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Fire the next mortar round a soviet soldier says fire fire constantly the sound of mortar rounds going off sounds . As they fly into the city silent screams can hardly be heard because of how much mortar fire is going off .

Dominik's currently sitting in the trench ready to give the order to charge at any minute . He looks to his right and sees a maxim machine gun ready to fire just in case the enemy decides to attack .

Barb wire sits in front of the trenches ready to tangle up any who get trapped in it . The trenches are muddy and filled with water almost higher then you knee that's just how deep it is .

Luckily for them there having some men work on making a giant pit for all of this water . Cause it is hard to move in all it . When Dominik hears a faint battle cry and it seems like the rest of the men hear it too when they yell out the enemy are attacking .

Dominik unslings his rifle from his shoulder and readies to fire his mosin nagant . He has the Thompson and the ak lying in storage. The reason he's using the nagant is because he just kinda felt like it .

He loads his nagant and he sees the slight outline of a man charging and sees several more . Volley fire he says but when he says this he can hear and see arrows falling form the sky .

Fuck get get down he yells he quickly gets down behind cover as an arrow narrowly missed his face and sinks into the knee deep water . He pays no mind to this as the knights keep coming forward on horse back he thinks there on horseback .

The knights are coming close enough for machine gun range . He yells out tear em up boys and the maxim machine guns start firing rapidly . But along with them the infantry fire too the mortars continue firing into the city .

As all seems to go quiet as not a single man on horseback is left to be seen but one comes out form a cloud of smoke . And yells out now die you fool of a king but when he says this he looks around him shocked .

Because of all of the dead bodies around him when a gunshot goes off as a bullet goes through his helmet . Dominik stares coldly before saying men ready your bayonets were going over the top