General Raymond Was Able to Calculate This Formula By Himself?!

At this moment, Raymond closed a book and handed two USB drives to Sherry.

"Send it back. These are the blueprints and formulas for the supersonic gravity anti-navigation missile. Two days should be enough for so many people."

At this moment, Sherry took the USB drive.

She was dumbfounded.

When had Raymond calculated and completed the drawing?

He had indeed drawn something in front of the school's computer, but wasn't this speed a little too fast?

One hour or two hours?

This wasn't even the time needed to calculate the formula for the anti-navigation missile.

Just now, Raymond seemed to be writing down some things as if he was writing on a draft paper. He was still on the phone and reading a book.

He was doing three things at once, and then the calculation was over. Finally, after the calculation was over, he gave the two USB drives to her.

In other words, these were all drawn and calculated at the last minute.