Chapter 9: Torch

Disclaimer: I own nothing

"When two great forces collide, the victory will go to the one that knows how to yield"

Taoist saying

Chapter 9: "Torch"

(Saturday-February 13, 2010)


Phantom slammed the Fenton Thermos down on Walker's desk. "I found the ghosts."

"I see…" Walker picked up the Thermos and handed it to a nearby guard. "Make sure they are all in there…"

"I want that Thermos back." Phantom interrupted.

"…and give the punk back his toy." Walker finished.

"Where's Wulf?" Phantom got right to business.

"You'll get him after the new prisoners are locked up." Walker stood up from his desk. "That's a-"

"Rule, I get it." Phantom rolled his eyes. "It's not hard to figure out what your obsession is…"

"For most ghosts, it isn't." Walker glared at Phantom. "You halfas are the exceptions. You break the rules…"

"Yeah, I'm good at that." Phantom smirked at the warden.

"I've noticed." Walker deadpanned. "Plasmius was a big enough hassle on his own. Then there was you. Now there's a ghost girl. If I could you'd all be behind bars…"

Walker froze as he was suddenly hit by a wave of anger and possessiveness. The emotional invasion caused him to stumble for a bit before his regained his composer. Walker may not be an S-rank ghost, but he was still powerful enough to resist most of the effects of a Haunting Aura.

Looking over at the halfa, Walker could tell that Phantom was not consciously using his Haunting Aura. It was an instinctual use brought about by his anger.

"What do you think-" Walker was interrupted when Phantom got right up in his face.

"I don't care about what you say about me or Vlad, but know this…" Phantom's eyes flashed blue. "If you ever hurt Dani, I will hunt you down and make sure you pay."

"Threats will get you no where, punk." Walker glared.

"It's not a threat." Phantom took a step back. "It's a promise that if you break my rule, then your prison will become a pile of rubble."

"…I'll try and remember that…" Walker stated.

"Boss!" a guard interrupted the two. "All the ghosts were there. They've been escorted to their cells."

"Alright," Walker took the Thermos and handed it to Phantom, "Let's go get your friend, punk."

"Good plan," Phantom nodded as he took the Thermos.

The trip to Wulf's cell was incredibly loud at first. All the prisoners were yelling at him and telling him to die. As they traveled, though, the prison became more and more quite. Eventually the only sound was that of their footsteps. It was eerie.

'Is this was solitary's like?' Phantom grimaced. 'Silence and solitude. Seems like torture.'

Finally, they approached a door with two guards in front of it. The door itself was heavily enforced. There were several locks and hinges on the door. Yet, a small bar covered window was near the center to allow the guards to watch Wulf. They didn't want Wulf sneaking away, probably.

"Open the door." Walker ordered his guards.

The two guards nodded and began to unlatch the door. It took a full three minutes to completely unlock the door. As the last latch came undone, both guards took a step back and prepared their weapons.

"RAWWWWWWWWWWW!" Wulf slammed through the now unlocked door. He looked like he was about to attack the guards.

"Wulf! Wait!" Phantom stepped forward and stopped his friend.

"Eh?…Friend!" Wulf cheered as he tackled Phantom and began to lick the halfa's face.

"Yeah, urg, It's, uh, me…can you get off?" Phantom struggled to get out of Wulf's tackle.

"(Why are you here?)" Wulf asked in Esperanto as he let Phantom up.

"(I came to get you out of here)" Phantom answered. He had been studying Esperanto for this very meeting. Duplicates really come in handy, sometimes.

Wulf seemed surprised that Phantom understood him, but quickly got over his shock. "(Prison break?)"

"There will be no prison break." Walker stepped in. "I understand those words in any language. No, Phantom has paid for your freedom."

To emphasize the point, Walker pulled out a button and pressed it. Immediately, Wulf's collar turned off and fell to the ground. Wulf rubbed his neck in shock.

"(I'm free?)" Wulf gave Phantom a hopeful look.

"(Yeah, but there are some conditions.)" Phantom remarked. "(Nothing bad, you just can't leave any portals to the human world open for a long time. If you do, then we both will be locked up. It was part of the deal I made to get you out.)"

Wulf took a moment to process this. "(I understand. I will close all of the portals I make.)"

"(Good.)" Phantom gave Wulf a small smile.

"Your reunion is touching, but you can get out of my prison now." Walker stated harshly.

Wulf growled in response, but was calmed down by Phantom placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Fine by me, the smell hear is really starting to give me a headache." Phantom smirked.

Walker just glared. "No one is forcing you to stay…yet…so get out while you can, ghost boy."

Phantom nodded and turned to Wulf, "(Before you go anywhere on your own, can we talk?)"

"(Of course.)" Wulf nodded.

"(All right, but let's go to my home to talk. This is important.)" Phantom said.

(Sunday-February 14, 2010)

Explaining the situation to Wulf was rather easy. Getting Wulf to help with the problem was even easier. Danny didn't even have the ask. Wulf volunteered without a second of hesitation.

Of course, then Danny had to deal with the hard part. The hard part being equal to explaining to Dani why she couldn't come on to investigate the portal. She had been very insistent that she should come, but it was far different than from what she was used to.

Danny had no information on what they would be facing. They were going in completely blind. This was different than normal ghost fighting or even going to Walker's prison. She wouldn't have Danny's complete focus or Vlad's influence to protect her from harm. Dani could hold her own in a fight, but whoever was drilling into the Ghost Zone had at least some ghost technology. There was no telling what they would face.

"But why are Cujo and Klemper going?!" Dani exclaimed.

"I'm not stupid enough to go in alone. They agreed to come…err barked…anyway….and with Vlad's being restricted by treaties too, we need all the help we can get…Val can't go into the Ghost Zone, though. It will attract too much attention." Danny explained as he knelt to her eye level.

"That's why I should come! I'm strong!" Dani shouted as she crossed her arms.

"I know you are that is why I trust you to have my back." Danny stated.

"But you don't trust me enough for this…" Dani mumbled.

"No, it's not that I don't trust you enough. I don't trust me." Danny explained.

"Huh?" Dani raised an eyebrow.

"I-I know I don't talk about…it a lot, but…What happened before…with my…family…" Danny's eyes became distant. "It affected me more than I usually show."

Dani was completely shocked. Danny had never willing started talking about his old family before. Whenever they were brought up, he always changed the subject. This was big.

"And being around you, Vlad, and all the others really helps. You all have been pushing me past all this. But if something were to happen to you…I don't know…I'd lose myself." Danny said honestly. "Please understand that this situation is different than anything we encountered before, so please, just stay home."

Dani looked at the pleading look on her brother's face and nodded. "Okay, I'll stay."

With that, they were all set. The team of four set out to the Land of the Far Frozen to get directions. Unfortunately, they couldn't take any weapons. Three of them couldn't use any ecto-weapons (lack of coordination or opposable thumbs) and Danny didn't want to risk losing any weapons in the investigation.

"Great One! It is good to see you!" Frostbite greeted. "And you've brought friends!"

"(He seems like an excitable person.)" Wulf stated the obvious.

"Yep…I have no idea what you just said…." Klemper chuckled.

"Frostbite, this my friend I told you about. He can help with the portal problem." Phantom gestured to Wulf.

"Aha!" Frostbite rushed to Wulf and embraced him. "It is fantastic to meet you my friend!"

Most would wince under Frostbite's mighty hug, but Wulf was unaffected. "(Eh?…the pleasure is mine, friend.)"

"Hahahhahahhahaha! I cannot understand you at all, young Wulf!" The yeti ghost grinned as he let go of the werewolf ghost.

"(I get that a lot…)" Wulf gave Frostbite a toothy grin, but then suddenly turned to Phantom. "(Wait…Did you say Frostbite? As in Frostbite of the North Wind?)"

"Frostbite of the North Wind?" Phantom raised an eyebrow.

"Oh?" Frostbite seemed surprised. "I have not been called that in a long time…"

This caused Phantom to pause. Truthfully, he did not know a lot about Frostbite. All Phantom knew was that the yeti ghost was a kind, compassionate, and deadly S-rank ghost. He obviously was an old ghost if he knew Clockwork as an old friend. It made Phantom wonder about Frostbite's past.

Any doubts instantly died in Phantom's head as soon as they appeared. Frostbite had been a good friend to Phantom. Besides that, Wulf didn't seemed threatened. He just seemed to be in awe. Nevertheless, Phantom wanted to dig more into this, but this was neither the time or place. They had work to do.

"I would love to hear the story about that name," Phantom sincerely stated. "But I think we should deal with the portal first."

Frostbite nodded with approval. "Good idea. It is not the time to procrastinate. Come with me. I will show you the way."

"This is as far as I can take you without breaking one of the various treaties I have." Frostbite explained as they came to a stop.

Phantom had to say this: traveling via Infimap was epic. It flew far faster than Phantom ever could. The ride was awesome. The puppy in his arms seemed to agree, but Klemper and Wulf…

"I think…I'm gonna…hurl…" Klemper held his stomach.

Wulf whined as he tried to regain his bearings by shaking his fur.

Frostbite laughed. "Hahahahahahaha! Yes, it is a very unusual way to travel."

"So this is where the S-rank ghosts live?" Phantom looked around. It seemed no different than any other part of the Ghost Zone.

"Well…most of the ones that are left live in this area." Frostbite nodded.

"The ones that are left?" Klemper asked as he pulled himself together.

"Yes," Frostbite gained a very solemn look. "There aren't actually many S-rank ghosts still in this plane of existence any more. They have passed on."

"They died again?" Phantom asked. "Or did they accomplish their goals?"

"It differs for each story." Frostbite then clarified. "Some have completed their goals, such as my old friend Jester. He wanted the world to come out of the Dark Ages and find joy. The world still has problems, but it is no where near as bad as back then.

"Others were…not so lucky. Some died in battle. Others…timed out. We ghosts may live long lives, but we are not immortal. Eventually our bodies decay. It just depends on how much power we have." Frostbite finished explaining.

"(How many S-rank ghosts are left?)" Wulf questioned, but Phantom had to translate for him.

"Hmm…there's me, Colossus, Plasmius, you," Frostbite pointed to Phantom, "Clockwork(Phantom didn't know that, but was not surprised) but he doesn't live in this area, Fright Knight, the Ghost King if you count him, Vortex, Undergrowth, Vision, Scribe, Pandora, and there is one new S-rank that I have heard rumors about; but I know nothing of him."

Phantom had never heard of some of those ghosts. 'Great a bunch of new threats that I have to worry about.'

"Can't other ghosts become S-rank?" Klemper questioned.

"Many have hidden potential, but never realize it. Ghosts that absorb energy from an outside force can temporarily become S-rank." Frostbite explained.

"Hmm…" Phantom remembered the various foes that absorbed power from misery, granting wishes, or chanting. "Walker made it sound as if going in this area is like having a death wish…But if there are so few left…"

"Don't underestimate any of them. Almost none of the other ones are as strong as Colossus, but they are still dangerous. That is why I can't go in there. If I break a treaty and they attack my home, then most of my people will perish in the battle I will have with the invader." Frostbite lost the friendly look he usually had on his face.

"Woah," Klemper looked shocked. "…Wait. Why wouldn't they just leave or hide? Is it a pride thing?"

Frostbite shook his head. "It has nothing to do with pride. Some of the S-rank ghosts are just that powerful. Others have several weaker ghosts allied with them for protection, like with my people, the ghosts employed by Plasmius, or…well…this group right here."

Phantom looked over the three other ghosts with him. "They are my friends, not people who I rule or lead."

Frostbite chuckled. "I know. I was just using you as an example."

Phantom nodded. "Thanks Frostbite. I think we should get going. Right, guys?" The others nodded.

Frostbite smiled. "May destiny be kind to you…Wait!"

All four of the ghosts stopped in their tracks. Klemper then asked, "What is it?"

"I forgot to mention something. I am on friendly or at least non-violent terms with the other ghosts. The older ones are even old friends of mine. But that does not mean that they would take my involvement as anything other than a threat. We ghosts are quite territorial. So, please, if you run into them, don't mention my name." Frostbite requested.

"You got it, Frostbite." Phantom gave an affirmative nod.

"What is this?" Both of Klemper's eyebrows were raised at the sight before him.

Their journey to the portal was quite at first. Nothing seemed out of the normal…well, Ghost Zone normal. For a minute, they even began to think that they wouldn't run into any trouble on the way to the new portal.


"(Is this a wall?)" Wulf tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"I think it is a wall. Just look at all the keep out signs." Phantom pulled Cujo back as the dog began sniffing the wall.

In front of them was a fifteen foot stone wall. It was covered by signs that said "keep out" and "stay away." The wall ran was curved and seemed to circle the area in front of them.

"Does someone actually expect this keep a ghost out. I mean, we can just float over or under it easily." Klemper questioned.

"It probably is just meant as a warning." Phantom place a hand on the wall. "The person behind this wants people to know that he will hurt anyone that comes in…I think it would be a good idea to avoid this area."

"Agreed." Klemper nodded. He seriously did not want to go over or under that wall.

"(I don't that is an option.)" Wulf sniffed the air.

"Wha?" Klemper and Phantom stared at the wolf ghost.

"(I can smell an opening to the real world somewhere behind this gate.)" Wulf pointed to the other side of the wall.

Phantom went to translate for Klemper, but the blond ghost cut him off, "I don't think that a translation is necessary…Man this is going to suck."

As they went over the wall, all four ghosts were instantly hit by a wave of heat. It could be compared to stepping out of an air conditioned house into a hot summer day. The change caused the group to falter for a good minute.

"(Is this a desert region?)" Wulf stuck his tongue out in to cool him self.

"No…it's a fire area…" Phantom pointed to the island in front of him.

The island seemed to be almost completely covered in fire. The only area not on fire was a single path and the manor at the end of the path. The manor seemed to be in good condition despite its surroundings. It had three stories. There were several windows on each floor of the manor, and they all had light coming out of them. In Phantom's personal opinion, this island made Vegas look like a dim light bulb.

"Ugn, my eyes." Klemper shielded his eyes from the light. "How can anyone live here?"

"No idea…" Phantom answered. He looked over to his friends and saw that they were all very uncomfortable. Wulf and Cujo were simmering under their fur. Also, Klemper seemed to dislike all the heat, but he was doing better that the fur covered ghosts. "Let's find that portal fast."

"(Good idea.)" Wulf readily agreed. "(I smell the portal in this direction)"

Wulf and Cujo took the lead. They both sniffed the air and led the other two around the island. As they passed around the island, they realized just how protected the manor on the island was. The fire would prevent any backward assaults and would nullify most far distance attacks. The only way to get close was to go through the front and then you would be easily detected.

Whoever designed the island had thought long and hard about how to protect the manor…That or they wanted it to look intimidating.

"There it is." Phantom finally caught sight of the portal.

The newly drilled portal was only half the size of a regular portal. The drill making in could be seen sticking out from the portal. The tip of the drill was sharp and was releasing greenish yellow energy. It was some type of radiation, but not completely ectoplasmic radiation. That would explain why it was taking so long.

"So, what's the plan?" Klemper asked as the others turned to Phantom.

Phantom took a thinking position and said, "We should do this quickly and efficiently. There is no way they will be expecting an attack like this, so we have the element of surprise. So, we get in, take out any guards, and destroy the drill. Maybe we can even send a message to them by showing that opening portals is dangerous. Then, we get out."

"(Alright)" Wulf nodded.

"Good plan." Klemper agreed.

"Woof!" Cujo shifted to attack mode.

"Alright, Wulf, I need you to make a portal behind the drill. Then, we storm the place." Phantom directed.

"Sí," Wulf then went behind the portal.

"Will this actually work?" Klemper questioned.

"I have no idea." Phantom shrugged, "But this is our best shot."

"(Ready?)" Wulf questioned.

"Yeah, do it." Phantom ordered.

Wulf's claws immediately came out as the wolf ghost raised his paws in the air. In a single motion, Wulf brought his claws down and tore open a hole into the human world. Phantom then yelled out to charge and led the assault into the por-

Suddenly, a wave of red fire came from the direction and consumed all four ghosts, the drill portal, and the portal Wulf made. All four ghost yelled in pain and surprise. Fortunately, Klemper and Phantom quickly came to their senses and used their ice powers to shield the four with blue light.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" a loud voice from a man shouted at them as the fire died down.

A little scorched and off balance, all four ghosts turned to the voice. The six foot two inch tall man with a dark tan had spiked up black hair with red highlights. His eyes were covered by blue sunglasses. This ghost was wearing a red vest over a black long-sleeved shirt and torn dark blue jeans. Black tennis shoes covered the ghost's feet.

The ghost was wearing a chain necklace around his neck. Various rings were on each of the man's fingers. Simple silver piercings were in the man's ears, right eyebrow, and tongue…which was sticking out at them.

Finally, a headband with the word champion was tied around the ghosts forehead.

"So it was you!" The ghost pointed at the group. "Torch has been wondering who's been drilling into Torch's area! Now you decided to come finish the job on this side!"

"What?" Phantom's eyebrows rose as high as they could go. "You're crazy if you think-"

"Crazy!?" Suddenly a monkey with fire-like fur came beside the taller ghost. "Did he just call Master Torch crazy?!"

A raven with black smoke coming off him appeared on the other side of the pierced ghost. "I think he did call master crazy, Bi!"

"Smo, you are right! He most definitely called master crazy!" The monkey called Bi exclaimed.

"(Okay, I'm lost. What is happening?)" Wulf tilted his head to the side.

"I don't know…" Phantom place his hand on Cujo's head to calm the ghost dog down. "Look, it's Torch, right? I think that we have an misunderstanding here."

"Woah! Wait up a second there people!" Torch lowered his sunglasses revealing his amber eyes. "Does Torch see the ghost boy Danny Phantom before us?"

"I think he is Danny Phantom, Master Torch!" Smo the raven shouted.

"Master, you are right! He most definitely is Danny Phantom!" Bi cried.

"Is it a good thing that they know you, or a bad thing?" Klemper questioned.

"No idea…" Phantom stared ahead at the what seemed to be fire ghosts. "Do you have a problem with me?"

"Torch has no personal beef with you, DP. You protect your people and are thus in the cool category. You may be too light on your enemies, but your still cool." Torch gestured to an area above his head. "But! It is not cool to invade Torch's home! Especially to make a portal! Torch takes this as an insult!"

"Wait!" Phantom raised his hands in compliance. "We aren't here to finish the portal. We are here to stop the people creating the portal!"

"Then why was your big furry friend clawing into the human world?" Torch pointed to Wulf.

"We are going to stop them from the human world. It was supposed to be a sneak attack." Phantom explained.

"We are sorry, Mr. Torch, but we needed to be by the portal to get to where the drill is." Klemper nicely stated.

"Hmmm…Do you think he is telling the truth?" Torch asked his companions.

"I think that it all sounds suspicious, Master Torch!" Smo cawed.

"Smo, you are right! He most definitely is hiding something, Master Torch!" Bi waved his arms around for emphasis.

"My friends here have a good point. Your story has a lot of holes" Torch stated. "You do have that goody goody rep and Torch is fair, though. So, tell me how did you learn of the portal and Torch will help you kick those home invaders asses."

"A friend told us about it." Phantom vagually said.

Torch made a buzzer sound, "Nope, wrong answer. Who is this friend of yours?"

Phantom paused for a moment. The only way to avoid this fight was to answer truthfully, but he promised Frostbite he wouldn't mention him. Plus looking at how hostile they were to invaders, it was a bad idea to bring Frostbite. There was also the problem of how Frostbite knew about the portal. Torch would assume that he was spying. Then…

War. It was the only outcome that would come out of this situation if he even brought up his yeti friend. Phantom couldn't do that.

"I can't tell you." Phantom solemnly stated.

"Then you leave Torch with no other choice, DP." Torch raised his right hand into the sky. Fire burst out of his palm. For a second, Phantom was sure Torch was going to attack, but the fire didn't move toward him. Instead, it began to take shape. It turned into the shape of a scythe. For a second, the fire stayed like that, then it died down leaving a smoking red scythe in its place.

Torch then brought his other hand to his mouth. The fire user let out a high pitch whistle. Several bursts of fire appeared around Torch. When the bursts of fire went down, various animals were in their place. There was a cow, goat, snake, liger…

…A liger? Some one watched too much Napoleon Dynamite when he was alive…

"For the crime of coming into Torch's domain and opening a portal, Torch by the power of Torch and those who support Torch sentences you to death." Torch points his scythe at them. "Cue the dramatic music!"

A kangaroo ghost pulls a boom box out her pouch and hit the play button. Suddenly, "We are Family" began to play.

"Ataaaaaaaaaaa…ck…" Torch and everyone else turned toward to the kangaroo. "That is not the battle music we agreed to play!"

"I'm sorry!" The kangaroo ghost cried. "I forgot to change the CD back from the party earlier!"

Torch dropped to his hands and knees and hung his head. "Torch's epic battle moment was ruined…"

All of the various animals began to comfort Torch. "It's all right." "Summoning your scythe was still awesome." "You can still do your battle cry!"

"(These people are loco…)" Wulf deadpanned.

"Yep." Phantom agreed.

"If loco means crazy, I completely agree." Klemper nodded.

"Bark!" Cujo growled.

"Alright…" Torch stood up and composed himself. "Torch is good. Torch is good. Let's continue…Torch's minions! Attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!"

"ROOOOOAAAAAARRRRR!" Dozens of animal ghosts shouted as they charged the four intruder's position.

"Oh Crap!" Wulf, Klemper and Phantom yelled as Cujo growled.

As soon as the animals made contact, various fire attacks were sent out. All of the animal used fire to enhance there claws, beaks, or teeth. Wulf managed to what most of the enemies around him before they hit him, but some fire grazed him. Klemper and Phantom used their ice powers to nullify the fire, but some regular attacks hit. Cujo had the worst of it, though. The large dog's size overpowered most of the fire animals, but the sheer numbers cause him to receive a few full blows.

Phantom gritted his teeth as he covered his body in blue light and blasted the various fire animals. A red bear met an ice enhanced fist. The kangaroo was frozen temporarily when Phantom sent an ice blast in her direction. Maybe he could drive them back and…

"Rack!" a fire raccoon suddenly latched onto Phantom's face.

"Ah! Get it off!" Phantom grabbed at the raccoon, but all he received were various scratches.

Because of his temporary blindness, Phantom didn't see as Bi the fire monkey lunged himself onto his back and held onto his arms. The fire snake tied together Phantom's legs. Unable to defend himself, Phantom couldn't stop two other animals from tackling him.

"Ug! Ahr! Let! Ouch! Go!" Phantom struggled to get away from the animals off him. It was no use, though. He couldn't see. He couldn't move. He could, however, hear, and what he heard angered him.

Cujo was growling in pain from the relentless attacks. Wulf was snarling and sending out curses as he become covered in burns. Klemper cried out as more attacks broke through his guard.

Phantom seethed in anger. All they wanted to do was stop the drill and now they were all fighting for their lives and…it was all his fault. He was the one that brought them along. He put them in this danger. Because of him they were all going to die.

"Like Hell!" Phantom exclaimed as he gathered blue light around him. It encased him like a cocoon. Frost began to cover the animals attacking him. Suddenly, the blue light blasted out, hit all the animal away from him, and knocked them out.

That was not all that burst out though. All the fire animals froze as Phantom's Haunting Aura invade their minds. The coldness and protectiveness made all of the fire animals shiver. Klemper, Wulf, and Cujo didn't seem affected, though, and took the opportunity to knock several of the animals out.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Torch's voice made Phantom to turn. Phantom's eyes widened as a scythe covered in fire came carving down at him. Lunging back, Phantom avoided being impaled, but the fire burned through his right sleeve.

"Ack!" Phantom used his ice powers to put out the flames. Looking at his burned arm, Phantom shouted. "Hey this was my favorite coat!"

"Serves you right! No one hurts Torch's minions!" Torch let loose a Haunting Aura to Phantom to show his anger. Luckily, it had little effect on the other angry S-rank ghost.

"Torch's minions should have given a thought Phantom's personal space as they tried to kill Phantom by clawing Phantom to death... Man! That is exhausting! How do you talk like that?" Phantom finished his mockery with that question.

"Talk like what?" Torch raised an eyebrow.

"Torch is kidding, right?" Phantom grumbled.

"Stop trying to confuse Torch!" Torch covered himself with fire and launched himself toward Phantom with the intent to cleave him in two.

"It shouldn't be that easy to confuse you!" Phantom covered himself with blue light and grabbed the base of the scythe before it could hurt him. They began to try and push each other back, but neither gained any new ground.

There was a new problem, though. The fire ectoplasm and ice ectoplasm could not stay in contact for long without conflicting results. Some times the results were actually pleasurable like with Danny and Ember. Other times the results were violent and painful.

The results really depended on the will of the users. Unlike with Danny and Ember whose intentions were to get along and…other things, Phantom and Torch intended to harm each other. Their ectoplasm understood that and when the conflicting elements met for such a long period of time…


…Yeah, pretty self-explanatory…

Purple energy sent everyone in the area flying backward. Phantom and Torch were no exception. Neither refusing to let go of the scythe, both were sent off to the side, past the drill, and…

…And into the newly created portal…

"Danny!" Phantom's friends exclaimed.

"Master!" Torch's minions (the ones still conscience) cried.

It was too late, though. They were gone.

Both groups tried to go after their leaders, but soon met each other in the middle. In the midst of confusion and anger, there was no possible way for one group to let the other through the portal. The only rational thing to do was to continue to fight.

And so they did.

Phantom and Torch came barreling out of the portal at dizzying speeds. They crashed into and through what seemed to be machines. Finally, they came to a stop when they hit a metal wall. Of course, they left a large indent in said wall…

Phantom groaned as he tried to get over the ringing in his ears. "Well…at least I got through the portal."

"Oui, it zeems zhat you have, Danny Phantom." A French voice grabbed Phantom's attention. "Right into my home."

"The Brain!?" Phantom's eyes became as wide as saucers. "You were the one making the portal…"

"Oui," Brain's mechanical voice confirmed. The Brain was well, a brain in a metal container. He was a known villain and terrorist.

"The Brain?" Torch's voice grabbed Phantom's attention. "Like in Pinky and the Brain…

"One is a genius, the other's insane…" Phantom couldn't stop himself from singing. "Focus, Phantom…No, he's an evil genius that…Wait! Why am I explaining this to my enemy?"

"Torch doesn't know." Torch shrugged. "But that does remind Torch." Suddenly, Torch was covered in flames. "We were in the middle of a fight."

"Zo it waz you zat zet fire to my lab." Brain seemed aggravated. It was true, small patches of fire were around them. The fire from the fight must have come through the portal. It appeared that Brain contained most of the fires, though.

"So what if it was fish bowl head?" Torch said evenly, "What are you going to do about it."

"Thiz," Various guns game out of the Brain. Then several lights tuned on around them. Turrets were pointed at them. Rocket launchers were ready to go. Attack drones had several guns pointed at the duo.

"Gwarrr!" There also was also a huge guerrilla with a couple of machine guns.

Oh peachy.

Torch snorted. "Human guns? Really? Those won't hurt Torch and him." The fire ghost turned to Phantom "Let's do this!"

Torch rushed Phantom again. This time, though, Phantom was prepared. A broad sword made of ice was brought up to bock the scythe. Phantom smirked at the taller ghost.

"Ha! Like it! Plasmius and Kemper have been helping me with- Ack!" Phantom shocked when his ice sword shattered. A second later, he was sent flying with a giant fireball.

"Fire!" Brain ordered and all the guns began to fire. Nothing could hit Torch, though, because the ghost quickly became intangible.

"Really? You think that will work against a ghost! Torch says that is weak sauce!" Torch waved his hand and sent a wave of fire out at the various machines. The intense fire made the metal begin to melt and thus stopped the bullets.

"Zo it zeems," Brain observed the ghost. "Maybe thiz will help." A large bazooka appeared out of the Brain's side.

"Psh!" Torch mocked the Brain. "As if that will- ung!" Torch was blasted back by a ball of green energy.

"Ecto weaponry?" Phantom's jaw dropped. "How did you get that?"

"I made it of course," Brain stated. "It did take time to build, though."

Suddenly, a slash of fire came through and cut the bazooka in half. The melted weapon slid to the floor and Torch said, "Too bad. It takes long to make and it hurt Torch as much as a tennis ball would!"

Torch was completely unharmed. The weapon was obviously not powerful enough to hurt the ghost. That was good. It meant that the Brain's ecto weaponry wasn't even near completion.

"But if your plan was to make Torch angry," Torch's face twisted into a snarl as Fire began to circle him wildly. "Then you succeeded."

A wave of anger and indignation swept across the room. The various seemed to glitch for a moment. The gorilla took a step back. The Brain even faltered for a second. Phantom did try to keep his composure, but the sweat forming on his forehead was not caused by the heat of the flames.

Torch yelled out and the fire swept across the room. It covered everything. Computers, machines, and weapons were destroyed. The guerrilla was badly burned and the Brain was sent flying backward. Phantom…

"Gack!" Phantom grunted as he was pushed through the metal wall and outside.

"Get back here, DP!" Torch rushed out the new hole. "Torch is gonna fry you to a crisp."

The Brian took a minute to regain his composure. Then he looked around the room. Everything was destroyed, but the portal was still open…

"There iz alwayz a bright side…"

It was the amazing the destruction that can happen in five minutes. Merely a few minutes ago, there was a beautiful wooded area filled with birds, flowers, and a lot of pine trees. Now, the trees were either burning, frozen, or oddly both burning and frozen.

How that could work was a mystery to Phantom. There was little time to dwell on that, though. There was a fight happening.

"Ngggggggnnnnnnn!" Torch groaned as a ice-plasm covered fist hit his right cheek.

Phantom had struggled throughout the whole fight. Torch was a fierce warrior and the fire was very dangerous. Phantom's ice counteracted the fire, but that made it so that Phantom could not use any other offensive power.

So, it was fire vs. ice.

The fight was almost completely even at this point, too. Both fighters were counteracting the other's attacks. That's not to say they were uninjured. Phantom had green blood coming out of several shallow cuts and his coat and body were badly burned. Torch was covered in bruises and has several spots on his cloths and body that were covered in ice.

Despite this, they continued to fight on.

"Raw!" Both Phantom and Torch shouted as they sent out bursts of fire and ice. The elements collided, and once again purple energy exploded outward knocking the two back ward.

Phantom pushed himself off the ground and once again formed an ice sword. He had tried this three times before, but none of them landed any hits. Each time had significantly better results, though. So he had to keep trying.

Both ghosts launched themselves at each other again. They were covered in their elemental energy in an attempt to protect themselves. Torch tried to use the longer reach of his scythe to cut Phantom down, but Phantom parried the scythe with his ice blade. Phantom then tried to cut Torch down, but Torch managed to block the attack.

The clash once more caused the elements to collide and conflict. Another blast of purple energy rocketed them away from each other. Both ghosts slid across the ground, thus leaving a trail in their wake.

They slid a good twenty meters away from the center until they finally stopped. Neither ghost moved from his position. Many would assume that they were both knocked out, but…

"…How did you do it?" Torch suddenly asked from his position on the ground.

"What do you mean?" Phantom didn't understand.

"How could you improve so much during a fight?" Torch questioned. "Your control over your element skyrocketed each time you were knocked down."

"Maybe my training was finally kicking in." Phantom answered truthfully. "I have been training with my teacher and Klemper about control. I didn't really make too much progress until…"

"Until you had to use them to fight Torch." Torch finished. "You are one of those types. The ones that thrive in battle. If Torch could compare you to one of the six, you would probably be closest to Colossus. Even if you use ice powers."

Phantom sat up. "One of the six? What does that mean?"

"One of the six, you know. The ancient ghosts that defeated the Ghost King." Torch also sat up. "Don't tell me you haven't heard of them, Torch means, come on dude, you fought the Ghost King. You should know this."

"I did know about the ancient ghosts, but I didn't…Colossus huh?" Phantom went into deep thought. "He did say he was the rival of the Ghost King…"

"Yep," Torch used his scythe to pick himself up onto his feet.

"I've talked with some pretty old ghosts, and they have never mentioned this." Phantom commented. "How do you know all this."

Torch paused for a second, then smiled. "Glad you asked! Torch's desire, No! Torch's dream, No!…Torch's destiny is to become so great that I will be known throughout the whole world. So Torch will surpass all other ghosts and become immortal by my fame."

Phantom grunted as he dragged himself to his feet, "What does that have to do with you knowing about the ancient ghosts."

"Torch must know what it is Torch needs to surpass," Torch explained. "The Great General Colossus, Pandora the Controller of Chaos, Scribe the Ghost Writer, Wide Smile Jester, Frostbite of the North Wind, and Vision the Undefeated Strategist. The six ghosts that forever changed the Ghost Zone."

"Whoa, I could imagine Colossus. But Frostbite…Wait! Did you say the Ghost Writer?" Phantom was shocked.

"Yeah, Torch does not know all the details, but the Ghost Writer has incredible power. Power to actually change reality." Torch stated.

Phantom remained silent. This was something he should know.

"Allrighty then!" Torch took a battle stance. "Reprieve over. Round 3...begins now!"

Phantom got into a defensive stance. "Fine by me…wait…Do you get the feeling that we're forgetting something?"

Torch relaxed and said, "You know what, Torch does feel that way."

"It's like I was doing something important before the fight…" Phantom scratched his chin.

"Hmm… Torch agrees…" Torch rubbed the back off his neck.

They took a second to think, then… "Oh, Crap!"

"My friends!" Phantom shouted.

"Torch's minions!" Torch exclaimed. "They were still fighting when we left!"

"And the portal's still open!" Phantom was having a freak out attack. "The Brain could get them in their weakened states!"

"No!" Torch fell to his hands and knees. "Torch is a bad master!"

"Yep…" Phantom agreed.

"Don't agree with Torch!" Torch jumped up. "Your supposed to argue with Torch and say Torch is a good leader!"

"Why would I do that?" Phantom raised an eyebrow. "You're my enemy…and you're kind of a dumbass."

"Like you're one to talk!" Torch pointed at Phantom. "None of this would've happened if you stayed away from Torch's home!"

"What!? I was trying to stop the Brain from drilling into the Ghost Zone!" Phantom became angry.

"Like someone who can't even control his Haunting Aura could do anything! Torch could handle it! Eventually Torch would have broken the stupid drill!" Torch argued.

"Yeah, cause that was going so well before!" Phantom began to walk over to Torch.

"You want to go!" Torch approached the halfa.

"Maybe I do!" Phantom glared up at the fire ghost.

"Then let's…wait. We're distracting each other again." Torch forced himself to cool down.

"Yeah…We're gonna have to cooperate if we want to stop the Brain from getting into the Ghost Zone and hurting our friends." Phantom didn't like this plan, but he would get over it.

"Don't worry! Torch's fire destroyed most of his equipment!" Torch beamed with pride.

"Yes, good job idiotically destroying everything in your path." Phantom deadpanned.

Torch once again dropped to his hands and knees. "You're really mean to Torch…Torch is ready… Depression…"

"Remember the plan?" Phantom asked.

"No…Wait! Yes…Maybe…Torch doesn't know." Torch commented.

"…You don't deal well with taking orders do you?" Phantom questioned as the two ghosts invisibly floated over the Brain's base.

Torch snorted. "Does Torch look like Torch takes orders well?"

"Obviously not…Just go in there and burn everything. I'll make sure all of Brain's data on ecto weaponry is destroyed." Phantom explained. "When I give the signal, head for the portal."

"Oh, okay. Torch likes this plan." Torch grinned.

"Good, then go!" Phantom instructed.

"Hell yes!" Torch fazed through the roof and into the building.

"…That was easy." Phantom said to himself. "I thought that I would have to try harder to get him to be the distraction."

Phantom felt a little bad for using Torch like this. It wasn't very heroic to use someone like a pawn, but it was necessary to do use. Phantom had to make sure that all ecto weapons and data on ecto weapons were destroyed.

'Heh, Vlad has been influencing me. Chess indeed…' Phantom thought to himself as he fazed through the roof.

Staying invisible, Phantom began to discretely fly through the base. Alarms were going off. Drones were moving to the area where Torch entered. The Brain's voice sounded over the intercoms. He was telling them to stop Torch and be on the look out for Phantom.

"He may not be dead." Brain instructed.

'Technically, I am, but that's beside the point.' Phantom thought.

Much of the base was already destroyed, but many locked down areas were still intact. The fire had not effect on the powerful walls in some of the areas, but Phantom could still faze through the walls. So, nothing could stop Phantom from getting to the main computer.

It appeared that the large computer was already logged on and ready to go. The Brain obviously never expected someone to randomly appear in the middle of his base and start attacking. Of course, that's what you get when you try to drill a whole into a different dimension.

"Alright…" Phantom began to look through the files on the computer. All of them required passwords and recognition from the Brain. "Well, crap…"

Luckily, though, Phantom could see the names of the various files. Many of them were in French, so Danny could not understand them. Phantom could recognize ecto, ghost, Fenton, and…Phantom.

'Why does Brain have a files on both sides of me?' Phantom glared at the screen.

A file on Fenton made sense. Fenton had ecto weapons. Phantom though…Phantom had nothing that Brain would want. Unless the brain was studying ghosts, but then why not just capture and dissect weaker ghosts…

'Maybe that was his plan.' Phantom thought. 'Get an endless supply of ghosts to dissect…Doesn't matter anymore.'

There were not many files on ecto weaponry, anyway, so…Phantom lifted up an ice-plasm covered hand and placed it on the computer. Slowly, ice began to spread through the computer. When the machine was completely froze, Phantom stepped back and formed a ball of regular ecto energy in his hand.

Looking over to the camera above him, Phantom said, "Don't mess with me, Brain." The ball of energy shattered the computer and left only shards of ice behind.

"Time to take this place down." Phantom turned toward to door to see multiple drones about to fire at him. None of the shots made contact, though as Phantom quickly turned intangible. Rushing toward the drones, Phantom began to blast all their heads off. It merely a few seconds for all the drones to be broken.

Phantom launched himself toward Torch was. Several drones, turrets, and rocket launchers dried to stop him. None of them injured Phantom, though and were quickly taken out. Phantom made sure to destroy everything else in his path, including computers and other machines. The Brain needed to understand the consequences of drilling into the Ghost Zone.

Finding Torch was not all that difficult. All the gun fire and regular fire quickly gave away his location. The fire ghost had gone to the room where the portal was and was fighting off drones with ease. Until…

"Gwar!" The giant gorilla brought both fists down on Torch, but only met air as Torch rolled to the side.

"Ha! Nice try." Torch smirked. His cockiness almost cost him though, because the guerilla then used his momentum and was about to uppercut Torch with his massive fists. Fortunately, Phantom arrived in time to stop him.

"Gwak!" The Gorilla grabbed his face in pain after receiving an ecto blast to its face. Phantom felt bad for the gorilla. It was covered in burns as cuts. It's fight with Torch had ended badly for the animal.

"Monsieur Mallah, I would zuggest fighting-" The Brain was cut off as Phantom blasted him away also.

"Time to go Torch!" Phantom shouted.

"Aw! And Torch was just beginning to have fun!" Torch sent out one last fire ball and then flew into the portal.

Phantom was about to follow when the gorilla now identified as Monsieur Mallah backhanded him across the room. The halfa groaned in pain from the impact of the attack. The gorilla had some serious strength.

"Do you really think I will let you leave?" The Brain's computer voice still had no emotion, but Phantom could still tell he was angry. "You have deztroyed yearz worth of work."

"You don't have a choice, Pinky." Phantom stood up and saw that he had plenty of room in front of him. Several more machines, Monsieur Mallah, and the Brain were ready to attack him. "Take this as a message from the Ghost Zone. Don't tamper with the dead."

Phantom then took a deep breath in as the others began to attack. As the bullets got close to hitting Phantom and hurt his tangible body, Phantom let loose his Ghostly Wale. Then everything began to crumble.

The bullets were flung away. All the drones began crumble to pieces. Monsieur Mallah was knocked out as he was hit by the cry of death. Finally, the Brain was rammed into the back wall.

"pant…There's always…huff… tomorrow night…pant…Brain…" Phantom managed to get out.

Satisfied with the destruction, Phantom slowly walked over to the portal. Exhaustion was catching up with him. Looking behind him one last time, Phantom then flung himself into the portal and away from the destroyed base.

(Play: You're Going Down by Sick Puppies)

The first thing Phantom noticed as he came through the portal as the various unconscious ghosts around him. Almost all of Torch's minions were knocked out. Unfortunately, Cujo seemed to also be unconscious. Klemper looked like he was on his last legs and Wulf didn't appear much better.

Only one of the fire animals was still awake and fighting. It was the crow ghost Smo. He appeared to have a lot less injuries than Klemper and Wulf. Plus with Torch thrown back into the mix, things were not looking up for Klemper and Wulf.

"Master! I think with your help we will win!" Smo cried.

Torch smirked, "Of course! Torch and Smo will cut those fools down."

"I don't think so!" Phantom blasted at the two with regular ectoplasm. Both ghosts separated to avoid the attack.

"Danny/Friend!" Klemper and Wulf shouted. They seemed relieved. Most likely, they assumed the worst after Torch came out of the portal.

"Wulf! Close the portal!" Phantom shouted as flew away from the portal.

"Si!" Wulf lunged at the portal. Neither Smo or Torch moved to stop Wulf. Instead, they attacked Klemper and Phantom.

Smo left a smoke trail behind him as he flew toward Phantom. Before he could reach the halfa, though, Phantom used his ice powers to freeze the bird.

"HA!" Torch brought his scythe down with a blast of fire. Klemper tried to use his ice to stop the attack, but the shield only stopped some of the fire. The rest slammed into the blond ghost and knocked the ice ghost into blissful unconsciousness.

While this was happening, Wulf had managed to close the portal. That was good. With that portal closed and the drill destroyed, their mission was over. Unfortunately, there was still one problem…Torch.

"Wulf!" Phantom shouted as he formed another ice broad sword. "Get Klemper and Wulf out of here!"

Not waiting for an answer from the wolf ghosts, Phantom charged at Torch. Slashing from the right, Phantom tried cut Torch down, but was stopped by Torch's scythe. Not wanting to conflict their energies, Phantom made some distance between them, but almost got cut by Torch's scythe.

"Erc…" Phantom felt the exhaustion and his energies begin to get to him.

"Tired alrea…alrea…already." Torch seemed tired too.

"You wish." Phantom once again charged at Torch. This time Phantom's attack managed to managed to push Torch back, but that lasted only a second. Torch created a fire whip in his left hand and tried to burn Phantom at a distance.

Phantom groaned as he blocked the whip with his sword. It took a look of energy to keep regenerating his sword. If this kept up he would run out of juice.

Deciding to risk another conflict of elements, Phantom charged. This time, Torch tried to use the longer reach of his scythe to cut Phantom before he got too close, but Phantom dodged. Phantom then sent a barrage of attacks at the fire ghost.

Eventually, Torch stopped the barrage, but was forced into a power struggle. Both ghosts tried to gain leverage on the other as they use their elements to push themselves forward. This struggle lasted a few moments until the conflict ended in the same way as before, in a burst of purple energy.

"Arg!" Both Torch and Phantom was sent flying toward the fire island. Neither had the power to stop themselves so they continued to barrel to the island and through the roof of the manor. Their momentum caused them to crash through several floors into what appeared to be a throne room.

Phantom groaned as he tried to push himself up and failed. He was almost completely out of energy. It was a miracle he was still in ghost form. If he was in human form, he could faze out and get away without any more injuries. Phantom knew that there was a good chance that he would pass out if he was in human form, though, so that wasn't an option.

After a lot of work, both Phantom and Torch managed to get to their feet. Both were at there limits and ready to collapse. The fight between the two equals was almost done.

Phantom looked around the room. The room was circular and had several torches on the wall. Multiple seats were around the edge of the room, but at the far end was a large throne in the shape of a capital T.

Glancing at his enemy, Phantom realized how bad they both looked right now. Their clothes were torn. They were covered in bruises and cuts. Phantom had several burns across his skin and Torch had ice on his body.

"We don't have to finish like this, you know." Phantom commented. "My job is done here. We can call this a tie and cut our loses."

"We could, but if Torch does that it would mock all of Torch's minions and their fight." Torch picked up his scythe. "Plus, Torch needs to find out which one of us is stronger. Torch cannot be the best if Torch settles for a tie."

"Fine…" Phantom dug deep. He tried to bring out hidden energy just like he did in his fight with Colossus. Slowly, blue energy began to ooze out of him. Using that energy, Phantom made one last broad sword. This time, it was gonna work.

Torch brought out the all the energy he had left and formed a large fireball in his left hand. "This is the last round. Either Torch will win or Phantom will win. No excuses. The best will be decided with this."

"Fine." Phantom readied himself.

"Raw!" Torch sent the fireball at the halfa.

"Urk!" Phantom lunged himself at the fireball and attempted to cut the fireball in two.


Torch braced himself for the next attack. He couldn't see through the smoke, but he knew that Phantom was there. For a minute he waited, but no attack came. A large grin formed on the face of Torch. He had won!

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Suddenly, Phantom rocketed at Torch with dizzying speed. The ice broad sword was raised and ready to strike.

Torch brought up his scythe to block the attack. The broad sword met the met the scythe with a large clang. For a brief moment, everything froze. Torch and Phantom glared at each other. The scythe and sword remained locked. It was the climax of a battle at its finest.

Then the scythe was cut in two. The edge of the ice broad sword dug into the right shoulder of Torch. The sword dug down deeply into the shoulder and cause green blood to fly out. Before too much ecto blood came out, though, the wound was covered a thick layer of ice.

Suddenly, the sword shattered. Torch dropped the two ends of his scythe. Then…Thud! Torch fell back in a heap.

Phantom looked at the sight before him in shock. He had done it. He had single handedly defeated an S-rank ghost. There was only one way to celebrate such a victory.

"YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" Phantom yelled in victory. Falling to his knees, Phantom revealed in his victory. Finally, all of his training was finally showing some results.

"…Torch loses…" Torch almost whispered.

"…Only barely… That last attack almost had me." Phantom answered honestly.

Torch tsked. "Being so humble in the face of victory…Don't be so cool…"

"…What would you do? A victory dance…" Phantom commented.

Torch laughed. "Hahahhah. Ouch! Holy crap that hurts…Torch probably would do a victory dance…" Torch admitted.

"…Too bad, matchstick, its my victory…" Phantom smiled..

"… So it is.. snow…cone… Torch admits…defeat…" Torch drifted off into unconsciousness.

"…Way to keep your cool…" Phantom let himself change back into a human (though the disguise belt kept his appearance the same) and gracefully passed out.

The two powerful beings laid there for fifteen minutes. Both ghosts were beyond the point of exhaustion. They would be out for a while.

"Now what do we have here?" A tall figure approached the fire ghost and halfa. Over the dark figures shoulder was an unconscious Wulf who was abruptly tossed to the ground. "Two sleeping S-rank ghosts ripe for the picking…"

...A loooooooooong while...

Omake 1

(Tuesday-February 9, 2010)

"Again!" Vlad ordered as he oversaw Danny's training. Currently, the two halfas were in the training room. Vlad was helping Danny with his energy manipulation by forming his energy into shapes. He could form ice weapons, but he still lacked the control

"Pant...Can't...huf...we...pant...take a break?" Danny asked. They had been training for hours. Dani had long since gone to bed because she had school tomorrow, but Danny continued his training despite the late hour.

Vlad sighed. "Fine. Fine."

Danny flopped onto the floor ungracefully. Groaning as his aching muscles finally got a chance to rest. This was actually a regular event in Danny's life now. Train until you can't train anymore.

"Your progress in energy manipulation is steadly growing." Vlad noted. "For some reason, though, you haven't had any large leaps since your battle with Colossus. I think that for some reason you make the most progress when you are pushed in real battle."

"Never really thought about it..." Danny mumbled.

"Hmm..." Vlad sat down in a nearby chair. "Yet your progress with your Haunting Aura is almost nonexistent. I suppose it is to be expected. How could a teenager hope to control his emotions enough to use such an advanced technique."

"I take offense to that." Danny glared at his mentor.

"I know, and I don't really care." Vlad smirked.

"Worst mentor ever..." Danny mumbled.

"What was that?" Vlad raised an eyebrow. "Did you say that you wanted to do 200 pushups while I stand on your back?"

"No I was just saying how great a teacher you are." Danny didn't miss a beat with that one.

"That's what I thought." Vlad threw a bottle of water at the younger halfa.

Danny easily caught the bottle. "Thanks."

"I meant to ask you..." Vlad mentioned. "Why was that Johnny 13 here earlier today."

"Well I met this girl-" "Another one? Really Daniel? Isn't three enough?" Vlad interupted Danny.

"It's not like that, old man." Danny snapped.

"...No need to resort to name calling..." Vlad mumbled.

"Anyway, this girl was robbing a store in town. She used this pink energy that kind of reminded me of what happened when Johnny's shadow fights." Danny explained.

"Ah...So you asked him to see if there were, in fact, similarities." Vlad stated.

"Yeah, and I was right. That girl was using bad luck to get in and out of the store without detection." Danny commented.

"But you detected her." Vlad pointed out.

"Because she let me." Danny sighed. "She wants something in Amity Park and she was scouting to see how big of a threat I was."

"What could she want?" Vlad asked. "If she is such a good thief then she would just take what she wants and leave."

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Danny explained. "I want to be paranoid and say it has something to do with ghosts or ghost weaponry, but then why not just break into Fenton Works? I mean it is locked down tight, but no one really knows how dangerous it would be. Even for someone that can control bad luck, it would be suicide. But only the people closest to me could know that..."

Vlad went deep into though. "I can see your concern. I'll look into it myself."

"Thanks, Vlad. " Danny smiled.

"Good, now back to work. It's time for a sparing match." Vlad grinned viciously.

Danny flinched. This wasn't going to be pretty.

Omake 2

(Friday-February 12, 2010)

Danny was sitting on the roof of the mansion. Tomorrow was the day he was going to get Wulf out of jail. Anxiety was getting the better of him, and he couldn't focus well enough to work on anything.

"What are thinking about?" Klemper plopped down right beside the halfa. The blond ghost had two cans of Cocacola and handed one to Danny.

"Just...about how much has changed in so little time." Danny took the can. "Thanks."

"No problem." Klemper said. "Are you thinking about the good change or..."

The sentence was never finished. They both knew what he was talking about.

"Both." Danny answered. Danny's expression turned neutral. "It's...hard to forget all the bad things."

"I bet." Klemper agreed. "But there are plenty of good things to be thankful for."

"I know..." Danny whispered.

"Don't spend too much time in those dark thoughts." Klemper advised. "It would be better to surround yourself with the good things."

Danny chuckled. "Like friends..."

"Hahahaha! Like friends..." Klemper nodded. "...I never did thank you for...everything."

"That's what friends are for." Danny lifted his can up for a toast.

"I'll drink to that." Klemper took a big gulp of the pop.

"Danny!" Valerie's voice rang through Danny's Fenton Phones.

"Yeah?" Danny brought his hand up to his ear.

"I kind of have a situation here..." Valerie answered. "The Guys in White are attacking a white haired high school student named Gegor."

"Wow, they are grasping for straws...I'll be right there." Danny turned to Klemper. "Sorry I got to go."

"Meh...When duty calls." Klemper shrugged.

(Fifteen minutes later...)

It didn't take Red Huntress and Phantom long to defeat the Guys in White. The two agents may have had a bunch of new toys, but none of them helped against the two superior ghost hunters.

"Why did you attack the jerk acting like a foreign exchange student?" Red Huntress asked as Phantom held the two agents upside down over the cliff.

"The real question is why you are helping the ghost boy?" Agent K questioned.

"Meh..." Red Huntress shrugged. "Because I feel like it...and you two are idiots."

"Don't insult us little girl!" Agent O shouted.

"Dude! You were shooting high school students!" Phantom exclaimed. "You definitely deserve to be called idiots."

"Be quite-Ouch!" Agent O was cut off when Red Huntress punched him in the gut.

"You don't get to talk." Red Huntress glared. "If you do I'll aim where it really hurts next time."

Both agents whimpered. It was very pathetic...and admittedly very funny.

"Harsh." Phantom flinched in shadow pain.

"I get my point across." Red Huntress smirked.

"Alright you two, I'm gonna tell you this only once." Phantom's eyes began to glow blue. Everything got cold. "Stay away from those kids."

"Or what?"


(Five minutes later)

"Wow, I was just gonna throw them in mud." Phantom praised. "But I like your idea better."

"Thank you." Red Huntess smiled. "I think we made our point."

Both GIW agents were frozen to the side of a building by their wrists and ankles. That wasn't the worst part, though. Ther worst part was that the two were in their underwear.

Twenty-three videos, two hundred thirty-six pictures, and seven million online hits later, the two agents were finally rescued. Both agents were punished with sever demotion and pay cut. Yet the worst part was filling out the files for the incident.

It was then that two agents finally came to the same conclusion. Teenagers were the source of all evil in the world...