This is Humanity’s Most Perfect Fighter!

Next, the detailed information of the project was handed to Raymond.

Previously, he didn't give it to him because of suspicion.

But this kind of project information was originally not allowed to leave the 11th District Military Base!

Raymond looked at the information carefully, and he couldn't help but feel emotional!

The various data and materials of this fighter plane, even he, who had a professor-level knowledge of all subjects, felt that it was somewhat incredible!

The country had practically used all the latest technology and materials on this fighter plane!

The total cost was a total of 15 billion U.S. dollars!

What kind of concept was that?

The most expensive fighter plane models currently in service in various countries were only between 200 million to 300 million U.S. dollars!

As for this XU-45, just the cost alone had already reached an astonishing 15 billion U.S. dollars!