Directly Blow Up the Russian Submarine!

At a distance of 37 nautical miles from the Q-01 nuclear submarine.

The Russian nuclear submarine under Morris' command was moving at a speed of 35 knots.

The screen in the control room was divided into two parts. One was Lieutenant General Bart, and the other was the Secretary of Defense.

"Lieutenant General Bart, what's the current situation?" the Secretary of Defense said coldly.

Lieutenant General Bart's expression was solemn. "We have locked onto the enemy's exact position! The distance is 32 nautical miles. The torpedo weapon's attack range is not enough. We are temporarily unable to attack!"

The Secretary of Defense said thoughtfully, "Our attack range is 25 nautical miles. According to our prediction, the attack range of the American nuclear submarines should be around 20 nautical miles. Lieutenant General Bart, speed up! Shorten the distance as soon as possible!"