The king is converted

So father I say if you wish to implement communism and keep your rule . I think I'm gonna be taking your title then you must first encourage people to work harder . First you must free the slaves thats outrageous my father says how can I do that .

Well it wouldn't be outrageous cause the former slaves who are money less would just go back to their owners to receive some pay . The owners would manipulate the slaves and slavery would still exist but under . The cover of employment it would be dirt cheap labor the owners wouldn't have to pay the slaves much .

Cause the slaves would take anything without any money they would be under the poverty line without even being able to pay for food any necessities . And eventually die unless they accepted there former masters employment .

Which is why I want you to do that but force the owners to pay the former slaves with the amount of money they should be getting . And encourage the slaves to work harder and make that capitalist pig who seeks only prophet pay them more .

But if the slaves work harder for the owner and produce more quickly and efficiently but also make sure to keep the quality . It would be a win win cause they would be working harder . Which would make more money go into the capitalists pocket but they would be forced to pay the slaves more but they would still have a lot of money .

To use so that's why it would be a win win but I see a fatal flaw in this what if the slaves are overworked and need to take a break . Well you can just Implement a 1 hour or whatever minute work break to have them rest .

So they can continue how does that sound . My father stares at me with a thinking face before he says brilliant . Also well be able to add a bonus to the owners paychecks by having them help on government projects . And if they have the best performance they're get winning prize along with the rest of them .

Unless they did absolutely terrible at it . Cause I have already said but my father interrupts me one part of communism . Is that everyone should be paid by their abilities .

Yes I say you get it know but also I have some help which will help us put this into effect if anything goes wrong .