Raymond Is Now A Big Hero!

"Dad, Mom, you can work in my research institute from now on!"

Not to mention the small matter of salary, just in terms of safety and working environment, Raymond really wanted his parents to work in his research institute!

This way, he could be closer to them and take care of them at any time!

When he was young, it was his parents who did their best to create a good living and learning environment for him.

Now that he had grown up and had the conditions, Raymond naturally wanted his parents to enjoy it too!

Their original job, although it was not very tiring, was far from home!

Raymond did not want his parents to take up such a job when he had already achieved good results!

The research institute should not be too far from home. Of course, the country had already promised him a new villa to live in. Now, this townhouse was not big enough!

In the future, he might even have a wife and children.