Chapter 14: Anarchy

Disclaimer: I own nothing

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."

William Congreve

Chapter 14: "Anarchy"

(Tuesday-April 6, 2010)

"Are you okay Danny? It must not be easy dealing with all that happened." Jennifer asked the boy. The two were currently in the park. The spring weather was going strong, so the two friends decided to enjoy the nice weather.

"I'm not really doing well with that…" Danny admitted as he sat below the oak tree. "The whole destruction of Fenton Works is still a sore wound…"

"Do you have any leads on who did it?" Leaning back into the tree, Jenifer questioned the other teen. Because of the warmer weather, she decided to wear a simple white blouse and light jeans.

"I know who ordered it." Danny nodded.

"You…you do?" Jenifer raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, he's…." Danny thought for a moment. He didn't know if he should tell her. Batman had already told Danny that the head of the League of Shadows wasn't well known to the public. Of course, what was the harm of telling her a simple name? "His name's Ra's Al Ghul. Apparently, he leads some sort of assassin organization."

"Oh…" Jenifer let out a breath of relief. Danny thought this was weird, but ruled it off as her being relieved that Danny had some sort of lead. "Is he the guy that kidnapped you?"

"Yeah, but I don't really care about him, at least not right now. I care about the person that actually destroyed Fenton Works." Danny glared up at the clouds.

"I'm sure you'll find him." Jenifer encouraged.

"Oh, I'll find her eventually…." Danny mumbled.

"What?" Jenifer was surprised by his words.

"Oh, It's nothing. Danielle has been playing pranks to try and cheer me up. In response, I must find her and prank her back." Danny smoothly lied.

"Oh…Okay…" Jenifer relaxed again.

"How's your spring break going?" Danny asked. He was eager to change the subject.

"Good!" Jenifer smiled. "The breaks are always better when you don't dread going back to school."

"Really?" Danny inquired. "I wouldn't know."

"Yeah," Jenifer nodded. "The atmosphere in school has really mellowed out since the pageant."

"It has?" Danny felt the need to laugh. "Are you talking about the same Casper High?"

"I am." Jenifer smiled. "The A-listers have really toned back the bullying and arrogance. It's still there, but not near as bad as before. I guess your talk with Dash and Phantom's talk with the princess really stuck home."

"Well…" Danny leaned back and enjoyed the gentle breeze. "That's great to hear…"

It was then that the two friends just sat back and enjoyed the nice day. The peace allowed Danny some time to think about Jenifer's words. Apparently, his words had deeply affected the A-listers. It was nice to know that he did some good. It was nothing in comparison to his many failures, but it was still a nice victory.

Sighing, Danny tried to relax and enjoy this small victory. Right now, he didn't want to focus on ghosts, ectoplasmic weapons, and especially the destruction of Fenton Works. For once, the halfa wanted to relax and act normal. He wanted to keep this illusion for more than five minutes.

"Gasp!" A blue wisp came out of Danny's mouth.


…Damn, that didn't last long…

"Isn't that the Crate Creep guy?" Jenifer pointed to the floating ghost.

"Crape Creep? No! I am the Box Ghost!" The Box Ghost yelled.

'How many times can this idiot try and attack the city?' Danny mentally groaned. He was sick of this. 'Even Skulker limits his hunt attempts to once a week…'

Sadly, what Danny thought was true. The Box Ghost had already attacked seven times that day. Fortunately, his attacks were at worst a minor annoyance. The attacks were so pathetic that the ghost hunters decided to just plain ignore the Box Ghost. He really wasn't causing any harm.

"Behold!" The Box Ghost shouted as a small crowd appeared around him. "The lunch box of fear!"

It was then that a thermos was flung out of the box. As it landed and rolled on the ground, Danny had to fight back a laugh. It appeared as if the Box Ghost was bringing his jail. He must really be losing confidence.

"And now…" The Box Ghost snarled. "Taste your multigrained doom!"

Hundreds of sandwiches flew out of the box. They spread all across the park. Danny expected the sandwiches to explode, but instead they did nothing. They were regular sandwiches.


"Look! That caterer brought free lunch for everyone." One lady yelled as she grabbed a sandwich out of the air. The park was then filled with cheers as the people went to grab their free food.

"No, no, I am no caterer!" The Box Ghost cried. "My sandwiches are very high in calories! They will totally clog your arteries!"

"Meh," Jenifer shrugged as she chewed her food. After swallowing, she added. "I can work it off later. Gymnastics burn a lot more calories than what's in one stupid sandwich."

"Don't be so nonchalant about your doom!" The Box Ghost yelled in outrage. "These sandwiches will be your death."

"Death tastes a little dry." Danny noted.

"We need some mayo or something." Jenifer suggested.

"Good idea." Danny nodded. "Hey, Box Ghost! You got a sandwich with mayo?"

"Arg!" With that, the Box Ghost flew away in a rage.

"I guess that's a no." Danny frowned.

"Then we'll just have to fix them ourselves." Jenifer stood up. "Come on, I've got some spicy mustard and mayo at my house."


"So what did Plasmius say?" Ember asked excitedly.

"He did agree with my suggestion, but he's a little iffy on whether or not this is the right time for it." Danny explained. "Sandwich?"

"Thanks." Ember took the sandwich. "What does he mean by the timing is wrong?"

"Well…" Danny chose his words carefully. "The world's still pretty freaked out by ghosts. Vlad and I think it would be best to wait until autumn for you to do anything public. Give people time to cool off."

"Does the world even know I'm a ghost?" Ember asked.

"You know what, I don't know." Danny shrugged. "I mean, there was that whole live concert thing, but I think that people thought that our fight was all special effects. Plus, everyone watching was under mind control. And I know they weren't watching after Tucker started to sing, so it's still up in the air."

"Better safe than sorry, huh?" Ember sighed and took a bite out of her sandwich.

"That's Vlad's motto." Danny nodded.

"Okay, I can wait…" Ember took a bite out of her sandwich. "Wow, this is a good sandwich! Is that mayo?"

"I added that." Danny chuckled. "The rest was from the Box Ghost."

"Oh, that picnic box thing." Ember nodded. "...Hey…"

"Hey what?" Danny asked.

"I'm sorry about what happened to Fenton Works." Emeber stated.

"Thanks…" Danny grumbled. "But I don't want to talk about it."

"Is it getting any easier?" Ember asked. "I know that you've been hurting with the stress, grief, and nightmares."

"Easier? No." Danny said bluntly. "It only gets harder as time goes on. It's hard not to snap out at people. I've had to freeze over my emotions constantly to keep myself calm. And the Box Ghost's stupid ass attacks aren't helping me keep my cool….Gasp!" And cue the blue wisp.


Danny scowled. "Okay, I'm going to kick the living crap out of him now."

"I thought you were all about second changes." Ember pointed out.

Danny grumbled. "He'll get another chance after the boot prints on his ass fade."

Ember just laughed at that. "Wait, I'm pretty sure this will turn out fine."

"Behold! The shoe box of terror!" The Box Ghost cried.

Danny face palmed. "I'm sorry, but how are shoes scary?"

"Well…yours are." Ember gave Danny a side glance. "I've got a wiff of them before. Something must have died in them."

"When it comes to terror shoes, one size fits all!" Box Ghost then opened the shoe box and a wave of shoes spread all over the mall. The shoes hit people on the head and caused a few bumps, but no one was really hurt. In fact…

"Hey everyone, the catering shoe salesman is giving out free samples!" The same woman from the park exclaimed in joy. Then everyone cried in joy as they grabbed the shoes they wanted.

"I am not a catering shoe salesman!" Box Ghost shouted. "You are supposed to tremble as my menacing footwear pinches your feet like nobody's business!"

Then, a woman asked. "Do you have these in an eight?"

"Gah!" The Box Ghost frowned. "What do I have to do to get people to tremble around here?"

As the Box Ghost fazed through the ceiling, Danny said. "You know what. Maybe I could use some of these shoes and stick them right up Box Ghost's…"

"Oh calm down." Ember was closely examining a pair of heels. "He may be annoying, but he has good tastes in shoes."

"Whatever, I just…" Something caught Danny's eyes. "Are those the new Jordans?"

"See what I mean?" Ember smirked.


"Dani! Would you stop messing with my equipment!" Danny yelled at his sister. He was currently in the lab. Usually, he would be working with something, but now he was brainstorming. The writing pad he was writing on was filled out with a design and notes.

"But I'm bored!" Dani complained.

"Then go do something." Danny suggested. "No one's forcing you to stay down here."

"Yes, Danielle." Vlad sighed as he looked up from his business reports. "Why don't you play with Cujo?"

"Cujo's not here." Dani explained. "He's out on a walk."

"What about that new friend of yours?" Danny asked not looking up from his notepad.

"Rachel told me that she can't handle being around me too long…" Dani blushed. The new girl at school was distant and a bit of a loner. She didn't care about the status quo, though, so Dani tried to befriend the girl. It worked for the most part, but Rachel preferred the solitude in her books over the excitement of life.

As such, there were many conflicts between Rachel and Dani…Not to mention how weird Rachel's mom acted. She seemed more protective and paranoid than Dani's father.

"Can't imagine why…" Danny dryly stated.

"Why don't you teach me how to do duplicates or something." Dani suggested.

"You're still too young and you lack the stamina needed to use duplicates." Vlad deadpanned.

"You say that every day…" Dani grumbled.

"That's because you ask everyday." Vlad reminded her.

"Well, it's not fair…" Dani huffed.

"Here," Danny handed her a writing pad.

"What's this for?" Dani asked.

"I don't know. Use your imagination." Danny shrugged. "All I know is that we're not training right now. Maybe you can draw a picture."

"What am I, five?" Dani frowned.

"No, you're the girl that is annoying me right now…" Danny grumbled. "You wanted something to do, and you got it."

"You're still a kill joy!" Dani exclaimed as plopped down in a chair.

"Well, some things never change." Valerie's amused voice came from the opening elevator.

"Valorie!" Dani cheered.

"What is she doing in the lab?" Vlad questioned.

"Good to see you too, Mr. Masters." Valerie greeted. "As subtle as ever, I see."

"I needed her opinion on something." Danny explained. "It had to do with hand to hand combat."

"Hmm…" Vlad turned back to his reports. Turning into Plasmius, Vlad added, "If you insist that she be down here, then I shall take my work elsewhere. Don't do anything too dangerous, Daniel."

After the older halfa had left, Valerie asked. "What's his deal?"

"Don't mind him. He's…stressed about a meeting in a few days." Danny explained.

"Mr. Masters is stressed?" Valerie questioned. "I've seen him keep his cool through a lot of crap. This must be a big meeting."

"You could say that…" Danny then tried to change topics. "But going back to why I asked you to come here-"

"Hey, Valerie!" Dani shouted. "Can we do some training?"

"Sure." Valerie smiled. "It will be fun."

"Awesome, I've been waiting for-" Dani began but couldn't finish.

"I needed your opinion on my next project." Danny handed Valerie his notepad.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Dani yelled.

"My opinion? Is it about the Exoskeleton? You've been messing with it for weeks." Valerie looked around and noted that the suit was not in the room.

"Dad and Danny put the suit in the vault." Dani explained with a pout. She didn't like being ignored.

"The suit was already incredible before the modifications. Now…the only way it could be better is if I used nuclear power." Danny stated. "No, I needed to ask you if forcing fighting techniques into the body is possible."

"What do you mean?" Valerie questioned.

"I'm still being ignored…" Dani grumbled.

"During my escape from the Shadow's base, I was stopped by two master assassins. Because of my armor, gun, luck, their lack of mobility, Klemper's help, and being underestimated, I barely won. Even then, I had to use my healing powers.

"It made me realize…Without my powers, I'm defenseless at close range. I might be put in situations like that where I'm forced to stay as Fenton. Thus, I need to learn to fight using human hand-to-hand combat." Danny explained.

"Then we should train!" Dani yelled as she jumped up and started to punch the air.

"Dani's right. If you want to get better, you'll have to train." Valerie crossed her arms and gave him a pointed look.

"That's the problem though. Training like that would take years of repetition and practice. It's not that I'm not willing to put in the work, but there's a good chance I won't have that time. I need to be able to fight as soon as possible." Danny glared into space as he remembered the fight with Shiva and Sportsmaster.

"It doesn't work like that, Danny." Valerie shook her head.

"What if it did." Danny pointed to the notepad. "What if I could temporarily gain hundreds of years of experience in an instant."

"What?" Dani tilted her head in confusion.

Valerie looked at the paper in front of her. "You want to…plug into your spine and transfer fighting styles to your brain and body as if you actually practiced them…"

"Exactly." Danny nodded. "From what I understand, muscle memory is created when something is done enough times that the brain remembers the motion and unconsciously does it when needed. That's why professional athletes practice the same things so many times. So they can do the motion without consciously thinking."

"That sounds cool and all, but how will cutting into your spine help?" Dani asked.

"Instead of my brain, the suit I'll be wearing will react by sending pulses that cause my muscles to respond in a fight. For instance, if someone throws a punch at my head, I'll instantly block, sidestep, and counterattack in less than a second." Danny explained and pointed to the diagram.

"It's a…nice thought Danny, but there's problems." Valerie tried to put him down easily. "The biggest problem is the damage it could cause to your spine…"

"I have instant regeneration. If I have the suit block my ecto signal, I can constantly heal my spinal cord without anyone knowing that I'm using my powers." Danny stated. "The down side would be that I couldn't use any other powers, but still, that's the point of this project."

"You won't have the conditioning, though." Valerie noted. "You'll wear yourself out in no time."

"One: I practice my stamina everyday. It's the weakness of my powers. I need gas in the tank to use them. Two: Even in my human form I have almost superhuman endurance. Why else could I be thrown around like a rag doll and come out without a scratch." Danny grimaced at that thought.

"So…the only person it would work for is a person with a healing factor, superhuman stamina, and incredible endurance?" Dani frowned. "That limit's the people who can use it by a lot…"

"Even more if the suit is powered by the ecto energy in the user." Danny smirked.

"Then…it would only work for you." Valerie noted. "That's…ingenious."

"It would be useless to anyone else." Danny's smirk switched to a frown. "And that's how I want it…"

Neither Valerie or Dani said anything. They knew he was referring to the destruction of Fenton Works. It was hard to imagine what was happening with all the weapons, vehicles, and schematics that the assassins got.

Realizing that the situation was getting awkward, Danny decided to change the situation. "So, how's your vacation going, Val?"

"Great. How's your guy's going?" Valerie asked.

"I have work to catch up on." Danny explained as he looked over his work. "No time for vacation."

"What? You were gone all day. Visiting Jenifer and Ember, right?" Dani hummed to herself in remembrance. "That's why you couldn't train."

"You were…with Jenifer and Ember all day?" Valerie's left eyebrow began to twitch.

"I suppose technically." Danny remained blissfully unaware of Valerie's anger. "I had duplicates working here."

"Wha? I thought that didn't work…" Dani's eyes went wide in surprise.

"Well, it's not easy to have duplicates that far away." Danny noted. "Both the duplicates and I were really weak during the process. Plus, I was eating constantly to keep my energy up. Luckily, there was a caterer giving away sandwiches…"

"Useful…" Valerie frowned. "But why didn't you tell me about these duplicates or that you had free time to spend."

"Eh?" Danny looked up concerned.

"Why didn't you ask me to hang out?" Valerie stared at the halfa as she waited for her answer.

"Oh, snap…" Dani mumbled.

"I didn't ask anyone to hang out." Danny edged away from Valerie. "They basically dragged me out of the house. Said I needed some fresh air and time to think."

"Hmm…" Valerie seemed to mull this over. "Alright, then. Tomorrow we'll have a picnic."

"Huh?" Danny asked dumbly.

"Yeah!" Dani cheered. "That sounds fun. Can I go?"

"Sure." Valerie smiled at the younger girl. "You can even ask your Dad and Klemper to come."

"Wait a minute…" Danny was not allowed to finish that sentence.

"What about Wulf?" Dani questioned. "I'm sure he'd want to come."

Valerie hesitated for a moment. She didn't really know or trust the wolf ghost yet. "I…suppose."

"Are you deciding this without my input?" Danny was once again ignored.

"You do know that Ember will probably found out about this picnic too." Dani pointed out. "Maybe we should invite her and avoid an incident?"

Valerie grimaced. "I suppose that would be for the best…In fact, ask Jenifer to come. We could all use some… bonding time."

"You got it." Dani smiled.

"And I'm being ignored. My input means nothing…" Danny sighed.

"Doesn't feel good, does it?" Dani smirked. "Oh, that reminds me! What about training?"

"Good idea." Valerie smiled evilly as she grabbed Danny by his shirt and began to drag him to the elevator. "Let's go train."

"I suppose I have no say in this?"


(Wednesday-April 7, 2010)

You are a monster.

As he stared at the frightened girl, Danny clenched his fists. Never again. He would never come that close to killing again.

"…I'm not a monster…" Danny didn't know if he was saying this to himself or her. "I'm not.."

One thing passed through Danny's mind as he flew away. 'Never again.'

Wrong. You broke that promise.

"I made my choice already!" Phantom screamed. "He deserves to die!"

You tried to kill Nocturne without a second thought. All because of your little temper.

Danny glanced once again at the shattered PDA and grit his teeth. What made sense didn't matter. What was impossible no longer mattered. All that matter was that Tucker's PDA was now broken. The only thing that Danny had left of Tucker was gone!

Power surged through Danny as he crashed his right hand on the ground and pushed himself into a kneeling position. Then with a glare to the back of Colossus, Danny let everything burst out.

You got so angry over a little PDA.

"Were you alive? Kukukukukukukukukuku! How pathetic!" Klarion laughed at the trembling ghost. "Are you gonna cry?"

Phantom turned. He was still shaking, but it obviously not out of sorrow. His eyes showed the deep rage he had been feeling for days. "Okay…you wanted a fight…"

Energy flared around Phantom as he snarled, "I'll give you an ass kicking!"

You started a fight with the Witch Boy over useless words. I'm starting to think you like fighting.

"YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" Phantom yelled in victory. Falling to his knees, Phantom revealed in his victory. Finally, all of his training was finally showing some results.

Oh, that's right. You love fighting.

The gatling gun struck Shiva point blank in the head. The force of the blow caused Shiva to slide back. Instantly putting herself into a defensive stance, Shiva was surprised when she saw Danny aiming his gun at her.

"Who needs hope when I've got ammo." Danny smiled and activated the gatling gun. Unable to dodge because of her injuries and the ice, Shiva was hit by several blasts of ectoplasm. The assassin was knocked out in an instant.

You relish combat. You love overcoming the odds. You delight in mocking your enemies.

"Grrr." Despite the suit being in multiple pieces, Skulker could still talk through his suit. "Stupid new power…Just you wait, Whelp! I will find a way to defeat you! Then you will be mounted on my wall!"

"Yeah, just keep telling yourself that. I will always be up for the challenge." Danny then used his thermos to capture the hunter ghost.

Why else would you allow Skulker to attack you every week? You allow it because it pleases you. Fighting is the only time you feel alive. And you fight not for honor and worthy opponents like Colossus. No, you fight because you enjoy hurting others.

And though his heart cried to give his pain and suffering to others, Danny could never do that.

He would protect the stupid, ignorant hypocrites who mocked his family. He would be their hero.

That was what they would have wanted.

Being a hero means nothing to you now. Family and friends are just words you say. You are an empty shell who only lives to hurt others.

"Look at you.." Spectra smacked the thermos out of Danny's hand. "What are you? A ghost trying to fit in with humans? Or some creepy little boy with creepy little powers?"

"Both…neither…I don't know!" Phantom yelled in confusion.

Spectra dropped Phantom and leered down at the boy. "You're a freak! Not a ghost, not a boy! Who cares for a thing like you?"

You are a freak. You are a monster. You will eventually become like me…

A picture appeared. The city was in ruins. Thousands of corpses were spread across the area. A single figure floated above it all. His fanged teeth twisted his blue face into a demented smile. His red eyes gleamed in delight. His flaming white hair swayed in the wind.

I am inevitable.

Danny's eyes shot open. His body was covered in sweat. He was trembling as he tried to catch his breath.

Placing his hands on his face, Danny sighed. Despite what everyone thought, his insomnia had not gotten any better. He merely got better at hiding it. He didn't want to take his pain out on anyone else.

The dreams always varied. Sometimes Dark Dan came back. Sometimes Danny became his evil counterpart. Sometimes…he just gave up all together.

Danny was afraid of just how tempting that sounded…

After Vlad's illness and the destruction of Fenton Works, Danny once again began to question his purpose. Why was he a hero? Why did he keep inventing? Why didn't he just leave and never look back? And most importantly…why the hell did he care at all about what he was doing with his life?

These were all question that Danny couldn't answer. Being a hero put his friends and family in more danger than if he just stayed home. Inventing only served to bring more problems than it solved. His presence in this city put more people in danger than anything else.

It all came down to his motivation. What was it that he really wanted? Did he want to be a hero? Did he want to protect his new family? Did he just want to fight?

Danny didn't really know.

Sighing, Danny got out of bed and looked at the clock. It was only three in the morning. If he went down stairs now, Vlad and Dani would hear and would ask why he was awake so early. Luckily, he brought his plans up to his room. He knew that this would probably happen. He needed to distract himself.

Looking over his notes, Danny frowned. Danielle drew on some of his older notes. She probably wanted to get back at him earlier for making fun of him. Oh well, at least she didn't make it unreadable. All she did was draw a big red x across the front.

"Was this really a good idea?" Klemper in disguise as a normal blond haired teenager asked Danny. "That girl Jenifer isn't exactly used to being around our little group…"

"Don't worry." Danny waved off Klemper's concerns. "All the ghosts here are wearing disguise belts…or collar in Cujo's case, and I told Jen that your all friends visiting from out of state for spring break."

"(I do not enjoy this appearance.)" Wulf growled. He appeared to be a young man in his upper teens. His black hair was long and shaggy, and he had a bulkier build. He still had the feral aura about him, though. "(I makes me appear weak…)"

"Thanks for that…" Danny frowned. "You still look a lot more intimidating than I do…"

"The disguises weren't what I was talking about." Klemper looked over to the girls of the group. "I was talking about inviting all three of them to the same place at the same time."

"Why? What's wrong with that?" Danny questioned.

"Oh, nothing. It's just-" Klemper was cut off by the shouting.

"What is your deal?!" Valerie yelled.

"My deal?!" Jenifer scowled. "You're the one whose been on my case for months! Every time I cough in school, you seem to be there to comment."

"Would you two shut it." Ember, who was disguised as a blond, tan girl named Elizabeth wearing a white sundress, complained with a mouth full of food. "I'm trying to eat here."

"Hey, say it, don't spray it." Valerie's nose wrinkled in disgust. "That's just gross…"

"You know I thought when I was coming to this picnic, I would get to hang out with Danny, not a prude and a slob."

"Who are you calling a prude/slob!" Valerie and Ember/Elizabeth yelled.

"Uh…" Danny rubbed his head in confusion. "What's with them?"

"(From the smell, I would say hormones.)" Wulf noted.

"Huh?" Danny questioned.

"I just think that…some people just don't get along." Klemper suggested to divert Danny's attention.

"Well…" Danny recalled his past conflicts with Torch. "That's true…"

"(Why's the little one edging her way to the other females?)" Wulf questioned.

"Er…" Klemper grimaced. "She's hoping for a fight…it's a long story."

"Quite the enjoyable one though." Vlad noted as he approached them. "Are you not going to eat?"

"We'll go when it's safe." Danny glanced over to the arguing females.

Vlad sighed. "I'll break it up. It's too nice of a day for teenage drama."

"In that case, I starving." Klemper followed after the older halfa.

"(Food!)" Wulf smirked.

"Try not to go all feral." Danny told the wolf ghost. "We don't need you freaking out Jen…"

Just as Danny was about the join the others, his phone rang. Looking at the ID, Danny held back a groan. "Hello, Batman."

"Fenton, we have a problem." Batman growled over the phone.

"When don't we have a problem?" Danny sighed. "What is it?"

"I've been informed by Wonder Woman that a dangerous Greek artifact has been stolen." Batman explained. "Apparently, it's in your city."

"Oh, so you're respecting my territory and asking to retrieve the artifact for you?" Danny questioned.


"Of course not." Danny sighed. "Who's coming?"

Batman gave him the name. "Wonder Woman."

"Well…" Danny sighed. "Dani's going to be happy."

"I thought you were inviting that new friend of yours?" Vlad questioned his daughter. He was cooking hand burgers and hotdogs on the grill. Of course, he had to wear a kiss the chef apron.

"She said she was coming…" Dani noted from her spot on the picnic blanket. She slipped the brown Cujo a hot dog and added. "She might be running late."

"Or she could be right behind you." A monotone voice sounded behind the female halfa.

Dani turned and smiled. "Hey, Rachel. When did you get here?"

The girl was smaller than Danielle. Despite the warmer weather, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a dark purple hoody with the hood up. Her skin was very pale and her eyes were a violet color. The rest of her features were hidden by the hood, though.

Rachel was sitting behind Dani and was holding a book. "I've been here for ten minutes."

"You have?" Valerie questioned.

"Yes." Rachel turned her attention to her book.

"I…didn't notice." Jenifer frowned. She obviously seemed frustrated by this development.

"People rarely notice what wants to be hidden." Rachel stated.

Elizabeth/Ember eyed the younger girl. "You didn't even say anything when you arrived. Why?"

"Not everyone has to announce their arrival as obnoxiously as you do." Valerie snorted.

"What's wrong with my entrance?" Ember/Elizabeth growled.

"Everything. The fireworks was what really put it over the top, though." Jenifer noted. "Glad you're only here for today."

"You want to fight!?" Ember/Elizabeth snarled.

Vlad sighed at the arguing females. "And the teenage drama continues. You two should never become like that."

"Oh, come on, Dad. You know that I'm going to be worse than that." Dani smiled.

"Bark!" Cujo seemed to agree.

"Please, you're worse than that already." Rachel drawled.

"What! Why are you so mean!?" Dani cried.

"Hahahahaha!" Vlad laughed. "I like your friend Danielle."

"Bark!" Cujo went over to the hooded girl. Said girl instantly started to pet the disguised dog.

"Traitors!" Dani yelled in outrage.

"They just like her calm demeanor." Klemper smiled. "It's definitely a change of pace for this group."

Wulf snorted at that.

"Yes, I apologize Danielle." Vlad smiled. "I meant nothing by it."

"Well, I did." Rachel looked up from her book. "By the way, I thought you said that your 'brother' was going to be here."

"He is…" Dani looked around. "Isn't…"

Klember glanced to the last place he saw Danny. "Where'd he go?"

Wulf tried to smell the air, but was stopped by a glare from Vlad.

Vlad then pulled out his phone. "I'll call him."

"Does he usually disappear like this?" Rachel asked.

"More than you can imagine." Klemper shrugged.

"Don't worry. I never do that." Dani smiled.

"Unfortunately." Rachel frowned.

"Still so mean!" Dani cried.

"They seem to get along well…" Klemper whispered to Wulf who nodded.

"Who's coming…" Vlad spoke into his phone. "I see…how long will this take?…Alright, what exactly was taken…Oh, no…Yes, goodbye."

"Where is he, Dad?" Dani asked.

"Something has come up." Vlad explained. "I would suggest that we-"

"Gasp!" A blue whisp came out of Dani's mouth.


Everyone groaned loudly. The whole town was sick of the Box Ghost at this point.

"Behold the box of-"

"Pandora!" Vlad and Dani yelled.

"That's…Pandora's box." Rachel stared at the box.

"I thought it was a Greek myth." Jenifer stated.

"Apparently not." Valerie glared at the Box Ghost.

"We need to leave before he opens the box." Vlad gestured for them to start moving.

"Hahahaha!" Box Ghost opened the box and unleashed a wave of bats. "Creatures of the night, unleash my fright!"

"Ah!" The various people in the park started to scream as the bats swarmed around them.

"Stay away from my hair!" Jenifer smacked the bats away.

"Raw!" Wulf still in disguise yelled as the bats attacked him.

"Everyone, get out of the park!" Vlad started to push them all towards the exit.

"Slithering snakes, raise my stakes!" The Box ghost unleashed

The group ran out of the park. The snakes were all around them, but they pressed onward. By the time they reached the exit, they were almost overtaken by snakes.

"Alright." Vlad brushed off his suit. "I think it would be best if…where did they all go."

Valerie, Jenifer, and Rachel were all gone. They just seemed to disappear into thin air.

"Val probably circle around to go stop the box ghost. And I wouldn't worry about Jen and Rachel. I saw them head back into the city." Dani explained.

Vlad frowned. He didn't want to leave those girls to fend for themselves, but the city was the safer place right now. "Alright. With them gone, we can do our part."

"Our part?" Ember raised an eyebrow as she deactivated her disguise belt. "I'm heading home to the Ghost Zone."

"Alright, but we need to help." Klemper noted. "Every time that box is opened, the evil that come out becomes greater."

"Right!" Phantom's voice sounded above them. "Pandora explained that to me!"

"(Where have you been?)" Wulf questioned.

"I went home and got this." Phantom held up a Fenton Crammer. "We're going to need these weapons. But that's not what's important right now."

"What is?" Dani questioned.

"Pandora." Vlad noted. "We need to get her to help."

"Exactly. Ember, I need you to take Dani and go get Pandora." Phantom stated.

"What! Why me!?" Ember and Dani exclaimed…for different reasons of course.

"Vlad and I need to stay to keep the peace and Dani's the only one who Pandora knows. But I'm not letting her go alone." Phantom explained.

"What about Wulf, Cujo, or Klemper?!" Ember shouted.

"I'm going to need them, plus you're going to the Ghost Zone anyway." Phantom noted. "My map of the Ghost Zone is hanging in the lab. It'll lead you to her domain. Now, go!" With that, he turned and flew into the heart of the storm.

"I agree with him." Vlad looked around. When he confirmed that no one was around, he transformed. "Go and get Pandora. We'll…"

The sound of a plane rushed by them. The group felt the wind stream by them. None of them saw anything , though. "What was…"

Suddenly, a plane appeared above the park. It changed just like a ghost changes for invisibility. After catching a glimpse of who was in the plane, Dani groaned. "Oh come on! I have to leave now!? So not fair!"

"Can't believe that I have to be here instead of fighting alongside Wonder Woman…" Spirit grumbled.

"Hey, I'm the only one allowed to complain here." Ember snapped. "Why do I have to babysit?"

"Take that back!" Spirit shouted.

"Ah, no." Ember grimaced. "I had enough to do with kids when I was working with Youngblood."

"Don't compare me to him." Spirit growled.

"You're both immature and childish." Ember continued.

"Like you're one to talk!" Spirit yelled.

"Lalalalala!" Ember held her hands over her ears.

"See what I mean, I-"

"Ahhhhhhh!" Skulker zoomed by them. He was being chased by three fiery unicorns.

"Was that Skulker?" Spirit questioned.

"Yep, I'd recognize my old boyfriend's girly yell anywhere." Ember noted.

"We should help him." Spirit noted.

"Do we have to?" Ember asked.

"Yes!" Spirit grabbed Ember and began pulling her toward the fleeing hunter ghost.

"Arg!" Skulker's jet pack was blasted by the unicorns' rays and was destroyed. Luckily, Spirit managed to catch the hunter ghost before the unicorns could get to him.

"I won't tell anyone about this if you don't." Skulker noted.

"Please." Ember smirked. "I'm telling everyone about this."

"Oh, joy." Skulker growled.

The unicorns continued to chase the three ghosts. Normally, Spirit would gladly fight such cutesy creatures, but she had Skulker as baggage right now. Plus, if Skulker was running, those things must be pretty dangerous.

Several blasts of ectoplasm zoomed past them and destroyed a good chunk of Skulker's domain. Skulker scowled. "Oh that's great, I just had the whole place painted. Why are you holding me and not punishing the Box Ghost? This is his doing!"

"One: you're welcome. Two: I would rather be doing that right now, but Danny ordered me to find Pandora. You're just lucky that we stopped to save you." Spirit frowned.

Deciding to loose their chasers, Spirit and Ember hauled Skulker into an ice cave. "I never understood why people think those things are cute…"

"You should be safe here. We need to head to Pandora's domain." Spirit looked at the retreating unicorns.

Ember pulled out the map. "This says that its not far from here."

"Go then. Give the Box Ghost what he deserves." Skulker stated. "Because if you don't, then I'll hunt him down and give him the beating of his after life…"

"This isn't going well!" Phantom yelled as blasted the snakes away with an ecto bazooka.

"BARK!" Cujo in attack mode growled in agreement as he tried to eat some frog legs.

"The hydra isn't helping!" Klemper tried to freeze the large monster. Unfortunately, the beast shrugged the ice off like a bad coat.

"(We need to attack the Box Ghost directly!)" Wulf used a Fenton Nine Tails (Danny made sure to change the name) to swat at the bats and frogs.

"We're supposed to be traffic control." Plasmius noted as he held slammed into the hydra and knocked it on the side. "Make sure no one gets hurt."

"Fools! No one is safe from me anymore!" The Box Ghost screamed from his spot on his blue Pegasus.

"It's you that's not safe." Red Huntress shouted. She circled the Box Ghost and sent several ecto blasts toward the ghosts. The Pegasus stopped every attack, though. Nothing got anywhere remotely close.

Until a golden rope appeared above the Box Ghost and rapped around his body. Wonder Woman floated up to the Ghost and smirked.

Phantom had to admit. Wonder Woman was the single most beautiful woman that he had ever seen. She skin was flawless. Her black hair was silky. Her face was regal, authoritative, and beautiful. The halfa couldn't help but look at her figure. If there was such thing as perfection, that would be it. Wonder Woman must have known it, too, considering that her outfit was pretty revealing.

'Why do all the female heroes wear things like that?' Phantom wondered. 'Is it for distraction?'

"Now, cretin." Wonder Woman glared at the Box Ghost. "You shall relinquish the box."

"Never!" The Box Ghost struggled against the restraints.

"So be it!" Wonder Woman pulled at the ropes. Unfortunately, the Box Ghost opened the box at Wonder Woman before she could pull him off the flying horse. A spider the size of the Fenton RV flew out and tackled Wonder Woman to the ground.

"Is that thing's drool acid!?" Red Huntress yelled as she went to help Wonder Woman. The spider seemed to be overpowering the Amazon. The beast's drool hit the ground and was causing the dirt to melt.

"Yes it is! Beware!" The Box Ghost intercepted the female ghost hunter and opened the box to send a griffin toward the hunter.

The lion bird soared toward the hunter. It's claws were ready to tear the girl to pieces. Red Huntress managed to dodge the attacks, but the griffin continued its assault on the huntress. She had no time to fight back.

"Klember help Red! Wulf help Wonder Woman!" Phantom ordered his friends as he threw his bazooka toward the ice ghost. They did as instructed.

"Come here, Cujo! We've got the hydra!" Plasmius yelled as he used duplicates to keep the hydra distracted. "Get the Box Ghost!"

"Yeah!" Phantom rocketed toward his foe, but stopped when something caught his eye. A young girl was about to be smashed by a large snake with wings.

"Gah…" Phantom flew to the girl and picked her up. He then flew away from the disaster and to a safe area.

"Stay here!" Phantom put the girl down and turned back to the fight. The girl didn't let go of his coat, however, and weighed him down. "What is it? I need to go help the others."

The pale girl was wearing a dark purple hoody. The hood fell down in the flight, so Phantom could clearly see her violet eyes and short violet hair. "You're the Phantom."

"I am." Phantom nodded. "And you need to let go now."

The girl didn't, though. She held on like he was a lifeline. Her eyes were focused to the DP symbol on his chest. "I wanted to meet you. That's why I went back."

"Meet me?" Phantom questioned.

"Yes, you are the Fate Changer." The girl mumbled as she looked up to him desperately. "You are the man who will deny death three times. You are the man that will absolve the sins and ascend to the absolute power. You are why I came to this city."

"Huh?" Phantom questioned and knelt down to her level. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry." The girl bowed her head in shame. "I am telling you this too early…Mother warned that I should stay away, but you are my hope."

"I don't understand…" Something caught Phantom's attention. A blur was heading to them. Pushing the girl away, Phantom spun around and did an ecto powered uppercut to the flying serpent. He managed to divert the charge, but the winged snake used its tail to grab the halfa and pull him into the air.

The girl watched the older boy get dragged off. He would quickly forget that this conversation had happened, but she needed to say it. She needed to play a part, even if it was small and insignificant.

May twenty-fifth… Soon…it would happen soon. The true story would begin.

"Well that was a pain." Spirit grumbled as they strode past a police officer talking to ghost with hundreds of eyes.

"Yeah, stupid maze." Ember complained. "I knew that getting to one of the six's homes would be difficult but that was just stupid."

"That's something we can agree on…" Spirit noted.

"Yep," Ember nodded. "Annoying things like mazes suck."

"Amen to that sister." Spirit walked up to the door and rand the doorbell.


The door flew open. A very angry Pandora stood before them. "Who is it!"

"Ah…" Spirit and Ember shrunk back in terror. "It's me…Dani."

"Oh," The anger instantly left Pandora's face. "I'm sorry, dear. It's just been a really bad day. You see my box has been stolen, and Nyx helped the perpetrator get away."

"Yeah, about that…" Spirit gave a shaky smile. "I…uh…know where you box is."

"You do?"

"Arg!" Phantom groaned as the flying serpent squeezed his body. "I see why Tucker always hated snakes…"

Phantom tried to use force to pry open the snake, but that didn't work. "Okay…time for a newer trick…" Phantom's body turned into a green cloud. The gas instantly escaped the hold and flew up to the flying snake's head.

Turning into his physical form, Phantom raised an ectoplasmic fist and fired it at the serpent's head. The ectoplasm exploded and blasted the snake to the ground. Phantom followed the falling snake and sent a barrage of punches at the snake.

Half way to the ground, Phantom grabbed the snakes head and swung it like a whip. He knocked the griffin fighting Red Huntress and Klemper out of the sky. The griffin then rammed into the giant spider fighting Wulf and Wonder Woman, and the monsters rolled in front of the hydra.

"Plasmius!" Phantom flung the snake to his mentor.

Plasmius grabbed the snake. With the help of his duplicates and Cujo, he used the snake's body to tie the hydra's heads together. He then pulled the snake like a rope and use the hydra to crush the snake and spider.

"It's over Box Ghost!" Phantom growled.

"You're surrounded." Wonder Woman glared. "Relinquish the box and allow me to complete my mission!"

"Hahaha!" The Box Ghost laughed. "A small victory! There are a lot more where they came from. The Box Ghost's reign has only just begun!"

"You're reign will be the shortest in history!" An angry voice sounded through the area.

A wave of righteous female fury rushed through the group. Eveyone winced at the feeling. Wonder Woman seemed to revel in it, though.

"Uh oh…" Box Ghost looked over fearfully at Pandora, Nyx, and Spirit.

"Wow this place looks like it's been a good old playground." Nyx smirked.

"Be silent, child!" Pandora glared at her daughter. "If you had alerted me to the intruder in the first place, none of this would've happened! That's why you're here. To help fix this mess."

"Meh…coulda, shoulda, woulda." Nyx shrugged. Cue the ear pinch…"Ow!"

"It's over Box Ghost!" Phantom yelled. "There's no way you can win!"

The Box Ghost looked around. It was obvious that he didn't like his odds. "Never! I The Box Ghost! Am all powerful with my box of terror!"

"YOUR BOX?!" Pandora yelled. "THAT IS MY BOX!"

"…Oh, poop…"

What transpired would later be called one of the most one sided fights in history. With three S-rank ghosts, five regular ghosts, one ghost hunter, and one Justice Leaguer as his enemy, Box Ghost didn't stand a chance. He tried to use the box to fight back, but it was no use. The box was soon knocked out of his hands. Thus ensued the single worst beating the Box Ghost ever received.

He was pumbled, scratched, frozen, beaten, pulverized, dest…okay, a lot of bad crap happened to him. Let's just stick with that.

After the…'fight'…was over, Phantom gave the box back to Pandora. "My most treasured possession. How dare you betray it by using it for evil." Pandora blasted the Box Ghost again.

"Ow! Please stop hurting the savage-"


"Ow! Deadly-"


"Ow! Box-"


"Ow! Ghost…"



"Wait…" Wonder Woman looked up to Pandora. "The box is not supposed to be used for evil."

"Of course, not!" Pandora seemed outraged by the accusation. "I created this box to contain the greatest malevolence of the Ghost Zone. That way I could make both our worlds less evil."

"Hmm…" Wonder Woman sighed. "Another legend proven to be false."

"It was really nice of you to make that box, then…" Klemper noted.

"Yes, under all this fury and rage, I'm really quite the kind and thoughtful gal." Pandora smiled. Then she angrily blasted the Box Ghost through the wall "RAW!"

"So much pain…"

"I don't suppose you know how to get the rest of this evil back into the box?" Plasmius questioned.

"Oh, yes, that's the easy part." Pandora turned the box upside down. "I knew that spew switch would come back to haunt me…"

After all the evil was recaptured, Wonder Woman used her magic lasso to tie up the Box Ghost. The others were about to chastise the Box Ghost when Phantom asked. "Okay, why the hell have you been doing all this crap for the past week."

The Box Ghost's pupils widened as the Lasso of Truth did its job. "I'm trying to impress the Lunch Lady!"


More silence.

A lot of awkward silence.

"(Okay, that is the grossest thing I have ever heard…)" Wulf noted.

As the Box Ghost and to a lesser extent Nyx cleaned up the damage done. Spirit took this opportunity to talk to her idol.

"It's so amazing to finally meet you." Spirit grinned up at the Amazon.

"Thank you, child." Wonder Woman smiled gently. "I'm glad that I can be an ispiration to the younger women, but…you are far too young for this line of work."

"Wha?" Spirit seemed devastated. "But I thought I did good…"

"You did well, but this is a dangerous life you're trying to live." Wonder Woman glared over at Phantom and Plasmius. "And your caretakers shouldn't put you in this kind of danger yet."

"What?" Spirit looked over to her family. They were helping in putting the park back together. "They tried to convince me to wait, but I managed to get them to let me help Phantom in the hero work."

"They should have been sterner. You're not ready to be a heroine." Wonder Woman sternly stated.

"Why? I'm strong!" Spirit flexed her nonexistent muscles. Of course, that meant nothing since she could smash concrete with her ectoplasm.

"I'm not questioning your strength, young warrior. I'm questioning your maturity and experience." Wonder Woman explained.

"Well I may not have a lot of maturity or experience yet…" Spirit began.

"See." Wonder Woman smiled.

"But that's the point right?" Spirit finished. "I have to make mistakes and be out here fighting to get better right?"

"I…" Wonder Woman seemed gob smacked.

"I may not be ready to be on my own, but I have my cousin and Red Huntress to help me." Spirit summarized. "They trust me, and I trust them. And I think that's enough."

Wonder Woman was silent for a minute. "…It is always refreshing to hear the views of a younger person. They have such incite…I can now see why the gods instructed me to come here."

Spirit beamed at the praise.

"You are wise beyond your years, Spirit." Wonder Woman stood. "I look forward to the day you stand beside me and the League."

Spirit just smiled at that.

"But until then, perhaps I should have a conversation with your cousin."

"Today…was crappy." Danny plopped on the couch. "Arguing girls, Box Ghost attacking, Wonder Woman giving me an earful on protecting a future Amazon…Oh!…and now a ghost dog just landed where the sun don't shine…"


"Yes, I forgive you." Danny laid his head back.

"Oh suck it up." Dani sat down in a chair across from Danny.

Danny just glared at her.

"I thought today went very well." Dani smiled. "I met Wonder Woman, beat up on Box Ghost, and Nyx got in trouble. A great day in my opinion."

"Yeah, well, you don't have to be the one that deals with the Box Ghost problem." Danny complained.

"You volunteered for it." Dani noted.

"Because no one else would." Danny sighed. "I suppose it will be worth it when we no longer have to deal with the Box Ghost."

"That will be the day…" Dani smiled.

"A day we will all look forward to, but until then…" Vlad walked in and handed Danny some papers. "We have another day to plan for."

Danny looked over the papers as he absentmindedly petted Cujo. "So everything's set?"

Vlad sighed. "Unfortunately."

"Alright, what are you talking about?" Dani asked.

Vlad and Danny shared a look. Nodding, Vlad said, "It does involve you. You will be coming as someone under my protection."

"What does that mean?" Dani asked.

"It means…" Danny glared at the papers. "That this so called council of the elite is not just a social gathering. It's a war conference."

Omake: The Worst Punishment

Nyx was officially bored. She was so bored, she was ready to rip her finger nails off. Her boredom was so bad that she would rather being doing her chores right now than doing this.

So what if she some dumb ghost get to the box? So what if she helped him get to the box without any trouble? So what if she set the box to spew so the dumb ghost could use the box?

She had been bored!

Because of that stupid fight with Spirit…Dani…whatever her name was…Nyx had been grounded. She hadn't been allowed to do anything fun. It had been torture. Who could blame her for acting out!

Well…apparently her mom did blame her. Her mother punished her for being an 'accessory to a crime.' Because right now, she was facing the worst punishment in the history of punishments.

She had to watch paint dry.

"Can I please do something else now!?" Nyx cried in agony.

"No!" Pandora yelled.

"Please! I'm sorry!" Nyx tearfully shouted.

"That's good! But you still have to watch the paint dry for another hour!" Pandora exclaimed. She then picked up a drumstick and threw it at the Box Ghost who was working on the hedge. "Back to work!"

"Yes, ma'am…" The Box Ghost dejectedly stated.

Phantom used his ectoplasm to pick up a rake and throw it over to the Box Ghost. "Beware!…Hey that is kind of fun to say…"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Nyx screamed. "I'm going to die of boredom!"

"Now that I want to see." Spirit smirked.

"Why are you even here?" Nyx growled.

"Our last picnic was ruined, so Pandora offered to let us eat here." Phantom noted. "Could you please pass the potatoe salad?"

"Of course," Plasmius passed the food.

"This lunch is great." Klemper noted.

"(Very delicious)" Wulf growled in-between bites.

"I'm surprised that the Box Ghost is such a good cook." Ember noted.

"Hmm…" Valerie seemed to agree.

"Oh, great." Nyx cried. "Now I'm bored, tired, and hungry" Thud. "…and I have paint in my hair. Worst. Punishment. Ever."

Omake: Instant Regret

(Thursday-April 8, 2010)

"Alright," Phantom turned to look at the Box Ghost. "You ready for this?"

"Beware! The Box Ghost is always…not ready…" Box Ghost whimpered the last part.

Phantom groaned and turned back to the area in front of him. It could be described as a large soup kitchen. Tables were spread all across the completely grey room. Several ordinary green ghosts were spread around the room eating their meals. The most condensed group was in the form a line leading to the window where their target stood.

"We went over this already." Phantom sighed. "Just go up to the window and ask her."

"What if she says no?" Box Ghost trembled.

"Then you can go cry and leave me alone." Phantom grumbled.

"That is not being supportive!" Box Ghost yelled.

"All I want is for you to be out of my hair." Phantom explained. "You'll only get support from people who give a damn."

"That's it!" Box Ghost turned. "Beware! I'm leaving."

"Wait, wait, wait." Phantom grabbed the Box Ghost's should and turned him. "Alright, I'll help you through this, but you have to promise to never ever…everevereverevereverevereverever! Attack Amity Park eeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvver again…."

Wow, that was subtle…

"I promise!" Box Ghost cried.

"Alright." Phantom nodded. "Here's what you do. Go up to her, look her straight in the eye, and introduce yourself. Then get in real close and say, 'I've admired your work for some time. I would be honored if you would accompany me on a picnic'."

During his speech, Danny leaned in very close to Box Ghost. He was trying to demonstrate what to do, but he had unintentionally gotten too close for comfort. Feeling several eyes on him, Phantom turned as saw that all the nearby ghosts were staring at the two.

"What are you looking at?!" Phantom demanded. "Don't you judge us! Just go back to your food, except for you. Yeah, you. I see that Ipod. You're playing Angry Birds aren't you? Psh! Thought that no one would notice, huh? Well I did! So turn around!"

All the ghosts suddenly turned away. They were too afraid to say anything to Phantom. The one large spider ghost that Phantom accused of playing Angry Birds got up and left, though. He wasn't holding an Ipod, but Phantom knew what he saw.

"How did you even come up with that, anyway?" Box Ghost accused. "You haven't any real experience with the females."

"Yeah, but I have four consultants in Amity Park that were more than willing to help out in a love story." Phantom explained. "Those words were approved of by four different woman. And that is good enough for me."

"Okay…okay…" Box Ghost encouraged himself. "I can do this! Beware!"

"Yeah!…" Phantom watched him march up to the window. Then, he whispered to himself. "I didn't ask anybody about what to say… He's so screwed…"

Phantom observed as the Box Ghost pushed his way through the line. Some ghosts looked they were about to argue, but stopped when they saw that it was the ghost that stole Pandora's Box and lived. They weren't about to mess with him.

"Corn?" A friendly old lady voice asked the Box Ghost.

"No, I…um…I am the Box Ghost!" Box Ghost cried but then whispered. "But my real name is Cliff."

'Cliff?' Phantom mouthed the name a few times. 'Hmm…Beware! I am Cliff!…Doesn't have the same ring to it. I can see why he uses his title.'

"That's nice. Do you want carrots instead?" The Lunch Lady asked. Right now, she appeared as normal, albeit green, lunch lady. Phantom knew what she looked like when she was angry though. It wasn't a pretty sight.

"N-no th-thank y-y-you." The Box stuttered. "I…um…have admired your work for a long time, Lunch Lady…"

"THEN WHY DO YOU REFUSE MY FOOD!?" The Lunch Lady yelled in an outburst.

The Box Ghost cowered under the woman's anger. "Because I wanted to ask you something."

"Oh? Is it about the special?" Lunch Lady switched back to her friendly attitude. "I worked really hard on it. It has cinnamon!"

'The winner man!' Phantom thought to himself.

"Actually I was going to ask about cooking for you." The Box Ghost smiled.

"IS MY FOOD NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!?" The Lunch Lady screamed.

"No! Your food is amazing!" Cliff the Box Ghost praised.

'Good, go to flattery.' Phantom nodded to himself.

"You think so?" The Lunch Lady questioned gently.

"Of course, but you work too hard!" The Box Ghost explained. "That's why I wanted to take you on a picnic!"

"Oh! That sounds wonderful!" The Lunch Lady smiled. "When?"

"Um, uh, this Saturday at noon!" The Box Ghost grinned broadly.

"Good! You can pick me up here." The Lunch Lady stated. "But for now… EAT MY CAKE OF DESTRUCTION!"

Shaking his head, Phantom turned and began to walk way. His job was done. As he exited, he saw the spider ghost from earlier holding a small square device. 'Knew he was playing Angry Birds…'

It was then that it hit Danny. He had just hooked up the Box Ghost and the Lunch Lady. Flashes a small girl named Boxed Lunch appeared in Phantom's head. Phantom was now responsible for that. He had had helped create that…

"What have I just done?"