Chapter 12: Miracles

Disclaimer: I own nothing

"Out of difficulties grow miracles." Jean de la Bruyere

Chapter 12: "Miracles"

(Thursday-March 4, 2010)

Dani shifted uncomfortably as Danny helped her out of the limousine. They had arrived in Star City merely an hour ago. They were met by waves of press and news crews. Originally, Dani thought the press was here for her dad's illness.

She was wrong for the most part.

All the reporters seemed concerned about was Fenton Works. Some of them asked about her dad, but for the most part, all the questions were about Danny and ecto weapons. The halfa girl heard so many questions about ghosts that she couldn't even discern one question from another question. In fact, she could barely walk in a straight line because of all the noise and lack of room.

Luckily, Danny was there to help her. He took her by the shoulders and guided her past all of the craziness and outside. They were greeted by the limousine that Danny called to take them to the hospital.

Dani thought that they were done with the crazy reporters, but she was wrong. The hospital was packed. Flashing camera lights and waves of people were all that Dani could see. She was grateful that Danny took it upon himself to help her through the crowd again.

"Mr. Fenton, a question please!"

"Are you concerned about world wide ghost attacks?!"

"Do you know anything about Mr. Masters?!"

"Did you provide ecto weapons to the Batman?

"Miss Masters!? What are your thoughts on all this?"

Dani had never wanted to turn invisible more than this moment. Granted she liked some attention, but now she was uncomfortable. It was like the world was watching and judging her. It was a lot of pressure for a preteen girl.

"Just look forward," Danny whispered. "Don't say anything and keep moving. They won't be allowed inside."

Dani nodded and did as her brother instructed. She was glad he was here to help her. Not only with the reporters…but also with her dad's illness. The flight over was very difficult for the young girl. Danny was a big help.

Stepping through the hospital door was like stepping into another world. The deafening noise of the outside was almost completely cut off by the thick hospital walls. Dani sighed in relief.

Danny let go of her shoulders and walked up to the window. "We're here to see Vlad Masters."

The nurse nodded. "Yes, Mr. Fenton. I was told that you were coming. He's being help in intensive care right now. I'll show you to him."

"Thank you." Danny turned to his clone. "Come on, Dani, let's go."

The three made their way through the hospital. The nurse and Danny seemed to be discussing something, but Dani couldn't bring herself to listen. She couldn't bring herself to pay much attention to anything really. That fact that her dad was ill greatly disturbed Dani.

Her dad had always seemed so invincible. He always seemed to be in control of every situation. Even after he was captured by Nocturne, he acted like it was a mild inconvenience. That was her dad, the suave, never flinching man that spoke as if he could take on the world. Dani never doubted that he could, too.

But now…

"You can see him in the observation room," The nurse interrupted her thoughts. "If you want to go into his room, you'll have to wear protective suits. We don't know if this disease can spread."

Danny nodded, "Thank you." He turned to Dani. "Are you okay for this?"

Dani trembled. She really didn't want to go in there, but this was her dad, "I'll be okay."

Danny looked at her for a moment, then opened the door for her, "Okay, then."

Dani took slow deliberate steps into the observation room. She dared not to look up. The halfa couldn't bring herself to look at her father in such a weak state. This had to be done, though. She had to be there for her dad, even if she didn't like the view.

Slowly, the girl raised her had and instantly gasped. Through the glass, she could see her father laying on his bed. His face was covered in dark green acne. He was deathly pale. The powerful halfa billionaire looked so…weak.

Dani felt her knees go weak in shock. She would have fallen to the floor if Danny didn't stop her. Dani couldn't peal her eyes away from her father, but she knew that Danny was looking at him too. If she did look up, though, she would have seen Danny's pained look.

They stayed like that for a while. The two adopted siblings stood together and looked at their weakened guardian. Neither said anything. The long, awkward, painful silence remained unbroken for a long time.

The noise that did break the silence wasn't that loud. Even in such a state of silence, it was barely audible. They both heard it as clearly as day, though. The noise was a small whimper.

What really shocked Dani was the origin of the whimper. It was the sound of a saddened puppy, yet no puppy was in the room. In fact, the only two people in the room right now were the two halfa's. The noise hadn't come from her adopted brother, so that only left one person.

Another whimper managed to slip its way past Dani's lips. Then a third louder one came out. She took a short shallow breath as hot tears started racing from her eyes. Finally, she just let go, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

Dani cried. The tough cross-species girl let go of her pride and cried for her ill father. She sobbed over the terrible pain her father was feeling. She cried over the injustice of it all. He didn't deserve to be like this!

Danny carefully knelt by his adopted sister and gently pulled her into an embrace. Dani placed her head on her brother's shoulder, and his shirt was instantly soaked. Part of her was ashamed of her reaction. This was not how a super hero was supposed to act. The other louder part, though, couldn't care less.

"I know," Danny gently patted her back. "Let it out."

Dani did exactly that.

"This would be the point where I say meaningless words to try and comfort you." Danny solemnly stated. "But I don't have any right now, because I really suck at this."

Dani managed a choked chuckle.

"I can tell you this," Danny whispered. "I won't stop until I find a way to heal Vlad. I promise."

That made Dani feel better. Danny would keep his word. Dani then mumbled into his shoulder, "I know… thank you…"

Danny got to work immediately on trying to help Vlad. He talked to all the doctors, specialists, and health consultants that he could. None of them were of any help.

They told him that this disease was unlike any that they had ever seen. With no prior cases to go on, they could only guess at what would help. It was the same with all other fatal diseases. To know how to help or to make a vaccine would take time. Time that Vlad didn't have.

Danny pointed out that Vlad had this disease before. He came out scotch free then (except the ghost powers). How could this time be any different?

"We received the reports from that hospital." One of the doctors explained. "While the acne caused great pain, it never had such…fatal consequences before. The doctors there thought that his body had built a strange immunity to the radiation, but obvious it has been festering and evolved. None of the previous blood samples or tests would be of help."

Without the medical doctors, Danny turned to another kind of doctors. Several scientists were examining Vlad's tissue and blood. They were obviously fascinated by the disease. The only information Danny got from them so far was that the acne were like tumors.

"It's a miracle he's alive, really," One of the scientists commented. "Most people would have died by now. I wonder how it is he's survived this long…"

All the doctors and scientists were still working, but they weren't getting results. Thus, Danny decided to try and get some results of his own. He had some samples of his own that he was examining. They were quite fascinating…

Danny slammed his head on the table. Who was he kidding? He was still a pretty big idiot. None of this crap made any sense to him…

"Any results, Mr. Fenton?" A familiar voice sounded behind Danny.

Danny looked up to see a bald man with his cute assistant by his side, "No, Mr. Luthor."

"Ah…" Luthor glanced over the various equipment across the table. "I see. You're still trying nevertheless. Commendable."

"Thanks…" Danny mumbled as he massaged his temples. "Being commendable doesn't help Vlad, though."

"No results will," Luthor stated. "And the only way to get said results is by trial and error. You should know that. You are an inventor."

Danny snorted. He broke more than he creates most of the time. "That's with stupid machines that aren't even necessary. This is about Vlad's life. I can't waste time with trial and error."

"Yet it is the only way." Luthor pointed out.

Danny groaned. He was not anywhere near in the mood for this, but he knew that he needed to use his manners. "No offense, sir, but why are you here?"

"I had several business meetings in this city over the past week. One of them was with Mr. Masters. He likes to do business in neutral cities. He is definitely a smart business man. Take away the home court advantage altogether and it can't be used against you." The bald billionaire noted.

Danny nodded. He knew why Vlad was out here. His mentor had failed to mention that he would be meeting with Lex Luthor, though. Oh, well, it was none of Danny's business.

"I meant, why are you talking to me?" Danny gave Luthor a side glance as the halfa continued to work. He was working hard not to lose his temper and being interrupted wasn't helping.

"Well, I am concerned about Mr. Masters," Luthor admitted. "He is a good business partner."

"I understand that. Why else would you visit him in the hospital." Danny clarified. He "That doesn't explain why you are talking to me."

"I am interested in the future, Mr. Fenton." Luthor took a seat on a chair on the opposite side of the table. His assitant stood by him dutifully. "And whether you like it or not. You are going to be a big part of that future."

"Not if I don't want to be." Danny mumbled. He had too much crap to deal with now to worry about an uncertain future.

"No one has a choice in their destiny, Mr. Fenton." Luthor smiled. "We all have to play the roles that we were born for."

Danny rolled his eyes. This conversation was really irritating to him. "I think we once talked about this, Mr. Luthor. I'm not selling weapons."

"I know, and while I don't agree with your decision, I respect it," Luthor looked over the equipment again. "I'm here for another aspect of your expertise."

"I really don't have time for this…" Danny mumbled tiredly. Fatigue beat anger apparently.

"I know, this is important, though." Luthor stated. "I'll leave you to your work after this."

"Alright…" Danny agreed. He was too tired and stressed to argue. "What is it?"

"These…ghosts… can they be controlled?" Luthor questioned.

"Not anymore than you can control humans." Danny answered. "They were once humans, now they just have bodies made of ectoplasm…and super powers…and obsessive personalities."

"So, they are like meta-humans?" Luthor asked.

"Now that is debatable." Danny explained. "I don't know much about meta-humans, but I do know that they have a similar DNA to regular humans. Ghosts, however, have a completely different DNA. For example, meta-humans and humans can have children. Ghosts and humans...not so much. If you go by that, then no, but if you go by a human changing into something more, then yes."

"Hmm…" Luthor hummed. "So the only way to make a ghost is for a person to die?"

"No," Danny shook his head. "Some ghosts are created by ideas and legends. It's a complicated and long process, though. It could take centuries of a story being constantly told."

"I see…" Luthor nodded. "I know that you need to get back to work, but allow me one last question."

"Ok," Danny sighed.

"Is it possible to give humans the abilities of ghosts?" Luthor's word chilled Danny's veins.

"…Why would you want to do that?" Danny questioned. "Thinking about making some human weapons?"

"It's merely a question, Mr. Fenton." Luthor explained. "A question that I thought of during one of many sleepless nights."

"Ghosts are created by ectoplasmic radiation." Danny warned and lied. "Vlad is an example of a human being exposed to too much of that radiation. Human bodies cannot adapt to such radiation as far as I know. They might momentarily gain powers, but they would die very quickly."

"Hmm, I thought as much." Luthor stood up and stuck out his hand. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Fenton."

"No problem," Danny nodded and shook Luthor's hand. "I needed the break."

"Have a nice day, and good luck in your endeavor." Luthor smiled and turned to leave.

"You were wrong by the way." Danny noted.

"You'll have to excuse me," Luthor turned back to Danny, "What exactly was I wrong about."

"No one has been all that aggressive about ecto-weaponry since your party." Danny commented. "Your warning wasn't really needed."

"Oh, it's good that my warning was unnecessary." Luthor smiled. He turned and walked out of the room. When he was certain that Danny (who looked relived to finally be alone again) went back to work and couldn't hear him, Luthor added. "Yet."

Dani stared solemnly into her father's room. She hadn't moved in hours. Despite the fact that fatigue and hunger was beginning to catch up to her, the female halfa couldn't force herself to move. It was like she was glued to her spot.

The only reason that she wasn't in his room right now, was because the nurse told her that she needed to let him rest. This merely annoyed the halfa girl, though. Her dad has been unconscious the entire time she was here. They had him on enough drugs to make an elephant drowsy.

Groan! The sound from Dani's stomach caused Dani to wince. She ignored it, though. The halfa wasn't in the mood to move.

"It sounds as if you're hungry." A deep voice sounded from behind her. "It's a good thing I brought some snacks with me."

Dani turned and gave a sad smile to the familiar figure. "Hey, Mr. Wayne."

"Please," Wayne smiled as he handed her a plastic bag. "Call me Bruce."

"Um, okay…Bruce. Thank you." Dani carefully examined the bag. It was full of crackers, candies, and other things from the vending machine. "You didn't have to-"

"I know," Bruce smiled softly. "I wanted to. I know you must be hungry."

As if on cue, Dani's stomach let out another loud groan. The halfa blushed in embarrassment. "Well, I uh kind of forgot to eat."

Bruce hummed, "It is easy to forget the occasional meal when things like this happen."

"Yeah," Dani nodded.

"Maybe you should rest." Bruce noted. "You look exhausted."

"Danny offered to take me to the hotel room he got, but I said no." Dani explained. "If he's going to stay here all night, so am I."

"Is that out of loyalty or stubbornness?" Bruce questioned.

"Both." Dani admitted.

Bruce chuckled at that. "As expected out of Vlad's daughter."

The female halfa couldn't hold in a smile at that comment. She had picked up a few of her father's personality traits. Usually she would have pouted at that being pointed out, but right now was an exception.

Yawning, Dani asked, "Were you here meeting Dad with business?"

"Yes and no," Bruce frowned. "It's complicated."

"With adults, its always complicated." Dani grumbled as she searched the bag of snacks.

"Too true." Bruce agreed. He then turned to the window to Vlad's room. "It's always frightening to see someone like this. It reminds me of my mortality."

Dani took a big bite out of a granola bar. Honestly, she didn't really think about mortality. She was a ghost after all. Her dad's condition more of reminded her of the dangers of being a halfa. Standing at the borders of life of death was a dangerous thing to do. "If we think only about death, then how can we live our lives?"

"That's very insightful." Bruce murmered. He had heard the same thing various times over the years. "What brought about this bit of wisdom is such a young woman?"

Dani paused her chewing. "Uh…Danny…He's…It's…"

"Okay," Bruce nodded. "You don't have to say anymore."

"Thanks." Dani nodded.

There was a moment of silence between the two. The only sound was the quite chewing that came from Dani. Then, she broke the silence. "Bruce?"

"Yes?" Bruce answered.

"Do you think that my dad will make it?" Dani questioned.

Bruce looked uncomfortable. "The best doctors and scientists in the world are working to save him."

"But they say that they can't save them." Dani murmured.

"Well…your brother is working to help too, right?" Bruce suggested.

"He's not good with this kind of stuff." Dani pointed out. "He's really only good with fixing and making stuff. He probably couldn't even tell you what DNA stands for."

Bruce paused. "Don't you trust him?"

"I do, but…" Dani looked at her father.

"Sometimes, that has to be enough." Bruce explained. "Trust and faith are the only things you have sometimes. Have faith that everything will work out and it just might…sorry, I'm not all that good at this. Usually, a friend Alfred is the one giving encouragement."

"It's alright…" Dani whispered as she put her hand on the glass. "Faith and trust… Okay, then."

The wind swept through Danny's hair as he stood on the roof of the hospital. He had been working nonstop for hours and needed a break. Usually, the halfa would go for a flight when he needed a break, but because he was in a different city, that wasn't an option.

So, Danny went to the highest place he could get to at the time. It was not nearly the same as flying, but it would have to do. He didn't really had any other option.

Groaning, the halfa sat at the edge of the roof. He was so tired, but he knew that sleep was impossible right now. The insomnia he had been suffering and the recent stress of Vlad's illness barely allowed him to close his eyes for a few moments.

Danny placed his face in his hands and sighed sadly. It was beginning to look like saving Vlad would be impossible. Using all the limited knowledge and a lot of internet information, Danny managed to come to a understand one thing. He realized that there had to be some difference between how he and Vlad obtained their ghost powers.

They got their powers from similar accidents. The conditions had to be just right for a halfa to be made. Even then, though, there were other variables such as genetics, will power, and the potential for an obsession to form that also counted into the equation.

For Vlad's illness to remain at bay for so long, there had to be only a subtle difference between the two accidents. The problem now was determining what the difference was. It could be almost anything, and Danny didn't have time to run thousands of tests to find out what the difference was.

Considering the time restraints, Danny should still be working. He was having trouble focusing now, though. 'I need to get some sleep soon…'

"Hey there!" A friendly voice greeted Danny.

Turning, Danny was surprised to see the resident heroes of the city standing behind him. Green Arrow looked like Robin Hood with his green clothing. His partner Speedy wore a similar outfit, except he had yellow gloves, belt, and feathered hat. Along side the two men was the beautiful Black Canary.

"Hey," Danny greeted tiredly.

"Aren't you that Fenton kid?" Speedy asked. "Damn, you look exhausted, and that's coming from a guy that stays up half the night fighting bad guys."

"Speedy!" Black Canary admonished. "Don't be rude! He's going through a lot right now! It's good to see you again, Danny."

"Wish it was under better circumstances." Danny stated dryly. The heroes had the decency to gain a sheepish look at least.

Usually, Danny would use this opportunity to get some face with well known heroes. His inner nerd would have demanded that he get the archers' autographs. Right now, though he was too tired, and it showed. "Is there a reason you're here?"

"I saw someone on the roof up here. It's weird for anyone to be on the roof of a hospital this late." Green Arrow smiled cheerily. "I thought it would be a good idea to say hi."

"Well…" Danny gave them a sweeping glance. "I appreciate it, but I really need to be alone right now. I need some thinking space."

"Of course-" Black Canary was interrupted by Green Arrow.

The hooded hero plopped down by Danny. "What cha thinking about?"

The hero's companions face-palmed at their comrade's lack of tact. Speedy groaned out, "What do you think he's talking about?"

"Don't jump to conclusions!" Green Arrow exclaimed. "He could be having a deep contemplation about life, liberty, and the pursuit of-"

"I was thinking about Vlad." Danny interrupted the hero.

"…Or he could be thinking about the obvious thing." Green Arrow deflated. "You couldn't let me have this, could you kid?"


"Great now he's busting my balls…" Green Arrow muttered. "I can't get away with anything…"

"Come on, Green Arrow," Black Canary motioned for the hero to get up.

"But I just got comfortable…" Green Arrow commented.

In response, Black Canary merely raised an eyebrow.

"Okay! Okay!" Green Arrow rocketed to his feat in fear. "I'm up."

Both Danny and Speedy snorted. "Whipped."

"Whatever…" Green Arrow began to walk away from Danny. "It was nice meeting you kid. I hope your guardian gets better soon."

Danny nodded and turned back around. He had to think about what he could do to help Vlad. Maybe he should compare his DNA to Vlad's to see…

"Wait. One more thing." Speedy's voice caused Danny to turn again.

"Yes?" Danny raised an eyebrow. Outside he was calm, but inside he thought, 'Damn it, leave me alone!'

"You made ecto weapons for Batman." Speedy stated.

"I did." Danny nodded. That was common knowledge by now.

"Can you please make some for us?" Speedy questioned.

"Speedy," Black Canary began. "He doesn't have time for-"

"Okay." Danny shocked the heroes.

"Ha! I'm not the only one who was wrong tonight!" Green Arrow boasted. "Wait. What?"

"Obviously I can't do it right, now," Danny commented. "But I can get started when I get home. I'll have Batman pass them on to you."

"You'd do that?" Black Canary asked.

"Sure, why not?" Danny asked.

"Well…" Green Arrow shrugged. "You haven't really sold any weapons. I just assumed Bats did his glare and made you give him weapons."

"No," Danny shook his head. "Like Speedy, he just asked and I agreed. No payment needed."

"Well, that's surprising…" Speedy commented. "I thought I would have to convince you."

"You did say please." Danny pointed out.

"That's it? All you need to hear is please?" Green Arrow inquired.

"Yeah." Danny nodded. "You'd be surprised how hard it is to get a decent please from people these days."

"That," Black Canary smiled. "I can believe."

"Thanks, Danny." Green Arrow smiled. "At first, I didn't think much about ghosts, but after that whole sleeping incident…"

"Everything's clearer in hindsight." Danny noted. "Don't worry about it. I was the same way a year ago."

Despite his answer, Danny was frowning. It was the Justice League's responsibility to stop situations like Nocturne's attacks. If they managed to stop it, then he wouldn't have had to…

Bad thoughts. Bad thoughts. Bad…Coldness. Coldness.

"A lot can happen in a year." Speedy agreed.

"Yeah," Danny sighed. His terrible mood from the past few weeks was showing. "Most of it bad, too."

"Maybe you should get some sleep." Black Canary kindly suggested. "You look exhausted."

"I won't be able to sleep until Vlad is better." Danny groaned. "There doesn't seem to be a humanly possible way to help him right now…"

"Maybe that's the problem." Green Arrow suggested. "The guy is sick because of ectoplasmic radiation right? That's not very human. Maybe you should try something involving ghosts?"

Black Canary sighed, "Green Arrow, that's-"

"Brilliant…" Danny trailed off in thought.

"What?" The three heroes questioned.

"I'm an idiot." Danny stood and began to head to the door. His fatigue and annoyance was instantly forgotten. "If I can't use human means, then I can use ghosts to heal Vlad."

"What are you…" Speedy never got to finish his question.

"Thanks for the help!" Danny called as he ran through the door. "Hey! Before you leave, could you stop and say hi to my sister. She could use the distraction!"

The three heroes were left alone on the roof. Green Arrow voiced all their thoughts. "What just happened?"

"Dani! Dani! Dani!" Dani was awoken by someone nudging her shoulder. She took a moment to realize where she was. The halfa was still in the observation room, but she was on a cot. That was weird the last thing she remembered was talking to Mr. Wa…Bruce.

'I must have fallen asleep…' Dani rubbed her eyes she pulled her blanket off her. 'Did he get me this to sleep on?'

"Danielle!" Danny shouted out.

"Wha?" Dani blinked a couple of times.

"Wake up, we need to talk." Danny urgently stated.

"I'm awake." Dani yawned. "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to be gone for a couple of hours." Danny rapidly stated. "I needed to tell you."

"Where are you going?" Dani questioned.

"The Ghost Zone." Danny said.

"Why?" Dani was at a loss.

"I have an idea of how to save Vlad." That got Dani's attention.


"I'm gonna fight fire with fire." Danny stated.

"Huh?" Dani tilted her head to the side. "There's a fire? Are you going to get Torch?"

"What? No!" Danny seemed appalled by the idea of going to Torch for help.

"Ember then?" Dani suggested.

"No! Forget the fire thing!" Danny sighed. "I'm going to get a ghost to cure Vlad."

"How?" Dani questioned.

"I can't use human ways to save Vlad, so I'll get a powerful ghost to help him." Danny explained. "Some ghost should be able to save him."

"Who though?" Dani asked.

"I've thought of three that might be able to help." Danny smiled. "I just hope my first option works. I don't really want to resort to the other two."

"Oh…" Dani nodded. "How will-"

Danny cut her off. "I called Wulf using the communicator I gave him. He's waiting for me right now."

"Okay," Dani stood. "Let's go."

"You can't go." Danny shook his head.

"What?" Dani became upset. "Why?"

"If we both left, it would look suspicious. I need you to cover for me." Danny explained. "Someone might come looking for me. Tell them I went for a walk to clear my head."

"Oh…" Dani frowned. She didn't like being left behind, but this was to save her dad, so she would suck it up. "Alright. Hurry, though."

"You got it." Danny nodded and looked over to Vlad's room. "I'll be back as fast as I can."

"Yeah." Dani nodded and sat back down on the cot. She was still very tired.

"Oh, by the way," Danny said as he was walking out the door. "You have some visitors."

"Visitors?" Dani frowned. "Who would…"

The female halfa was shocked when she saw Star City's three heroes standing at the door. Her jaw instantly dropped. Her eyes shinned. She became so excited that she was actually vibrating.

"Oh my gosh!" Dani rocketed across the room in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, sleep was the last thing on her mind.

"Welcome to my library!" The Ghost Writer exclaimed dramatically as he gestured all around him.

"It's…impressive." Phantom commented.

"(Massive is the better word.)" Wulf sniffed the musty air.

The first stop on the trip was the Ghost Writer. If anyone had any information on anything in the Ghost Zone, it would be the Ghost Writer. He had the biggest collection of written information in both worlds. Hopefully, there was something on ecto-acne.

"Sorry about visiting at this hour." Phantom apologized.

"Nonsense!" The Ghost Writer grinned. "I was up late writing my newest masterpiece anyway. Having a guest interested in my books is excellent. Very few people understand the power of literature."

Phantom hummed. "That is very true."

Wulf shrugged. "(I was never much of a reader.)"

"That is your loss, then." The Ghost Writer commented sadly.

Wulf was shocked. "(You can understand me?)"

"Of course." The Ghost Writer nodded. This grey skinned ghost was wearing a purple blazer and grey shirt, pants, and scarf. The ghost had green eyes, reading glasses, and a black goatee. "Not all books are in English. If a language has written literature, then I know everything about it."

"Well, I'm not here about languages." Phantom admitted. "Do you have any books on illnesses?"

The Ghost Writer beamed. "Ah! You're interested in medical books!"

The Ghost Writer ran over to a large wall of books. It was a massive book shelf filled completely with medical journals and similar books. To Wulf and Phantom, the shelf seemed like it was never ending it was so tall.

"What do you need to know about?" The Ghost Writer smiled and showed his sharp white teeth. "Heart surgery? Pneumonia? The Black Plague?"

"Ecto acne." Phantom answered.

The Ghost Writer paused. "Is that a new disease? I've read all my books and none of them has that disease."

Phantom instantly deflated. "Nothing?"

"Well…" Suddenly, the Ghost Writer floated into the air and an energy keyboard formed around him. "I can check the internet, if you want."

Phantom sighed. "I already checked…"

"Hmm…" The Ghost Writer looked at his screen. "There are several recent articles on ecto-acne. Vlad Masters…That is your mentor, correct?"

"Yes…" Phantom mumbled.

"I understand your concern, then." The Ghost Writer admitted. "Unfortunately, I have no information on this disease."

"Damn." Phantom cursed. "Oh, well, I'll just have to go with plan B…

"(Excuse me?)" Wulf interrupted. "(But I have heard that you are one of the six that sealed the Ghost King…)"

The Ghost Writer froze. "I was…"

"And I've heard that you have the power to change reality." Phantom pointed out.

The Ghost Writer looked uncomfortable. "I do…"

"Can you-" Phantom began to ask.

"No." The Ghost Writer quickly answered.

"Why not?" Phantom inquired.

"I don't use my powers to change anything permanent, like who lives and dies." The Ghost Writer explained. "It will disrupt the order in nature. Doing so has unspeakable consequences."

"(You did it once with the Ghost King.)" Wulf pointed out.

"I did." Ghost Writer nodded. "That was the only exception I have made so far. Usually all I do is use my powers to teach people lessons, but Pariah Dark was beyond help. All six of us agreed that he needed to be stopped."

"I understand." Phantom said sadly.

Ghost Writer gave him a sympathetic smile. "It must be hard to feel so powerless, and I'm sorry, but I have taken a vow never to use my powers to save lives or end them unless the threat is world threatening. After all, there is no way of telling how permanently altering reality will affect both our worlds."

"(That makes sense, I suppose.)" Wulf mumbled. He didn't look happy, though.

"Thanks, anyway, Ghost Writer…" Phantom sadly smiled.

"Please," Ghost Writer extended his hand. "Call me Scribe. You don't have to use such an old title."

Phantom shook the hand. "Thanks, Scribe. Come on, Wulf. Time for plan B."

"(What's plan B?)" Wulf asked.

"Wishful thinking."

The excitement of meeting superheroes (Especially the Black Canary, Dani wanted to be just like her) died down quickly when Vlad's vitals spiked suddenly. The girl halfa's good mood instantly vanished as she watched the doctors rush into her father's room.

She didn't understand what they were doing really. What could they do right now? That didn't stop them from trying, though.

The room was packed with doctors that were running around frantically. All of them were screaming at each other. Dani couldn't understand a word they were saying, though. Her attention was directed completely at her father.

He seemed to be shaking. Maybe he was cold? Maybe he was scared?…No, Dani knew the truth. Her father was having a seizure.

Dani stood and watched as her sick father. A feeling of helplessness overtook her. What could she do to help?

The truth was that there was nothing she could do to help. This was beyond her control and it hurt her. She needed to be useful. She needed to help her father. She needed him to live, yet that was looking less and less likely by the minute.

Bruce's words came back to Dani's mind. 'Faith and trust are the only things you have sometimes. I need to believe that Danny will fix this. He will cure Dad…I know it.'

So, the halfa stood there and sent a silent prayer out that Danny would make it back in time. After all, that was all she could do.

"Are you insane?" Desiree question from her position on a pile of pillows. Desiree's domain appeared as a sultan's palace, only a smaller version. They were currently in a throne room. Desiree's throne, however, was merely a stack of pillows. Not very lavish, but it did look comfortable.

"(Probably.)" Wulf commented. "(Wishful thinking…Dumbest plan ever. Do you really think that she will help you?)"

"I'm desperate, okay?" Phantom whispered to his friend.

"(Yeah, well let's hope your plan C is better.)" Wulf sighed.

Phantom was silent in response.

"Quit acting as if I can't here you!" Desiree demanding. "Even if I can't understand you, that does not give you the right to ignore me when you come to visit me!"

Wulf snickered. "(Forgive me, Oh, Great One.)"

"Don't make fun of me." Phantom groaned.

"You men…" Desiree rolled her eyes. "No manners whatsoever."

"I'm sorry, Desiree," Phantom apologized. "But I need your help."

"Yes, yes, I know." Desiree sighed. "You want me to use my powers to help heal Plasmius."

"Yeah, that about sums it up." Phantom admitted.

"Well my answer is no." Desiree stubbornly shook her head.

"Please?" Phantom asked.


"Pretty please with sugar on top and those little sprinkles that I secretly love but am too afraid of the rebuke of my peers to eat."

"What/ Que?" Both Wulf and Desiree asked.

"Did I say that out loud?" Phantom questioned, then with a deepened voice added. "Okay…manly super please?"

"In that case…" Desiree smiled. "Absolutely no!"

Phantom stood there for a few seconds with a blank stare. Then, he turned and began to walk away. "Okay, come one, Wulf. Plan C it is."

"Huh?" Desiree's eyes widened as Wulf began to follow his friend.

"I said okay. You told me your answer." Phantom explained as he continued to walk away. "Plan C was always the best option anyway. I'm just gonna have to suck up my pride and ask him for help…"

"But…" Desiree's face was completely confused. "You need my help."

"No," Phantom corrected. "I want and could use your help. Needing is something different."

"If you could use my help, why not wish for it?" Desiree inquired.

"You already said that you don't want to help us." Phantom stopped and turned. He was confused on why she was acting so weird.

"That has never stopped anyone before," Desiree explained. "After all, I have to obey any command that starts with 'I wish'."

"You do, and I won't do that." Phantom answered. "I respect your answer."

"Why?" Desiree questioned. "We are enemies. I would do that same to you if I was in your position."

"Then I guess there's the difference between the two of us." Phantom gave her a hard look. "I will not force anyone to do what I want just because I have the power to do so. It would be wrong."

"And yet people have done it to me for so long…" Desiree mumbled.

"I'm sorry, then." Phantom apologized. "But I don't really have time for this, I need to go help Vlad."

As they was beginning to leave, Desiree called out to the two ghosts. "Wait!"

"(What is it?)" Wulf asked irritably. Phantom made sure to translate.

Suddenly, Desiree's eyes and hands glowed green. Wulf and Phantom instantly readied themselves for a fight but were surprised then no attack came. Desiree floated in mid air for a good minute. She seemed to be concentrating on something.

After the minute was up, Desiree's eyes and hands turned back to normal. "I'm sorry. It didn't work."

"You…tried to help him?" Phantom asked.

"I did." Desiree nodded. "But I couldn't help him. His disease will only eat away anything I do to intervene. I tired to help him, but it is beyond my power. I'm sorry."

Phantom nodded slowly. "Thank you for trying."

Desiree crossed her arms and turned away. "Do not think that I did it for you. It was merely on a whim. I was bored."

"Of course…" Phantom gave her a small smile. Once again, he turned to leave.

As he neared the door, though, he heard Desiree speak one more time. "I have been a ghost for a long time. When I died I was sad and alone. All I wanted was to be happy and free, but it never happened.

"When I was alive, the only thing I knew how to do was to please others. It was the only thing that brought me any joy, but people always wanted more. In death, all I wanted was to be happy. So my powers developed to work in the only way I knew how to be happy…by serving others.

"I never found happiness, though. Because those people…those men were never satisfied. They wanted more and more. Each wish made me more and more bitter. Eventually, I stopped fulfilling people's wishes and turned their desires against them.

"Soon, I began to hate granting wishes, but people and my powers made resistance impossible. This…was the first time anyone has ever let me have the choice in how I use my powers." Desiree spoke with her back turned to them. Slowly she turned around and gave them a gentle smile. "Thank you."

"I…would hate it if I was used by someone else without having any control…" Phantom mumbled.

"(I would too… Being trapped is the worst feeling)" Wulf frowned sadly.

"Yeah…" Phantom stopped and thought for a moment. This was a stupid idea, but… "I'm probably going to regret this later…"

"(What?)" Wulf tilted his head in confusion.

"Desiree!" Phantom caught the genie ghost's attention. "I wish that you no longer had to grant every wish you hear!"

Desiree gasped as green light surrounded her. It swirled around her in a small storm. Her powers responded to Phantom's wish and fulfilled it. After a few seconds, the light faded as if it was never there.

"What?" Desiree examined her hands in wonder. "I-I'm free…"

"(Was that a good idea? She is your enemy.)" Wulf pointed out.

"I know," Phantom agreed. "But no one deserves to be a slave."

"(This will make it very difficult to defeat her if she attacks. You eliminated her greatest weakness.)" Wulf eyed the genie ghost carefully.

"I know…" Phantom nodded. "But if she attacks, I'll just have to beat her the old fashioned way."

"…Why did…" Desiree chocked out.

"It was the right thing to do." Phantom explained. "But if you attack my town, I'll still have to kick your ass."

Desiree chuckled at the threat.

"I mean it." Phantom glared at the genie ghost. "Don't make me regret this decision."

Desiree had collapsed on her pile of pillows. She was turned away, so they couldn't she her face, but they could tell that she was crying. "I…sniff…I won't…sob…t-thank you."

"You're welcome." Phantom nodded and turned to Wulf. "Let's go. We're running out of time."

"Miss Masters?" A doctor approached the girl in the observation room.

"Yes." Dani's monotone voice answered.

"We managed to stabilize your father." The doctor explained. "But we had to put him on life support."

"I see… thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet." The doctor sadly stated. "Where's Mr. Fenton? I need to speak with him."

"He…went out on a walk a few hours ago." Dani lied. "He said he needed some air."

"You didn't think to call him?" The doctor questioned.

"I was a little busy worrying about my father!" Dani snapped.

"I'm sorry, it's just that Mr. Masters has designated that Mr. Fenton is the one to make decisions for him if he is unable to himself." The doctor apologized.

"I'm his daughter." Dani instructed. "You can tell me what it is."

"I don't think…" The doctor mumbled.

"Just tell me!" Dani ordered.

The doctor flinched. "Okay…you're father is alive, but that's where the good news ends. His disease is eating away at his insides. In a few hours, his organs won't be able to work properly."

Dani held back a whimper.

"We need Mr. Fenton's decision on what to do." The doctor explained. "If we keep him on life support, we're just going to prolong his pain."

"I…I'll call him and get him to come back." Dani whispered. The doctor nodded and began to walk away.

"Danny…please hurry…"

"Hello, Clockwork…"

"Daniel," The master of time turned to the halfa. "This is a surprise. You have never visited me before. But considering the circumstances, I suppose it was only a matter of time…"

"Bad puns are my thing…" Phantom mumbled.

Clockwork chuckled as he shifted into the form of an old man. "My apologizes."

"(Plan C…Plan Clockwork…)" Wulf commented.

"That's…" Phantom sighed. "Just a coincidence …"

"(Sure it is.)" Wulf grinned.

Phantom groaned and turned back to Clockwork. "I guess you know why I'm here."

"Of course I do." Clockwork shifter into a child. "The question is do you know why you're here?"

"Yeah," Phantom nodded. "I need help to save Vlad."

"Hmm…" Clockwork frowned, "And how exactly can I help?"

"I need to view the accident that caused Vlad to become half ghost." Phantom requested.

"That's it?" Clockwork seemed amused. "You don't want to change the past or something stupid like that?"

"Is that really an option?" Phantom asked.


"Oh…" Phantom shrugged. "Okay, so can I view the accident or not?"

Clockwork laughed as he shifted into an adult. "I suppose that this shows how much you have changed in this timeline…"

"What?" Phantom questioned. "Did I really try to change the past in anther timeline? That goes against everything time travel movies have ever taught me."

Clockwork chucked. "The circumstances were different. In fact you came to me first…Why did you wait, anyway?"

"I…can't depend on you for everything. You already intervened twice now." Phantom grimaced at the thought. "Coming to you didn't seem right, but I'm out of options."

"Pride, huh?" Clockwork mumbled. "Well, I'm glad that you waited."

"Why?" Phantom asked suspiciously.

"No reason." A now child Clockwork hid his smile. "Let's hurry. Time is short."

"Bad pun again…" Phantom grumbled.

With a wave of his staff, Clockwork showed a seen with three familiar people. Despite the circumstances, Phantom had to stifle a laugh. His parent's hair looked ridiculous.

Watching through the past memory was enlightening. He saw the creation of a powerful half right in front of him. The odd thing was that nothing seemed too different. Phantom head the younger version of his mother comment that the calculations were wrong, but all that resulted in was the burst of ectoplasm from the miniature portal.

"Hmm…" Phantom sighed desperately. "I didn't see anything that could help…"

Wulf shook his head. "(Let's watch again. Maybe we can see something this time.)"

Nodding, Phantom turned to the master of time. "Can we watch again, please?"

This time around, Phantom and Wulf eyed the memory more carefully. At the beginning, there seemed to be nothing amiss. "Maybe we can look at the clipboards to see what was…"

"Jack! Did you remember to fill the filter with ecto-purifier?" Maddie asked.

"On it baby!" Jack exclaimed as he grabbed a can and pored it into the filter.

"(I don't think was the purifier.)" Wulf commented.

"No it wasn't." Phantom's eyes widened. "It was Diet Cola…" The he face palmed. "That is definitely what a male Fenton would do…"

Clockwork smiled as the two ghosts solved the puzzle. "We must always learn from the past otherwise the same mistakes will be made again."

"And now I can fix that mistake. Thanks, Clockwork." Phantom turned and flew out of the room as fast as he could. Wulf was hot on his heels the entire way.

Clockwork shifted into the form of an adult and smiled at the doorway which the halfa just disappeared into. "You did well today, young Phantom…far more than you even begin to realize…"

The master of time looked over to the large window. The image changed from the accident to a more recent event. Desiree was crying tears of joy over her newly found freedom. Her faith in men and people in general was restored. Her smile was filled with happiness and joy.

Slowly, a ball of light drifted off of the genie's shoulder. A second ball of light then came off her head. Then, the dam burst. Small balls of light floated up from Desiree's body and disappeared in the air. Her form slowly began to fade away.

Through all of this Desiree's tears of joy never stopped falling. If anything, they only fell harder. Clockwork smiled as he watched as the genie's home began to glow like a small sun. Suddenly, the domain was gone. All that was left was Desiree.

A peaceful look came to Desiree's face. She was content. At long last she found her own happiness. Then, in a flash of light, she was gone.

"After all, it's not very often that a ghost's purpose is fulfilled."

(Friday-March 5, 2010)

Dani stood by her father. She was listing to the various machines that her father was hooked up to. She found that the sound was comforting. It was the only thing that confirmed that her father was still alive.

Things were not looking for the older halfa. His condition was getting worse by the minute. Soon, he would no longer be savable.

Once again, tears fell down the halfa's face. She couldn't wipe them away, though. Her protective suit was covering her face. So, the tears ran down her face unchecked. Not that Dani could bring herself to care.

Pride was completely out the window by now. What was the point of being prideful when her father was dying? There really wasn't one.

There no longer seemed to be hope. There was no sign of Danny and her father's condition was terrible. Her dad no time left. It was over…

"You can't go in there!" A nurse's voice from outside the room caught Dani's attention.

"Yes, I can if you step out of my path." Danny's voice growled from behind the door.

"Danny!" Dani cheered. He made it!

"Put on protective gear and-"

"Move out of the way!" Danny slammed into the room leaving a shocked nurse behind him.

One of the doctors in the room turned toward Danny. "What are you doing! Get out!"

"Shut up…" Danny mumbled as he moved over to Vlad. Dani noticed that he was holding a needle syringe. There was a label printed in Danny's sloppy handwriting. It said Ecto-Purifier.

"Stop!" The doctor got in his way. "What are you going to give him?"

"The cure, so get away." Danny motioned for him to step aside.

"I can't let you give that to my patient!" The doctor yelled. "You have no idea whether it will work or if it will make him worse."

"I ran as many tests as I could given the time I had." Danny explained. "This will cure the acne. I'm sure."

"There's no way you can know for sure!" The doctor argued.

"But I do, so I'm going to give you a choice." Danny glared at the doctor. "Get out of my way or I'll have to throw you through that mirror."

The doctor flinched. By Danny's tone, the doctor knew that the boy would follow through on his threat. Hesitantly, the doctor stepped to the side.

"Danny?" Dani asked. "Did your trip help?"

"Yes," Danny grabbed Vlad's arm and prepared to inject the cure into his arm. "It helped a hell of a lot."

After the entire cure was injected, Danny pulled the needle out and stepped back. Dani held her breath in anticipation. At first, nothing happened. There was not a change.

"No affect…" The doctor mumbled.

"Wait for it…" Danny growled.

Gasping, Dani watched as the acne on her dad's face slowly began to disappear. It was a miraculous change. In mere moments, Vlad's face was completely cleared and was now a lot less pale. The Ecto-Acne was completely gone.

"That's impossible…" The doctor muttered in shock.

"Never underestimate a Fenton." Danny smiled tiredly.

Pulling her protective helmet off, Dani let out a sob of joy. She placed herself by her father and held him tightly. "Danny…thank you."

Danny smiled. Reaching down, he ruffled her hair. Any other moment, Dani would have been angered by this action, but now she was glad for it. "You're welcome…"

The fatigue in his voice surprised Dani. Looking up, Dani commented. "You look exhausted."

"I…" Danny let out a loud yawn. "..Am…I think that I'm going to head over to the motel…You're going to stay here, right?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

Laughing lightly, Danny murmured. "No, I don't."

After the halfa had left, Dani went back embracing her father. The doctor ran some tests and decided that it was okay to take the billionaire of his sedatives. She listened to the steady heartbeat of her father as she waited for him to wake up.

Dani didn't know how long she had to wait. It could have been seconds, or it could have been hours. The time didn't matter to her. Everything was right now.

"Arg…" Vlad groaned. "What happened?"

"Dad!" Tears fell from Dani's eyes. "You're awake!"

"Yes…" Vlad groaned again. "I am. It's good to see you, baby girl…"

"Daddy…" Dani hugged her father tightly. "I was so worried…"

"I'm sorry I worried you, but…" Vlad moaned in pain. "Could you let go? You're hurting me."




Yes, everything was back to normal.

Danny sighed in relief as he made his way to the motel. Curing Vlad was a huge stress relief. He would have waited an stayed as Vlad woke up, but he was about to collapse. The adrenaline had worn off, and all Danny could think about was sleep.

'Too bad I'll probably have more nightmares…' Danny mentally grumbled.

Because the hotel was only a few blocks from the hospital, Danny decided to walk. There was no use in catching a cab if it would take longer than walking to your destination. The truth was that he would prefer to just fly to the hospital, but he still couldn't use his powers, so he was still limited to human abilities.

Danny felt a wave of relief hit him as he saw the hotel. Ah sweet relief, he was almost…

"Grah!" Danny grunted in pain as his back hit the concrete. The halfa then realized that instead of being on the side of the road, he was instead in a back alley. Deciding that he was being mugged, Danny got up and prepared himself to fight.

"Who- cough! Hack! Cough!" Danny found that breathing was far more difficult. Around him was green smoke. Danny's eyes widened when he realized that he had breathed in some of that smoke.

It was then that the halfa realized what the smoke was. His vision began to blur and narrow. A ringing sound rang in his ears. Standing had suddenly become far more difficult. He had breathed in knock out gas.

Usually, that would be meaningless to the halfa. If he was in his ghost form that is. Ghosts didn't need to breath and his ecto body filtered poison quickly. His human body, despite having a light immunity, was completely vulnerable to the gas.

Knowing that fighting was no longer an option, Danny pulled his phone out. He then tried to call for help before he passed out. Unfortunately, Danny only managed to unlock the Tucker Phone before he was suddenly punched in the right side of the face.

Most of his body was numb now, so the young halfa didn't feel much pain. The force of the blow caused him not only to fall down, but also to be sent sprawling into a nearby dumpster. He didn't realize it, but his right cheek was already swelling badly.

"Master told us not to hurt him." A calm calculating female voice caught Danny's attention.

"Whatever, Shiva, that was payback for the little brat punching me at Luthor's party." The voice of Sportsmaster answered the lady known as Shiva.

"Your petty revenge means nothing to me." Shiva commented.

Danny could no longer seen anything other than blurs. Using the dumpster as support, the young inventor tried to use his phone again. He couldn't see the screen, though, so he resulted to voice command. In a whisper, Danny said. "Danny Fenton. In…initi…ate code…red…"

The phone flashed red. It was then that Danny lost consciousness. After hitting the ground, Danny's phone slid under the dumpster. Neither assultant was concerned about the phone, though. There was no possible way for Fenton to call for help, and even if he did, they would be gone before the backup arrived..

Lifting Fenton over his shoulder, Sportsmaster looked over to Lady Shiva. "Got him. Lets' go."

A second later, both kidnappers and the unconscious Fenton were gone. All that was left as evidence of the even was the Tucker Phone. Still flashing red, the phone initiated code red. A few seconds later, a message was received by all of Danny's allies who had been given communicators. They were shocked by what they saw. None had expect to see the simple message before them.

After all, it wasn't often that you received an urgent plea for help from a powerful S-rank ghost.

Extra: The Undefeated Strategist's Incite

"Mistress, you summoned me?" A cloaked servant knelt before his master. The figure in front of him was covered in royal purple robes, a purple headdress, and a purple veil. Her back was to him, but he knew that she could sense exactly where he was.

They were currently outside. The mistress was sitting cross legged under a blooming cherry blossom tree. The grass was lush and green. Various birds were sitting in front of the woman. They appeared normal, but the distinct green glow showed that they were ghosts.

Like a projector, light pored out of the birds eyes. The light formed into a small screen in front of the woman. Each bird showed video memories of various conversations and battles. Over half of the memories involved one of the other Ancient Six that sealed the Ghost King. The others involved newer but nevertheless powerful ghosts. Each video had one think in common, though.

"Yes…" The woman's sweet voice was a treat to the ears. "I need you to prepare my estate."

"What for Mistress?" The servant asked. He needed to know for which occasion to prepare.

"I am calling for a council of the elite." The woman explained. If she had any opinions or feelings abut this statement, her voice gave none of them away.

"Are…you certain?" The servant asked nervously. "There hasn't been such a meeting since right after the fall of the Ghost King."

"I am aware of this." The woman spoke softly. "Yet you question my judgment…Why?"

The servant trembled in fear as he felt a small Haunting Aura surround him. It was not meant to affect him badly, but it did remind him to whom he was talking . "I did not mean to question you! I want to make sure that I follow your orders correctly!"

"Hmm…" The woman seemed disappointed. Once again she was left unchallenged. "…How long will the preparations take? From what I've seen and heard this meeting needs to be soon."

"With the destructive nature of our guests… plus their individual needs… I would estimate about a month to fortify everything correctly." The servant estimated.

"Acceptable…" The woman commented. "Send a message that we will meet the eleventh of the next month…"

"Of course," The servant nodded. "I will alert what is left of the six that-"

"Not only them." The woman instructed. "Send an invitation to all of the S-rank ghosts."

"I don't…as you wish." The servant bowed.

As he was leaving, the woman's voice stopped him in his tracks. "Also, don't forget to invite the halfas. They will be needed as well…especially, that young one. He will be the key to the success of my plan."

"Yes, Mistress Vision." And with that he was gone.

Vision eyed the different birds in front of her. After Ghost King's temporary return, she had sent her visual birds to watch the affairs of both worlds. Things did not look well. The humans were in the first stages of panic, and panic was the enemy of common sense.

Turning her attention to the memories, Vision watched the significant moments in history unfold.

"Please! Even if you think I'm a fool for asking, I need to ask anyway. Will you train me? Will you teach me, the son of Jack Fenton? Will you instruct a naïve do-gooder? Vlad, will you help me become strong so that I will not fail like this again?" Danny pleaded.

"Your welcome, Great One! It was a pleasure to have such a great student! I am incredibly impressed by you. Your talent for combat is quite astounding! Are you sure you can't stay for a while? We could have a feast in your honor!" Frostbite said as he shook Danny's hand.

Right as Danny was about to make contact with Colossus, the titan's shockwave went of behind Danny. Using the blast as a springboard for extra momentum, Danny punched Colossus with everything he had.

Torch brought up his scythe to block the attack. The broad sword met the met the scythe with a large clang. For a brief moment, everything froze. Torch and Phantom glared at each other. The scythe and sword remained locked. It was the climax of a battle at its finest. Then the scythe was cut in two. The edge of the ice broad sword dug into the right shoulder of Torch. The sword dug down deeply into the shoulder and cause green blood to fly out. Before too much ecto blood came out, though, the wound was covered a thick layer of ice.

The first thing Nocturne saw was a mop of white hair. He then noticed the blue energy covering the hair and the body it was attached to. Finally, Nocturne realized that the should of said body was about to ram into at over 200 mph. "Spear!" Phantom cried as he rammed into Nocturne. The sleep ghost coughed out green blood as the attack forced him and Phantom toward the street below.

"I thank you, young hero." Pandora knelt down and held out her spear with two hands. "I wish to offer you my spear as a show of good grace between us."

"Please," Ghost Writer extended his hand. "Call me Scribe. You don't have to use such an old title."

"Danny Phantom…" Vision mumbled as her cold green eyes narrowed in thought. "You shall be the one to bring us all together…Otherwise, we will all die."