Continue Fighting Monsters and Leveling Up!

"Of course, this quest is not bad. You can also have unexpected surprises in this treant quest."

Lucy was a little puzzled. This quest was not a good one. How could a pack of wild wolves have anything good?

"Hades is so strong. There shouldn't be any problems, right?"

Seeing Hades' confident look, Lucy's doubts were slowly relieved.

However, this quest required five people to open, but there were only Lucy and Hades now, so there was simply not enough manpower.

Thus, Hades bought a small speaker in the mall.

"Level 8 God leading the wild wolf dungeon, currently lacking one person. First come, first served. They'll be carried."

"Level 8 God leading the wild wolf dungeon, currently lacking one person. First come, first served. They'll be carried."


Then, the chat channel in the Quest Hall instantly became lively.

"Level 8 taking a wild wolf dungeon?"

"What kind of operation is this?"

"The wild wolf dungeon is merely a level 5 dungeon that needs to be carried?"

"Who would be willing to go to that resource-poor region?"

"Only a fool would go to this quest."


A group of players began to ridicule Hades.

Hades turned his head to look. It was a player with a wolf head.

From the looks of it, they should be from the same guild.

"What's the matter?" He asked in a deep voice.

"Haha, what's the matter? I'm just looking at a dull person."

"A level 5 monster still needs your guidance. My Sirius Guild will directly take it away."

"Moreover, you brat, you don't know that that territory is under the protection of my Sirius Guild. Why are you asking me for a reason?"

"That's right. It would be hilarious if someone were to fight monsters with you."


Hades had long since become accustomed to such boring players in his previous life.

Moreover, in the Quest Hall, one could not fight privately.

Naturally, he did not want to waste time on these people.

At this time, a timid voice of a little girl was heard.

"Brother, let's go together." Hades turned his head and saw that it was the little summoner who brought the flame bird earlier.

"You're going?" Hades was puzzled.

"Yes, I have nothing to do anyway."

Seeing that Lucy did not have any objections, they decided to go together.

They did not care about these things and went straight to the Wild Beast Forest.

It was a long distance from the Quest Hall to the southeast part of the Beginner's Village. Along the way, they crossed these high mountains. The winding mountain road was very dangerous. If they were to walk on foot, it would be very troublesome.

"Flame Bird, this time it's up to you. We have to hurry. The weight of three people shouldn't be a problem, right?" The Summoner said to her pet.


The flame bird raised its head high and nodded, indicating that it could.

On the way to the Wild Beast Forest, there were also many wild monsters on the road. The wild monsters here were all above level 5 and there were even higher level wild monsters in the inner area.

Hades naturally did not want to waste time in these places.

So he agreed to ride on the flame bird.

Instead of fighting monsters and leveling up here, it would be better to directly do a quest to level up. First, he could gain experience. After leveling up, he could enter a higher-level dungeon.

Moreover, he could also bring his companions along to gain experience. After completing their quest, they could also gain a large amount of experience, which could increase the party's experience.

After going through a rugged mountain path, the terrain became a little smoother. If it was not for the flame bird, the previous mountain path would have taken a lot of effort to pass.

Hades made a rough estimation in his mind. With the flame bird's speed, it would take four hours to travel from the Quest Hall to the Wild Beast Forest outside the city.

It was indeed a very good effect.

If it were other players, it would probably take more than half a day to walk.

It would take such a long time just to travel on the road. No wonder no one was willing to come to this place for a mission.

Otherwise, he would be exhausted from running back and forth.

And this kind of pet could only be summoned by a summoner. No one else could get a pet.

In this way, Hades also had the idea of starting a guild in his mind.

It seemed that after this quest, he had to set up a guild of his own and bring Linda along with the little summoner into his own guild.

This way, in the future, his team could expand into a wider map.

If they were to run away, they would be exhausted to death.

Right now, it was just the outskirts of the novice village. How could he not have ideas?


After the time it took for an incense stick to burn, Hades and the others arrived at their destination.


A wolf's howl was heard.

Before Lucy and Linda could react, an evil wolf was within five meters of them. It glared at them ferociously before charging at them with a violent aura.

[Evil Wolf]

Level: 5

Attack Power: 32

Defense: 24

HP: 800/800

Movement Speed: 80

Description: A type of wolf with a violent temperament. It likes to live in groups and will take the initiative to attack any foreign creature that comes close to it.

The wolf did not hesitate and directly attacked the three people.

Its speed was faster than a wild boar. Before it got close, its fierce aura had already spread out. When it got close to Hades, its speed suddenly increased explosively and it immediately pounced toward his chest.


As hades slightly moved to the side, the fierce wind almost blew close to his face, making him squint his eyes. When he moved to the side, his right foot, which was half a step behind him, took half a step forward as fast as lightning. Thrusting out his novice sword horizontally, he stabbed the wolf twice in a row.


It was instantly killed.

Wolves were a typical wild beast with high attack and low defense. Their defense was much weaker than wild boars.

But anyone who wasn't an idiot knew that it was definitely not a good feeling to be bitten by a wolf.

The wolf that was attacked disappeared.

But soon, another wolf appeared in the forest.

He raised his wolf head high and let out a low howl.

Instantly, all the wolves within a 30-meter radius stopped what they were doing and let out a howl.

Then, they all turned their heads and rushed towards Hades.

Hades glanced at them. There were a total of eight wolves that were charging at him.

The players here were not only Hades but also Linda and Lucy. If they had to count, that one, the flaming bird, was also counted.

Therefore, this wolf howl was undoubtedly an attack on them.

If they could not kill all of them, Hades would naturally be fine but Lucy and Linda would be directly reviving in the novice village in the next second.

At this moment, Linda and Lucy's pretty faces were pale and their legs could not move anymore. They were both late-stage professions, and in the early stages, they were all people who mixed experience, so they needed to be properly nurtured.

At this moment, Hades felt relieved.

If it was like before, using the set effect to launch an attack wouldn't work.

First, the set effect's damage was only 250 points. It couldn't instantly kill it.

Second, the set effect had a chance of being triggered. It didn't mean that it could be triggered by just an attack.

In this way, relying on the set effect's special effect to attack would be completely meaningless.

As Hades thought, the sword in his hand flashed.

He directly launched his ultimate move.