Chapter 19: Preparation

Disclaimer: I own nothing

"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure."


Chapter 19: "Preparation"

(Monday-May 10, 2010)

Danny didn't normally greet people by holding a gun to their head. This fact was especially true for his friends. Yet, here he was. An ecto-pistol was out and ready to shoot the girl in front of him in the head.

"Danny?" Jennifer's eyes widened at her friends actions.

"It was you…" Danny growled as he gripped his pistol so hard his knuckles turned white. He was wearing the baggy hoody and jeans to hide his Red X suit. In addition, his disguise belt was active to hide his appearance to make his ghost half look human. "You are…Jinx."

As soon as he could, Danny left Gotham City. After reading the GIW's reports, he knew their plans. He knew what they were after. The piece needed to accomplish their goal was in Amity Park.

Thus, Phantom traveled as he quickly as he could without drawing the attention of the GIW. He had arrived in Amity Part mere minutes ago. The halfa was shocked to see the GIW completely occupying the area. They were everywhere. Most would think that they were preparing for a ghost attack, but Danny knew better. They were waiting for him to come.

Unfortunately, Danny was not a stealthy person. He would need help, either as a ghost or as Red X. His ectoplasmic signature would give him away, though. To hide his ectoplasmic energy, he had to wear his Red X suit. His suit hindered his ghost powers for the most part, thus he couldn't use invisibility or intangibility without great effort, focus, and energy. (Note to self: find better way to hide ectoplasmic signature as a ghost)

The GIW were looking for Red X, however. Thus, he hid his suit and had his mask off.

Despite his best efforts, Danny was almost caught several times. The GIW were in high alert. He couldn't move a block without GIW flying by on hover scooters. In fact, a few seconds ago he was spotted.

Danny ran and hid immediately. The GIW were relentless, though. They almost found him hiding in an alley…

Until a pink explosion drew their attention away. They left Danny's location without a second thought.

Danny had seen that energy only once. It was different from Vlad's energy. It had a more…unlucky feel to it. That meant it belonged to her…

"That was close, huh?" Jenifer smiled as she approached Danny from out of the shadow. A minor pink glow was around her that quickly faded. It didn't take a brain surgeon to connect the dots.

Jenifer was Jinx. Danny instantly pulled out one of his guns.

"Danny?" Jennifer's eyes widened at her friends actions.

"It was you…" Danny growled as he gripped his pistol so hard his knuckles turned white. "You are…Jinx."

Jenifer said nothing.

"You don't think I wouldn't research who destroyed Fenton Works?" Danny growled. "I learned from Phantom who you are! I researched the energy that caused Fenton Works to crumble. I knew that it was Jinx that destroyed my family's memory. But I…I didn't know that…"

"I was Jinx…" Jenifer noted sadly.

"How the hell did you expect me to react?" Danny questioned. "You destroyed my family's home!"

"You slap me, then we passionately kiss?" Jinx joked.

"Not funny." Danny glared. "Why shouldn't I shoot you here and now?"

"Because I just saved you." Jenifer stated.

Danny frowned at that, but he didn't lower his gun. "Why?"

"Because you're my friend." Jenifer smiled sadly at Danny.

"My friend?!" Danny was outraged. "You used me! You're an agent of the Shadows. I was just a means to an end."

"I'm not part of the Shadows." Jenifer stated. "I just…worked with them. I was fine with it at first, but after I got to know you…I didn't want to anymore. You were my first real friend. No one made me feel like Jenifer instead of Jinx. That's why I saved you."

"Yet you still did it." Danny sighed sadly as he lowered his gun. "What do you want? I have a lot to deal with right now, and it is all your fault."

"My fault?" Jenifer questioned.

"The GIW only have the Necromancers because of you. It was part of the data you stole. Not to mention the other weapons." Danny tucked the gun away and slid down the wall tiredly. "It all comes back to you…"

"I'm sorry." Jenifer sat down with her now ex-friend. "It was for my father."

"And he is?" Danny snapped.

"…I can't tell you." Jenifer gave him a sad look.

"Of course not…" Danny mumbled angrily. "You never answered my other question. What do you want?"

"I want to help you." Jenifer gripped his arm. "As your friend… to apologize."

"Don't act like you stayed here for me…" Danny grumbled as he pulled his arm away. "I know what the GIW are after. They want the lab under the mansion. Only a select few knew about that lab...and one person who followed my sister down there."

Jenifer looked insulted. "I never told anyone about that."

"What?" Danny questioned harshly.

"I was already assigned to destroy Fenton Works. I knew how much that would hurt you, so I didn't tell anyone about the lab under your home. I knew I would be ordered to destroy it, so I told my father that you didn't have a second lab." Jenifer explained.

Danny looked her in the eye. He could tell. She wasn't lying.

"Then how do the GIW know-Urg!" Danny's head groaned in pain. Flashes of images surged in his mind. The images were of a beautiful woman. She was asking him something…

"What's wrong?" Jenifer questioned worriedly.

"Just…some forgotten memories." Danny grunted. "Ones that I will make sense of later."

"Oh?" Jenifer seemed confused.

Danny stood. "I need to get to the mansion, but I can't do it alone. I…" He hated saying this. "…need your help."

"The GIW are working with the Shadows who my father is allied with…" Jenifer noted. "If I help you, I hurt my father."

"Yes." Danny nodded. He wouldn't sugar coat it.

Jenifer looked down for a moment. She looked conflicted until she raised her head. "For you…okay."

Danny had to make a stop before they went to the mansion. It was a private meeting too, so he asked Jen…Jinx…whoever to stay outside the apartment. She was surprisingly cool about it, considering who they were visiting.

"Danny?" Valerie questioned as the halfa knocked on the window to her living room.

"Fenton?" Damon Gray said as he looked up from the newspaper on the table.

The teenage girl quickly opened the window and let the boy into the apartment.

"Thanks, Val." Danny closed the window and pulled down the shade. He didn't want Jen…Jinx to see or hear this.

"What are you doing here?" Damon stood up. "We heard you went to Wisconsin."

"No, Vlad and Dani did." Danny corrected as he stood in the center of the room. "I had things to take care of."

"Why are you here?!" Valerie growled. "If the GIW find you…"

"I know." Danny nodded. "But I'm going away for a long time. I had to say bye."

"Maybe I should leave…" Damon wanted to give his daughter some privacy. He would be in hearing distance if they got too loud, anyway.

"No, you should stay. I need your help with this." Danny noted sadly.

"Help with what?" Valerie did not like the look in Danny's eyes.

"I spent the last couple of days in Gotham City trying to get info on the GIW." Danny began.

"Oh no…" Valerie sighed as she placed her hands on her face. "Don't tell me that was you that caused all that trouble…."

Danny frowned. "Er…no. I hired Red X to do that."

"Yeah, whatever." Valerie obviously didn't buy it. She knew about the combat suit.

"Anyway, I managed to get info on the GIW. They…" Danny sighed. "They're planning to attack the Ghost Zone and kill all the ghosts."

The two humans in the room were silent.

"I can't let that happen." Danny noted. "I came by to tell you that."

"What can you do?" Damon questioned. "It's not like it's your problem anyway."

"It is…" Danny deactivated his disguise belt. They were now staring at Phantom.

"Dear Lord…" Damon collapsed on the couch in shock. "That explains so much…"

"Danny! Why did you do that!?" Valerie shocked.

"Because I need him on my side." Danny turned the belt back on. "This is my problem, whether I want it to be or not."

"That still doesn't explain what you want." Valerie noted.

"I want you to give me your ghost hunting equipment." Danny explained.

"What?! No!" Valerie glared.

"This isn't up for discussion." Danny noted sadly. "Eventually, the GIW will look for you. They don't care right now because they want my equipment, but soon they will look for you as an excuse to justify what they've been doing to this town. If they find you, they'll arrest you."

"Like hell!" Valerie shouted.

"Mr. Gray…" Danny looked at Valerie's father. "Please back me up."

"Val…" Damon slowly stood. "He's right. I…I let you do this hero thing because I thought that Phantom could watch your back. But this? It's too much. Give him your equipment."

"No!" Valerie glared.

"Unlike me, this isn't your problem, Val." Danny reasoned. "You are human. You can live a normal life. If I take away the evidence, you'll be safe."

"What if I don't want to, huh? What if I want to help you stop this conflict?" Valerie questioned.

"Okay then…" Danny gave her a flat look. "Give up going to school. Give up a normal life. Give up being Valerie Gray. Give up seeing your dad. Give up being on the human side, and you can come."

Valerie was silent.

"I thought so…" Danny looked away painfully.

"Valerie…" Damon embraced his daughter. "I'm so proud of what you've done, but he's right. There's nothing more you can do to stay on the fence."

"It's one side or the other." Danny noted. "Come with me and become the enemy of the world, or stay here and live life to the fullest."

It was at this point, Valerie made one of the biggest choices of her life. This choice would influence her for years to come. If she chose differently, then things would have been different. Things wouldn't have turned out the way they were.

But she already made her choice….

"Here…" Valerie handed Danny her bag. "Take it…"

"Thanks…" Danny smiled at his friend. "I'll take care of it. Goodbye, Val."

"Yeah, goodbye…and Danny?"


"Make sure to hit those bastards hard for me, okay? For Klemper's sake…"

"Hell yeah…"

"Home sweet home…" Danny mumbled as he looked upon the GIW occupied Masters Mansion.

"They've been there for days." Jenifer mentioned. "Getting in won't be as easy as getting around town."

"You call that easy?" Danny questioned as he observed the GIW from their spot in the bushes.

Getting around time with so many GIW agents all over the place wasn't what Danny would call easy or fun. They moved slowly and silently. Multiple times, they had to hide in rather disgusting places. Danny was now officially sick of dumpsters and sewers.

Luckily, Jinx's powers came in handy with distraction. Her power of bad luck, or actually raising the odds of the worst case scenario occurring, proved to be very useful. Causing equipment to fail or for things to break quickly drew in the GIW agent's attention.

"Well…it would have been easier without you." Jennifer joked.

Danny didn't laugh. "I need to get in there."

"Well…that much was obvious." Jenifer sighed. "That won't be any easy task, though. There's no chance of sneaking in. All the entrances are guarded heavily. The area is really open, too. Nowhere to sneak up. And after what happened with the Red X guy, they're on high alert."

"Hmm…" Danny nodded at that. There was no possible way to sneak in, and he didn't have the resources to separate them to four sides like in Gotham. He would have to use a direct assault. Get them all to one side and get them far enough away. Then…

Yeah, that could work.

"I'm going to have to fight my way in." Danny spoke to Jennifer.

"What? You?" Jennifer caught her mistake. "Not that you're not tough, but there are dozens of those guys. They've got weapons and you've got…er…well."

"I have my combat suit." Danny pulled off his hoody.

"…No…" Jenifer was shocked as Danny removed the rest of his disguise. "You?"

"Me." Danny nodded. "I built this so that I can fight."

"But you took down 25 GIW agents, one of those Necromancers, and the Scarecrow…" Jinx noted. "That's not human."

"That many huh…" Danny frowned as he checked he equipment. "How the hell did that get out anyway? Neither the GIW or the Batman would reveal that info."

"Vickie Vale seemed really interested in you. The guy that took Gotham's underbelly by storm." Jenifer noted. "She did a little snooping."

"For once a random reporter give me good publicity." Danny noted. "Well, they're about to get another story."

"This won't work." Jenifer noted. "They'll be prepared for you. They've probably studied you're fighting patterns."

"Patterns? I just go with the flow." Danny noted as he pulled out his mask. "Goodbye, Jinx…thanks for the help…"

"Wait." Jennifer grabbed Danny. She tried to kiss him, but she wasn't allowed the chance.

"No." Danny pushed her away. "I thanked you for helping me, but that's all. You used me and destroyed my family's home."

"I'm sorry." Tears appeared in Jenifer's eyes.

"You might be, but I'm not ready to forgive you." Danny's face remained neutral, but there was still anger in his eyes. "If you hadn't been such a good friend…pretend or not, I probably would have hurt you. Kissing you? Hell no. Letting you go is the most I can do."

"…I understand." Jenifer nodded slowly as she wiped her eyes. "I would be the same way if the roles were reversed."

"Yeah…" Danny turned and pulled on his mask. "Goodbye, Jinx."

"See ya…"

After finishing the preparations, Red X jumped into action. Knowing that stealth wouldn't be an option, Red X charged head on into the chaos. He quickly slammed his right palm on the many vehicles he passed by and placed explosives on the spots that he touched.

The GIW agents quickly turned to see who it was. "Red X! Gun him down!"

A barrage of bullets was sent at Red X. The masked man used his teleportation to dodge the bullets and place himself amidst the various agents. All of the men were rather close to each other in their distance, so they wouldn't be able to shoot without accidentally hitting another agent.

They tried, though…

"Dammit! You shot me!"

"What are you aiming at?!"

"Hold your fire!"

"I'm calling for backup!"

Red X smirked under his mask. That was exactly what he wanted. Get all of them, or at least most of them, up front.

Not giving the agents the chance to separate. Red X sent a barrage of punches and kicks at the agents. His movements were fluid and flawless. Each of his hits hit the agents right on target. All the punches and kicks sent at Red X were effectively dodged. He was a machine.

Boom! The explosive x's went off. The vehicles were destroyed and burning. Red X used this distraction.

His suit's reaction kicking in, Red X grabbed one the nearest GIW. Wrapping one arm around the GIW agent's neck and pulled out one of his pistols. He did it just in time, too. The backup from behind and inside the mansion had arrived.

Dragging the agent back, Red X shot at the GIW. His blast injured some of the agents, but didn't knock them out. No, he needed to stay awake for a little bit more…

"He's using Agent LMN as a shield!"

"What do we do?"

"Do procedure! We can't let the masked freak to get away again!"

The GIW opened fire at the masked man and human shield. Agent LMN took several shots before Red X dragged them behind one of the destroyed vehicles. The agent looked severely injured, but there wasn't much Red X could do about it. "Try to stay alive, asshole."

Staying behind the destroyed vehicle, Red X continued to shoot at the GIW. This time, however, Red X knocked the GIW in the front lines unconscious. They were at a good enough distance from the mansion. The backup, though…

He would need to push them forward. Unfortunately, he didn't have the resources to fix his shield generator earlier, so that wasn't an option. Electricity and his blade gloves wouldn't help either in this situation.

There was one more thing he didn't use yet, though. Busting it out, however would be an all or nothing event. Of course…this was already an all or nothing event.

Pulling out the modified Fenton Gatling Gun from the Fenton Portable Crammer, Red X placed it on his left arm. He had designed this version to work with his Red X suit. It didn't need a separate power source.

"I'm going to need a distraction…" Red X mumbled to himself. They knew he could teleport. If they caught him before he could do his third jump, then he would be shot down.


"What's going on?!"

"The ground collapsed! Did Red X do this?!"

Ground collapsed… That was rather unlucky for them. "Thanks, Jinx. I needed that…"

Using his second teleport, Red X teleported to near the back of the GIW. Because they were preoccupied regaining their balance, they didn't get to react until after Red X dropped the smoke pellets. They were instantly covered in waves of smoke.

Red X then used his third and final teleportation. He now stood at the back of the GIW agents. Raising his gatling gun, Red X opened fire out to the waves of men.

The masked halfa continued this barrage. From the groans and shouts of pain, he knew that he was forcing the GIW back, while at the same time, knocking them unconscious. That was good.

With the fog almost clear, Red X stopped the gatling gun. Quickly pulling out a trigger switch from his belt, Red X raised his hands up high. The gatling gun was pointing up, so it couldn't hurt anyone.

Then Red X said something that shocked everyone. "I surrender! Don't shoot!"

"What?" In their confusion, the GIW didn't shoot at the masked man.

"I was mistaken in my venture!" Red X announced. "I will surrender my weapons and come in for interrogation!"

Whispers went through the crowd. They seemed pleased, if not shocked, by this development. For a single instance, they let down their guards before they approached and arrested the man. This was all the time Red X needed.


Pressing the trigger, Red X remotely activated the mansion's human/ghost shield. The giant green shield appeared right in front of Red X and created a dome around the mansion. He was safe.

All of the GIW tried to shoot Red X, but it was futile. All of their blasts bounced off the shield. Nothing was getting through there.

All according to plan…

Saluting the agents, Red X turned and went into the mansion. He had business to finish.

There were a few GIW agents in the mansion. They had stayed behind to keep guard, but they were vastly outclassed. The agents were all unconscious in minutes.

After that was done, Red X paused because of the solitude of the mansion. Vlad had wasted little time escaping Amity Park with Dani. They only packed the essentials and personal items and left. Danny imagined that Dani hadn't taken the news well…

After tying up the unconscious GIW agents, Red X searched the mansion for any hiding agents. There were no more agents. During the search, however, Red X felt a terrible loneliness.

When was the last time he had been so alone? He always had help fighting ghosts. At home, there was always someone around and something to do. Hell, even in Gotham, he had help. Now he was completely alone. No one to help and nowhere to call a safe place. Things had changed so quickly…

Sighing, the masked man went into the lab. He couldn't stand the lonely feeling in the upper floors anymore.

"…Dammit." Red X stepped into the lab. He had hoped that they hadn't managed to get to it yet.

There was a huge hole in the wall leading to the vault. It must have taken a while to get into the vault, but they managed everything was gone. Luckily, Danny deleted all the files and data from his computers before leaving, so they wouldn't know about his secret.

Danny was never worried about that, though. He was worried about what the GIW were really after…

The Fenton Exoskeleton.

"Raw!" Danny pulled off his mask and punched the wall. He was too late.

His original plan was to get the Exoskeleton and run, but that wasn't an option. The Exoskeleton was his plan. Danny didn't think that they would have been able to get in the vault so quickly. It's as if they knew where it was and how to cut into it…

"Ahg!" Danny clutched his head in pain. There it was again. That memory…what was it?

He couldn't remember. It was something important, though…

Boom! It seemed that the GIW were trying to get past the barrier. Good luck with that…

Shaking it off, Danny looked around the lab. A lot of equipment was in here. With his original plan, Danny would have used both the Combat Suit and the Exoskeleton to take down the GIW, thus freeing Amity Park and giving him some time to get them to safety.

That wasn't an option anymore. It would be impossible to take down the GIW without the Exoskeleton. He would have to abandon Amity Park for now…

"Dammit…" Danny sighed sadly. The city may not be perfect. The people may have at one time been cruel to his family, but that was in the past. They had stood up for him, and it had cost them. He couldn't just leave them, but he had no choice. "None of this equipment would help me fight too…"

Boom! The GIW continued their assault.

Danny saw the shield generator shake next to the portal. The human/ghost shield was still experimental. The generator could only take so much punishment. Eventually they would give in…

All the exits were blocked for Danny. There was no way out with fighting and getting captured…

Danny looked at the portal…except for one…

Activating the portal, Danny starred at the swirling entrance. That was a sure fire way out. If he did that, though, the GIW would eventually destroy the shield and get the rest of the equipment. The Portable Fenton Crammer was already full as it was too…

Danny once again glanced around the lab. It was filled with both GIW and Fenton equipment. He couldn't let them get anything else from him…

There was only one option.

Danny quickly changed out of the Red X outfit. It wouldn't help him in the Ghost Zone. "Good to be back in my normal clothes…"

After putting the suit away, Phantom then began to mess with the equipment. After a few minutes, he was finished. It was done.

He only had a few minutes.

Glancing longingly around the lab, Phantom felt his heart throb. Only the lab would be hurt. The rest of the mansion would be fine, but so much work was done down here. So many memories were made in this lab.

Sighing, Phantom turned to the portal. Nothing could be done. It was his last option.

Painfully, Phantom stepped into the portal and abandoned his home.

The portal was destroyed before the explosion made its way through to the Ghost Zone. A portal could not run without its power source, and with that cut off, it couldn't function. It simply faded.

Phantom watched as his only way home quickly disappeared. No way back now. The only way left was forward.

Thinking of Amity Park, Phantom vowed. "I'll be back. I promise. Just hold in there."

Turning away from the destroyed portal, Phantom began to fly to the only place he could think to go.

It was time to keep his promise.

She was sitting under one of the blooming sakura trees when he arrived. Her back was to him, so he couldn't see her eyes. She knew he was here, though.

Phantom spoke first. "You were right."

"I was." There was no arrogance in her voice. No joy was there either. In fact, she seemed saddened by his words.

"They are planning to kill every ghost in existence." Phantom noted.

"I assumed they would."

"They have the means to kill every last one of us." Phantom sadly stated.

"Such resources would be necessary for an insane plan."

"When…" Phantom sighed. "The last time I was here, I said that if there was proof that they were going to attack, then I would be the first one to say strike first."


"…Let's strike first."

Vision stood and turned. "You have found your conviction in this matter?"

"I have." Danny nodded.

"Then we have a lot of work to do." Vision began to walk towards her home.

"Yes we do…" Phantom followed after the genius ghost.

(Tuesday-May 11, 2010)

"Great One!" Frostbite ran into the meeting hall. "I received your message! What's the emergency?"

"You're late, Frostbite." Scribe noted as he sipped a cup of tea.

"You only got here two minutes ago." Pandora noted.

"I was wrapped up in a good book." Scribe explained.

"Sounds boring!" Colossus noted.

"So says the cultural expert in the room." Fright Knight laughed sardonically.

"Is…the Great One not here?" Frostbite looked through the council. A few members were missing.

"DP isn't here!" Torch yelled. "Torch came here for some emergency meeting! Where is the emergency?!"

"That is what we are all wondering." The Spectre noted.

"The same emergency as before…" Phantom noted sadly as he entered the room.

"Great One!" Frostbite rushed to his friend. "I wish to apologize and offer my sympathies for Klemper. He was a good man."

"Why?" Scribe noted. "He ascended. That's something to celebrate, not something to be mourned."

"It's more than can be said about that fool Vortex." Pandora growled. "Getting mixed up with Klarion. That fool brought about his own end."

"Very true, Pandora." Colossus noted. "He who lives with no honor will die with no honor. Klemper, however, died for a friend. A truly honorable death…"

Phantom fought to control his anger. "Yes! I know all that happened I was there, and that's part of the reason we are here. Those events…it's pushed the tension between the human world and the Ghost Zone to the breaking point."

"Duh!" Torch snorted. "Why do you think Torch came here so quickly? Torch's minions are having panic attacks! Torch needs to assure them that they are safe."

"Yes, young half-ghost. Be the goodie goodie that you are and tell us how you have proved that Lady's Vision's worries were for nothing." Undergrowth sneered.

"I wish I could tell you that I did." Phantom shocked the audience.

"The humans are more prepared than we ever could have dreamed." Vision noted as she entered the room. Dozens of her birds flocked from the ceiling and landed around the room in a giant circle.

The birds all projected pictures above the powerful ghosts. They showed all the data Red X had collected.

"These Guys in White have been preparing for this longer than I ever saw this coming." Vision admitted.

"First, they've been training for months. They all have become less influenced by mental attacks like Haunting Auras, have increased their endurance, and have become more skilled." Phantom noted. "I never noticed it because of my own jumps in power and skill. They will be a pain to deal with for weaker ghosts."

"This says they have stockpiled weapons?" Spectre questioned.

"Yeah." Phantom sighed. "The Destruction of Fenton Works happened after the League of Shadows captured me. They sent a meta-human named Jinx to steal everything and destroy the building. The Shadows then sent all the equipment and data to the GIW who used it to stockpile weapons."

"Weapons?" Colossus laughed. "Is that all?! Weapons don't make the man!"

"These weapons do. Next are the Necromancers." Vision pointed to the picture of the machine. "It was designed to massacre ghosts. Its armor is made of ectoranium, and its attacks are deadly."

"I could barely handle one, but that's because it was programmed to know all of my powers and usual tactics." Phantom stated. "An S-rank ghost would be able to handle it, but anyone weaker…"

"Its weakness is that it can't fight in group and all of its attacks can hurt itself if used properly?" Scribe read from the text.

"Yes." Vision noted. "Get two or more together and they might just fight themselves. It was never designed to be compatible to fight with anyone. It can only fight properly alone."

"How many are there?" Pandora questioned.

"198." Phantom answered. "They built 200 and I destroyed two of them."

"Not sounding good…" Frostbite sighed.

"We're not at the worst parts yet…" Phantom sadly mentioned. "They've built…portable ghost portals."

"How!?" Torch stood in shock. "Torch remembers that the humans were having a hard time building one regular portal!"

"They copied the powers of the one known as Wulf." Undergrowth stared at the image of metal claws as he read the text.

"Yeah…" Phantom groaned. "They've managed to use the idea of clawing between realities. I don't know how, though. Fenton Works never designed something like that, yet the Shadows gave the design to the GIW. It doesn't make sense. The only person even close to making a working portal was the Brain. If he made the claws, why would he give them away like that?"

There had to be some connection here, but Phantom didn't know what. Did the Brain work for the Shadows? Doubtful. He was too high profile to be an underling. Did they partner for something?

"Why do I get the feeling that there's more?" Fright Knight asked.

"Because there is." The images shifted. A beautiful woman appeared. Next to her image was a picture of the Fenton Exoskeleton.

"Hey pretty lady!" Torch called out.

"Isn't that the machine that bested Pariah Dark?" Fright Knight recognized the suit.

"It is…" Phantom sighed. "When I was captured, there was time that I couldn't remember at all. I didn't think much of it until today. As you know, I used the Fenton Exoskeleton to defeat the Ghost King."

"Indeed, it multiplies your strength by 100." A new voice walked into the room. It was Plasmius.

"Vlad?" Phantom was shocked. "How… Why are you here?"

"I was invited. I am a member of the new council. I do apologize for my lateness, though." Plasmius shrugged as he sat down. "Please continue."

Phantom flashed him a look that said that this wasn't over, but the halfa continued. "Well…it did have bugs, but Vlad and I fixed that. I now works perfectly."

"A weapon for justice." The Spectre seemed pleased by that.

"Not anymore." Vision noted.

"Yes…" Phantom looked ashamed. "Recent events and Vision's help allowed me to remember the lost time from when I was captured. During this time, Queen Bee was trying to get me work for her by using her power of enthralling men, but my ghost half made that difficult. I won't work, but I would talk. She got me to tell her where the suit is and how to get to it."

"So people know about it. What of it?" Undergrowth sneered.

"No, the GIW have it." Vision explained. "They used the information and Anti-Ectoterrorist to get into the Masters Mansion and take it. They now have a weapon that can make someone as powerful as Colossus, Spectre, or the Ghost King."

Silence. They were met with silence.

"Torch needs to evacuate his minions!" Torch jumped to his feet again.

"Yes! My people need to leave now!" Frostbite shouted.

"Nyx will be in danger!" Pandora cried. "I must keep her safe!"

"HEY!" Colossus's voice boomed across the room. Everyone room paused and turned to the giant ghost. "Now is not the time to panic! If we freak out, the Ghost Zone will go to chaos!"

"He's right." Vision noted. "To keep the Ghost Zone safe, we must stand strong."

"We are talking about fighting the same people, right?" Undergrowth snapped. "This is no longer fighting meat bags. Now, this is fighting machines that can easily kill us."

"That doesn't matter!" Phantom exclaimed. "The GIW won't just let us go! They will take over the Ghost Zone and the only place where we can go is the human world. How long do you think you'll last there with the GIW hunting for you?"

He was once again met with silence.

"I thought so…"

"Then what do we do?" The Ghost Writer questioned. Despite everything, he seemed oddly calm.

"We have a plan, but we are going to unveil it tomorrow." Vision stated. "Right now, we need to gather all the ghosts. Spread the word, tomorrow we will meet at the center of the Ghost Zone!"

"What are doing here, Vlad?" Phantom questioned as he and his mentor walked through the halls of Vision's home.

"I came here to assist you." Plasmius stated. "I made a mistake by just letting you go alone. It may have been necessary, but… I'm sorry."

"I had to do it alone, Vlad." Phantom comforted his mentor. "If any ghost came with me, then they would have hunt us down in minutes."

"I know." Plasmius sighed. "But I should have done something besides leave. It was wrong of me."

"I told you to do it, I'm not mad." Phantom gave a fake smile that did nothing to hide his fatique or angry eyes, not angry at Vlad, though. He was mad at almost everything else, though. "I bet Dani's mad, though."

"You don't know the half of it-"

"YYYAAAHHH!" Spirit drop kicked her brother in a sneak attack.

"Ow!" Phantom yelped as he crumbled to the floor.

"How dare you leave me behind!?" Spirit began to beat up on the older halfa.

"Ow! Dani! Ah! Stop it!" Phantom desperately tried to block the blows.

"No!" Spirit shouted. "I will destroy you, fool! Going off on your own?! How stupid are you!? Klemper wouldn't want you to risk your life like that!"

Reaching up, Phantom grabbed Spirit and pulled her into a hug. "I know…I know…I'm sorry."

Spirit trembled in his embrace. "You better be, idiot…"

"But…" Phantom let go of his sister and stood up. "You shouldn't be here. This will be dangerous."

"It will be." Spirit nodded. "But it will be easier if we all stand together."

"We're with you." Plasmius place a hand on Phantom's shoulder.

"Thanks but-"

"FRIEND!" Wulf lunged and hugged his friend. The wolf ghost licked the halfa's face. "(It is good to see you safe!)"

"Wulf…" Phantom mumbled.

"You are an idiot!" Ember stormed up and slapped Phantom after Wulf let him go. "You disappear just like that!? That was not the time to be alone. Everyone was hurting."

"Ember…" Phantom smiled a little.

"Don't you get it, Danny?" Spirit hugged her brother. "No matter what you say or do, you won't get rid of us. You're stuck with us, whether you like it or not."

Phantom sighed. "This isn't something to be taken lightly. You could die…"

"We know." Ember frowned. "But it involves all of us nevertheless."

"(Never abandon friends…)" Wulf noted.

"Yeah…" Phantom chuckled

"So what's the plan?" Plasmius questioned.

"Okay, this is what it is. We have to…"

(Wednesday-May 12, 2010)

"We have to attack first!" Phantom's voice boomed through the center of the Ghost Zone as he spoke into the microphone. It was an unremarkable area, but it was wide and free of any ghost's domains or homes.

In fact, there was enough room for every ghost in the Ghost Zone to be there.

Phantom stood on a giant stage. All around him were the rest of the S-rank ghosts. He had to admit, Vision's servants knew how to work quickly. This stage wasn't there a few hours ago.

"The GIW are armed and ready to attack us!" Phantom gestured above him where Vision's birds were once again projecting data. "They have the necessary equipment, power, and authority to annihilate us all if they are left alone. Make no mistake, in a little under two weeks, they will attack. There is nothing that we can do about it anymore!

"Thus we are left with only one option left! We have to stop them before they can unleash the Necromancers into the Ghost Zone! If we invade the GIW bases first and destroy all the equipment before they can attack us, we can win! We will have victory before they even know what hits them!" Phantom yelled.

The sea of ghosts all around him began to whisper. They obviously had doubts. Phantom didn't blame them, though.

"Why should we do anything?!" A voice rang from the crowd. "If those things are so tough, why don't we just run and hide?"

"Where?!" Phantom shouted. "The Ghost Zone will be overrun. The only place to go will be the human world. How long will you last there!?"

"Why the hell should you even believe you?!" Another voice questioned. "You aren't one of us! You can hide among the humans! Why would a human want to help us attack humans!?"

Murmurs of agreement went through the crowd.

"I am a ghost as well as a human!" Phantom exclaimed. "This is my problem just as much as it is yours. If this happens, I'll never be able to go ghost again!"

"This could merely be your plan for revenge!" Yet another voice rang from the crowd. "We all know that Klemper ghost was your friend! Don't use us to do your dirty work!"

"This isn't like that!" Phantom tried to say, but the crowd was too loud. His message couldn't get to them.

Anger built up in Phantom. He was trying to help! Yes, he could very well just hide himself and his family, they would survive in hiding if they were careful. "ENOUGH!" His voice and Haunting Aura swept through the area.

Everyone stopped. "I could have abandoned you! I could have hidden easily! If I was careful, they never would have found me! Yet here I am! I came to make sure that you people don't die! Why?! Because I don't want any more lost obsessions! If the GIW succeed, no obsession will ever be completed again! Do you want that?!"

Silence was the answer.

"I thought so!" Phantom gestured to the Council of the Elite. "The S-rank ghosts have already agreed to fight! Even if you stay and cower, we will fight. But know this! Even one ghost can make the difference in this! Your future is in your own hands know! What do you say!?"


"WELL?!" Phantom roared angrily.

"I, for one, refuse to be the prey!" Skulker pushed his way to the front of the crowd. "I am the hunter! And these humans won't change that!"

"My people and I will stand by Phantom!" A giant dragon formed amongst the crowd. "He has already given us freedom! Now, we will fight with him to keep that freedom!"

"Beware!" God have mercy…what was he going to say? "The Box Ghost shall lend his infinite power for this battle! I shall not let my new love die so easily!"

"Indeed, I, Technus master of all technology, shall destroy these Dudes in Grey for what they've done!"

"Hell yeah!"

"Those humans can't stop us!"

"Stand up to the human bullies!"


"Hahahaha! That's the spirit!" Colossus lunged into the crowd. "Fight with honor!"

"Torch's minions will stand tall!" Torch was carried off by his minions.

"I need to talk to my daughter…" Pandora floated off.

Phantom felt a large hand on his shoulder. Frostbite smiled down at the teenager. "Well said, Great One."

"No one could have done better." Vision approached from the other side. "They knew you. They respected you, even you're enemies. All of them have seen what you can do, what you will do to protect."

"To protect…" Phantom watched as the rest of the S-rank ghosts flew off.

Yes…he was a protector.

(Thursday-May 13, 2010)

"Using the designs from the GIW, we're having everyone that could possibly work with tech make claws like the GIW." Vision noted as she pointed to the plans above her. Once again, her birds were helping.

Vision's home was now being used as a base of command. From there, everything will be controlled.

"We'll need them to get the jump on the GIW…" Phantom noted.

"Yes, unfortunately, the claws will only work once." Plasmius stated. "We will only have one shot."

"Yes, luckily the Infimap will make sure that we get the areas correct." Frostbite held up the map.

"The sneak attack will help." Phantom nodded to himself. "A good portion of the Necromancers will be destroyed before they can be activated. But after that…"

"We will have to train the ghosts when the preparations are finished." Vision agreed.

"Yeah, but…" Phantom sighed. "We're going to need everyone in this battle. Even the ghosts who are locked up…"

(Friday-May 14, 2010)

"I said no, punk!" Walker shouted as Phantom walked through the jail. "It's against the rules!"

"You think I give a damn!?" Phantom growled at the warden ghost. "But we will need everyone to survive. Even the criminals."

"Aren't you supposed to be the hero?" Walker grabbed Phantom by his coat. "The heroes don't ask help from people breaking the rules!"

"I've always been a rule breaker…" Phantom gave Walker a cold glare. "I'm not a hero anyway. A hero wouldn't be instigating a war. Now let go of me, before I put you in a body cast."

Walker growled, but complied. "You can't make me let the criminals go. My guards and I can stop you."

"How bout if I go get Vision and Colossus?" Phantom's fists glowed green. "What would happen then? Do you think that you'd survive?"

Walker flinched and looked away.

"I thought so." Phantom turned. "I'm going to go speak to those two now. You did put them in the interrogation room."

"Yes, because I thought we were going to interrogate them, not beg for help." Walker trembled in rage. "You are breaking so many rules…"

"Shut up!" Phantom walked to the interrogation room. "I have bigger problems to deal with than you. Send your guards to Sector 4. They'll be instructed about what they will be doing during battle."

Phantom ignored the warden ghost's curses and entered into the interrogation room. Convincing these two to help would be difficult.

"From the dungeons to being stuck with a peasant ghost in a pathetic prison. I am a king!" Aragon ranted. "I should be treated as such! Yet the pathetic drivel of the Ghost Zone insist on treating me like a commoner! Such blasphemy!"

"Be silent, you washed up king." Nocturne glared at the fallen prince as rubbed the long scar across his face and the stump of his horn. "I outranked you. I was a god. A king has nothing on me. Keep your mouth shut, or I'll put you in an eternal sleep."

"Fool! I'll-"

"Hey!" Phantom interrupted their argument. "How's it going?"

"You!" Both ghosts stood from their chairs. "You know him?"

"Yep, I kicked both of your asses." Phantom mention as he walked to the table where they were seated.

"Little bug!" Aragon snarled. "Don't be arrogant! You did not provide a fair fight!"

"I was already weakened because I used duplicates." Phantom shrugged. "Besides you kidnapped a…a… friend. Couldn't let you do that…"

"Insolent fool! As if you could ever compete against my full power." Aragon growled.

"Why are you here, ghost boy?" Nocturne questioned suspiciously. "You have, in the same room, two enemies who would like nothing more than to kill you. That doesn't make much sense."

"Because of the GIW" Phantom noted. "They will be attacking soon and we need to stop them. The Ghost Zone needs every ghost to fight."

"And you come alone?" Aragon snapped. "Why?"

"Because that shows you how dangerous this situation is." Phantom explained. "If we fail, you two die, and as much as I want to see Nocturne here beaten to a bloody pulp, that won't be productive."

"That's pretty good incentive, ghost boy, but we can't do anything in here." Nocturne noted with a smile.

"That's why you're being released." Phantom pulled out an amulet and tossed it to Aragon. "Think of it as bail. But know this, you do anything that hinders the plans, then you won't only have to worry about me, but all the S-rank ghosts."

The two ghosts smiled despite the threat. Freedom at last…

(Sunday-May 16, 2010)

"Hahahahah!" Colossus laughed as he carried piles of brick and concrete. "To think there would be a day that I would build things instead of destroy them!"

"It's a freaking miracle." The Ghost Writer noted as he continued to work on the wall Sector 4.

"I know how you feel, Colossus." Spirit mentioned as Colossus began working on the wall.

The original plan was to keep the GIW out of the Ghost Zone, but no one was deluded. There was a decent chance that the GIW would make it past the portals and enter the Ghost Zone. To stop this, the ghosts were building walls and barricades around each future portal location. That way, they could use the cover to attack the GIW and avoid getting shot at.

"Indeed! The art of destruction is not yet appreciated, but it is getting there." Colossus frowned. "Too bad the art of honor is slowly dying…"

"You know…" Spirit looked up at the giant ghost. "I always wondered what ancient artifact you made. Dad told me about each one, but I don't get why you made a key of all things…"

"Oh that?" Colossus smiled. "I didn't really make it. People got tired of me breaking down doors because I couldn't open them. The Ghost King and his Advisers had the Skeleton Key made for me."

"So you didn't make it?" Spirit questioned.

"Nope. I destroy things not make them…until today." Colossus mentioned as he examined the wall.

"So you don't mind that Danny's got it?" Spirit questioned.

"He does?" Colossus grinned. "Good for him! I left Chomp to guard it when I went to sleep. I was worried that he didn't get enough exercise, but if Phantom fought him, then he would have been fine. Isn't that right, Chomp!?"

A giant red-furred ghost looked up. "Roar!"

"Dammit, Colossus!" Scribe shouted. "You're pet just destroyed a part of the wall!"

"I taught him everything he knows!" Colossus laughed.

(Tuesday-May 18, 2010)

Phantom looked around at the other leaders of the different Sectors. "Does everyone have the proper number of ghosts in their sector to fight?"

"Everyone one has been divided." Vision the leader of Sector 3 nodded. "My sector will be properly instructed in their roles, even Walker's guards."

"Torch's minions and Torch's recruits will be ready to go in Sector 5!" Torch grinned.

"Yes, every sector has been provided correctly." Fright Knight sighed. "But why do Sectors 2 and 7 have so few soldiers."

"Colossus and I require little help." Spectre noted.

"Just make sure not to go overboard Spectre…" Pandora warned.

"Um…" Dora shifted uncomfortably. "Why am I leading a Sector?"

"Because there aren't enough S-rank ghosts to lead an assault on every one of the GIW's main base. Especially with the Ghost Writer working here in the Ghost Zone." Skulker explained. "That's why our sectors have the most soldiers."

"Fear not, child." Pandora noted. "You shall do fine."

"How are the…prisoners doing?" Everyone knew whom Plasmisus was talking about.

"Aragon will be under control, or I will smite the dragon myself…" Fright Knight held his sword menacingly.

Dora flinched.

"And Nocturne won't be a problem." Undergrowth smirked. "Plant's resting patterns and tendencies are different than the meat bags. He won't stand a chance."

"Good." Vision nodded. "Any other issues to report?"

"The walls and traps are complete." Frostbite stated. "Training should begin tomorrow. The ghosts will need to be instructed on how to fight the Necromancers."

"Agreed." Vision nodded. "Anything else?...No?...Then you are all dismissed."

"Dora…" Phantom spoke to Dora as everyone was leaving. "Are you alright?"

"…No…" Dora shook her head. "I don't know if I can do this. I know the only reason that I was picked for this was because Wulf is in your section…"

"That's not the reason." Phantom shook his head. "You are strong and a born leader. Very few can compete with that. I believe that you will lead Sector 9 and your people to victory."

"You're words are kind, my friend." Dora smiled. "I shall do my best."

"And…what about your brother." Phantom frowned. "I know it must be troubling you."

"I…do not hate him like most would." Dora gained a pained look. "He is still my brother, and I worry for him. I worry that he will do something foolish. I always hoped that he would redeem himself…"

"I…don't think I could be so forgiving." Phantom admitted. "I keep a lot of grudges."

"That must be a heavy burden." Dora gave him a look of pity. "Bitterness does not lead to happiness, Danny."

"I know." Phantom nodded. Hating so many things and people did not bring any joy, only pain. "But I can't change how I feel."

"Perhaps…" Dora smiled as she left the room. "Or perhaps you should starting by just letting it go."

"Yeah…let it go." Phantom rolled his eyes. "Says the lady that was complaining about missing a ball centuries ago!"

"Not the same thing!" Dora called back.

"Of course it's not…" Phantom muttered as he walked out of the meeting hall, but before he could, he was stopped by someone.

"Whelp." Skulker greeted the halfa with a grin.

"Skulker. Something you want?" Phantom frowned. He had to fight back the instinct to punch one of his oldest enemies.

"I haven't hunted you for a while." Skulker noted. "I suppose that I miss it."

"You miss little old me?" Phantom joked.

"I miss shooting at you." Skulker grinned.

"Oh…" Phantom sighed. "That's typical, but you know the weird part?"

"What is it, whelp?" Skulker questioned.

"I think I miss our fights as well." Phantom admitted. "It may just be the war, but…I just wish things would go back to the way they were before."

"I think everyone does." Skulker nodded.

"When I was speaking a few days ago…you spoke up first. You supported me before any other ghost did." Phantom remembered. "Why?"

"I have hunted you for a long time, whelp." Skulker laughed. "I know that you're not the type to send others to fight for you. If you were asking for help, you meant it."

"Thanks…" Phantom gave him a nod in acknowledgment.

"Don't thank me, whelp." Skulker grinned. "Because one day I'll be the one to defeat you. And when that day comes, you'll join my collection."

Phantom laughed despite himself. "You can try, Skulker. You can try, but I'll always be ready."

"Until then…" Skulker extended his hand.

Phantom took the hand and shook it. "Until then."

(Friday-May 21, 2010)

"This sucks!" Spirit's shout drew the attention of the various ghosts in the library. "Why do I have to be here during the fighting!?"

"Suck it up!" Nyx yelled back at her rival. "My mom stuck me in here too!"

"I understand you, but why am I here with the rest of the weaklings?!" Spirit shouted.

"Danielle!" Plasmius scolded his daughter. "That's rude!"

"Yeah!" A rather nerdy boy who looked like he came from a black and white yearbook spoke up. "Don't be a bully! Not every ghost can fight well!"

"Arg! I can fight great, you…eh? What's the word?" Youngblood questioned.

"Rack!...Scallywags." The ghost parrot stated. "We went over this already."

Spirit groaned. "Why can't I fight?!"

"Because it has been decided that the weaker and younger ghosts would help the Ghost Writer in the command central." Plasmius explained to the ghosts.

"Why?!" Spirit and Nyx complained.

"Because we do not wish for you to get hurt." Scribe walked over. "Both physically and mentally. This might be too much for you."

"I left the human world to help, though." Spirit argued.

"You will be helping." The Ghost Writer waved his hands. Various screens appeared before them. "You will monitor these screens and tell me who needs the most help."

"I thought you didn't use your powers to intervene." Nyx accused.

"I will make an exception for this." Scribe noted. "This is the fate of the entire Ghost Zone we're talking about. Not interfering is the worst option right now."

"Makes sense…" Poindexter nodded. "It will be a pleasure to work with you, Scribe. I am you're biggest fan!"

"Oh?" The Ghost Writer raised an eyebrow.

"Yes! I loved your stories of the weak barbarian Tobi." Poindexter held up a book. "Can I have your autograph?"

"Well!" Scribe's face lit up in joy. "Of course! Anything for a fellow reader and book enthusiast!"

Spirit ignored them and turned to her father. "Don't you trust me to fight?"

"Both Daniel and I would trust you with our lives, but this isn't about trust." Plasmius sighed. "War is different from fighting. You like the challenge and thrill, but this is about staying alive. And what matters most to us is that you stay alive. Promise me, that during the war you will stay in this room no matter what."


"Promise me."

"…Okay." Spirit sighed.

"The same goes to you two." Plasmius looked at Nyx and Youngblood. "Stay here. This is where we need you most."

Both ghost children didn't look happy, but nodded nevertheless.


(Sunday-May 23, 2010)

"Are you alright child?" Vision approached Spirit as the child was staring at the garden of Vision's domain.

"Huh?" Spirit looked up from her spot of the ground. "Yeah. Just fine."

"You are not a good liar." Vision also took a seat on the ground. "What is on your mind?"

"I…have a bad feeling." Spirit admitted. "That's why I want to fight. I feel that if I don't, something bad will happen."

"Statistically, something bad is bound to happen. You're concerns are grounded." Vision noted. "Yet there seems to be something more. Perhaps it is that Premonition power I have heard about?"

"Did Dad tell you about it?" Spirit grumbled.

"Why, yes, he did." Vision noticed her frown. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"I…I don't know." Spirit frowned. "I'm just tired of things changing."

"Change is certainly a frightening thing." Vision nodded. "But it is also necessary for the world to continue to evolve."

"You're right. I'm not so mad about…er…what are you and Dad exactly?" Spirit questioned.

"Friends." Vision said neutrally.

"Really?" Spirit was surprised.

"For now…" Vision chuckled to herself. "Men are rather unusual creatures. So base, yet at the time so complicated. They want us to think that they are hard and unfeeling, yet at the same time they have deep feelings that not even woman can understand."

"Huh?" Spirit questioned.

"Men are stupid." Vision simplified.

"That's true." Spirit nodded with a smiled.

"Yes…" Vision looked at the young girl. "You never answered my question about your Premonition."

"Well…" Spirit frowned. "Usually, there's a voice telling me that someone is trying to do something that will hurt me in some way. Either physically or mentally. But this? I just…feel it. Like the world will end."

"Or your world will end." Vision suggested.

"Yeah…" Spirit nodded.

"Don't fret, child." Vision placed a comforting hand on the child's shoulder. "All will be well in the end. I know it."

"I sure hope so…"

(Monday-May 24, 2010)

It was the night before the final invasion. They would attack a few hours before the GIW were ready. That would be when the GIW would be most relaxed. They would think that victory was at their doorstep. The Necromancer's would be out, but powered off. Hopefully, everything would go well and no one would die. The ghosts had been instructed not to kill if unnecessary. But the GIW? They would go for the kill.

Everyone was preparing in different ways.

Some were spending time with family:

Dani held her father as he told her an old story. Vision stood near them watching, and waiting.

Pandora watched her child sleep. The shadow user was dreaming of days of past fun and of the future.

Some were spending time with their friends:

"Hahahahaha!" Colossus pored himself a drink. "Now that was a good fight!"

"You broke off the Sphinx's nose…" Scribe sighed as he sipped his own drink.

"I wonder what the humans would think if they found out that so many of their mysteries actually involved ghosts…" Fright Knight mentioned.

Wulf snorted. "(They would probably have heart attacks.)"

"I can't understand what you are saying!" Colossus laughed.

Some were inspiring their people:

"Tomorrow, Torch's minions will gain fame and glory! Do not worry, Torch's friend! Torch will be there to lead you to victory!"

"Too long have we been stuck in the past! Now, we have witnessed the future! A future worth fighting for! A future with freedom for all!"

"Friend! Long ago, I was alone and without comrades. Today, I have my people and my friends! I will fight for all of you until my last breath, just like you would do for me!"

And some were spending their last night before alone and reflecting on the past. Such people were the Spectre, the Fright Knight, and…

Phantom sat on the edge of his bed. Sleep eluded him. His mind was too busy…too filled with anger and doubts.

Tomorrow he would try one final time to prevent this war. He would go to the UN and beg them to stop this attack. Phantom didn't know if it would work, but he had to try.

If he failed…If the UN refused and the GIW attacked, then the Ghost Zone would be prepared at least. Tomorrow wouldn't be a massacre. The ghosts would have a real fighting chance.

And him? Well…Phantom didn't really know what would happen to him if he failed. In fact, he didn't even want to think about it.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"It's open." Phantom answered.

"Hey." Ember entered the room wearing a large t-shirt and shorts. She was carrying an IPod. "So Vision really gave you this big room all to yourself?"

Phantom looked around. It may have been rather large, but it was also plain. "Yeah. She's letting my entire family sleep here in her domain."

"How nice of her." Ember noted. "Can't sleep?"

"Nope." Phantom shook his head. "You?"

"Naw." Ember smirked. "I was thinking. If I die tomorrow-"

"You won't." Phantom interrupted.

"If I do," Ember finished as she held up the IPod. "I don't want to have any regrets, so we're having that music lesson."

"Oh really?" Phantom was amused. "Alright. Why not?"

"Good answer." Ember sat next to him. "Now let's start with the greatest band of all time…Kiss."

"Of course you'd say tha-" Phantom was cut off when Ember's lips met his.

The kiss was quick and chaste. Phantom felt the familiar feeling of fire flowing through his veins. Pulling away, Ember tossed the IPod to the side where it laid forgotten.

"Ember, I-" He was once again cut off by Ember's kiss. This time, it was slower and more passionate. Phantom's hands instantly went to her waste as her arms wrapped around his neck.

Unlike the last time they kissed, Danny was in ghost form. Thus, he didn't need to breath at the moment. Their make out session lasted longer than at New Year.

After they finally broke away, Phantom mumbled. "Ember…I…We can't…"

"Shh..." Ember placed a finger on his lips.


"Shh…" Ember broke away from Phantom and stood up. She pulled off her shirt and took off her shorts. She wore nothing else underneath.

"Uh…urg…em…" Phantom stared. His mind turned off as the blood flowed elsewhere.

"As I said, I don't want to have any regrets." Ember smirked at Phantom, but he wasn't looking at her face.

"Um…" Phantom looked up. "I…don't want any regrets either. But what if…"

"No more talking…" Ember straddled him and began to take off his clothes. "Only doing."

Giving in, Phantom kissed her and flipped their positions. He continued to kiss her as they both pulled of his clothes. "Agreed."

(Tuesday-May, 25, 2010)

Phantom stood in what was called Sector 0. He waiting for the proper time to begin the plan. But until then…

Ember pulled Phantom into one last kiss. "See you later. Make sure to kick some ass."

"Yeah…" Phantom smiled at Ember as he gave her a gentle squeeze. "You too…"

As Ember left, Phantom felt eyes on his back. Turning, Phantom barked. "What are you looking at?"

Technus immediately looked away. Wulf, however, grinned. The wolf ghost could probably smell the musky sent from them.

"Hey, Babypop!" Ember's voice caused Phantom to turn once again. She opened her mouth, paused, then said. "Don't die, or I'll kick your ass!"

"Yeah…" Phantom smiled. "You too…"

"Interesting…" Fright Knight's voice caught Phantom's attention.

Looking over to the approaching knight ghost, Phantom frowned. "Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to you." Fright Knight looked over at the other two ghosts. "Alone."

"Fine." Phantom turned to Technus and Wulf. "I'll be back in a minute."

As the floated away, Fright Knight chuckled. "You and the siren, eh?"

"What of it?" Phantom glared.

"Nothing." Fright Knight looked almost nostalgic. "It reminds me of my younger days. Sex before battle was a tradition. Lovers are extremely passionate with the threat of death in the air."

Phantom flushed. Last night had been passionate. Granted, he was rather inexperienced and…sloppy, but passionate? Hell yeah.

"Is this what you wanted to talk about?" Phantom wanted to change the subject.

"No, it was just an amusing thought from an old ghost." Fright Knight chuckled. "I wanted to talk to you about what you and Lady Vision have been hiding."

"Hiding?" Phantom acted confused.

"Yes." Fright Knight pointed to Sector 0. "Why does this sector have no barricades?"

"I don't know? Bad planning." Phantom shrugged.

"Vision has no bad plans." Fright Knight argued. "Why do you only have two other ghosts in this sector?"

"Well, Technus can control technology. We'll have an advantage over the Necromancers." Phantom answered.

"Why wasn't Sector 0 ever discussed during planning?" Fright Knight questioned. "The only thing that we all know is that you will attack first. Then, you will give the signal. Does something seem wrong with this scenario?"

"Maybe, maybe not…" Phantom shrugged.

"Fine then…" Fright Knight crossed his arms. "Tell me…" He leaned in and whispered…

"Do you plan on surviving this little endeavor of yours?"

Phantom was silent.

"I thought so…" Fright Knight seemed conflicted. He gave off the feelings of pride and disappointment. That confused Phantom.

"I need to try and end this war before it begins. All this planning…it was a safety measure." Phantom explained.

"A pretty big safety measure." Fright Knight noted.

"Yeah, my plan…it probably won't work." Phantom noted. "Wulf will get me into the UN building. And Technus…his part will be complicated."

"I see…" Fright Knight closed his eyes. "I think I understand."

"What?" Phantom questioned.

"You plan to be a martyr." Fright Knight answered.

"I…no…I plan to appeal to their better nature." Phantom tried to correct

"Is there a difference?"

(A few hours later…)

Boom! Crash! Crumble!

Phantom felt debris fall all around him. If he had the power to, he would phase through the rubble, but he was too tired.

Grunting, the halfa pushed the destroyed wall off of him. It was a rather difficult task considering his left arm was broken. After finally getting free, Phantom took a moment to regain his bearings.

"Yeah…appeal to their better nature. Great plan, Phantom great plan…" Phantom stated as he wiped the blood pouring down from his cut forehead.

Looking up, Phantom saw his enemy approaching him. Deciding that he needed to use his most powerful attack to win, Phantom took what was usually unnecessary air into his lungs. Then he let it loose…

Only for a hand to clamp over his mouth.

"Too slow, Inviso-Bill…" The giant hand began to crush his head. "Game over."