Slept (4)

"Thank you for driving me here Jungkook, even though I have my car. Take care Lara.. Don't forget to call me when you got home"... Piolo says as he walked into the building of his apartment.

Richard and Lara stayed silent for a moment. Lara staring at the window, while Richard keeps on stealing glances of Marian from the rear view mirror. He wants to know what happened but he didn't like to pry since he just met them.

"We'll be caught in an accident if you do not stop staring at my bestfriend like that." Lara blurts out looking at Richard.

Blush rolled on the younger's face as his body stiffens and looks straight into the road. Taking a deep breath, he got the courage to ask, "Lara, I know it's not the right time and we've just met..But I really want to know what happened.. I saw the fear in hee eyes, I saw how hurt she was, I felt the pain. It makes me eager to protect her. I want to protect her, but I don't know how to start since he distances herself."

Lara smiled hearing the younger. While staring at window he stated, "Richard, thank you for showing your concern. I really appreciate it. I may tell you something, but not all. But if you are sincere, you will wait for her to tell you everything" Lara brushes Marian's locks out of her face, Richard humms in response. "Marian was hurt by a special person for her, a person whom she loved, whom she trusted the most. It caused her to have physical injuries. She got psycological abuse. It's almost 9 years since it ended but everything is still clear in her memories. I would be happy if you could help her. I can see that your sincere...but it's just her. She built a metal barriers. Where people can see her,talk to her but nobody can touch her."...Lara finishes with a sigh.

Richard absorbs everything he heard. He felt a pain after confirming his assumptions that Jimin was abused. He swears to himself that he will do anything to be able to help his love. Not wanting to force him, he will take every step slowly.

Soon they arrived at Marian's place and Lara took the keys from her pocket. Jungkook scooped Marian in his arms carefully not wanting to wake her up. She felt Marian grip his shirt tightly as if she was fearing like a child. Jungkook tightens his hug as he followed Lara inside the house.

Pin lights was opened, and they went traight to Marian's room. Everything was neat. With shade of yellow and white.

Richard carefully laid Marian on her bed but Marian gripped his shirt stronger. He started whispering sweet words into Marian's ear, "It's okay love...No one can hurt are safe now.." Marian eventually laid back while Richard tucked him in her blanket. Lara kept the lamp shade open since she knew that Marian can't sleep without any lights.

They both walked out the room leaving the door slightly open. Lara went to the kitchen to offer atleast water to Richard. Richard sighed not wanting to leave his love alone.

"Will she be fine?" He asked. Lara gave an assuring smile, "Don't worry..I will stay here with her".."

Jungkook stared at Taehyung thinking is it really fine leaving her with Tae? Are they really just bestfriends?...

Lara laughed at Richard's appearance. "Don't worry...She's safe with me..."

The man just nodded in response leaving the bad thoughts behinds.

"I should go ahead, John hyung and Jm hyung are still waiting for me. Don't worry, your cars are safe in our place"

"Oh oh oh, is that club yours? I mean yours?" Lara asked eyes wide open.

Richard chuckled and answered, "No not mine..but it's the couple's..."

Richard bids goodbye and Lara leads the ways giving him thanks, "Don't worry... We will come back for our cars for sure"

Richard gave a genuine amile and hops in his car.

On the way back to the club, he drove fast with a banging music inside his car. He wants to distract himself wanting to stay at Marian's place.

On the club

Jungkook went to the security giving intructions for his new friends' cars. He went back to his hyung with a blank face.

John saw him and asked him what happened... John told him that he dropped the everyone safely not wanting to tell anything about what he knew about Marian.

"Hyung, I'll go ahead. I'm tired. Sorry..." Richard says bowing his head.

John just gave him pat on his back and said "Don't worry bunny... I know your go ahead...we'll just follow later, maybe an hour or two..."

Jungkook left with a blank face just thinking...

"Tell me love cause I want to know..."