Pilfering Paladin Skills

Ding! [Player Hand of God, do you want to spend 1 skill point to learn paladin skills?]

"Yes!" Hades said without hesitation.

Some golden skills appeared in the program in his mind.

There were many skills in it but they were all vague and hidden. There was no relevant introduction.

Obviously, these were skills that did not have enough skill points to obtain skills.

However, at the beginning, there was a skill with golden words.

This skill was called [Holy Power].

[Holy Power. You need to spend 1 skill point to learn it. Player Hand of God, do you want to learn Holy Power?]


Hades did not think about it and directly clicked to learn it.

In this unfamiliar place that gave off an evil aura, if one had the ability of a paladin, then they would have a stronger survival ability here.

After all, in this game, if the player was killed, then in this situation, all the experience, gold coins, equipment... Everything would disappear without a trace.

Therefore, under this background, it was necessary to learn some abilities to restrict demonic monsters.

A warm current flowed into Hades' body.

In his skill interface, a shining golden skill name appeared.

Holy Power.

This skill allowed him to bestow all his skills with Holy Power, possessing the holy aura of the demon-slaying physique.

Lucy and Linda saw a golden flash in Hades' eyes. Although they did not know what he had obtained, they could guarantee that this ability was extraordinary.

They could not help but feel envious but they could not do anything about it.

After all, this hidden mission was accepted by Hades and it was also completed by him.

Naturally, they had nothing to say.

At this time, Hunter Nolan said some words of thanks and left the place.

However, Nolan's book was still reflected in his mind and did not disappear.

The strange thing was that this book could not be opened.

Hades, Lucy, and the others were also prepared to leave this place.

However, at this moment, Hades realized that the closed stone door was tightly closed and could not be opened.

"Eh? Why can't we get out?" Lucy asked curiously.

Lucy's words made Hades feel extremely surprised.

This was because every dungeon would end after the Lord BOSS was killed.

Either they would be teleported out directly, or a passage would appear. If they walked out, they would leave this place.

It seemed that they needed to explore this place before they could find the exit passage.

Thinking of this, Hades said, "Then let's look for it. If that's the case, we might be able to find the exit passage."

Linda nodded and quickly activated the two flaming birds to search.

The flaming birds were wrapped in flames and it was only now that the sight of this area was illuminated.

Under this situation, Lucy and the others discovered the general situation of this area.

There were four ring walls and in the middle area was a hill. Behind this hill, a mysterious dark wall appeared, attracting people's attention.

"This..." Lucy's beautiful eyes showed shock, "This place can't be... a cemetery, right?"

"It can't be..." Linda's face was filled with worry. She shrunk her head like a quail.

After circling in the sky, the flaming bird looked up at the words on the ceiling.

Then, her eyes widened, as if she had seen something incredible.

Then, she quickly flew down and chirped a few times in Linda's ears.

The flaming bird was a magical beast and Linda was a summoner. They could communicate with each other.

This was the innate ability of a summoner. When connected to a contracted beast, they could communicate continuously and obtain information that others didn't know.

Soon, Linda's eyes were filled with panic, as if she had seen a ghost.

"I have bad news for everyone..." Linda hesitated, "This is the Elven King's tomb."

"The Elven King's tomb?" Lucy was puzzled, "Impossible, isn't the Elven King still alive? How could this be his tomb?"

Lucy was an information collector. Before this game started, she had collected a lot of relevant information.

"I don't know but the feedback from this area is the Elven King's tomb."

"Moreover, we are now in the third area of his tomb. This area is only the early stage of the tomb, not the central area, or even the rear area."

"These are all the information that the flaming bird has received from this region."

Linda said in a panic.

She didn't even hear the flaming bird's call, so it was obvious how flustered she was.

One had to know that the value behind this news was extremely huge.

If this news was true, then who was the current elven king?

If this news wasn't true, then who was lying in this graveyard?

Also, if this incident was released, would this news cause a negative impact or a positive impact? None of these were known.

However, what she definitely knew was that this news would definitely cause a huge sensation!

At this moment, Lucy discovered the abnormality of this mountain hillock.

There were strange runes and incantations on it as if it was a seal.

"Eh? What's this?" Lucy was puzzled.

She wanted to use her hand to touch it but, after thinking for a while, she quickly withdrew her hand.

She withdrew her hand.

At this time, Linda, who was beside her, noticed this seal and came to Lucy's side.

She wanted to observe it carefully but, at this time, the strange phenomenon was prominent.

One of the two flaming birds hovering in the air became lost.

Then, it charged straight into the seal on the hillock and fiercely collided with it.

"Ah, Xiaolie, what are you doing?" Linda shouted.

Then, she hurriedly communicated with it but found that she couldn't communicate at all.

She could only watch as it continuously collided with the seal.


Finally, a crack appeared on the seal.

It was as if this area was about to break.

After that, cracks appeared on the seal on the mound and spread out continuously.

The entire area seemed as if it was about to collapse.


A large hole appeared on the mound and a mysterious color appeared on the door behind it.

It continued to suck in. As if it wanted to suck in everyone's mind and spirit.


The floor turned into nothingness.

Hades, Lucy, and the others continued to fall.

It was pitch-black all around as if there was no end to the darkness.


Hades and the others landed on soft ground and landed safely.

At this moment, three pairs of green eyes appeared in the darkness.

These green eyes were somewhat familiar to Hades and the others.

But before they could react, they walked out of the darkness.

The owner of the green eyes were the Demonic Flame Spider!

And it was three of them!