The human nations

Of course human nations in this world believe in the power of humanity . But humans are still greedy creatures and so they might believe in the power of humanity . But at any shown weakness from any other country they shall take the chance . And attack this weak country they shall conquer it and take all of its benefits for themselves .

Of course the common folk do not really get to feel all of the benefits front hear takeovers . No the nobles the rich the wealthy the important are the ones who get the most benefits .

They believe in a little quote " exploitation is needed to gain profit " without exploitation there is no profit . In order to gain profit you must exploit the lowers into gaining you this profit and take most of the benefits for yourself . And leave some for them to keep them happy .

Without exploitation there is no profit there is no society that is the motto of the corrupt nobles . They believe that they have been blessed by god himself to rule the countries take the benefits . And live happy lives even if those lower then them starve and struggle to survive .

They believe they do not have to deal with the problems of the poor and the poor should worship them like gods .

That they are the most godlike beings besides god himself in existence . That they are perfect that they are eternal .