This story is about two person with no love, no emotions. They only care for status and looks. Alas these days everyone cares about these things but they are special from others. They can't feel any emotions but they only have strong desire for money.
Ann is successful business woman with lots of money but not only that she comes from powerful rich family and have her mother and father's inheritance. She is 32 years old but she still didn' t date with anyone yet. Because money was her lover, money was her child, money was her family. She had rich family, she was only child so she got all attention from her parents she went most prestigious schools she was beautiful, rich, talented, clever everyone adored her wanted to become friends with her but she only cared for her precious money. And people started to talk bad about her you know people they are sour grapes.
Jake was no different he loved money too but unlike Ann he liked easy money. Ann was hard-working and rich from beginning but he had nothing but his beautiful looks so he started to use it for money. At age 15 he seduced man or woman for their money. He never fell love with them personally he loved their money. People were disgusted by Jake they think Jake was filthy but he never cared and will never care.
Like I said Ann 's family were rich and her family gave everything to her but she didn' t care what her family gave to her. All beautiful dresses, toys, shoes if she asked for world they would be ready to give her. She was not a sassy child she was gratfull for all of these but she never asked all of these when age of six she asked for money. She wanted to have money in her hands