Side story 1

Father the little girl named Beatrice says yes Beatrice her father says with a smile . Are we there yet not yet sweetly but we'll be there in about I think like 2.875 days . Is what the people I talked to said so we're be there soon .

We'll be there in 69 hours okay he says okay father but have you read the news . Oh are you talking about the news about the newly built school for children .

They also said that we have to send our kids to school and it will be mandatory . So how do you feel about going to school Beatrice .

I think it'll be fun I like the idea of going to school and meeting other kids my age . But I feel sad for you father because you'll going to be working in those I think they're called .

Factories while others will be digging the resources for you to use in order to work on the factories . But the empire seems better now for some reason I feel like happy times are upon us .

Happy times they are Beatrice with the new installation of Leader Dominik we will show the light of this country to the entire world .