Family Reunion!

Raymond's father could not remember how many times he had heard Raymond's mother ask such a question in the past few months!

But he did not feel annoyed at all. He comforted her in a low voice, "It's fine. Think about it. It's been a month. Other than the military commander, no one has come!"

"Doesn't this mean that Raymond is fine? Don't worry, don't worry, my dear!"

Raymond's father not only comforted her, but also tried to make his wife's mood better.

However, he was also uncertain, but his wife had already become like this. He absolutely could not become like this!

He knew that Raymond definitely did not want to see them become like this!

Hearing this, Raymond's mother's tears flowed down again!

Raymond's father did not speak anymore. His eyes were also filled with tears.

The two of them were just like that, staring at each other in silence.

The atmosphere in the room became very depressing.

Knock, knock, knock!