Chapter 20: Maturity

Disclaimer: I own nothing

"Don't you understand that we need to be childish in order to understand? Only a child sees things with perfect clarity, because it hasn't developed all those filters which prevent us from seeing things that we don't expect to see." Douglas Adams (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)

Chapter 20: "Maturity"

(Friday-November 5, 2010)

"My Liege..." The Fright Knight approached Danny Phantom from behind and addressed the halfa. "It is three in the morning. You have been out here all night...again."

"Have I?" Phantom questioned as he stared at the statue dedicated to the Nasty Burger Incident. "I must have lost track of time..."

"For the fifth night in a row?" Fright Knight questioned.

"Yes..." Phantom sighed.

"I see..." Fright Knight nodded. "I can understand, of course. Considering the date..."

"It's been a year." Phantom never took his eyes off the statue. "One...long year..."

"Yes, it has been." Fright Knight agreed.

"It's hard to believe, though. It seems like yesterday despite everything." Phantom closed his eyes in pain. "I remember them with perfect clarity."

"That's good." Fright Knight noted. "They live on in your memories. As long as a person is remembered, they are never truly gone."

"I'd rather that they be here completely..." Phantom gritted out.

"That is not a choice you get to make unfortunately." Fright Knight shook his head.

"Maybe I do..."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think the Reality Gauntlet can bring people back to life?" Phantom questioned.

"...No...Don't go down this path, Lord Phantom." The Fright Knight warned. "Do not even think such thoughts. They will only lead to your end."

"But if there's a chance, don't I have to take it?" Phantom inquired.

"No. The Reality Gauntlet is a cursed tool." Fright Knight stated. "It's creation and use brought about the rise of Nekron the Reaper. You cannot alter reality like that without consequences."

"But...haven't I earned a bit of good karma?" Phantom questioned. "Have I not suffered and sacrificed enough to be a little selfish?"

"You tried that once, remember?" Fright Knight recalled. "When you tried to leave with Ember."

"But you said that I could make my own choices back then." Phantom argued.

"That's different, and you know it." Fright Knight sighed. "Please erase these thoughts from your head, my Liege. You dwell in the past far too much. Despite releasing your anger, you still refuse to let them go. You place far too much blame on yourself. It is not healthy."


"Please, Lord Phantom." Fright Knight stared at his master. "I have never tried to change you mind before, but this is different. The Reality Gauntlet must be destroyed once we find Freakshow. You know this."

"You're right...The Gauntlet has to go...I'll stop thinking about using it like that."

Except he didn't.

"…And there's still the problem of Phantom." Red Arrow mentioned.

"Problem? I don't believe that there is a problem." Kaldur frowned.

"That's because you've blinded yourself to the fact that he has mixed loyalties." Red Arrow glared. "Did you forget that he's part of that ghost Council just as much if not more than his membership in Young Justice? He's probably feeding them info daily."

"Red Arrow does have a point." Batman acknowledged. "Phantom cares a great deal about the fate of the ghosts, and we do not know what the plans of the ghosts are at this time."

"Are you kidding me?" Robin seemed insulted by all this. "Danny has taken down every villain we've come across. He's stuck by us. Hell, he even sacrificed himself by becoming Doctor Fate for us! How can you even consider being suspicious."

"That's the thing…" Red Arrow's eyes narrowed. "How do we not know that he didn't plan that from the beginning? We have no way of knowing of how ghosts influence Nabu. For all we know, that Dora is more in control than Nabu."

"That…is a possibility. I doubt it, though." Batman acknowledged. "Plus, there's the fact that Phantom has some…questionable contacts on the other side of justice."

"Who? Red X?" Kaldur questioned. "That much was obvious from the beginning when you invited Danny to the Hall on the fourth."

"No…It's not Red X. It's Jinx."

The video ended.

"What?!" Dani glared at her brother. "Jinx?! That crazy chick that destroyed the original Fenton Works?"

"It's complicated." Danny glanced at his sister. "She's a friend. We usually don't bring work into it."

"But you do sometimes." Valerie noted as she leaned against the wall of the Masters living room.

"Once or twice. It never got us anywhere, though." Danny shrugged from his seat.

"That is not why we are here." Vision quickly got a hold on the situation. "Who Danny spends his time with is his business as long as it doesn't compromise us."

"So…I'm guessing you knew?" Danny raised an eyebrow.

"Don't be surprised, Daniel. It's us after all." Vlad shrugged.

"And you're not freaking out?" Danny questioned.

"I'm not happy, but I know I can't control you…" This fact greatly displeased Vision who thrived off of control.

"Yeah…Not happy…Considering the rant you gave me, not happy is an understatement…" Vlad muttered.

"Hush, hon."

"Yes, dear."

"Okay, we'll save your invasion of my privacy for later." Danny sighed. "You wanted us to see that the League is suspicious of me, right?"

"My Liege…" The Fright Knight looked to his lord. "It was obvious even before this. But this event happened during All Hallow's Eve. When they knew that you and the other suspected traitors would be away from your Cave. This isn't just about you. It's about the other three members of your Team."

"None of them are traitors." Danny glared. "And I will convince the League that no one on my Team is a mole. This is just a small hiccup."

"Considering all that they did to you in that simulation, I think this is more than a small hiccup." Vision's eyes grew dark. "It's close to downright pathetic and unforgivable."

Danny sighed. He just had to tell his family the full extent to which the simulation affected him… "You promised not to get mad at them."

"No, I promised not to confront them. I will be mad for as long as I want." Vision frowned under her veil.

"Fine…" Danny shrugged. "But just let me handle it. We have enough tensions with the League as it is for you to be trying to pick a fight over me."

"Daniel…I know you care about your Team greatly, but realize this. That does not have to extend to the League." Vlad noted to the younger halfa. "You have no obligation to them."

"That I do know." Danny nodded. "Don't worry. The League doesn't intimidate me."

"Good, but I kind of want to go back to that Jinx thing…" Val frowned.

"You can discuss that at a later date." The Fright Knight came to Danny's defense. "It is not an immediate threat to us."

"Yes, there is still the fact that Hotep Ra now has a power ring." Vlad added. "That adds to that problem. And there's no news on Walker or Freakshow. This is disappointing after we captured Spectra, Bertrand, and Undergrowth in such a short time frame."

"But we know what to expect from them at least." Vision nodded. "With the others captured, the unknowns are now gone. We will not be surprised agai-"

Zwisk! Swish! Pop!

"Vision?!" Danny's eyes widened in alarm as Vision, Vlad, and Fright Knight all disappeared.

"No!" Dani jumped to her feet.

"What…what happened?" Valiere questioned.

"I don't know…but I'm going to find out." Danny's eyes flashed green.

"You still living, brat?"

Joel opened his eyes slowly. He said nothing. The ten year old ghoul merely stared at the guard holding his food.

"I'll take that as a yes." The soldier noted.

Joel was silent. Meal time was the only points in the ghoul's day that he had any kind of chance to talk. Yet he did not feel like saying anything. What was the point? This person didn't care about him as anything else than a caged animal. Talking to him wouldn't change that.

After his recapture at the hands of Agent Z, Joel had been locked in a solitary cell. The wall around him were thick and nearly impenetrable. Chains held the boy down in the hard uncomfortable chair that he sat in. These chains were especially made to stop his powers. Not only did the chains that were wrapped around his limbs and torso completely immobilize him physically, they also made it so he couldn't faze through them.

Because of the chains, Joel was forced to sit all day every day. All he could do was sit, sleep, and think. It left a lot of time to contemplate the choices he made up to his escape attempt and his decision to trust Agent Z. He was mentally kicking himself for that mistake.

It made so much sense at the time. They were both trapped in the Ghoul Project. He needed as much help as possible to escape. It was a gamble as it was by just relying on Grundy. The boy thought that Agent Z would raise his odds of success. Obviously, he was wrong.

Not only that…Joel had thought that he was beginning to think that Agent Z could change. For weeks, they talked and planned together. Joel knew that the man was corrupt and crazy. That was shown during the GIW War. At the same time, Joel thought he saw glimpses of a better man. Joel hoped that the ex-leader of the Guys in White could change for the better. That had obviously not happened, and Joel was forced to learn a hard lesson.

People don't change.

Joel just wished that he learned that before he trusted Agent Z.

"Come on, kid." The soldier sighed. "I can't leave until you eat."

Joel eyed the man. The newer soldiers weren't as bad as the ones that were killed during the escape attempt. They weren't nice to the boy, but they were smart enough not to hurt a valuable asset of the project and treated him like he was valuable.

Of course, that might not be based on morality and more on a sense of survival. After all, the bosses already showed that they were willing to kill those who failed them.

"…Fine…" Joel nodded. He didn't feel like eating, and the food tasted terrible; but he still needed to eat in order to live.

Not like there was a whole lot of hope for living anymore…

"Alright then, here's-"

Zwisk! Swish! Pop! Crash!

The food tray fell to the floor.

Joel blinked. The soldier was gone. He was alone.


"Do you know anything about this?" Phantom questioned into his phone as he floated above Casper High.

"About what?" Jennifer asked innocently through Phantom's Fenton Phones.

"Oh, you know, the usual every day stuff like all the adults in the world suddenly disappearing?" Phantom deadpanned. "Oh wait…that doesn't happen…ever."

"I know where you're going with this. I'm not involved with this at all." The assassin defended herself.

"Then do you know anything about it?" Phantom questioned.


"How do I know you're not lying?" Phantom asked.

"You don't." You could almost feel the amusement in Jennifer's voice.

"Damn it, Jen." Phantom sighed. "Do you even realize how bad this is? All the adults are missing. The young kids won't be able to take care of themselves. Some of the teens might even riot. Without the police or any authorities, there aren't any resources to keep them in check. This could end badly."

"You promised that there would be no more talk about business." Jen pouted.

"This is an emergency!" Phantom exclaimed.

"There's always an emergency, Danny." Jen retorted. "That's the kind of world we live in."

"Fine…fine…I won't ask you about this stuff anymore." Danny sighed.

"So…we still on for go-carts later?" Jen changed the subject.

Danny snorted. "I'll let you know later. After all this is over with. But if we do, you're going down…"

"Danny." Red Huntress's voice sounded behind Phantom.

"Er…I've got to go, Jen. Still have a bunch of stuff to handle." Phantom turned to see his fellow Amity Park vigilante.

"I'm sure. Talk to you later."

"Same here. Bye." Phantom ended the call and addressed RH. "What's up?"

"You talking to that assassin." Red Huntress frowned behind her helmet.

"Yeah, I was hoping she might have some info. I was wrong." Phantom sighed.

"Of course she didn't! She's a bad guy, Danny!" Red Huntress rolled her eyes. "You need to stop talking to her. She'll only bring you down."

"She's not all bad, Val." Phantom frowned. "There are many times where she saved my ass."

"And most of the time she caused those situations in the first place!" Red Huntress gave him a look of disbelief. "I know that you already explained it to me, but just because you used to hang out as civilians, it doesn't mean that you can cooperate as a hero and villain."

"Everyone deserves a second chance, Val." Phantom noted.

"Yes, but I don't think she wants a chance to change her ways." Red Huntress shook her head.

"Look, we can argue about that later." Phantom decided to change the subject to the problem at hand. "Did you get all the kids in the school?"

"Yeah, most of them. Dani, Raven, and Secret are double checking, though." Red Huntress nodded. "We're lucky that the kids basically idolize you and Dani. Otherwise, this would have been a lot more difficult."

"You're right." Phantom nodded. "We need to make sure they stay as calm as possible, though. They must be completely stressed about the adults disappearing."

"I know I am." Red Huntress muttered.

"We'll get them back." Phantom encouraged. "They aren't gone for good. Just…missing. I'm going to head out to meet with Young Justice to help find the adults."

"Right." Red Huntress agreed. "I'll tell the others."

"Thanks…" Phantom paused. "Before I go, can you help me with something?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Here. I need you to give me my ectoplasm boost." Phantom handed Valerie the needle. "I still can't do it myself yet."

"Gah, I hate needles." Red Huntress frowned. "Where do I put it?"

"My arm." Phantom took off his trenchcoat.

Red Huntress prepared the shot and asked. "And this helps your condition?"

"Temporarily yes."

"Are than any side effects?"

"Plenty." Phantom frowned as the needle was stuck in his arm and he was injected with the boost. "But none of them are immediate."

"There." Red Huntress removed the needle from his arm and handed it to Phantom.

"Thanks." Phantom put the needle away.

"No problem." Red Huntress smiled and started to leave. "I better go help the other now, though."

"Yeah…Wait, Val?"


"I need to talk to you later…after all the adults are back, okay?"

"…Sure, Danny. This isn't bad is it?"

"No…Yes…Maybe…It depends on how you react."

"Oh…That sounds fun."

"Hey there…" Spirit smiled gently at the five year old little girl.

"…You're Spirit…" The young girl muttered in awe as she hid under her bed.

"Yeah, that's my name." Spirit nodded. "What's your name?"

"Tara…" The blond girl muttered with wide blue eyes stated.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Tara." Spirit chuckled. "Why are you hiding under the bed?"

"My Mommy and Daddy disappeared. I called 911 like they told to if something bad happened, but no one picked up." Tara began to cry. "I'm scared."

"I know." Spirit nodded. "I'm a bit scared too. My Dad and…Mom…disappeared too."

"You have a mommy and daddy?" The younger girl blinked away the tears.

"I do. And I miss them a lot right now." Spirit noted as she continued to lie on the floor and talk to the other girl. "That's why we're going to work to bring them back. Until then, though, we want to make sure all the kids are safe. We set up a safe house at the high school. Do you want come?"

"…I'm not supposed to go with strangers, but…you are a hero." The girl internally debated. "Mommy and Daddy did say I could trust you too."

"It's okay." Spirit gently offered a hand to the girl. "I'll take you to the safe place. I'll even fly you there!"

"Fly?!" Tara's eyes lit up.


"Okay!" The girl took Spirit's hand and slid out from under the bed.

"Okay." Spirit helped the girl up. "Hold onto me, okay?"

"Right." The girl hugged Spirit.

"Here we go." Spirit slowly ascended off the floor and fazed through the ceiling with the little girl.

"Ah!" Tara squeaked.

"It's okay. I got you…" Spirit smiled.

"I know…" Tara shook.

Spirit flew over to the meeting spot she and her friends had decided on.

"You found another." Raven noted.

"Secret." Greta agreed.

"Yep." Spirit smiled to the girl in her arms. "Tara, this is Secret and Raven."

"I recognize her…" Tara looked at Raven, but frowned at Secret. "But who's she?"


"Right, this is Secret. She's a new friend of mine." Spirit explained.

"Is she nice?" Tara questioned.

"Secret." Secret made the illusion of a dancing teddy bear in her hands.

"Awesome." Tara beamed.

"Yeah. She's super nice." Spirit chuckled and then addressed Raven. "Did you find anyone else?"

"Yes, but…I can't get them to come with me." Raven looked away ashamed. "They were scared of me…And Secret couldn't convince them either…for obvious reasons…"


"See what I mean." Raven sighed.

"It's fine." Spirit looked to Tara. "Can you go with Secret so I can go help other kids?"

"…Okay…" Tara nodded slowly and was handed to Greta.

"Secret." Secret smiled to the girl and began to fly off to the school.

"Greta's got a good heart, I'll give her that." Raven stated. "But I still don't see why she came back with you."

"I couldn't leave her there." Spirit frowned.

"I know, but I don't get why she didn't ascend." Raven responded. "Harm was stopped."

"Well…I don't think that was her obsession." Spirit mentioned sadly.

"Then what is?" Raven questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"As a sister…I know I would hate to see Danny ever become anything like that." Spirit explained. "I would want to make sure he got better. I think that's Greta's obsession. She wants Harm to find redemption."

"From what you told me, I doubt that's possible." Raven frowned.

"Yeah…you're probably right. That's the sad thing of it all." Spirit sighed. "I…I should go get the kids."

"I'll show you where they are."

(Saturday-November 6, 2010)

One of the first things Phantom did with the Team was send a message to the world. They made sure all the children in the world knew that there were still people trying to find a solution and bring the adults back. They pleaded with the older teens to step up and be responsible for the younger children. Phantom could only hope that their message worked. There was no way they could even dream of stopping riots right now.

They were running on borrowed time, too. It was only a matter of time when the electricity would stop working. There were no adult workers to help supply it after all. No one knew how long they had to keep working like they did. They had to fix this fast.

It was determined that this was a magical problem. Someone was casting a spell to vanish the adults. No one knew who, though. Phantom wished that they had at least Jason Blood left. His expertise in sorcery and the mystic arts could greatly assist them in finding the solution. Zatara could help as well. Hell, maybe even Vision could help pinpoint the source of the problem.

Unfortunately, those were not options. Their only hope right now was that Zatanna could duplicate her father's tracking spell. Phantom didn't really know the girl, but she seemed reliable enough. His Team trusted her, so the halfa decided that he should trust her as well. But…she was young and inexperienced. That much Phantom could see. She might not be able to help as much as she wants too.

If she failed, though…Phantom didn't know what he could do. Maybe he could get Raven to help, but she was even younger than Zatanna. He might be able to invent a magic tracking device, but he didn't have the time for that. This was their best bet.

"Danny…are you okay?" M'gann sat down next to Phantom at the kitchen counter.

"Hmm?" Phantom forced himself out of his thoughts. "Oh, yeah. Just thinking."

"About what? Amity Park?" M'gann questioned.

"Naw." Phantom shrugged. "I've got six people and a dog there, and there aren't many young villains, human or ghost, that would want to attack Amity Park."

"Oh…So you're thinking about everything in general?" M'gann questioned.

"Yeah…" Phantom sighed. "Everything's a mess."

"We'll fix it. We always do." M'gann encouraged.

"Yeah…" Phantom paused. "You know…this is the most we've talked in a while. I thought you were avoiding me."

"I was…until Conner convinced me to come talk to you." M'gann explained.

"Huh…" Phantom looked to Superboy. He was leaning over against a wall a bit away. He was glaring off into space.

"He thinks of you as his best friend, you know." M'gann sighed. "I guess he doesn't want his best friend and girlfriend to be at odds like we are."

"Yeah…I guess we've been avoiding this…" Phantom frowned. "Then I'll just say it…I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" M'gann blinked in surprise. "What for?"

"I killed you in the simulation." Phantom clenched his fists. "Even if Manhunter was influencing me…It's unforgivable. You're my friend, and I betrayed you."

"No!" M'gann hissed. "That's not your fault. It's mine. If I controlled my powers better, none of that would have happened. Because of me, you experienced so much loss. I saw you when Spirit died…I saw how it broke you. I should be apologizing for putting you through that."

"You didn't mean for that to happen." Phantom insisted. "I was the one that intentionally hurt you."

"That's just like you…" M'gann gave a sad chuckle. "Always trying to take so much blame. I'm not anywhere close to being angry at you, but if it makes you feel better, I forgive you. But! Only if you forgive me first."

"That's already done." Phantom smiled.

"Good." M'gann smiled back, but then frowned. "But…how have you been feeling. You put of this brave front, but I know it must be hard to try and come back from what happened. Not after the way you acted at the end…"

"I'm fine." Phantom lied. "I've come back from this stuff before."

"That's what scares me…" M'gann frowned. "The mind and soul can only take so much."

"Look, not everything's perfect, but I can always pull myself together. Especially now that you're talking to me again." Phantom gave her a small smile. "I just wish it was the same way with Artemis…"

"Yeah, I noticed that…" M'gann raised an eyebrow. "What happened between you two?"

"I don't know. I think that Artemis is just used to getting her way in some things." Phantom shrugged. It was probably true. Artemis probably never even considered the possibility that a single straight guy would say no to her. She was a gorgeous girl, and probably had to beat boys away from her with a stick.

After Artemis kissed him, Phantom instantly pushed her away. It wasn't that he didn't find her attractive…because he sure as hell did. No, it was more that Phantom knew that both Artemis and Wally harbored feelings for each other. He didn't catch on at first because he's Danny, but eventually he saw that Wally and Artemis just meshed together well, considering that they argue like an old married couple. Plus, you could just feel the sexual tension between them.

Phantom knew that Artemis was only trying to use him as a way to deny herself of her feelings after Wally died in the simulation. She did not want to feel vulnerable like she did. The blond girl was seeking out Danny because he was safe. Despite their deep friendship, Artemis did not care about Danny in that way.

She wasn't being completely selfish, though. Artemis could tell that Danny was hurting as well. She thought that they could comfort each other in a no strings attached relationship. Part of Danny was incredibly tempted by this. After all, Artemis was a beautiful girl that literally flung herself at him. In different circumstances, Danny would happily accept the offer for comfort after the simulation. He would do anything for a moment where he could think about something else other than how hard life was. But…there were two things holding him back.

Wally and Valerie. Both of them would be hurt if Artemis and Danny fooled around with no reason. He couldn't do that to them. He and Wally didn't call each other 'bro' for no reason. And Valerie…He refused to hurt her any more than he already did.

"What does that mean?" M'gann was honestly confused.

"She…and I just had a disagreement. I'm giving her some time to cool down." Phantom noted.

"Oh…Okay." M'gann nodded slowly. "What was the disagreement?"

"Er…It was…"

"Aqualad to Team. Zatanna has reported that she is ready to use the tracking spell."

'Thank you, Aqualad.' Phantom mentally thanked his friend for the save. "We should go."

"Yes. I can't wait to get Uncle J'onn back…" M'gann began to float away. This development instantly made her forget about their previous conversion.

But she was the only one that forgot…

Phantom looked to Conner. He was staring at the halfa. The clone's enhanced hearing probably allowed them to listen to their conversation. By the Kryptonian's look, he probably guessed what happened between Danny and Artemis.

Superboy said nothing. He had not judgment in his eyes. There was only respect and understanding as he nodded to his friend.

Phantom nodded back, and that was it.

Nothing else needed to be said.

"I spy with my little eye something blue." Spirit stated.

"I just told you that I don't want to play that stupid game…" Raven muttered.

"But I'm bored." Spirit whined.

"We're all bored. Suck it up." Raven rolled her eyes.

"Fine…" The halfa girl huffed.

Both girls were floating above the Casper High gym. They observed and watched as the children and teenagers moved below them. Secret was in one corner entertaining the kids with her illusions and images. Youngblood was across the gym dressed as a clown in order cheer another group of kids up. At the same time, Red Huntress was directing the teens. She was giving them instructions and provisions.

"I'm impressed by this city." Raven suddenly noted after a moment of silence. "The children here are taking this remarkably well."

"I think the fact that there are so many young heroes around here helps. It sets a good example and encourages them." Spirit nodded sagely.

"Yeah…you're right. Although, not all of us are heroes." Raven looked to Spirit. "Some of the ghosts merely help because they are your friend, fighting entertains them, and merely out of convenience."

"You mean Youngblood and Nyx?" Spirit sighed.

"Who else?" Raven frowned. "I could be talking about Secret, but she seems to genuinely like helping people. Youngblood and Nyx, though…they aren't like that. They're far more selfish."

"Youngblood sure looks like he's happy." Spirit pointed to the dancing clown.

"He's soaking up the attention. He loves the spotlight." Raven argued.

"So do I." Spirit pointed out.

"That's different. You actually care about people. Youngblood doesn't." Raven frowned. "He's not a bad person, but he's a brat with a Peter Pan complex, like I'm a depressing smartass and you're an optimistic lunatic."

"Lunatic? I thought I was a hero?"

"You can be both." Raven shrugged. "And it's not that I don't like Youngblood. He's a nice enough person. Funny too. But when it comes back to it, he holds onto his childish antics and dress-up personas like a lifeline. Why do you think he is still here despite being a decade older than us internally?"

"Um…I guess it's because he's stuck in a child form because of his obsession?"

"Exactly. He lacks the maturity or desire to mature." Raven eyed him. "And he won't change, because people never really change."

"That's not true! Just look down there!"

Raven did.

"And then I threw the ball into the inzone and Kwan caught it to win the game! The win was epic, and the team dedicated the championship to the ghosts that project us. Espeicially Danny Phantom and Spirit!" Dash grinned as he told the story to the kids around him.

"You have gorgeous hair!" Paulina exclaimed as she and Star brushed the hair of the various girls in the gym. "It really brings out your eyes. You need to use more conditioner, though."

"See!" Spirit gained a smug look. "Those guys used to be terrible according to Danny. Look how much better they act."

"Do they still bully kids and act like they are better than everyone else?" Raven questioned.


"That's what I thought. They may have altered their behavior somewhat, but they're still the same at the core." Raven noted.

"What about my Dad? He changed a lot!"

"How so? Because he fights for justice? He's still in this for himself and his own reasons. He may care about you and Danny, but that doesn't mean that he's a good person." Raven mentioned. "He still does business with shady people like Lex Luthor, right?"

"That's to keep an eye on him!"

"And to make a lot of money. Plus, you also mentioned that he wants to run for mayor next year." Raven stated.

"He wants that office to help ghosts more."

"No, he wants power and control." Raven shook her head. "That's his obsession isn't it? Family, power, and control. I can feel it oozing off of him. He lusts for greatness."

"So does everyone else…"

"But he might be willing to crush people to get what he wants." Raven argued.

"…Rave…Can you stop this…you're depressing me…" Spirit frowned sadly. "Why are you even saying all this?"

"I'll answer your question with a question. Where's Nyx?"


"Where's Nyx? I haven't seen her since we all appeared in our secret identities earlier to make sure no one noticed us missing." Raven's eyes narrowed.

"I don't know. What does it matter, anyway?"

"Because at the core, Nyx's nature is chaos." Raven warned. "And I don't think that she can resist this moment without adults to go do something stupid."

Clank! Bang! Rattle!

"AH!" Joel screamed. "Come on!"

He pulled and struggled against the chains holding him. With all his might, Joel fought to free himself. Despite this, though, he couldn't move. The restraints worked to keep the ghoul where he was.

"Move!" Joel desperately pulled against the chain. His cool headed demeanor was completely gone at this point. "This is my chance!"

The entire Ghoul Project was silent. There was no noise. There were no people. The entire place was abandoned besides Joel. The ghoul did not know what exactly happened, but now he was completely unguarded. This was his chance to escape.

Except…it didn't seem to be possible…

"Gack!" Joel spit up blood. His arms were deeply bruised, cut, and bleeding from his attempt to escape. Pain surged through him. Without his powers, Joel's ability to numb the pain was useless.

These wounds weren't caused soley by his struggles, though. No, his body was already weakened. While chained up, the new scientists continued to run their tests on the ghoul. He was poked, electrocuted, bled, and scanned daily in an attempt to replicate his powers. It was an excruciatingly painful and terrifying experience.

What made it all unbearable was the fact that he no longer had even a prayer's hope of escaping. He was unable to move at all times. His powers were cut off. There was no one left who could help him now that Agent Z betrayed him and Grundy was recaptured and put back into his cage with even more security. Joel literally had no logical hope of escaping.

Nothing short of a miracle could save him.

And this was his miracle. He had to take advantage while he still could. After all, how often was it that all the other beings in the world seemingly disappeared?

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Joel yelled at the top of lungs. He could feel his skin tear away from the chains. His bones began to crack. The fresh rush of pain made the ten year old boy clench his teeth and tremble.

This…wouldn't work. He was completely trapped. He couldn't even tilt his head to the side. How was he even hoping of escaping?

"Huff…pant…huff…pant…" Joel breathed deeply. He could feel his body begging him to stop. It was beginning to refuse his commands.

The ghoul struggled to fight back tears. Joel had learned a long time ago that crying never helped anything. Tears made everything worse. They revealed weakness and vulnerability that could be used against you. No, Joel refused to let himself cry a single tear. No…not after what happened last time.

"Damn!" Joel screamed. His cool resolve and uncaring attitude flew out the window. He had to escape! He couldn't die! He just couldn't! "PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE HERE! IF THERE'S ANYTHING OUT THERE THAT CAN HELP, GET ME OUT OF HERE! I JUST NEED ONE MORE CHANCE! I WON'T WASTE IT! JUST GIVE ME THE STRENGTH TO ESCAPE! JUST GIVE SOMETHING SO I DON'T DIE WITHOUT HOPE!"

He didn't want to die as he had lived. Trapped, without hope, and never knowing peace.

"…Please…" He begged. "Please…"

"…No, I think this is the perfect time for this." Vision glared at the Dark Knight.

"We have a bigger crisis on our hands than your personal issues with me and the League." Batman glared.

"Yes, my daughter is missing. Like all the children in the world, if you haven't noticed." Zatara's irritated voice rang through the Cave.

"We realize this, Zatara." Plasmius stated evenly. "That is why we came here in the first place. We wish to get the children back."

"Then perhaps it would be best to save our personal quarrels for another time?" Red Tornado suggested.

"That will be hard to do, considering the League has continued to put themselves into our affairs." Vision glared. "I don't trust any of you, so how am I exactly supposed to cooperate with you if I can't even trust you for a second?"

"Trust us?! Zatara roared. "You are the one that has blackmailed us into cooperation in more than one occasion. How are we supposed to trust you?!"

"You left us me no choice in that matter. Very few members of the League were willing to listen to us during the war. Not all of them were as collected as Batman and as noble as you, Zatara. They fought us and indirectly caused the deaths of hundreds of ghosts. Which none of you even seemed to care about." Vision explained. "I am looking out for the best interest of the ghosts, because none of you seem to give a damn. Not even when is a member of your little Young Justice group."

"So it comes down to that…" Batman sighed.

"This arguing is pointless." Dr. Fate tried to intervene. "We are only wasting time we could be using to stopping the spell that has taken the young ones."

"Don't try to be the voice of reason, Nabu." Pandora growled. "Reason went out the door when my daughter disappeared. We already know the location of the source, but we knew we had to come here and make sure we don't cross paths and end up fighting each other. Preferably, I would want to go there myself and destroy the fools, but I know this is necessary so the League doesn't have a hissy fit."

"Hissy fit?" Red Tornado questioned. "It seem to me that you are the ones who are overreacting."

"Overreacting?" Plasmius scowled. "Sir, I have to say that this is not overreacting. Not for ghosts anyway. Overreacting would be us destroying your League and everyone in it for the sins you have committed against us, and especially my student. The damage you have done to him is nigh unforgivable."

"It was Phantom's choice to join and stay with the Team." Batman noted.

"But it was your choice to use, abuse, and exploit him as much as possible." Vision's eyes were like acid burning through the Caped Crusader.

"Like you used him to collect knowledge on the League's activities?" Batman argued back.

"Do not compare me to you, Batman." Vision frowned beneath her veil. "My actions with Danny have not resulted in so much damage. In fact, my actions have always benefited Danny. You on the other have only hurt him. You take him away from his obsession, force him to lead your sidekicks, make him risk his life, cause him to sacrifice himself to be Dr. Fate, and then you use a simulation to break him and scar him in ways that are unthinkably cruel."

"None of that was by intention." Batman scowled. "Phantom made his choices."

"But you still manipulated him." Vision glared. "You keep trying to make Danny more and more attached to the humans. You want Danny to turn away from us and focus solely on your cause."

"That is not true." Batman stated. "I don't wish for him to abandon Amity Park."

"But you want him away from the Council. Don't think I haven't been paying attention to you or the others. You all look at Phantom and see the potential that he has. You want him on your side because you like him, respect him, and see yourselves in him." Vision seemed to mock Batman. "You think he's like you just because he lost his parents too? Think again. I will not let you make him into the second coming of you just because your own protégé has realized that he doesn't want to be like you."

Batman's lip twitched. It was a small thing. Only the most perceptive a people could see it, but Vision and Plasmius still did. "You don't understand anything."

"But I do." Vision stared at Batman. "You see it, don't you? He's basically a combination of you and the Kryptonian. That's the most dangerous combination thinkable. So you want to make sure that he is completely like you. I may be a conniving and manipulative person, but I have never forced my ideals or desires down Danny's throat."

"But you yourself realize that he can't be left alone." Batman retorted. "Look what happened to his future self. That must be prevented at all costs. Someone with that much potential and power cannot be left unchecked. He needs to be on the right path."

"Everything you've done, however, has only forced him to follow the path of self-sacrifice and misery." Plasmius's face was like stone. "He is hurt, and now there is nothing any of us can do. And that was because your fear what he could become and desire to have him as a friend and ally. Guess what? You did it. Young Justice is a part of his obsession. It only cost Danny everything. With that done, though, I have to ask about my daughter. She shares the same potential and power that Danny has. How long before you recruit her as well?"

Batman was silent.

"That's what I thought."

There was then a pregnant pause. Both sides glared at the other. By now, Phantom would have usually done something to step in between the two groups. That wasn't a option, though. Phantom wasn't here right now.

Another young hero was though.

"Guy! I'm here to help!" Captain Marvel flew into the Cave. Both he and the others were shocked to see each other.

"You're back!"

"The magic seems to be interfering with satellite surveillance." Phantom noted as he stared at the blurry image on the screen. "We can't get a visual."

"Then we are going in blind?" Kaldur questioned.

"It's not like we have a whole lot of choices." Conner grunted.

"SB's right." Robin sighed. "There's no way to get a visual from far away, and we're running out of time and options."

"Then a sneak attack is the best option." Wally suggested. "We may not know who's involved with this, but they're probably pretty high profile. Searching the League's data banks will help us figure out who could possibly be responsible."

"What if there's a lot of them, though?" M'gann asked. "If we're outnumbered…"

"There's eight of us." Artemis noted. "There would have to be a lot of people involved for them to have more than us."

"But…uh…what if it's a small number. Mabye even just one." Zatanna tried to put in her input. "That means that one person has a lot of raw power behind them, and a plan in case someone attacks."

"We'll deal with that when we get there. After all, there's still a lot of unanswered questions." Phantom sighed. "Like what someone would even hope to get out of this."

"Very true." Kaldur nodded. "The only logical thing would be that someone wants to use the chaos to accomplish something else."

"Chaos…" Phantom frowned. "Crap…This might just involve-"

"SHAZAM!" Boom! Rumble!

A ten year old boy just appeared in the Cave. "It worked!"

"Woah!" Phantom blinked. "Didn't see that coming."

"Where did you come from? Who are you?" Kaldur questioned as the team ran up to the kid.

"Read my mind." The boy instructed.

M'gann did. She then gasped. "He's Captain Marvel…"

Captain Marvel? The super buff hero that was an even bigger boyscout than Superman? How was that possible? This kid looked to be about ten.

"Yeah, and I'm Speedy Gonzales." Kid Flash obviously shared Phantom's skepticism. "Look, just because he believes he's Captain Marvel-"

"Gee, Wally. Do I really have to bring you nachos and pineapple juice to get on your good side?" The dark haired blue eyed boy smirked.

The entire Team shared a look.

"Okay…I don't really get what's going on, but I think I can speak for everyone by saying that…this is pretty freaking cool." Phantom noted.

No one could argue against that.

This obviously pleased the boy by the way his grin grew and his eyes lit up.

"Huh…" Spirit continued to search the gym. She couldn't find Nyx anywhere. Where did she go?

Everyone else was accounted for, though. All the teens and kids were in the school and were being guareded by the various young heroes in Amity Park. There hadn't been any problem, so Spirit allowed herself the chance to look for Nyx. The shadow ghost was nowhere to be found.

"Gah…" Spirit sighed as she leaned against the bleachers in the gym. "What am I even worrying about? She's probably in the bathroom-Amhmhmh!"

Spirit tried to yell about, but a hand covered her mouth and pulled her behind the bleachers.

"Shh…You need to be quiet." A female voice warned.

Spirit looked to who was holding her. It was Cassandra Cain. "Massamra?"

"Please. No one can know that I'm here." Cassandra warned.

Spirit paused for a brief moment. This girl did once try to interfere with her fight with Shiva. Considering that Shiva was her mother, though, Spirit didn't hold too much of a grudge. Plus, this girl did seem to want to help Danny. So, the halfa girl decided to agree.

"Mhs…" Spirit nodded.

"Good." Cassandra released the halfa.

"Why are you here?" Spirit questioned as she turned.

"I came here with a warning." Cassandra stated evenly. "I can't find Phantom, though."

"He's not here. He's trying to fix this." Spirit explained.

"I…see…" If Spirit wasn't paying attention, she would have missed the sliver of disappointment that flashed on Cassandra's face. Spirit, however, was paying attention, so she did notice.

"Why do you need to see him?" Spirit questioned suspiciously.

"I…have info that could help him." Cassandra stated. "I haven't been able to contact him because I'm always watched, but this was my chance."

"I see…Well, you can go ahead and leave the info with me." Spirit suggested.

Once again, the sliver of disappointment was there. "I suppose…"

"What am I not good enough?" Spirit huffed.

"No, it's not that…I just wanted to talk with Danny. It's not that you're not good, he's just so cool…" Cassandra stated. "But as long as the info gets to him…"

"Okay. One: Stop. He's my older brother, and we're the same age so…ewe." Spirit frowned. "Two: Can we get to the point."

"It's only a three year difference…" Cassandra muttered.

"Cassandra!" Spirit hissed.

"Fine. Fine…" Cassandra sighed. "I don't have anything else on the Ghoul Project because I'm a kid, but I do know what's going on right now."

"Oh?" This peaked Spirit's interest.

"Yes, Klarion the Witch Boy is behind this. I heard it from Mother when she warned me about her disappearing. Luckily, this allowed me to leave as soon as it happened." Cassandra stated.

"…How did you even get here?" Spirit questioned.


"Oh, please don't. I get enough of that from Greta…" Spirit frowned. "But that guy…Klarion…He's behind this?"

"Yes, and I have heard some of the goals behind it…well, one goal." Cassandra frowned. "And that's because my Mom was muttering about him not being around children…"


"Klarion wants to use this chance to contact his daughter Nyx without the interference of Pandora." Cassandra stated what she heard.

"…What?" Spirit froze.

"I don't know all the details, but I know that it is directly related to this place." Cassandra noted. "He's sending a projection to come and find her."

"Crap!" Spirit groaned. "I was wondering why she was gone…I need to get Raven or Cujo and find that idiot."

"Okay, but there's something else." Cassandra stated. "I think your brother is in danger."

"No duh! He's always in danger." Spirit fidgeted. "I need to go now. My friend needs my help…"

"You don't understand. I think that soon Vandal Sav-Wait!" Cassandra watched as Spirit flew off.

"Raven!" Spirit flew off to her friend.

"What?" Raven turned.

"Do you think you can track Nyx?" Spirit questioned. She didn't ask earlier because she thought that Nyx was around here somewhere, but now that she knew Nyx was in danger…

"If I try, yes, but why?" Raven question.

"Klarion the Witch Boy is after her."

Raven's eyes narrowed. "I see. Okay, give me a minute."

"Right," Spirit nodded.

"Spirit?" Youngblood flew over to his friends. "Is something up?"

"Yeah, Nyx is in trouble." Spirit explained. "We're going to go find her. You and the others stay here and guard the people."

"Er…I'm not so good at the guarding thing…But okay." Youngblood shrugged.

"Good." Spirit nodded. "We'll be back. Rave, you ready?"

"Yes, let's go."

After exiting the school, Raven began to lead Spirit through the streets of the Amity Park. They were silent as they went. Both were too concerned with their own thoughts. Eventually, though, Spirit decided to speak.

"I wish the others were here…" Spirit muttered.

Raven knew what she meant. "Yeah…Having at least one adult would help with this."

"Especially Pandora…Torch once said that Nyx's dad was really dangerous. And if Klarion is her dad…"

"I don't know how that would even work physically, but you're right." Raven nodded. "And there she is."

At the edge of the city was the purple haired, blue skinned girl. She didn't seem to be in mortal danger. Nyx wasn't alone, though. Spirit recognized the skinny man…whatever he was…from the fight with Vortex. It was Klarion, or at least a mental projection.

"…my answers?" Nyx questioned.

"Of course!" The Klarion projection cackled. "All you need to do is come with me."

"Hmm…truth be told, I get these weird vipes from you." Nyx frowned. "You're a weird dude."

"Its genetic." Klarion smirked.

"Nyx!" Spirit called to her friend. "Get away from him!"

"What?!" Nyx blinked at them. "Why? This dude's just a projection. He can't hurt me."

"No physically." Raven glared at the Witch Boy. "But he will break you mentally."

"Awe…you're friends are concerned about you." Klarion snorted. "I'm sooooooooooo proud."

"Proud?" Nyx questioned. "Why would you be proud of me, Slenderman?"

"What's wrong with a father being proud of his daughter?" The Klarion projection smirked.


"I'm not surprised Pandora never told you." Klarion giggled. "You see, you weren't made conventionally. When Pandora and I were fighting once, I tried to combine our energies into a monster. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, and you were made."

"Stop it!" Spirit shot a blast of energy at the projection. It obviously didn't work on the illusion.

Klarion rolled his eyes and continued to address the horrified Nyx. "Idiot. Anyway, in my shock, Pandora forced me to flee and got a hold of you. Bet she thought about killing you at first. After all, you'd be an abomination in her eyes. Guess she decided to raise you as a weapon against me."

"No…It can't be…" Nyx trembled. "You're lying…"

"I'm not. Come with me, and I'll show you." Klarion opened a red portal with a wave of his hand.

"Nyx, don't. He's a sick and terrible person." Raven warned. "A lord of chaos. He might just kill you."

"Chaos…This explains so much…" Nyx mumbled.

"Nyx, please…" Spirit reached out for her friend, but she was too late. Nyx was already stepping into the portal. "NYX NO! WE HAVE TO STOP HER!"

"Got it. Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

Then, in a flash of black and red, they were all gone.

Things had certainly turned in an odd direction for this catastrophe. Through collaboration with Billy…er, Captain Marvel, Young Justice managed to work with the League and the Council in order to stop the wizards that had apparently separated the worlds between adolescents and adults. They would do a joint attack at the same time and would hopefully defeat the two enemy groups at the same time. There wasn't too much planning they could do besides that.

At least there was a plan. If it wasn't for Captain Marvel, they would be completely in the dark. Although, it was weird to know that Captain Marvel was actually a ten year old child. Granted, that explained a lot of the Captain's mannerisms, but it was still weird to think about. This made Phantom question what other secrets that individual members of the League had. Phantom could feel the temptation creeping in to ask Vision for the info she gathered on the League.

But Phantom knew better than that. Privacy was an important part of being a vigilante hero.

Zap! Boom!

'Crap!' Phantom pulled himself out of his thoughts. 'Have to stay focused.'

Their initial attack revealed that the person behind the division of the worlds was Klarion the Witch Boy. Phantom had been enemies with Klarion for some time, even before they somewhat clashed at the Tower of Fate. Klarion seemed to have a unique interest in ghosts…or at least messing with ghosts if his interference with Phantom, Pandora, Vortex, and…Nyx…was any indication.

Not only this, Klarion was a very powerful, immortal wizard. His power could rival Dr. Fate, and his only vulnerability was that had no physical body. While making him nearly invulnerable to most attacks, if an enemy attacked his familiar Teekl, Klarion would vanish.

So, Phantom told everyone this. "Go for the cat! It's his biggest weakness!"

"Right!" Superboy lunged at the small cat…only for it to become a large demon cat with saber teeth and bulging muscles. The demon cat then flung Superboy away like a rag doll.

"Please! A familiar to a Lord of Chaos won't be taken down to easily." Klarion jeered. The magical dome protecting him, until it began to shake and waver. "Gack…So you teamed up with the grownups. Team ups are so overrated."

With a flick of his wrist, Klarion sent magical blasts of electricity at the various members of the Team, sent Robin flying, and forced Kaldur to block the attack with his magic.

'Crap…' Phantom mentally groaned. The adults were ahead of them. They needed to hurry up. Deciding to go on the offensive, Phantom activated his ice powers. Luckily, his ectoplasm boost helped him bring back his more advanced powers…

Of course, by doing so, the halfa felt like his insides were on fire. His energy twisted and resisted inside of him. Despite his freezing core, his skin felt like it was melting off his aching bones. The pain nearly caused him to scream, but he fought it back as he formed an ice broadsword.

Then, with a roar, Phantom lunged at the dome of magic.

"Witch boy!" Phantom shouted as he slashed at the magic dome. "Turn the world back now!"

"Oh, is the little ghost boy upset?" Klarion smirked. "Do you miss the grownups that badly?"

"This is madness!" Phantom growled. "Billions of children are suffering!"

"Do you really care?" Klarion questioned. "You're heart doesn't seem to be in your work in Amity Park anymore. Is there too much pain there now?"

"Shut up!" Miss Martian yelled as she telekinetically threw some boulders at the sorcerer. "You don't know anything about Danny!"

"I know more than….Arg" Klarion growled at the explosive arrows rammed into his magic dome.

"You heard M'gann!" Artemis shouted. "Your mind games won't work!"

"They're right!" Kid Flash dodged the magic blasts coming at him. "Don't you try and turn us against our teammate!"

"Gah…" Klarion scowled. His features become even more demonic. "I hate when they refuse to listen to my taunts. Oh, well. It's almost time."

"That's right, Witch Boy." Kaldur pushed himself to the dome. "Your time is up!"


The entire area was covered in black and red energy.

"Gah…" Spirit pushed herself to her feet. "Welp…that was fun."

"You're telling me…" Artemis groaned.

"Yeah…Wait a minute!" Spirit blinked at the blonde archer. "Why are you here?"

"Me? What about you?" Artemis questioned.

"I was teleported when I tried to help…NYX!" Spirit looked around desperately.

"She's…in there." Raven muttered as she too got up. In fact, all the people were rising to their feet. They saw Nyx standing in the magical dome. Klarion was kneeling down next to her. He had a wicked smile on his face as he spoke to the stunned girl.

"…You need to trust me on this." Klarion encouraged. "Pandora will never trust you completely. She sees too much of me in you. She sees too much chaos in you. It's only a matter of time before she starts putting you under lock and key."

"Nyx…" Phantom gasped. "Klarion! Get away from her!"

Klarion kept talking to the girl.

"Everyone! Attack!" Phantom roared.

Young Justice, Raven, and Spirit all obeyed. All the heroes began their assault on the magical dome. None of them held back. The dome quickly fell.

"AH!" Klarion yelled out in pain as the dome fell. Phantom used his ice powers to freeze his body

"Now, Kid!"

Kid Flash immediately took advantage. He ran by Klarion and grabbed the gem in the center.

"Yam eht owt emoceb eno ecno erom!" Zatanna yelled.

Thus the worlds united again.

"Boy, they sure don't make evil immortal sorcerers like they used to." Karion noted as he shrugged off the ice. "Fun while it lasted. Teekl." The demon cat instantly shrunk and ran to its master.

"Klarion!" Pandora roared to the lord of chaos. "GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!"

"She's my daughter too? Don't I get visitation?" Klarion chuckled.

Pandora's glare said no.

"Oh well." Klarion shrugged as he petted his familiar. "I already got my message across. Call me if you ever want to talk, Nyx."

"I…" Nyx fidgeted.

"See you later armadillos!" Klarion cheered as he created a portal and jumped in it. "Unless I see you first, Hehehahahaha!"

"Get back here coward!" Pandora yelled. "I shall impale your demon cat with my spear, Cretan!"

"Don't. You know that Klarion cannot be contained." Dr. Fate stopped the woman ghost. "And killing Teekl would only delay his return."

"Having him gone for a century would be worth the effort, though." Pandora muttered.

"…Why…" Nyx muttered. Her eyes were fixed solely on her mother. "Why…WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?"

"Nyx…" Spirit reached out for her friend.

Nyx ignored her. "You knew that guy was my father…You knew my true nature, and never told me?"

"You have to understand, Nyx…" Pandora knelt in front of her daughter. She still towered over the girl, though. "I knew you would seek him out. I couldn't have that before you were ready. He could have corrupted you."

"That's what you think, isn't it?" Nyx glared. "That I'll become the monster I was designed to be?"

"You were never a monster."

"Oh really? Did you think about killing me after I was created?"

"I…For a moment, but that was before I saw you." Pandora desperately explained. "As soon as I saw you, I was filled with the love of a mother. You were my daughter and always will be."

"Yet you still see him in me, don't you?" Nyx mumbled and began to walk away.

"Nyx! Nyx!" Spirit cried as she and Raven went to try and comfort their friend.

'Wow…' Kid Flash blinked as he mentally addressed his teammates. 'Didn't know ghosts had these kinds of problems…well, besides Danny.'

'You'd be surprised.' Phantom shrugged.

'Is she going to be okay?' Artemis eyed Nyx sympathetically. She understood what it was like to have a less than favorable father.

'I don't know…'

'Are you going to speak with her?' Kaldur questioned.

'No, she's Spirit's friend.' Phantom sighed. 'She'll handle it.'

'…' Superboy glared at the adults as they talked. 'You sure? The League and Council seem to think differently.'

'Just…Just give it some time.' Phantom frowned.

'At least it's not all bad…' M'gann looked at Zatanna and her father as they hugged.

'Yeah…' Robin agreed. 'Good to see a family united. Think this is happening all over the world?'

'Totally, Rob.' Kid Flash grinned. 'We totally rocked it today. Oh! That reminds me! My parents!'

'My Mom!' Artemis yelled as well.

'And Uncle J'onn!' M'gann cheered.

'Yeah…we should be getting back…' Phantom agreed.

'Are you okay?' Kaldur questioned his friend. 'You look worried.'

'It's nothing important.' Phantom shrugged. 'Just…a suspicion.'

Phantom was only looking at one of the adults in the area. Like the others, Dr. Fate was looking at the group of girls a bit away from them. Unlike the others, though, Fate wasn't looking at Nyx. No, Fate already knew about Nyx's connection from his…her, technically…time as Phantom. It was another girl that gained the doctor's attention.

Dr. Fate was starring directly at Raven.

'She isn't in Amity Park, so her demonic energy isn't hidden.' Phantom realized. 'Dr. Fate knows…'

The only question was…how would Dr. Fate react? Phantom didn't have many high hopes.

"It looks like he tried to escape…" One of the new scientists in the Ghoul Project noted.

"There's blood all over the chains…" Another scientist sighed. "We'll have to knock him out, patch him up, and clean the room."

"I say leave him." Agent Z leered at the broken ghoul. "He deserves it for trying to escape."

"S-sorry, sir." The second scientist addressed Agent Z. The ex-GIW leader was treated like a boss in the Ghoul Project now. He had proven himself already to the big bosses. Usually, what Agent Z said goes now, but… "If he's killed before we get to replicate his powers, we will all be punished."

"Fine." Agent Z rolled his eyes. "Knock him out and clean him up. He won't be here that much longer."

Joel glared at Agent Z

"Oh? You angry, little boy?" Agent Z snorted.

"Fool…" Joel sighed and dropped his frown. With a shake of his head, Joel added. "Karma will surely come back to haunt you."

"Karma?!" Agent Z laughed. "You really believe in that crap? Have you looked around? If karma was real, then do you think that you would be here in death row."

"I never said that bad things never happen to people who deserve it, but…" Joel stared at Agent Z. "Someone with so much sin cannot get away without punishment. That much I know. Your actions will cause you to meet a very terrible end."

"Sure, kid. Sure." Agent Z rolled his eyes. "Knock him out, already. I'm sick of hearing him talk."

"Of course…" One of the scientists prepared to drug the ghoul.

'Damn…Damn…Damndamndamndamndamndamndamndamn!' Joel mentally ranted.

This had been his last chance, and now it was gone. Why?! Why did it have to happen to him?! All he wanted was a bit of piece! Why was he flung into this situation!?

'Damn…' Joel mentally whimpered as the drugs were pumped into his body. He knew that if he couldn't escape with such a golden opportunity, he would never be able to get away. The ghoul knew that he was doomed to die without hope.

Feeling the fatigue claiming him, Joel bowed his head in acceptance of his fate. He wasn't going to fight it anymore.

"GRACK! BLEH! ACK!" Danny was kneeling before his toilet. He was currently puking his guts out.

"Well…damn." Valerie noted as she walked into the bathroom. "You look like crap."

"Thanks…BLEH!" Danny's head did not rise from its position.

"And this is a result of the ecto-boost?" Valerie questioned as she leaned against the sink.

"Yeah…" Danny raised his head a bit and nodded. "It leaves me violently ill and in terrible pain after I turn back into a human."

"Then…why use it?" Valerie questioned.

"It gives me time. Postpones the degradation." Danny answered. "Not only that, I can use a bit more of my advanced powers. It makes sure that I won't die in a fight."

"But then it causes this…" Valerie observed.

"It's worth it…" Danny ached and trembled in pain. Sweat poured down his brow. "If it helps me survive long enough to find a cure than it's worth it. I can't leave everyone alone. Not yet…"

"And here I thought you were trying to make the time you had left worthwhile." Valerie noted. "Spending so much time with your friends and family…I thought you already gave up hope."

"No…not yet. I have to keep fighting. It's the kind of person I am…even if I need a reminder every now and then…" Danny chuckled lightly.

"That's good." Valerie smiled. "So…What did you want to talk about?"

"It's about Artemis…" Danny looked up to the girl. "She kissed me."

"She did, did she?" Valerie raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I pushed her away." Danny stated.

"And why are you telling me this?" Valerie questioned carefully.

"Because you were one of the reasons I did so." Danny explained. "I couldn't do that to you…or Kid Flash. He really likes Artemis…if you know what I mean."

"I think I do…"

"And she likes him back the same way. They're just both too stubborn to admit it." Danny grinned. "But I'm not."


"Val…I can't say that I love you like you love me." Danny explained. "But…I think I want to try at least. To have something."

"So…you're asking me out?" Valerie clarified.

"Yes…will you be my girlfriend…" Danny asked.

"You sure? You've been though a lot lately." Valerie didn't want him to back out of it after a few days.

"I'm certain…" Danny sighed into the toilet. "During the training simulation, I…saw you die. It was not a quick death. And I was surprised by how I was hurt. It wasn't like the others. I questioned more what could have been if I gave you a chance. I really like you, Val, and I think that can grow into something more…if I make it through all this emotion stunt/powerless thing…"

"…Okay then." Valerie agreed with a smile. "I'd really like that, Danny."

"Good, but if I don't make it through all this disappearing crap than you should know…should know…BLEH!" Danny once again threw up into the toilet.

Valerie sighed and smiled as she rubbed his back in a comforting manner. "You're so romantic, you know that?"

"It is none of your business." Vision glared at Dr. Fate.

"Did you know?" Dr. Fate questioned.

"No, Dora. This was the one thing in the world that I didn't know. I was dumb enough to not even look into where my daughter's best friend came from." Vision rolled her eyes.

"Then you should know the danger she possess." Dr. Fate glared.

"Yes, I do. But both Danny and Danielle have made their choice in the matter." Vision explained. "I respect it, so should you."

"And you think they will stop Trigon?" Dr. Fate questioned.

"Yes, I do."

"It must be nice for your mother to have such trust in you…" Nyx grumbled as she and her friends sat on the steps. Given the circumstances, Nyx was allowed to sleep over as long as her mother was here. Rachel had yet to go home because she wanted to know what happened with Dr. Fate. And, of course, Secret lived in the mansion, so…

"Yeah…I'm sorry, Nyx." Dani noted.

"Ain't your fault, Girl Scout." Nyx's eyes narrowed. "But…everyone else knew. It wasn't such a big secret. They just made sure I didn't know."

"Secret." Greta encouraged.

"Thanks…That actually makes me feel better, Blondie." Nyx snorted.


"I think we all can agree that today sucked." Rachel frowned. "Nothing good came out of this…well, besides the twist of fate thing."

"Huh?" Dani blinked. "Twist of fate?"

"Nothing…it was just a vision I had earlier." Rachel eyed Dr. Fate. "It's strange how the world works. Dora ended up taking the place of the man who showed her mercy…"

"What are you muttering about?" Nyx questioned.

"Secret." Greta added.

"Thank you, Greta." Rachel smirked. "It was nothing. Just wondering what's going to happen now that the League knows about my heritage."

"…Who knows…" Dani sighed. The League didn't seem to be the type to judge people based on family relations, but still…Rachel was a threat no matter how you looked at it. It was hard to say what was going to happen. "I think that we can all agree on one thing, though."

"And what's that?"

"Things are going to start changing very soon…"

Extra: Poker Night

"I raise." Phantom threw some of his chips onto the table.

Around the table, the other male members of Young Justice all called and placed their own chips on at the center of the table.

"So what do you think about Zatanna joining the Team..." Wally eyed Robin for more than one reason.

"It's pretty cool, huh?" Robin smirked.

"I bet." Kaldur responded with a calm face. "Considering how you were congratulating her for about half an hour."

"Dude, I wish you would go back to being serious all the time..." Robin frowned. "I get burned a lot less."

"I think the blame should be place on everyone around this table." Kaldur noted.

"Yeah, no kidding." Conner noted. "Just listening to you has helped the sarcasm."

"Oh, great. Now we have an angry and sarcastic Kryptonian clone." Phantom snorted. "How lucky are we?"

"Really lucky considering that I beat you all to a bloody pulp when we first met." Conner stated. "Despite all the knowledge the Gnomes gave me, I never realized that the Great Danny Phantom would be such a wimp."

"Oh! Nice one..." Phantom grinned. "But considering that I kicked your ass when we were in Bialya, I think the score is tied."

"Then we'll have to settle it." Conner grinned in return.

"As much as I would want to see you two brawl, can we finish the game first?" Wally questioned.

"Why?" Robin questioned. "Got a good hand?"


Everyone stared at him for a moment, before stating, "Fold."

"Damn it!" Wally flung his cards to the table in anger.

(...One hand later...)

"Okay, truth time..." Robin stated. "Who do you think would win a free for all in the League?"

"No question, the Flash." Wally grinned.

"My king." Kaldur stated.

"Superman." Conner didn't even look up form his cards.

"Batman." Phantom stated.

Everyone looked at him.


"Why him? He has no powers?" Conner questioned.

"Because he's Batman." Phantom shrugged.

"That's not a real answer." Kaldur frowned.

"You obviously haven't looked on the Internet..." Phantom chuckled.

"But how could he beet the Flash." Wally snorted at the idea. "No one can touch the Flash."

"I know where Danny's coming from." Robin grinned. "Batman literally has a plan to take down everyone."

"...Fair point..." Kaldur sighed.

"But..." Conner frowned.

"Never underestimate a good tactician." Phantom shrugged. "That's why Vision is so dangerous. A good plan can take down anyone."

"Huh...noted." Conner nodded.

"Speaking of strategies..." Robin placed his cards down. "Fold."

"Fold." Everyone besides Wally agreed.

"How did you know?"

"You've been jumping up and down in your seat for the past three minutes."

"Damn it!"

(...One hand later...)

"Okay..." Robin stated. "I'm all in."

"Too rich for my blood." Conner folded.

"I call." Kaldur pushed his chips in.

"Call." Wally nodded.

"Call." Phantom agreed. "What do you have, Wally?"

"Four of a kind."

Robin groaned. "Well, too bad I've got...Straight flush!"

"Damn it!" Wally shouted. "I can't win tonight!"

"Me either it seems..." Kaldur sighed.

"Never underestimate a trained ninja..." Robin reached for the chips.

"Oh, too bad, Rob." Phantom smirked. "Royal Flush."

"What?! No way! You must have cheated!" Robin glared.

"No I didn't. I cheated just as much as you did."

"Then I know you cheated!" Robin barked.


"You admit you cheated?" Kaldur questioned.


"Never thought I would see you become tongue tied." Conner laughed.

"Never thought I would be beaten in poker..." Robin scowled. "Batman's going to be so mad."

"Wait let's go back." Kaldur frowned. "You've been cheating?"

"Uh...who we talking about?"

"You..." Kaldur glared.

"Actually..." Superboy spoke up. "I've been cheating too. Used my senses to judge your body reactions."

"I used my powers too..." Phantom admitted.

"I have four aces up my sleave right now..." Wally sighed.

"..." Kaldur bowed his head. "I would be ashamed if I did cheat as well. It turns out that I am not very skilled in it, though..."

"Well, damn..." Robin smirked. "I guess nobody wins."

"I'm not giving you back your money." Phantom snorted.

"Damn it!"

Superboy just laughed. "So...same time next week?"

"Of course!"

"You know it."

"Wouldn't miss it."

"Only if we all agree never to cheat again." Kaldur stated sternly.

Everyone shared a look.

"Well...we all know that isn't going to happen."