfortable with him

Gabriel debated for a second before sighing and turned around

'I'll ask her later, I'm not gonna ruin her having a good time'

Grace P.O.V.

After Cass and I sat down in the front row he wasted no time and opened his camera, waiting for the show to start

I curiously looked at him and was taken aback by the sudden mood change when he took out his camera

'Hm, he must really like photography' I smiled slightly

Cass seemed to take in his surroundings again and blushed when he saw me smile at him

"*cough* sorry, I space out sometimes" He apologized nervously

I chuckled slightly at how cute he looked rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly 

"No worries, it's good that your so passionate about something" I said 

"Thanks, what about yo- Ella! What are you doing" Cass quickly said nervously trying to pull ella away, who had suddenly jumped up and put her front paws on my lap

I was a little taken aback, but quickly recovered and smiled gently at the dog petting her head

"I'm sorry, she's still in training" Cass apologized timidly

"It's fine, I like dogs" I smirked at Cass who was nervously waiting for my reaction 

He seemed to slump in relief at me not being angry, and started to blush in embarrassment when he realized his action

A sudden spark of need to tease him emerged, and I couldn't help the small hint of sadism that appeared in my eyes

Cass shuddered from a sudden chill he got

The show started and we quieted down and enjoyed the show. Cass would occasionally take pictures of the models.

Unknown to me Cass was in awe by the lights being reflected onto me and unconsciously took a picture mesmerized.


After the show we stood up with the rest of the crowd and I turned to Cass who was putting away his camera

"You want to get something to eat with me?" I asked him

Cass jumped a little at the sudden offer and stuttered trying to find the right words

"If you want- I mean if you're okay with it- I mean yes!!" Cass groaned and covered his face with his hands embarrassed 

I just blinked at him before I started to laugh hysterically at him and clutched my stomach crouching over

"Hahaha,I can't. Your so funny, hahaha" I had to grab the chair next to me for support

I finally glanced up after awhile and noticed a very big shade of red covering Cass's face

"C'mon, let's go" I said smiling trying not to laugh again

Cass noticed this and pouted a little, causing me to have to cover my mouth to prevent me from laughing

I just used my hand to motion him to follow and turned around heading to the buffet table

I grabbed a plate and handed it to, which he mumbled a thanks and drooled over the alluring food

"Wow, this is my first time seeing so many dishes at once" Cass said in awe

I tilted my head at that and shrugged, it wasn't that surprising. Not everyone here is rich.

I glanced down and saw Ella waiting patiently by his side

"I can ask one of the servers if they have dog food" I asked politely 

Cass turned to me and smiled

"It's fine, I came prepared" He said as he pulled out a bag of dog food

I just nodded a little dazed at his smile, I shook my head and grabbed a plate too and started to take what I wanted

We talked as time passed and I started to notice everyone starting to leave. It seemed Cass did to because he stood up

"It was nice meeting you Grace, but unfortunately I have to get Ella and myself home" Cass said pausing slightly trying to form a goodbye that doesn't sound rude

I smirked at his attempt and stood up to

"It was nice meeting you to" I offered my hand and he shook it

Cass didn't let go of my hand, and seemed like he was building up his courage for something

He seemed to collect himself and took a breath before hurriedly asking,

"Um- if you wouldn't mind, could Um, I don't know, maybe have your number" 

My smirk grew and I extended my hand

"Phone" I said

Cass was shocked that I actually agreed and quickly gave me his phone

I put in my number and then sent a text to myself. I then handed his phone back which he took nervously 

"Nice meeting you Cass" I smirked and walked passed his blushing form 

Jasmine P.O.V.

I was in the background leaning against the wall watching the whole conversation between the two. I smirked internally when I realized I won't even have to do anything. Grace got it handled.

I took a bite of the chocolate cake I had in front of me when my eyes suddenly caught Amelia's figure. I tilted my head confused when I noticed she wasn't moving. I leaned to the side a little so I could see what she was looking at.

'Oh, she might need my help though' my eyes twinkled with delight at Amelia staring at the girl she bumped into earlier

It seemed as she hasn't taken any action to talk to her, and just watched as she exited the building

Amelia scoffed, probably annoyed with being hung up on this person and walked away

I just ate my cake quietly with a plan forming