Chapter 16: Fate

Disclaimer: I own nothing

"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." Marcus Aurelius

Chapter 16: "Fate"

(Sunday-October 10, 2010)

"Ah…" Jason Blood blinked as he saw Danielle Masters approach him in the park. "Miss Masters…what a surprise."

"Hey, Mr. Blood…" Dani gave a sad smile. "What's up?"

"Well, I am currently playing a game of chess with my friend…"


"Chester, wake up!" Blood snapped.

"Eh!? I'm awake Sarg!" The elderly man known as Chester woke up with a jolt.

"It's your move." Jason Blood instructed.

"Right, right…" Chester peered down at the chess board.

"So, what bring you here, Miss Masters?" Jason questioned as his friend examined the board.

"Oh…I just wanted to be alone and stuff. But I saw you, so I thought I would say hi." Dani explained.

"Ah, nice to know that not all my students are embarrassed by me." Jason laughed. "But I have to ask…what has you down on this beautiful autumn day."

"I-I'm not down." Dani argued.

"Please." Jason waved her argument off. "You have been acting differently all week. You never smile in class anymore. I also never had to confiscate any of your drawings or paper sculptures this week. I quite missed those this week. It always brightens my day."

"Yeah…" Dani clenched the notebook in her hand. "I haven't been in the mood lately."

"Are those your current drawings?" Jason Blood questioned with a frown. He peered at the drawing. "That's…dark."

"…Yeah…" Dani frowned. "I shouldn't draw when I'm not happy."

"And what happened to make you this way…Chester!"


"You fell asleep again!"


Jason Blood just sighed.

"Er..why are you hanging with such an older dude?" Dani questioned. "He's got to have a good thirty years on you."

"I…am older than I look." Blood rubbed his temples. "I have been around a long time and have seen a lot."

"So…you're an old wise dude, then?" Dani questioned.


"Then…can I ask you a personal question." The halfa sat down at a chess board that was right next to Jason and Chester. "I'd ask my family, but I can't get an impartial answer."

"I can't guarantee that I'll answer everything, but yes." Blood nodded.

"Have…you ever had a friend hurt you?"

"Yes." There wasn't even a moment's hesitation in that answer. "Many times."

"Oh…were any of those times unintentional?"

"Several." Jason stated.

"Okay…Have any of those times happened when your friend was trying to do the right things for others and succeeded, but ended up accidentally hurting you?" Dani inquired.

"Yes…I believe that happened once or twice." Blood nodded.

"…How…how did you deal with it?" Dani questioned. "I mean, I know that he didn't mean to hurt me, and that he actually helped a lot of people, but…I still feel hurt, and nothing I do can change it…"

"That is understandable." Jason chuckled. "We can't always control what we feel. Rationality cannot control matters of the heart."

"So…what do I do?" Dani asked.

"Have you tried talking to your friend?" Jason Blood suggested.

"Yes, and that…didn't work." Dani sighed.

"I see…" Jason frowned. "Then I would suggest drop kicking him."


"That was a joke."

"…Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Dani laughed.

"I thought that would cheer you up." Blood snorted.


"Anyway, I can't tell you what to do. All I can tell you that in hard times it helps to have friends you can rely on." Blood nodded to himself.

"I see…thanks, Mr. Blood." Dani smiled. That might help. Maybe if they all brainstormed together, then they could think of something.

"You're welcome."

"Hey…do you know kung fu?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well in a movie, the old wise dudes usually know something like kung fu." Dani explained. "I thought this might be the case."

"No, I'm afraid I have never learned any martial arts. I have practiced some hand to hand combat, though." Jason smiled. "But I'm more of a scholar than a fighter."

"Right…teacher…" Dani nodded. "What's your favorite subject…history?"

"No, although I'm fond of history, my favorite subject is something that most people would find…mythological."

"What is it?"


"Hello, child."

Joel opened his eyes. "…Great One."

Ra's Al Ghul eyed the child ghoul in the cage. "It came as quite the surprise to hear that you of all people were the only person to successfully adapt to the ectoplasm."

"It was a surprise to me as well." Joel acknowledged. "I was certain I was going to die."

"But instead, you thrived. You showed what my companions and I completely believe. Adaptation. Evolution. Human superiority." Ra's noted. "I always knew you had talent. From the moment that I saw you in that dump they called an orphanage."

"Yes…Those were the first words you ever said to me…'You have unlimited talent'." Joel nodded.

"It was true now, and it's even truer now. You have become a superhuman. With your training and abilities, you can become more. You can become a god." Ra's explained.

"Where are you going with this, Great One?" Joel questioned.

"I still need an heir." Ra's noted. "It is something that I have wanted for hundreds of years, but I have yet to find someone with both the ability and the stomach for the Shadow's work. And with Batman refusing my offer…"

"You…want me to become the head of the League of Shadows." Joel's eyes widened slightly. He had not been expecting this.

"Yes, eventually. Joel, you have so much power, so much skill, and so much raw calculating intelligence." Ra's explained. "With you holding the reigns of the Shadows, you'll lead this world into a new age."

"One of death and fear." Joel noted.

"It will be necessary. Mankind will never be prosper how it is now. You need to cut out the tumors completely if you want get rid of the cancer." Ra's frowned.

"You call life a disease?" Joel eyed the master assassin. "How arrogant. Life is too precious and too rare to be forsaken with such coldness."

"Yet you don't even blink at the sight of death." Ra's argued.

"I never said that death is evil." Joel retorted. "Everything comes to an end, even life. But to give up on life so easily…that is wrong. Don't pervert life and death like you are some kind of god."

"Many have argued that I am a god. And what about you? You have the powers that are considered above the possibilities of man." Ra's pointed out.

"I never asked for power. I have never asked for skill. And I definitely never asked to be anything more than I am." Joel rationalized. "You were the one that took me from the orphanage. You were the one that trained me. You were the one that sent me here. It is you and the Shadows that have caused me pain. All I have ever wanted out of life was peace. I would have been content with a simple life. Grow up. Get married. Have kids. Grow old. Die. You think you gave me the gift of power, but instead, you gave me a curse. One that will make sure that I never find peace in this life."

"Impressive speech that could have been explained with a simple no." Ra's mocked.

"Alright then. No. I will never go back to the Shadows. After everything you've done, I'd rather die." Joel answered.

"I see…" Ra's sighed. "Children these days are so stubborn. I'm sure you'll change your mind after a few years in here."

"I won't."

"Until then, though, you have a fight against a new success." Ra's spoke as the guards opened the cage.

"…success?" Joel questioned.

"Yes, another ghoul has been successfully made. He will be your next opponent."

"How did you find us again!?" Freakshow glared at the incredibly powerful being in front of him.

"You make it easy, Freakshow." Dr. Fate noted. The ectoplasmic magic user glared down at the ex-circus ringleader. "Using that little trinket leaves a trail. It's so faint that everyone else wouldn't notice it, but with my new power, I can. Now hand over the Gauntlet."

"Never!" Freakshow held up the Reality Gauntlet. It began to glow as Freakshow prepared to fight the magician. "Lydia, attack!"

Lydia did just that. She rocketed at Dr. Fate with rapid speed. Her tattoos came to life and attacked as well. Dr. Fate was completely unfazed by this. He merely raised a hand and sent a large golden blast of energy at the ghost. Green sparks danced around the golden blast. This caused the energy to both expand and to speed up significantly.

Lydia was shocked by this. She wasn't given the chance to dodge, though. The circus ghost didn't have the reaction speed to move away from the giant blast. She was sent flying back from the massive blast as all her tattoos were destroyed by Dr. Fate's attack, and she was left burnt and smoking in a crater.

"Lydia!" Freakshow shouted. He canceled the attack he was forming and crafted a shield around Lydia. "You'll pay for that Nabu!"

"…That's strange…" Kent Nelson noted as he stood by the seated Danny Phantom.

Phantom was sitting crosslegged on the ground. The single spotlight in the darkness around him allowed the halfa to see his companion as of nine days…Nine long days… "What is?"

"I'm surprised that Freakshow actually cares about her." Kent noted.

"Yeah…It kind of is surprising, but considering their history, it makes sense." Phantom turned his head back to watching Nabu control his body to fight Freakshow. The ex-ringmaser was barely surviving against the ectoplasmic powered lord of order. It was only the Reality Gauntlet's unique powers and Freakshow's creative use of the Gauntlet that allowed him to barely hold off Dr. Fate. He wouldn't last long, though, if he didn't have the access code.


"After my last run in with them, I decided that it would be good to learn more about Freakshow. A lot wasn't surprising. He was born into the circus business. His parents used ghosts to entertain people, and in most cases favored the ghosts over him." Phantom stated. "From Freakshow's record, he did a lot to try and gain his parent's attention. A lot of it was illegal. He probably would have been sent to prison a long time before he met me, if it wasn't for Lydia."


"Lydia was a human performer for Circus Gothica. She sympathized with…Fredric. She encouraged him and showed him that someone did care. As you can imagine, the attention deprived Freakshow quickly fell for the girl. And it looks like she fell for him to." Phantom sighed. "But like everything in life, tragedy strikes out of nowhere. There was an accident. Lydia…died because a ghost couldn't be controlled. I think that was when Freakshow first stepped into madness."

"I see…but Lydia's a ghost." Kent mentioned.

"Like you know, love transcends death…" Phantom noted. "I think she stayed behind because she knew he needed her."

"I think you're right…" Kent watched as the injured Lydia burst through Freakshow's shield to defend him. She pulled him out of the way of Dr. Fate's many golden chains. The ghost sent her regenerated tattoos to hold off Dr. Fate as Freakshow used the Gauntlet to transport them somewhere else. "If they weren't the enemy, then I might feel touched."

"Yeah…" Phantom frowned. "That's the way I feel about most of my enemies…"

"The world is never as black and white as we want it to be." Kent reasoned.

"Now that I do know." Phantom sighed.



"...It will take some time for Nabu to find those two again." Kent noted after a moment of silence.

"That it will…" Phantom looked back up to the soul of the older man. "...Look, I don't want to be rude, but I have to ask. Why are you still here? Nabu has a new host. You're not needed here anymore. You should go be with your wife.

"I don't feel right leaving." Kent shook his head. "You shouldn't have the helmet on. It's not your destiny."

"I don't believe in destiny. We make our own choices." Phantom remembered the fiasco with Dark Dan. "And I chose this path so that my friends could live. I don't regret it."

"You do know that you could get out of this in a moment." Kent rationalized. "If you stop complying with Nabu, then he'll be forced to take the helmet off."

"I know, but I won't do that. I promised him that he could use my body as his vessel if he protected my friends." Phantom nodded to himself. "I won't break a promise. He held up his end of the bargain, so I'll hold up mine. This is about honor."

"For honor, you would give up your freedom, friends, and family?"

"My freedom, yes, but no…I would never sacrifice what matters most to me." Phantom explained. "Nabu knows that he needs to protect my Obsession if he wants to use this body. If he doesn't, my powers will weaken. Either way, they're safe. Young Justice has Aqualad to lead them, and Amity Park hasn't needed me in a while."

"And you're just willing to accept this? You'll accept being a puppet? Because I could have a word with Nabu about this."

"Like I said, I believe in choices. This was my choice. Trying to convince either of us out of this is pointless. Namu has his vessel, and I have my obsession and honor. Everyone wins."

"I don't think that's true…"

"Okay…I asked you all here to talk about the important matter of my brother." Dani addressed her friends.

"Right!" Youngblood nodded. They were all spread out throughout Dani's room. She had plenty of space for them. "The fact that he's freaking all powerful now."

"I think she means that he's trapped as Dr. Fate." Nyx argued.

"But you have to admit, the power coming off him is amazing." Youngblood stated. "I was half expecting him to do a Kamehameha Wave."

"…Fair enough."

"Er…" Victor eyed his friends. It was still weird to see his friends when they weren't disguised as humans. "Should I really be here? I don't know too much about this."

"Too bad. You're a part of this now." Rachel sighed. "Once you're in this group, there's no getting out. Trust me, I've tried…"

"But still…I don't have powers or anything…"

"Please, Vic!" Dani gave him large puppy dog eyes. "I need all the help I can get, and you're really smart!"

"Er…" Victor felt himself cave into the will of the cute girl in front of him. "Okay…But what are we supposed to do?"

Even after the chaos of everything that happened during Undergrowth's attack with the Injustice League, the ghost made it a priority to talk to Victor about what he had learned. Vision has very calmly threatened…er…explained to Victor that he can't tell anyone what he had learned, and if he did, there would be terrible consequences. Needless to say, Victor did not feel any need to spread the knowledge of the truth of the Phantom Family.

"I don't know! That's why I called you!" Dani rolled her eyes.

"Well, I don't know what we can tell you." Rachel stated neutrally. "The Helmet of Fate cannot be removed without Dr. Fate's consent."

"It's funny, though…" Nyx leaned back on the couch and snorted.

"What? You think this is funny?" Dani frowned.

"Just the irony." Nyx mentioned. "The Fate Changer becomes Dr. Fate. It's kind of funny."

"Fate Changer?" Youngblood raised an eyebrow.

"W-where did you hear that name?" Rachel questioned.

"Don't know. Heard it a long time ago. Someone told me that someone named Phantom will be the Fate Changer. Thought it was a dream until I began to hear about Danny Phantom." Nyx mentioned nonchalantly. "That's why I came to Amity Park in the first place."

"It is?" Youngblood questioned.

"Yeah, I wanted to see what the big deal was about, but then I ran into the Girl Scout, and I forgot…" Nyx shrugged.

"Okay, that's really interesting, and I would like to come back to that later, but right now…MY BROTHER!" Dani scowled.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever…" Nyx rolled her eyes.

"Well…if no one can take the helmet off but Dr. Fate, then you have to convince him to take off the helmet." Youngblood suggested.

"If it was that simple then I would have just did that…" Dani sighed.

"Dr. Fate know how much you care about Danny." Rachel rationalized. "But it doesn't matter to him. He's thinking of the big picture. It's not about the individual, it's about the world."

"Then you should convince him that the world needs Danny more than Dr. Fate." Youngblood chuckled.

Everyone stared at him.


"That's…actually really smart." Nyx blinked.

"I'm surprised." Rachel noted.

"Gee, thanks. I know where I stand with you guys now at least…"

"Nevertheless, Youngblood's right. Danny Phantom is a hero. Almost everyone looks up to him. And people think of him as the bridge between the Ghost Zone and Earth." Victor noted. "Without him, the ghosts and humans could begin to fight again."

"Yeah!" Dani jumped to her feet. "I just need to show Dr. Fate that using Danny as a vessel will bring more problems in the world than it solves."

"But how are you going to do that?" Youngblood questioned. "After all, things have been fine lately. Vision has even had Amorpho impersonate your brother to keep the peace."

"It isn't the same thing, Charlie." Victor stated.

"Call me Youngblood in private. I hate using that name when I don't have to…" Youngblood frowned.

"Right, I forgot…"

"Dani?" Rachel looked at her friend. "What do you plan to do?"

"…I think it's time to call the Council of the Elite."

"…You…" Joel frowned at the large man in front of him. It was the guy that arrived with Grundy. He had changed, though. Now, he was a lot paler. His mustache and unkempt beard were pure white. His orange jumpsuit was in rags. Not only that, the previously dark eyes the old GIW leader were now neon green. "Agent W."

"What?! It's Agent Z you little moron!" Agent Z glared at the boy.

"You're the one who managed to become a fully functioning ghoul?" Joel raised an eyebrow.

"Not completely…" Agent Z grunted. "But I'm well enough to remain more than a rabid animal. To have ghost ectoplasm pumped into me…It's disgusting! But I persevered. I still have a job I need to finish."

"I see…" Joel frowned. "How ironic, the man who tried to kill all ghosts has become a ghost himself."

"As if!" Agent Z hissed. "This…is just an upgrade. They've made me stronger. Now, I'm powerful enough to kill Phantom."

"You couldn't do it before. How do you plan to do it now?" Joel was honestly curious.

"The element of surprise!" Agent Z growled. "He won't be expecting me like this."

"You've tried that multiple times before." Joel reasoned. "What makes this different?"

"This time I have powers of my own. I don't have to rely on technology anymore." Agent Z grinned as his fists began glow green.

"I see…" Joel frowned. Lately, he'd been noticing something weird. All the ghouls in this facility had the same…smell. At least, that's what Joel thought of it as. He didn't actually smell anything with his nose, but that was how it felt. Every one of the ghouls in this place had a similar essence, even Joel and Grundy. It had been bothering him for a while, but he didn't know why. Maybe because the 'smell' was a lot like the one he had felt over a week ago.

With Agent Z, though, it was stronger. In an instant, Joel realized what it was. Agent had the look of great anger on his face. The deeper the look went, the larger the 'smell' became. That meant…the 'smell' was anger. Joel could sense the ghoul's emotions…or at least anger right now. But like with what happened to Joel when he first discovered his powers, this anger wasn't natural. Ectoplasm was intensified by emotions, but not all of the anger belonged to them. It belonged to the person who had the energy before.

This was the leftover anger of war.

"You need to calm down." Joel tried to reason. "If you aren't able to control your ectoplasm, and you continuously release angry energy, then you'll only hurt yourself."

"Shut it, kid." Agent Z growled. "I have a lot of aggression I need to get out, and you're the perfect punching bag."

"…You're letting the emotions control you…" Joel sighed. "Then you leave me no choice but to go ghoul." White rings appeared around Joel and changed him into his ghoul form.

"Oh…" Agent Z grinned. "This is going to be good."

"…This is an unusual sight." Dr. Fate noted. "The Great General Colossus is asking Dr. Fate for a favor."

"It is unusual, isn't it?" Colossus laughed. "But I asked to do this myself."

"And why is that?" Dr. Fate questioned.

"I wanted to observe you for myself. I didn't get to last time I saw you." Colossus grinned. "And you're just what I expected. A force to be reckoned with. A fight with you would be marvelous."

"Is that why you want me to come with you? You want to fight?" Dr. Fate questioned.

"Of course not!" Colossus was insulted. "What honor is it to defeat my greatest rival when he is weakened?!"

"…Excuse me?" Dr. Fate was confused. "You just said that I was a force to be reckoned with."

"Yes, Nabu, you are." Colossus snorted. "But while you are strong, you have left Phantom weak. You can imagine my inner conflict. On one hand, you are actually strong enough to challenge me. On the other hand, your strength comes at the cost of Danny Phantom. Your existence has left him as nothing but a husk. Because of this, I could never fight you. There would be no honor in defeating Phantom like this."

"I see…Then what do you want from me?" Dr. Fate questioned. "Why do you want me to come with you?"

"The Council of the Elite wishes to speak with you." Colossus noted.


"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Don't act like you don't know!" Colossus roared.

"…I see…" Dr. Fate crossed his arms. "And why should I go with you to a meeting that will accomplish nothing but waste my time."

"Because Phantom is still somewhere in you." Colossus smiled wildly. "And he wouldn't ignore this call."

"…You make an excellent argument." Dr. Fate sighed. "Fine, let us go."

"Great!" Colossus grinned. "Come, Frostbite lent me the Infimap to find you. It will take us to the meeting."

"As you wish." Dr. Fate approached the man. "This meeting will change nothing, though. The world needs this new power that I have now."

"Please." Colossus rolled his eyes. "Don't overestimate yourself. You may be one of the strongest beings alive, but it still doesn't compare."

"To what? You?"

"No, Phantom's true potential."

"Are you sure that this is going to work, Danielle?" Plasmius questioned his daughter as they stood in the Council's meeting hall.

"No, but this is the best plan I've got." Spirit rationalized.

"It's better than nothing." Vision sighed. "Perhaps all of us together can convince Nabu to let go of Danny. Lord know I've tried everything else."

"Don't fret, love." Plasmius embraced Vision. "We all know that you're doing the best you can."

"The ghosts are getting restless…" Vision noted. "Even if Amorpho fools the majority of the humans, it does not trick the ghosts. Danny was a pillar for the Ghost Zone. Many of the ghosts looked to him to set the example that we can cooperate with the humans. Now that he's gone because he decided to help humans…there is unrest."

"They won't do anything." Plasmius noted. "It would be foolish to cross the Council."

"Yes…ruling by fear. It always worked, but it never breeds happiness." Vision closed her eyes sadly. "That is the history I have always known. You follow the rules because of the fear of the repercussions. Pariah Dark did it, and I've done it. I though for once things would change. I had hoped that an age of hope and mercy was approaching."

"That's what we need to tell Dr. Fate." Spirit smiled. "We need Danny."

"Spirit…forces of justice and order do not care about things like hope and mercy." Vision frowned under her veil. "Justice is exactly that. It is just. It is fair. Forgiving someone for a crime isn't in the equation. To show mercy is to give someone forgiveness that they don't deserve."

"Dr. Fate will only care that there is order. As long as the forces that bring justice follow the rules and basic morality of society, then he doesn't care what the people act of." Plasmius explained. "It makes no difference to him if people follow the rules out of fear or out of moral rightness. It is the same way with the Specter, and, to a lesser extent, Pandora."

"…You guys are downers, you know that?" Spirit snorted. "This will work. I know it!"

"Not everyone has your optimism." Vision noted.

"Well, maybe people should think like me. In the most trying times, I've learned that thinking that things will become worse will make them worse. You need to think positive, or things will never change." Spirit nodded to herself. "Sometimes, you have to have trust and faith that things will just work out. But you still need to work to accomplish miracles. I'm done moping around. Now's the time to work for our miracle."

"…" Plasmius smiled. "You're right, Danielle."

"When did you become so wise?" Vision had a glint of amusement in her eye.

"What?! I was always this wise!" Spirit rolled her eyes. "Just like the time I was in a staring contest with my reflection. I knew I could make her blink first. I should have recorded it, though. No one believes me about it."

"…And it's gone." Plasmius snorted.

"It will come back when it's needed." Vision smiled under her veil. "And that might be soon. No matter what, it will take a lot to convince Nabu to give up so much power."

"We can do it. After all, you're looking at the girl that convinced Vladimir Masters to play dress up." Spirit smirked proudly.

"But you hate playing dress up." Vision giggled.

"That's what makes it even funnier." Spirit explained. "Now, that I did record. If you want, I could show you the tape after we get Danny back."

"You told me that your phone wasn't recording!"

"And you believed me?"

"Ah!" Joel yelled out as Agent Z slammed his face into the ground.

"You're a good fighter, boy. I'll give you that." Agent Z smirked. "But I was a military man for years, and then I trained every day to exterminate the ghost threat. Give it a few more years, and you might be a challenge, but right now…not so much."

Joel quickly realized that Agent Z was a lot different than the opponents he fought so far while in the Ghoul Project. The failed ghouls were just mindless beasts. Yeah, they were powerful, but that meant nothing to the boy with both power and skills. Grundy was a bigger challenge than the others. His strength and endurance were incredible, but Joel's skill, new weapon, and plan to use the inhibitor collar helped him defeat the massive brute.

Agent Z though…He was a man of great skill, cunning, and natural human strength. Joel instantly realized that in skill level, he lost. Agent Z had decades more training than him. So, he had to rely on raw power. That did not work either. While Agent Z was still knew to harnessing his powers, he had enough control to push Joel to the limit.

He would have to do something soon.

"Sorry, but I'm not the mercy kind of person against ghosts." Agent Z held up his hand. Ectoplasmic goo shaped around his hand and hardened into an axe.

"Funny…Because you're only alive right now because of the mercy of a ghost." Joel slammed his fists on the ground. Burst Gauntlets formed around his hands. In a blast of green energy, Joel sent both of them flying up into the air.

No longer trapped, Joel turned in midair and tried to punch Agent Z away. The ex-GIW leader already flew back to doge this, though. He created enough distance to be safe, and smirked at the boy. "Not bad…But not great either."

Joel reabsorbed the Gauntlets. Instead, he formed a simple metal staff. He had no idea what Agent Z's stamina was. If the older man could outlast Joel in a fight, then Joel would have to be as conservative as possible. The Burst Gauntlets required massive amounts of energy to maintain for a long period of time. Quick uses were fine, but that was it. It was a complex weapon, after all.

"A bo staff? That's it?" Agent Z laughed. "I feel insulted."

Agent Z punched forward. Joel was shocked to see that the ghoul's arm turned green and gooey. This allowed the fist to spring forward at dizzying speeds. Joel barely had time to deflect the fast blow. In the blink of the eye, the fist had returned. Then, Agent Z's other arm extended. Joel once again barely parried it. Then, the wave of fists began. They appeared in a blur. Joel desperately began to block the barrage of fists.

After a minute, though, a fist managed to slip through. Joel grunted as the blow hit his shoulder. The Numbing made sure he didn't feel the damage, but the damage was still there. His right arm was now slightly slower.

Realizing that this would only continue, Joel began to force his way forward. He spun the bo staff around in a flurry of motion. The majority of the fists were blocked. A few slipped in, but Joel merely ignored these. When he finally got close enough, Joel tried to counter attack. He sung the bo staff at Agent Z's head.

The ex-GIW leader ducked under the attack, and tried to begin his assault again. Joel blocked the blows and attacked again. This cycle continued for a few moments longer. Neither combatant managed to get the upper hand. Thus, in the next moment, both fighters jumped back to gain some distance.

Joel frowned. His bo staff was a mess. That was some energy he wouldn't get back. But that wasn't the biggest problem. His strategy wasn't working. He would have to think of something else.

Agent Z groaned. Despite his high pain tolerance, the bo staff was a hard weapon. He could feel his hands sting from the hits that they took during the confrontation. If he continued like this, he would break his hands. He needed to think of another tactic to gain the upper hand.

In blaze of green, both fighters flew at each other. It was time for the next strategy.

"I am here…" Dr. Fate stood at the foot of the table of the Council's meeting.

"Yes, thank you for coming." Vision nodded in acknowledgment to the lord of order. "I know that this came unexpectedly."

"Not as unexpectedly as you may think…" Dr. Fate's combined voice of his and Phantom rang out. "I predicted that this would eventually happen. Although, I didn't think that you would resort to a direct confrontation until at least a month."

"I was not the one who called this meeting…" Vision looked over to Spirit.

"Yes…Vision had other things that she wanted to try first, but I always liked the direct approach." Spirit stood an looked over the various members of the Council of the Elite. "Thank you for all coming. I know that it is unorthodox to meet this quickly without a…You know what, I hate talking like that. Yeah, there's no stupid emergency, but I needed everyone here for this."

"It is a pleasure, Lady Danielle." Fright Knight stated to his master's sister.

Frostbite grinned. "Glad to be here I am!"

"I do think that this meeting is necessary." Pandora stated.

"I was interested is seeing the new Dr. Fate up close." The Ghost Writer stared at Dr. Fate. "Fascinating…"

"Of course, you'd say that…" Torch grumbled. "But Torch has a lot of work to do…"

"Torch…" Dora eyed the fire ghost.

"But Torch still knows this is long overdue." Torch frowned at Dr. Fate. "One of us has been taken after all…And to think, if DP was here, the Council would be full."

"Technically, Danny Phantom is here in body. It's his soul that isn't in control." The Spectre frowned. He was an extremely pale man. He was wearing a green cloak with the hood up only revealing his glowing green eyes and pale face.

"Can he still see and hear us, though?" Colossus questioned. "If so, the listen up! When you're out of there, we need to spar! Let me see how much you've advanced!"

"Colossus…" Vision scolded. "Now is neither the time nor the place."

"Fine! Fine! Whatever!" Colossus grumbled.

"Anyway…" Spirit spoke up again. "I thought that it would be good to address the elephant in the room. Danny Phantom is now being used as a vessel for Dr. Fate."

"Indeed…" Plasmius frowned. "It is a problem that needs to be fixed."

"That is not for you to decide Plasmius." Dr. Fate stated. "Phantom made his choice."

"Yeah…DP did put the helmet on willingly…" Torch scratched his head. "But Torch doesn't understand why he doesn't just fight back? DP's a ghost, and an S-rank one at that. If he wanted too, he could mess Dr. Fate up and get his body back. And he already got what he wanted from Fate…So the best option is to fight back."

"The only explanation is that Phantom isn't willing to fighting back…" Scribe the Ghost Writer adjusted his glasses. "Isn't that true, Nabu?"

"Yes. Danny Phantom has allowed me complete access to his powers and body as long as I work to fulfill his obsession." Dr. Fate explained. "If Amity Park is in trouble, or if Young Justice desperately needs my help, I will be there."

Pandora frowned. "And that was part of the original deal you made? You protect Young Justice, and you get his body as a vessel?"

"Yes, it was a noble sacrifice." Fate nodded. "He cared more for them than himself."

"No one is questioning the honor of Phantom's choice." Colossus crossed his arms. "It the rationality you are using to keep a hold of him that confuses us."

"Yes…" The Specter nodded. "That's why I'm here right now. Phantom is the one that connects these two planes of existence. If the humans figure out that he's gone, and we start fighting again…then I won't be able continue to live in the human world."

"Don't be so selfish, Spectre." Pandora glared. "Some of are actually concerned about the poor boy."

"To answer the question, though…." Dr. Fate addressed the Council. "Don't you have a stand it?"

"Amorpho? Yes. But he is hardly a king." Fright Knight argued. "Eventually, even the humans will figure it out. Lord Phantom has distinct powers and fighting abilities that Amorpho lacks. And then, if the humans figure out that we've been tricking them…"

"The League obviously knows." Dr. Fate stated. "It wouldn't be that bad."

"Even the greatest of leaders sometimes needs to succumb to the will of the masses." Plasmius reasoned. "If enough people are angry at us, then there might be war again."

"Then merely admit that Phantom is gone, and that I have taken his place." Dr. Fate retorted.

"It's not that simple, Lord Nabu." Dora spoke up. "Phantom is the example that the ghosts can be good. He's a hero to both worlds. His mere presence ease tensions. He has set the precedent for forgiveness and mercy. People follow him willingly. He is the key to peace."

"Very true…Torch would have just fried that man...Agent Z." Torch nodded with a deep scowl. "And Torch thinks that Torch can speak for all of us when Torch says that none of us are exactly…merciful and kind to our enemies."

The entire Council was silent. Even Spirit wasn't sure what she would have done in Danny's position. She had been willing to kill Agent Z a mere few minutes before Phantom had the GIW agent as his mercy.

"So this is about having a poster boy?" Dr. Fate questioned.

"Of course not!" Scribe glared at the lord of order. "Do not think that we don't all care about Phantom personally, but it's true that he is important as an icon just as much as a friend…Personally, though, I have always viewed him as an intellectual equal. We have had plenty of discussions on topics which he was curious about."

"Yes!" Fright Knight shouted. "He is my liege and my master! The true king that leads a dark soul into the light!"

"The Great One is a friend of mine." Frostbite nodded. "Not only did he stop the Ghost King, but he is also a brother of cold and ice. Multiple times, he has proven himself as a great friend and leader."

"He's such a good example for everyone." Pandora noted. "Phantom has always strived to do what is needed to be done despite his own pain and suffering. He is a man worthy of respect."

"He saved me and my people…" Dora added. "I owe him everything."

"DP is Torch's equal." Torch nodded.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! He is my greatest rival!" Colossus laughed.

"Without Daniel…" Plasmius looked over at Vision. "Many of us would have never found happiness or love. He changed all of our lives…"

"Yes…He is like a son to me." Vison closed her eyes painfully.

"You see!" Spirit yelled at Dr. Fate. "Everyone needs Danny! Without him…none of us would be here. If you keep him from us…from the world, then things will only get worse."

"Yes, I know that." Dr. Fate nodded.


"Young Justice already tried this. They begged and pleaded with me to give their leader back…I was quite moved. And I know how much Phantom is needed. I have seen into his memories. I have observed this world. Danny Phantom has earned my respect in ways that few beings have." Dr. Fate explained.

"Then…why won't you let him go?"

"I'll tell you the same thing I told Young Justice." Dr. Fate crossed his arms. "The world needs Dr. Fate just as much as it needs Danny Phantom. Not only that, Phantom has greatly boosted my power. Together, we have the strength to protect this planet. I cannot give that up. I cannot accept a weaker vessel. So, even when the members of Young Justice volunteered to take his place, I refused. The only vessel that I will accept to take Phantom's place is a ghost. Not only that, it needs to be an S-rank ghost."

Everyone was silent.

"So…if you truly want Phantom back, one of you must sacrifice yourself for him. Are any of you willing to do that?"

"Grr…" Joel grunted out when Agent Z's ectoplasmic enhanced punch landed in his stomach. Luckily, the Numbing's influence allowed Joel to concentrate long enough to use a Burst Gauntlet empowered punch to land across Z's face.

Both combatants were sent flying into opposite walls. They landed with a crash.

"This isn't working…" Joel muttered. At this rate, he was going to get killed. Agent Z had landed a lot more hits in than him. It was only a matter of time before he ran out of gas.

The biggest problem was that Agent Z's powers seemed to be just as strong at far range as they were at close range. Joe's weapons were mostly close range oriented. He had to get in close to use them. That wasn't working in this fight. He needed a weapon that could work well in both far range combat and close range combat.

The chain might work, but…that might not be enough for close range combat. Maybe something close to it, though. Something that had a chain, could work in close range combat, and could possibly be extended. Maybe he could modify something like…


"Raw!" Agent Z jumped to his feet. He sent an extended ectoplasmic kick at Joel. Joel flew out of the way to dodge. This wasn't the only attack Agent Z did, though. Another wave of punches and kicks were sent at Joel from across the room. Joel continued to fly around the room in order to dodge the attacks.

As he did this, Joel focused the energy in his hands. Like with the Burst Gauntlets, the Pendulum Nunchaku formed in his hands. The black pieces of metal were held together by thick green chains. Swinging the nunchucks around, Joel began to get a feel of his new weapon.

With a swing of his arm, Joel sent his right nunchuck in an arc. As it swung, the nunchaku's green chain extended. In an instant, the weapon was long enough to fly all the way across the room. The ectoplasm made weapon hit Agent Z in the face and stopped the barrage of punches and kicks. In a blur, the chain shrunk back to normal.

"Okay…" Joel noted as he blinked at the weapons. "That worked better than I thought."


"…Maybe a little too well…" Joel frowned as Agent Z gave into the rage.

Joel's eyes widened as Agent Z's hands increased in size as they flew towards the younger ghoul. The increased mass of the fist caused the power behind the blow to increase multiple times over. This was shown when the giant fist crashed into the metal wall and created a huge dent in the metal wall. The increase in power came at the cost of speed, though. Joel easily dodged the fist.

Like before, Agent Z sent several attacks at Joel. These varied from Z's fast extending punches, to the giant fists, and even regular ectoplasmic blasts. Joel either used his Pendulum Nunchaku to block the blows, or dodged them. As he moved his way towards Agent Z, Joel used his nunchucks to hit Agent Z from a distance.

"Stop it!" Agent Z roared.

Joel didn't stop, though. After his final strike, his left nunchuck wrapped around Agent Z's arm. Agent Z merely scoffed at this. His limbs could turn into ectoplasm and extend. This simple chain couldn't hold him…

Except it did. For some reason, Agent Z couldn't focus his energy to his arm. It was like it was a normal arm. He had to get free immediately. If not, then Joel would take advantage of his momentary weakness.

…Like he was doing now…

With a large tug, Joel pulled Agent Z toward him. While the ex-GIW leader was flying through the air, Joel used his other nunchaku to trap Agent Z's other arm. Using his ability to float, Joel flipped over Agent Z. As he did this, the chains extended even more. Joel wrapped it around Agent Z's body, effectively trapping him.

Standing behind the tied up Agent Z, Joel kicked the older ghoul's knees. Now that the Agent was kneeling, Joel planned to completely subdue Agent Z in order avoid any more violence. Before he could do this, though, Agent rocked his head back. His neck turned to ectoplasm like his arms and hit Joel square in the nose.


Despite his inability to feel pain, Joel was still disoriented when Agent Z broke his nose. He was forced to let go of the nunchaku. Without Joel's energy and concentration, the nunchaku were greatly weakened. With a roar, Agent Z broke through the chains holding him. Turning around to the downed Joel, Agent Z smirked.

"Looks like you lose. Don't worry, I won't make this painful. You gave me a good…a good…gack!" Agent Z spat out green blood. Trembling, he slumped to the ground and wheezed.

Getting up, Joel examined his foe. He was prepared in case this was a ruse. It was doubtful, Agent Z had him at a moment of weakness. He would have nothing to gain from such a ploy. Besides, Agent Z obviously wasn't faking. In fact...this reminded Joel of what happens to him if he pushed his powers too far.

"…You used too much energy." Joel realized. Of course…Agent Z didn't know how to control his energy like Joel did. It was the small difference in control that turned the tide of this battle.

"Ack…ah…" Agent Z glared at Joel before he slumped into unconsciousness.

"…I guess I win…" Joel sighed as he looked at downed man. This gave him no go, only sorrow. "Good for me, I suppose…"

The entire Council was silently watching Dr. Fate. The realization of what Dr. Fate wanted caused every ghost to pause in thought. Besides this, though, no one reacted to Dr. Fate's terms.

"So?" The mixed voice spoke. "Is that a no?"

He received no response.

"I understand." Dr. Fate nodded. "A ghost wouldn't be willing to give up his or her own obsession for another. This result was predictable."

"I'll do it." Spirit spoke up. "Give me the helmet."

"Absolutely not!" Dr. Fate snapped.

"Oh…so there is some of Phantom still in there." Pandora noted.

"…" Dr. Fate glared at the tall female ghost. "It is not that. Spirit is strong, but she does not have the raw power of an S-rank ghost."

"Of course…" Plasmius looked to the lord of order. "But what about me?"

"No." Vision hissed to the eldest halfa. "You will not do that."

"Ordinarily, I would agree with you, my dear. This time, though, I must refuse." Plasmius eyed Vision. "I…owe a large debt to Daniel. Not only that, I'm responsible for him. His parents entrusted his safety to me, and…I have never done a good job of that. I always let him make his own decisions, but this time I'll intervene."

"I refuse to lose either of you." Vision glared.

"Be still, Lady Vison." Fright Knight stood. "I shall be the one to take Lord Phantom's place. I have sworn myself to serve him. From the beginning, I've been prepared to die for him. This is merely a small sacrifice for the king."

"Believe that will work I don't…" Frostbite frowned. "You already wear a helm, old friend. And it is one that cannot be removed."


"I don't, though." Frostbite noted. "I can take the Great One's place."

"It is doubtful that it will even fit you, Frostbite." Pandora noted. "Many of us are much different than the average human. Colossus and I are far too large for the Helmet of Fate. And your head isn't shaped like a human's. Plus, I doubt it would even fit over your horns."

"Then that leaves me as the only option." Plasmius intervened.

"Except that you are an extremely high profile person in the human world." The Ghost Writer mentioned. "You cannot simply disappear. Your influence and wealth will be necessary for the ghosts as time goes by."

"I always intended for Daniel and Danielle to take over for me one day." Plasmius argued. "Why not now?"

"Because they aren't willing or ready for such a thing." Scribe retorted.

Plasmius merely frowned.

"Torch is sorry…" Torch spoke up. "But Torch is not willing to make that sacrifice. Torch respects and likes DP…somewhat…but Torch has Torch's own dreams and minions to look out for. And Torch thinks that the Ghost Writer is the same way…"

Scribe sighed. "I'm sorry…"

"It's fine…" Spirit nodded solemnly. She never expected everyone to make this sacrifice for Danny. It was too much to ask.

"Then me." Vision stood. "I shall be Dr. Fate."

"No!" Pandora snapped. "The Ghost Zone needs you most of all! Without you, we will not survive even with Danny. Danny may represent the goodness of the Ghost Zone, but you represent the power and authority we hold. You are the one that holds the cards against the Justice League. You are the one who could convince or blackmail any human to make sure of our safety. Losing you would be just as bad as losing Danny."

"Then that's it then?" Dr. Fate interjected. "All of you are incapable of using the helmet, invaluable to the Ghost Zone, or unwilling to be Dr. Fate?"

Everyone was once again silent.

"I see then…I suppose that I shall take my leave then."

"No. Wait. I can be Dr. Fate." Dora stood and glared at Namu. "I am not invaluable, and I am not unwilling. I owe everything to Danny. He gave me freedom. He gave me hope. He gave me life! I cannot allow him to be trapped like this."

"You are not an S-rank ghost." Nabu argued. "Not without that amulet of yours at least. And you know you can't use that and the helmet at the same time."

"I know, but I'm still a somewhat powerful ghost on my own." Dora argued. "I'm well above average."

"Still...It is not an equal trade."

"Everyone needs Danny Phantom!" Dora shouted. "You have made your demands known. You wish to have an S-rank ghost as your vessel, and Phantom is the only option for that right now. But can't you see that by keeping Danny, you're hurting so many people. I know that the world needs Dr. Fate. I understand that you no longer wish to be pushed to the side like you don't exist. I-I really do…know..."

The entire room was silent for Dora's speech.

"Before Phantom, Spirit, and Klemper helped me, I was miserable. I contemplated suicide on a daily basis. The only thing I ever wanted was the right to make my own decisions, but it was something that I could never obtain. My brother kept me under his thumb for 1,500 years. There was not one moment where I was happy. Every night, I cried myself to sleep, because I never had a glimpse of hope.

"But then…my brother was defeated." Dora was crying tears of joy. "I know they only came to save the girl I kidnapped, but they didn't have to save our realm! They could have abandoned us to suffer for the rest of eternity. Instead, they gave us freedom and a future. For the first time…I had freedom and joy. It was something that I never wanted to give up."

"Then why offer to trap yourself now?" Dr. Fate questioned.

"Because I owe Danny and Dani everything. Because they once saved me. Because Danny doesn't deserve to have his life take from him because he wanted to do the right thing again. Because this is my choice, and I refuse to abandon a friend who needs me!" Dora screamed. "Yeah, I may not be S-rank, but are you really going to be this person, Nabu? Are you going to take everything from the boy that has already given so much for peace!? I know you want to have freedom… that I understand! But please…just this once, be lenient. If you take me as your vessel, you may lack this ungodly strength; but you'll be free, and Danny will return. Please…the world needs both of you."

Dr. Fate stared at Dora for a moment. "…You are right. This is not the situation to be so picky. If you willingly put my helmet on, then I will let Phantom go. Just know, though, Phantom won't allow me to go without a vessel. He has already given his word that I will have a vessel, and he won't break a promise. There is no way for you to back out of this."

"I know…" Dora nodded.

"So be it." It was then Nabu removed the helmet from Phantom's head. In an instant, Dr. Fate was replaced by Danny Phantom once again.

Once he was free, Phantom spoke. "Dora…you don't have to do this…"

Dora approached Phantom and took the helmet. "I know. But this is my choice, and I can't let yourself sacrifice yourself like this…Besides, I have learned something in my time in the modern era. Woman can be doctors too now."

"That…is such a corny joke." Phantom gave her a sad look.

"Well…" Dora smiled at him. "I learned my sense of humor from you."

Phantom actually snorted at this.

"Is...there any way that I can talk you out of this?" Phantom questioned.


"I see..."

"Here..." Dora handed him her amulet. "I trust you to keep this safe, my friend."

"I will...I promise.

Dora then turned to Vision. "Lady Vision...please look after my people...They need guidance."

"You have my word, Dora." Vision nodded respectfully.

"Thank you."

Finally, Dora turned to Torch. "Torch…I'm sorry…But, I…"

"You don't have to say anything. Torch understands." Torch gave her a sad smile. "Torch…has never been one to hold someone back. Torch accepts you decision because this is what you want."

Dora walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you. You're such a good man. I…I'm just sorry that this has to happen to you again."

"Torch…will miss you."

"And I you." Dora smiled.

With that, Dora placed the Helmet of Fate on her head.

"Thank you for all your help, Amorpho." Phantom shook the ghost's hand as the shape shifting ghost was preparing to return to the Ghost Zone.

"It was fun…but stressful." Amorpho noted. "I don't envy your life, my friend."

"There's some good parts. Like the people." Phantom smiled at his sister.

"I can see that." Amorpho laughed. "Still, I'd prefer to stick to the pranks."

"Yeah, I bet." Phantom snorted. "Stay safe, Amorpho."

"You too, Phantom."

"He's a nice guy. Weird, though." Valerie mentioned.

"Yeah…All of my friends are like that, though." Phantom noted.

"Gee, thanks…"

"Everyone's going to want to see you, Danny!" Spirit beamed up at her brother.

"I'm sure…" Phantom moved his arms in a circle like he was testing them. "Give me a minute, though. I want to get a feel of moving my own body again."

"Alright! I'll go get everyone. Come on, Val." Spirit motioned for Valerie to follow her.

"In a minute, Dani." Valerie smiled. "I want to talk to Danny for a minute."

"Okay, whatever." Spirit shrugged. "Come soon, though."

"I will." Valerie chuckled as Spirit left.

"You want to talk, eh?" Phantom turned back to being human. It had been nine days since he was back in human form. It would take a minute to adjust. "Is that why you came so quickly?"

"Yeah…I knew you would be swamped by people soon, and I needed to get this off my chest before I lost my nerve." Valerie answered.

"Oh, okay…" Danny cracked his back. "What's up?"

"I just…I'm sorry." Valerie frowned. "It seems that you're the one always making the biggest sacrifices."

Danny was silent.

"The reason I started being the Red Huntress again was because I knew I couldn't sulk about not helping out in the war anymore. Everyone needed my help, and I couldn't sit on the sidelines anymore." Valerie sighed. "If I did…I was sure that I would lose another friend."


"I thought I knew what loss was when I first became Red Huntress." Valerie shook her head in shame. "But all I lost was fake friends, stupid money, and some stuff. I was such an idiot! Why was I mad about losing stuff like that?"

"You didn't know any better."

"That's no excuse." Valerie noted. "I still had my Dad after all. And now, things are better than ever financially since my Dad's big wig teenage boss gave him a huge raise…But back then I was still trying to kill you because I thought you ruined my life."

"That's water under the bridge."

"Danny…you've done so much for me." Valerie recognized. "And I couldn't let you and your family continue to fight without help. That's why I came back. You needed me, and I wasn't about to let you sacrifice or lose anything else because I wasn't willing to do anything. So I promised myself that I would always be there for Dani and you."

"I know, Valerie." Danny smiled.

"But…It wasn't enough. You still almost threw your life away...again." Valerie took a deep breath. "I was so sad after it happened. I thought I failed, but then I realized…I couldn't have done anything anyway. Even if I was there in person to help you, it still would have happened. In the end, what's meant to be, will be."

"No, we choose our own paths." Danny returned.

"And we've chosen the path of the vigilante." Valerie state. "It's a dangerous life that we picked. Things will happen that are outside of our control. We can't have regrets. We have to live life like there's no tomorrow."


"So…I wanted to say this. Danny…I love you."


"I've felt this way a long time." Valerie smiled at Danny. "We've fought side by side. We know each other's lives and personalities better than most lovers do. And…there's always been a spark…even if it was started by Technus."

"Val…I just broke up with Ember."

"I know." Valerie nodded. "But I had to tell you this today, because tomorrow may never come."

"…I do care about you, Val." Danny noted. "Hell, I always wanted to date you. Even back…when we broke up. I was going to give you a corny ring and ask you to be my girlfriend."

Valerie's eyes lit up.

"But…I'm not ready to get in another relationship." Danny explained. "Not now at least. I can't give you what you want. I need time. I know I may not have that time, but that doesn't change what I need."

"Okay." Valerie nodded. "I understand. But I had to say something."

"I get it." Danny smiled. "Come on, I'm sure Wulf and Cujo are tired of waiting. And then I have to go tell my Team. They need to know."


"Hey…kid…" Agent Z called from a few cages away.

"Yeah?" Joel responded, but did not open his eyes.

"That was one hell of a fight." Agent Z mentioned.

"I suppose it was." Joel frowned. "But I don't particularly enjoy combat."

"But you're talented as hell at it." Agent Z snorted.

"Not something I wanted…" Joel sighed.

"Hmm…" Agent Z raised an eyebrow at the boy. "Why didn't you kill me? You had the chance after I collapsed."

"I do not believe that it is right to take the life of others." Joel opened his eyes and looked at the ex-GIW agent.

"My death would have made your life a whole lot easier, though." Agent Z suggested.

"Maybe, but it wouldn't be worth it." Joel suggested.

"You're putting a whole lot of value in the life of a man with ghost DNA running through his veins." Agent Z mentioned.

"Even ghosts have the value of life…despite what you might think."

"As if!" Agent Z growled. "They're all vermin to me."

"And why's that?" Joel was honestly curious.

"Because they are! They take and take from humans like they're better than us!" Agent Z snarled. "Don't you get it!? They. Are. Dead. That means, that they should be gone, but instead they come back and take from the living! Our lives, actual life, doesn't matter to them! To ghosts, humans are just their unevolved predecessors! It's like us with animals. They find us entertaining, but after they don't really care. Our lives are meaningless to them."

"It sounds like this is coming from personal experience." Joel noted.

"It is! You…they…I…" Agent Z sighed. "You know…the Guys in White weren't always meant to fight and kill ghosts. At first, we just wanted to find a peaceful solution. Try and talk to them. Reason with them. And, at the very worst, close the openings between our worlds."

"That…I did not know." Joel blinked. "What changed?"

"We had this one ghost captured. We tried to talk with it. We treated it better than most hotels treat their guests. But it didn't want to listen. It said that it shouldn't have to lower itself to the level of ants." Agent Z explained. "We continued to try…until it escaped and went on a massacre."

"I see…"

"It…it got my family." Agent Z trembled. "My children…died because that ghost. They died because I didn't put it down like the animal it was! If I just killed it when we found it they would still be here! Dammit!"

Joel was silent.

"Gah!" Agent Z was…actually crying. "I wasn't the best dad in the world. I worked a lot and was tired when I was home, but I did it so that my kids could live well and follow their dreams. I told them that I loved them…every day. God…I miss them so much…"

"…I'm sorry…" Joel stated honestly.

"It's not your fault kid…Despite all of this, you're just a human with some bad luck." Agent Z wiped his eyes. "But it was that ghost's fault. After we recaptured it, I made sure it died slowly and painfully. People said I was wrong, but…it killed my family! I could never let that go! That's why I hate ghosts! They took everything from me!"

"You can't blame an entire race for the actions of one being." Joel noted.

"But I can. And I did. They all would be dead if it wasn't for Danny Phantom." Agent Z growled.

"You have to be careful about that anger, Z." Joel mentioned. "These powers respond to emotions. If you let your anger run loose like you did in your fight, you'll become unstable rapidly."

"Yeah…you're right…" Agent Z took a calming breath. "You know what…I like you kid. You have a good head on your shoulders. A lot different than my son was. What's your name?"


"No last name?"

"Never had one."

"Ah…" Agent Z nodded. "You probably know me by my title in the Guys in White, but my real name is George Zempell."

"I see…" Joel nodded slowly. "It's nice to meet you I suppose. Or…at least it will be when my bruises and broken nose heal."

"Right…" Agent Z chuckled. "Say, Joel…You've been here a long time, right? You think there's any way out of this hell hole?"

"Actually…I might have a way."

"Hey guys!" Phantom waved at the members of Young Justice.

They stared at him.

"I came by as soon as possible, but you weren't here." Phantom approached the teens that were standing out of the Bioship. "By the way, Black Canary and Zatara are super pissed. What happened?"

"You're…not Dr. Fate." Kid Flash mentioned.

"Thank you, Captain Obsious." Phantom smiled. "I got out."

"How?" Kaldur questioned.

"A friend…gave me an assist." Phantom answered. "I thought you guys might want to know that I'm free."

"Are you kidding me?" Superboy was in shock. "You're free…just like that? And you're acting like it's not a big deal."

"Man, we thought you were gone…" Robin mentioned.

"Don't worry." Phantom grinned. "I'm back for good-Woah!"

"I'm so glad!" M'gann hugged her friend. "We thought that we would never get you back!"

"Glad to be back." Phantom chuckled as she let go. "Sorry for making you worry. I-OW!"

"You dumbass!" Artemis punched him the ribs. "None of us asked you to do that!"

"Not so funny when it's happening to you, huh?" Kid Flash smirked.

Artemis glared at him.

"Shutting up now…"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Phantom waved her off. "I know you didn't ask, but you didn't have to."

They all smiled at that.

"Um…Am I intruding here, because I feel like the outsider here…you know, even more than before with the mental conversation thing." A young woman with dark black hair, fair skin, and dressed in a magician's outfit spoke up.

"Oh…" Phantom blinked when he saw her. "You must be Zatanna. Zatara was just yelling to me about you. Something about being grounded for life…"

"Told you..." Zatanna sighed as she glanced at Robin.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, because I don't think that I will see you for a long time after this…" Phantom heard Zatara yell into the docking bay.

"Crap…Thanks guys for the fun night, but I think I got to go…" Zatanna began to walk toward the door.

Phantom watched as they said their goodbyes to the girl. "I'm guessing that I missed something…"

"Yeah, well, I think you got to tell us the full story about the Dr. Fate thing, Bro." Kid Flash swung an arm around Phantom's shoulders.

"How about we swap stories?"

"Sound good." Aqualad smiled.

"I can make some cookies." M'gann smiled.

"Now that sounds good, I'm starving." Robin noted.

"Ditto." Supberboy grunted. "The whole Red Tornado thing was exhausting."

"Red Tornado?" Phantom questioned.

"It's a long story." Artemis mentioned. "It may take a while to tell."

"Don't worry." Phantom smiled. "I've got time."