Level Up by Killing Monsters

Hades picked up a stone.

When he was about to evolve, a line of words came from the stone.

[Cannot be leveled up!]

Note: God-tier abilities can only level up equipment or monster drops.

Hades nodded. If picking up an item could level up and evolve, then this ability was too heaven-defying.

Thus, he directly threw away the stone in his hand.

At this moment, Hades recalled that previously in the rookie village, there had been a group of people attacking pigs.

A variety of colors had appeared.

Those were the skill effects of a class.

He was also somewhat curious about his own skills, so he turned his mind and checked his own attack skills.

Blade Aura (Normal): Slash out a blade aura in front of the target, causing 50% damage to the target. 10% chance to trigger the armor-piercing effect. Effect lasts for 3 seconds. The effect can not be stacked. Mana Cost: 10 points. Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Haste (Normal): Can greatly increase your running speed, directly increasing your basic speed by 5%. No cost. Lasts for 30 minutes. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Seeing that his two skills from his previous life had not changed, Hades was slightly relieved. He also pulled up his interface.

Character: [Hand of God]

Level: LV1

Race: God Clan

Class: Ranger

Talent: Evolution (God-Tier)

Skills: [Haste], [Blade Aura], [Eyes of the Fire Dragon (Inheritance)]

Attributes: Strength: 4

Vitality: 5

Agility: 5

Spirit: 5

Attack: 12

Defense: 5

Health: 500

Mana: 30

Hit: 10

Critical hit: 5%

Attack Speed: 1.3 (2 attacks per second, initial value: 1.0)

Movement Speed: 50

Charm: 4

At this moment, a message appeared in his interface.

It showed the player [Fish Heart Yan]

"Hello, Hades. Guess who I am?"

Seeing this slightly playful tone, Hades smiled in his heart.

If it wasn't Lucy, who else could it be?

He quickly returned to the game.

"Lucy, you're online so soon?"

"Yeah, I want to get online early and level up by killing monsters."

"Level up by killing monsters? Do you need to kill monsters as a priest?"

"Then I won't kill monsters. I'll just heal you and support you. Hehe. God, you have to carry me well."

"No problem. Let's gather in the Quest Hall."

After the agreement was made, Hades planned to meet up with Lucy in the Quest Hall to complete the quest together.

However, before going to any hall, they had to pass through a tunnel.

The Savage Tunnel, which was also the first new player dungeon.

In his previous life, Hades had experienced this dungeon. Although this dungeon was very difficult, Hades did not panic.

Wild Mountain Bandits (Level 1)

HP: 100

Attack: 10

Defense: 1

If these mountain bandits fought one-on-one, they would not be very strong.

However, there were more than a dozen of them in this dungeon. Moreover, it would not be over after just one wave.

Hades smiled and turned the wooden sword in his hand.

Although he was not very strong at the moment, he was a powerhouse from the previous season. He had long been familiar with everything here.

What's more, it was only a small beginner village dungeon.

He didn't even use any skills. He only relied on his powerful movement techniques to dodge and attack.


A sword aura accurately slashed at the mountain bandit, causing 43 points of damage.

"Enemy attack!"

The mountain bandit shouted, immediately waking up the mountain bandits around him.

However, before they could react.

Hades activated Blade Aura.


A few shocking sword auras tore through the air, directly slashing towards the bandits who had yet to get up.

Damage: +151



A series of damage numbers appeared.

Before the bandits could get up, they were instantly killed by Hades.

A few blue water plums dropped.

These were mana recovery consumables.

"Oh my god, this person is so fierce." A player watched from the side. He had just failed to participate in this challenge.

"Yeah, this person is really strong. I didn't expect to see such a big shot in the beginner village."

"Awesome, this is definitely not something a rookie can do."


At this moment, a bunch of system voices sounded in Hades' mind.

"You used blade aura to kill a mountain bandit. Gained +5 EXP!"

"You used blade aura to kill two mountain bandits. Gained +10 exp!"

"You used blade aura to kill three mountain bandits. Gained +15 EXP!"


Just like that, under wave after wave of attacks.

Hades relied on his exquisite movement techniques and the proficiency of his previous life, as well as the constantly exploding blue plum blossom.

He directly killed all three waves of bandits.

At this time, Hades had already reached level 3.

The increase in level naturally increased his basic stats.

Attributes: Strength: 4→8

Vitality: 5→10

Agility: 5→7

Spirit: 5→7

Attack: 12→24

At this time, the fourth wave of bandits respawned.

The newly appeared bandits started to have elite monsters.

Elite Bandits, Level 3.

The so-called elite monsters were monsters with strong physiques and higher basic stats than normal monsters


There weren't many of them. Among the twenty bandits, there were only two.

As the bandits closed in, Hades instantly erupted.

Activating Blade Aura, a sword shadow appeared in the sky.

It directly charged towards the elite bandits.


The elite bandit was killed by the sword shadow.

He disappeared into the dungeon.

Following that, the other normal bandits were quickly killed.

"You used your blade aura to kill two elite bandits. Obtained +20 EXP!"

"You used your blade aura to kill 18 bandits. Obtained +90 EXP!"

With over 100 EXP, Hades leveled up to level 4.

This level increase naturally made Hades happy but what made him even happier was that this elite bandit had dropped a bronze treasure chest.

With this treasure chest, one could see the effects of the evolution of a god-tier ability.