Chapter 59


Chris and Josh stood in front of a mirror as Josh helps him to adjust his tie, his wedding ceremony with Laura is in one hour's time and the both of them are getting ready.

"You two are old couples, I honestly don't get why you are wasting money and time to have a wedding" Josh complained and sat down to put on his shoes

"Keep your opinion to yourself" Chris replied him and turned away from the mirror

"Whatever you say, am getting married today" he added and sat down to also change his shoes

"You had registered your marriage for a long time now.."

"That's between us, besides we had our reasons then"

"Of course, you willing agreed to a marriage contract with your ex fiancee, how dumb" Josh said and received a smack in the head.

"Shut up and let's go" he said standing up

"Am almost done" he told Jim struggling with his shoes

"This is a little small in size for me" Josh complained

"What about your girl? Any good news?" Chris asked diverting to another topic. Josh's face lit up with a smile at the mention of Amanda

"We..we are quite good"

"Quite good? I guess she has you wrapped around her fingers" Chris said teasingly

"Is she?" He said still smiling. Chris shakes his head for his friend who has fell in the web of love.


Laura stood inpatient and smiles at everyone that comes in to wish her and congratulate her, she checked the time again and it seems like time is going more slowly than she could ever imagine.

She had wanted to wear another dress for today but due to her pregnancy, she couldn't and and had to choose a different dress that is free on her tummy and waist and Chris didn't let her wear the high heels she ordered also.

Despite that, she is very excited about the whole thing and feels more anxious by the minute. If she had known then she would have let the wedding take place in the morning instead of afternoon

She wonder when on earth she will be called in as the bride, her father has returned back to his long lost trip and wouldn't be attending her wedding today but that is okay by her, now she has Chris and is sure he will never leave her

Ella entered the room and hand over her bouquet to her

"You look like you will burst in any moment from now and conduct the ceremony yourself, even forgot to take your bouquet" Ella said and stood behind her to help her adjust her dress

"I told you to sit quietly and stop ruffling your dress"

"Sorry, I was anxious" laura replied. One of the attendant at the party entered the room and start to move quietly pretending to be cleaning but the both of them didn't take any notice of her

"Dont worry, everything is going on fine. I will go out now to see if your groom is ready" Ella said and hurried out again. Laura looked at her bouquet and plays with it, feeling bored again she stood up to go out and bump into the attendant.

"Ouch!" Laura exclaimed and held her right shoulder

"Am sorry Miss Laura" the girl said and Laura raised her head feeling familiar with the voice.

Clara quick kneel down in front of Laura and held her dress pleading, her pregnancy is now very much visible but her looks is nothing to write home about.

She looks unkempt and her face is pale without any make-up whatsoever, Clara is someone who never go to anywhere without her make-up on and now she is putting on the same clothes with those attending to guests at the party.

"Clara, what are you doing here?" Laura questioned, she is surely shocked to see her in that state

"Miss Laura, please you have to help me. I promise to do anything you want me to please" she continue to plead but Laura is confused.

According to her memories, Clara should be married to Avan or be in his house, so why will she be here begging her to help her? She asked her to stand up and talk but Clara didn't listen and continue to beg crying. Laura feels frustrated by her plead and then saw that her dress is getting ruffle, she pull away from her and yell at her to stop.

"Shut up!" Laura yelled and Clara was frighten by her, she stopped crying at once and let go. Laura saw that she is back to her senses and bend down to her

"What is wrong with you? Why are you here like this? Where is Avan?" Laura questioned but Clara was quiet this time shaking her head slowly as she sob quietly and recall on the misfortune that has befallen her ever since she entered Avan's family.

"Its a long story" she finally voiced out.

"Okay, come and sit first and explain to me slowly" laura said and pull her up to a seat.

"After she came to the family to reveal her relationship with Avan, both of his parents were very displeased with her and after everything start to fall apart, they blamed me for everything and wanted to kick me out but his sister didn't let them" Clara explained and paused sniffing before she continued.

"We were forced to file for bankruptcy and had to sell everything including my house then get another one at the outskirt of the city but then things get worst when Avan got into an accident and the doctor asked for a lot of money for the surgery. We spent all our savings and.." She stopped crying and Laura tries to comfort her and gave her an handkerchief to clean her face.

Laura knows that the secrets she revealed about Avan and the things Chris did to his company was a real blow to them but didn't excpect him to end up like this.

After living such a reckless life he should have known to pocket some money and save it for unforeseen circumstances.

"Where is Avan now? Is he okay?" Laura asked and she nodded her head

"Why are you here then? What should I help you with?" She asked and Clara held her clothes again

"No one is willing to hire me for work, everyone doesn't want a pregnant woman and I really need a job. Miss Laura I know you can help me. Whatever work you give to me I will do it well" she begged

"It's not that bad, I can't give you any kind of work like this, you are with a child, it wouldn't be proper" laura said and paused to think for a few seconds

"How about this, I will give you some money now. It will be able to sustain you for a few months" she said and asked for her bank account number, Clara calls it out for her and she transfered a huge amount of money to her

"Hold on to this for now and when I get back, you should come see me" Laura said and before she could thank her, Ella came in to tell her it's time.

"Okay then, I will see you some other time" Laura told her and leave together with Ella

"Thank you" Clara said after her.

She feels very ashamed to come back and beg Laura for money but she has no choice and didn't want her to know she is no more with Avan, she is planning to raise her child on her own and move on with her life later after all, she is the one who bought this misfortune upon herself. She stood up and went out also not staying to attend the wedding.


Laura walk down the aisle with Chris already standing at the altar waiting for her, she remembered the day she met him for the first time after seven years and how he had asked her to marry him.

Laura remember her reply that day and laugh as she gets to him, Chris held her hand and together they both faced the priest who is to coordinate the wedding.

After a few words, they were told to exchange vows and Chris start first. As he talked, Laura's mind went back to the day she lied and dragged him to get a marriage certificate with her.

When he was done, Laura also start to say her vow, looking at the paper she has written the words. Chris also remembers the scene when they got married for the first time and how she left him to meet Avan.

He reminiscences on the first day he saw her at school. He just resumed to the school for the first time in the between of the session because he had to move and came in late because of his mother's nagging.

He tries to go in through the back and climb the walls but stumble into her talking with Avan.

"I want to date you" he heard her say and looked surprised to that a girl is bold enough to say that

"Do you love me?" Avan asked but her reply surprised him more

"No, I just want to date you" she told him and then said it is their day one and walked away.

Chris smiled as he remembers the laura from that day in front of him and laugh out loud

"What? Don't you like my vows? I even wrote to love you in every life" Laura said finishing up

"No just that it's so long" Chris said.

"There was no other choice, I wanted to say everything to you"

"Then.. Do you love me?" He asked

"Of course, I love you, I love you so much"

"Hmmm" the priest cleared his voice

"The ring?" He asked and pumpkin gave it to her

They both of them put the ring in their finger and the word Laura was expecting came next

"You may kiss your bride" the both of them lean closer before the priest could finish his sentence and had a long breathtaking kiss…


Thank you so much for being patient and reading to the end, Please leave a review and feedback on the whole story.

Love you all.