Retiring from the battlefield

Me and my men descend on the ground as my men form a defensive circle around my childish body . And fire into every elf they see except the women children and men not involved with the military . Everyone else is either dead or dying I have my men form an orderly line as they stand at attention for orders .

"My comrades today we stand here in our enemies city victorious this is a victory a glorious victory for the motherland" .

For the motherland they yell out as they lift there weapons swords and the such . "Now tell me what is the number one thing you need to do to join the national offensive army ".

One of them answers my question by saying " to swear an oath to always protect the land and people of the motherland down to your last breath no matter what the circumstances ". "Exactly now we shall prepare for the full occupation with our full troops as we shall penetrate into further enemy territory ".

All who volunteer to attack a few enemy camps say I volunteer not a single one does not say that they don't volunteer as they stand at attention .

"Comrade Dominik one of them says we believe you should take a short break from the battlefield you are a commander and leader of Union ". "If you are killed who shall lead us in this world which is filled with nothing but war ".

My friend I may be a leader but at my heart I am a soldier and soldiers fight on the frontlines of the battle I fight for the motherland . And so shall all of you I wish all of you luck as i shall assign you a commanding officer .

I shall retire for even though my mind is that of a soldier my body very much isn't I have the body of a 13 year old if I remember.

Well this body isn't able to really catch up with my brain all that much . Well I got some work to do a lot of work to do a whole lot of it .