What I Need is Someone Who Believes In Me Completely!


Lawrence snorted coldly and turned his head away in annoyance.

Over the years, he could be considered immune to being scolded by Pierre. The two of them would often scold each other.

It was a natural habit.

Pierre also curled his lips.

On the television, Raymond's voice continued.

"With everyone present, I will confirm the first project of the Raymond Research Institute. That is, the interstellar spaceship!"

"Estimated completion time of the project!"

Raymond looked at the audience below the stage and said in a deep voice, "One year!"


The audience exploded!

Everyone seemed to suspect that their ears were broken!

The faces of the experts and professors all twitched. They had the urge to hit someone!

That was an interstellar spaceship, not a bicycle!

Designing a bicycle to have a longer lifespan and its own advantages, and a year's time might not even be enough!