And they take it

The soldiers yell after hearing Dominik's speech and yell . Long live the Soviet Union they get out of there foxholes completely and charge straight at the city . Along the way reports from vixens after the battle would say .

" I heard men sing in a strange but familiar language later on I would find out they would be singing something called . The soviet national anthem and it goes something like this for the first part in what they said was one translation ".

"United forever in friendship and labor our might republics shall ever endure ". "The great Soviet Union will live through the ages". "A dream of a people their fortress secure ". - "random civilian " year unknown

And so they sung they sung the great anthem of the glorious Soviet Union . "The enemy" . they yelled out in their own little song they created .

And so they sung a new war song

"We the soldiers of the great Soviet Union the workers of this glorious communist utopia" . "We the soldiers of the great Soviet Union we have been given a very great task we are to protect the motherland" .

"We shall protect the motherland through iron and blood so long live the Soviet Union . This communist utopia we shall destroy all on our way all who fight against the Union shall know our might ". Through sweat and blood through our hard work we shall rise through the ages .

"We the ones we the workers the workers of this glorious Soviet Union shall live the through ages victorious" . "And so we shall protect the motherland the home of us all the mother who cared for us no matter what ". Our dear mother the dear motherland she is the most motherly of all and so as her children ".

"We follow her command have unwavering faith in her power and fairness ".

That wasn't all of the song but the soldiers continued to charge into the city until they finally got to the gates . When Dominik yelled "kick the door down comrades .

The men quickly started doing kicking at the door full strength cracks started showing in the giant wooden gates . Until Dominik finally drop kicked it open the men did this very quickly if you must know . But in that time the enemy tried attacking them but they no longer had any infantry or anything .

When the soviet soldiers finally spotted hundreds of knights who appeared to be in Roman testudo . The soviet soldiers quickly started firing the sounds of gunshots hundreds of gunshots going Mach 2 was heard .

Sonic booms went off every single time a shot was fired as the bullets fired into the knights . And all that could be seen coming out from the knights armor is a bloody meat paste .

"Take that you capitalist pigs and traitors ". Dominik yelled as he fired his Thompson machine gun into the knights .

Suddenly someone appeared behind Dominik attempting to stab him in the neck with a knife . Dominik jumped up into the a little bit higher then the man .

Turned to face the women in the air and kicked her right in the face . Dominik yelled "out these hands for are everyone including capitalist scum and any who side with them blyat ".

Dominik then continues to shoot at the knights when he yells suddenly ." Comrades fire the papasha". When Dominik yells this out hundreds of more bullets fire into the knights killing and injuring them .

Until only 200 are left those two hundreds fall on their knees and piss their pants . "Tie them up comrades ".yes comrade Dominik "the soldiers yell out. We're gonna be

shipping them .

Outside of this area and further into the wilderness for it now tie them up an force them into the gtv . So they can be transported the soldiers immediately go forward and grab the hands of the knights .

Most of the knights seem scared but seem to be cooperative before one of them yells out please please I'm sorry please I don't wanna die . Well your not gonna be dying no you'll suffer a much worse fate for betraying the motherland .

The knights seem terrified at this as their tied up and forced onto the ground forced to look up from the ground at Dominik . One of them says but what could be worse then death torture are you gonna torture us . Oh it'll be torture but it won't be the kind you expect comrades or capitalist pigs Z

No ship them Dominik yells out and the soviet soldiers pick up the knights and start carrying them towards arriving gtv's. The knights opened the back doors an forced the knights in where two soviet soldiers were ready to help transport them .

A/N : this might seem like I'm bullshitting but I seriously forgot to include all of those soldiers Dominik for.... voluntarily recruited into the army and the previous numbers didn't include them there are actually 20,000 by now of course many of those 20,000 are still in training . But if needed they can be called up to fight if need be . And also Dominik could have gotten a lot more to be in the army but there are basically hardly any prisoners of war whenever he fought the traitors . Half of those 20,000 are still in training .